Oregon Historical Society F orest G rove P ress WAS HI NGTON C O U N T Y ’S NEWSPAPER. Voi. 4 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1912. K IN G FOR A HOKE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES HAVE PLANS STARTED TO INDUSTRIAL REFUGE IN PORTLAND SECURE NEW PUBLIC Saturday last the Industrial SCHOOL BUILDINGS Home of Portland, which was DAY At the School Board meeting dedicated last September, and held Monday evening it was vot­ which is supported by the Wo­ ed to call a meeting of school men’s Home Missionary Society electors for December 30, at the of the Methodist E p i s c o p a l Central building at 2:00 p. m. church, was visited by Mesdames The purpose of the meeting is to A. G. Hoffman, M. S. Allen and levy the annual school tax and R. M. Taylor, of this city. The discuss matters of great impor­ home has an enrollment of 37 tance. The board will seek the children, and is well equipped advice of the electors as to the for their care and entertainment, advisibility of purchasing a site being fitted with an excellent a kindergarten, for a new building and calling a gymnasium, , bond election to vote bonds | , , , , a well stocked I kitchen and large plav rooms, therefore. school ’nst'tution is in a flourishing It is the duty of every condition, and under the able elector to be informed as to management of an experienced needs of the schools, and to at- . tend , the ,, meeting .. on the O A | deaconess, brought especially 30, pre- . , pared to advise from the stand-. fro"l a tak6 ch*r*e;1“ point of the best interest of the m\ k|"K. rapld pro|!ress the schools, and not from any selfish ;Ilgl irection. No. 4 WOMAN EXPLODES SUBMARINE MINE flN F A R M F H f,R 0 V F DEALS OUT DEATH TO FOREIGN SPIES „ ,n r c T r r n t a t a i / p f fl WRESTLER TO TAKE ON WALTER ARNDT q Speeding out to sea with the plans of one of Uncle Sam’s; great coast fortifications and harbor mines system in their Thanksgiving night will wit­ possession, the special envoys of ness another trial of strength an apparently friendly power and skill on the wrestling mat in were brought to a timely halt i this city, when Walter Arndt, and sudden death by the explo- ! welterweight champion of the : sion of a heavy charge of dyna­ j Pacific coast, will try conclusions mite beneath their vessels’ keel. with Frank Reed of this city. So happily ends the story of This contest will be doubly inter­ man’s love, woman’s duplicity esting, owing to the fact that and the attempt of a foreign na­ Reed,who has but one arm, has tion to acquaint itself with meth­ ¡ agreed to throw Arndt twice in ods of defense of the U. one hour. Botli wrestlers have S. The entire romance will be signed an agreement permitting unfolded Thanksgiving night at instant interferance if rough tac* j the Star theatre, when the great i tics of any character are intro­ special, two reel feature, “A duced. Nation’s Peril,” will be present­ A boxing match of four round, ed to the public of this city for under Marquis of Queensbury rules, will also be an attraction, the first time. Jack Rainwater of Portland, be­ ing signed up with Archie Nich­ ols of this city. From the known ability of the contestants in both events, the evening should be one of satisfacción to the patrons The electiou of J. H. Carpen­ of the manly arts. The prelim­ ter as tieasurer of Harrison inaries will start promptly at 9 county, in the good old state of o’clock. Missouri, has been a source of great gratification to one of COUNTY RALLY OF CHRISTIAN EN­ Washington county’s pioneer DEAVOR TO BE HELD NEXT TUESDAY school teachers; J. T. Fletcher. H. H. Rottman, Interstate and Mr. Fletcher opened the school Provincial Field Secretary of the at Yankee ridge, in Harrison Christian Endeavor society will county, Missouri, on the first be in attendance at the County Monday in April, 1858, and Rally to be held in this city next among the worshipers at the Tuesday, December 3, at the shrine of education was the new­ Christian church. A conference ly elected treasurer of that same of all C. E, officers, League or county, then a lad of 8 years. Union officers and County Chair­ Mr. Fletcher speaks of his for­ men, will be held around the mer pupil as a man of high in­ banquet table at 5:30, following tegrity and sterling worth, who which the rally proper will start has the respect and confidence at 7:30. Mr. Rottman, who is a of all who know him, and that man of exceptional ability, will his friends are legion. That he be the principal speaker. Speci­ received his preliminary educa­ al music and other features will tion at the hands of Mr. Flet­ be provided. chers, who taught school in this county for 27 years after com­ ing to Oregon, should be suffici­ ent guarantee of his honesty and straightforwardness of char­ A recital by pupils of the Con­ acter. servatory of Music of Pacific BOYS AND GIRLS HAVE A JOLLY TIME University will be given in Marsh hall Wednesday evening, A merry crowd of 50 boys and Dec. 4, at 8 p. m. Numbers on girls gathered at the home of the violin and piano and several Rev. J. M. Barber last Friday vocal selections will be rendered. evening, where the Girl’s club The public are cordially invited entertained the Boys club, the to attend. The afternoon of Misses Mona Mallory and Mary Olmstead receiving the guests. Thursday, Dec. 5, at 4 p. m., in Marsh hall, a recital by the The evening was pleasantly Junior pupils of the Conservatory passed in games and contests. in