Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 21, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Forest Grove Electric Light Station
This wooden barn covers O N E boiler, O N E engine and
O N E generator [or Dynamo] which constitutes the entire me­
chanical installation which provides electric light during N IG H T
H O U R S in the G R O V E .
P L A N I B R E A K S D O W N the entire service is interrupted.
If you
Accept the Washington-Oregon Service
I he city and the citizens will
Have Lower Rates and Positive Service
Look for our preceeding and coming statements of what we
offer the C IT Y O F F O R E S T G R O V E in this matter of
electric service. R E M E M B E R , we already carry a consider­
able part of the service in your city, supplying your business con­
cerns and forty customers who must have light during the hours
the city plant is not in operation.
I he finance committee of the city made a report last Tues­
day showing earnings of $345 per month for the City Light plant.
1 here is nothing included in this report which shows that any
consideration is given to the following important items.
Interest on debt.
Fund for replacing worn out machinery.
Fund for replacing poles, wire, etc.
Fund for taking up bonds when due.
Fund for unexpected damage.
Rent and minor expenses.
These expenses must be met some day. If they accumu­
late a bond issue or special assessment must carry the loss. W e
will analyze the report completely next week.
Why divide the service and produce inefficiency and money loss
A dv.
C. W. HILL. F o r W aahintfton-OreifonCorporation.
T he M an O n T he S t
Mrs. Pizer, of Cornelius, was
shopping in this city last Tues­
I)r. E. H. Brown, of Portland,
made a short visit in the Grove
. Mr. and Mrs. McNutt and
family were in Portland last
The outbound mail from this
city will close at 4:15 in the
afternoon instead of 4:25.
Great interest is being mani­
fest in basketball at Pacific
University. About twenty of
the students are practicing and
four teams will probably be
made up. Inter-collegiate ball
will be played.
Emery Fullerton, who has
been employed at the local plant
of the Pacific Coast Condensed
Milk company as fireman, for
the past two years, left Monday
with his family for Arnold, Ne­
braska, to engage in farming.
Just e x a c t l y 71 new sub­
scribers have joined the P ress
family since last publication day.
This large increase will cause a
temporary shortage of comic
supplements, but within the next
two weeks we will have a suffi­
cient supply to send to the en­
tire list as before.
James Clark was a business
visitor in Salem, Tuesday.
Mrs. Benjamin is reported
among the sick this week.
Mr. LeRoy is building a neat
cottage in the Caples addition.
Elmer Berry, of Portland, is
visiting relatives in the Grove
this week.
A. J. Spiller of this city visit-
, ed in Portland the forepart of
the week.
Mrs. D. W. Keasy, of Good­
ing, Idaho, is visiting in this
city with her sister, Mrs. Mc­
Augustus Wagner, who has
charge of the Chemistry depart­
ment of the Oregon City High
school, was visiting friends in
the Grove over Sunday.
Miss Florence Avery, of Hood
River, a graduate of Tualatin
Academy, has been elected presi­
dent of the woman’s choral club
of Oregon University at Eugene.
Archie Markee, a graduate of
Pacific University, was a Grove
visitor last week. Mr. Markee,
who has been located at Cres-
well, Ore., will in the future be
with the Southern Pacific com­
pany at Hillsboro.
About Nov. 10, will have Fruit
Trees and all kinds of nursery
stock for sale. The same reli­
able stock that we always have.
No agents; that is why our prices
are right. Come and see us.
Forest Grove Green House.
Corner 4th St. 5th Ave. South.
Phone 0116
For sale or will trade one half
block good resident location in
Forest Grove. Address P r e s s .
A good building lot 70x100
feet, with fruit and berries, for
sale cheap. Best residence dis­
trict. P r e s s O f f i c \
Good office rooms in the Hoff­
man building for rent. Inquire
of J. N. H offman
Matched team, 6 years old for
sale cheap. Address F. M ott ,
Phone Maple 153 Forest Grove.
Twenty head of good, young,
well broke horses for sale cheap.
See them at the U. S. Stable.
L. E. H ess , Owner.
W anted — Girl experienced in
sewing to work in tailoring shop.
Call at once. S amet the Tailor.
Forest Grove, N" Main sreet. 1-tf
L aw O efice with Library for
rent. Want good live man to
take charge of office and busi­
ness. Address T he P ress .
Fresh cows for sale.
At Pacific University
You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to
grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­
fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dormitory
in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­
more, you can receive systematic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy
the privileges of the gymnasium and swimming pool.
Enroll at
for Education, Health and Physical Development, and
Do It Now !
For particulars address
Care Committee of Control
Forest Grove, Oregon.
J. D. R ode .
For Sale or Trade.
- -___
I_______________________ _ ____________________
8 Room