part, and of the older students Paul Apraham and Miss Sera­ on the second part of the pro­ phim Vandehay carried off the gram, will be given. Ordinarily honors in the ‘‘Five Senses” no guests are invited to recitals contest. Refreshments were of the Juniors, but on this occa­ served, after which the jolly sion the parents and friends of party broke up, the boys gather­ ed in front of the house and the younger pupils are cordially gave three rousing cheers for the i |nv'^e(^ to ,u^ recital Girl’s club The next meeting | 13 a,med sf rv« as a demonstra- ofthe Girl’s organization will be!t,on . CL d a x j j w X t c C 'M w vJfco that the task of finishing un the odds and ends of his depart­ ister devote all his time to ment can be handled by the clerk Orenco, instead of dividing with e v e r issu e d b y a p re s id e n t o f th e U n it­ flnd th em preserv ed in red le a th e r vol­ w a s sig n e d m o re th a n 116 u m es in th e s ta te d e p a rtm e n t. W hile of the State Land Board. Reedville as at present. It was y ed e a rs S ta a te g o s by G eo rg e W ash in g to n , and G eo rg e W ash in g to n o rig in ated th e c u s­ also the unanimous decision of th e o rig in a l d o c u m e n t Is p re se rv e d In tom . m any of his Im m ed iate su cces­ PICKED AT ORENCO the meeting that Rev. L. Boozer, th e lib ra ry o f th e s ta te d e p a rtm e n t. so rs did not follow Ids exam ple, n n d It T h e first d r a f t o f th e p ro clam atio n w as n o t u n til A b ra h a m L incoln be­ The Can social given by the the present pastor, be cailed. p resid en t th a t th e annual ta rte d ofT: “ In th e c a la m itie s w hich c a m e Women’s circle of the Presby­ Plans are on foot to hold a s afflict so m an y o f th e n a tio n s.” B ut T h a n k sg iv in g ns a N ovem ber holiday terian church, was a decided poultry show in Orenco the first A tto rn e y G e n e ra l E d w a rd R andolph becum e a re g u la r In stitu tio n 14 th e success both socially and financi­ week in December and already d id n o t a u o ro v e o f su c h a gloom y be- U n ited S tates. and it is d esired th a t all g irls jN NOTE CASE FAIL TO AGREE who desire to make their lives | ally. the promise of over a hundred count for the most to themselves I he Security Investment com- The committee having in birds have been secured for ex­ and others, join the club. The Pa,>y against John Hoffman, of charge the framing of a consti­ hibition. (**nimxa ta bo a ÿ «AJI ¡fi tvxu fwotnit eligible ag e is fro m 12 to 20 the eastern section of the county, tution for the Children’s School oalca w ^ v \ k * l L ta*»,« yyJt a J A steam shovel was unloaded y ears. S u g g e stio n s fo r a club to recover $150.15, the amount Fair Association have completed l L l 1 " Twvl dLót^ of I»*..— here this week for work on the m o tto and p re fe re n c e in regard of a note given by the defend­ their work and will report to a cut-off. Work is being rushed ituJUvJJrOA-W-d -vu* ll L j to colors will be receiv ed at this ant to an insurance solicitor and meeting to be held this Friday as fast as possible and the laving sold by the latter to the plaint­ m eetin g . evening. The committee con­ cLwa 0-J4-J k d U itM th À ù tk t ( t a tù of rails will begin soon. iffs, was tried by jury before sisted of the following members: The Grand Theatre, which Justice Beech in this city, last (X m w v U l v L k m o I u h LI i J. C. Garrett has purchased F. W. Pow’er, chairman; Prof. . opened to the public last Satur­ Friday. Defendant claimed to Waun, Mr. Head, Mrs. Philip the stock of the Sam Kunz store. day night, playing to packed never have signed the note in a < 2 ^ ^ / Olsen and Mrs. M. McDonald. The parties from Portland back- houses at each performance, question, and the evidence was Much interest is being manifest- ed out. A bakery will be put in has arranged a very attractive such as to create doubt in the ed by the children and their par- the Kunz building and the stock bill for Thanksgiving afternoon minds of the jury, resulting in a €ntg. of goods now there will be mov- and evening. Their big feature disagreement. Dyke and Bump At a Congregational meeting e(l to the big store occupied by Rev. J. M. Barter goes the There was a gathering of will be “The Prison on the Cliff” appeared for the plaintiffs and last of the week to Southern, friends with Mrs. D. N. Norris a dramatic film of strength and held in the Presbyterian church ^ r* (jarrett- Attorney Wall for the defendant. last Wednesday evening it was The school census taken Mon- Oregon., where he will be en- last Thursday afternoon. Those character. gaged in an evangelistic cam- present were Mrs. A. J. Dooley, voted to have services both day shows a healthy increase in paign for a month or more. His Mrs. Frank Emerson, Mrs. N. Dr. Dora Read Barber spent Mrs. C. E. Walker, who has morning and evening for the the district, There are now 150 pulpits at Hillside and Beaverton B. La Course, Mr3. Shotwell, Tuesday in Salem in conference been con valesing at the sani- next church year, beginning the children here drawing school will be supplied during his ab- Grandma Emerson, Mrs. Bisbee with Governor West, relative to tarum the past two weeks, re- first of April, and have the min money, with an attendance of 96. sence by Rev. Daniel Staver. i and Mrs. W. J. Good. ja reform measure of import. turned to her home Monday. ARE TO ENTERTAIN The First Thanksgiving Proclamation I CONSERVATORY PUPILS WILL GIVE RECITALS m I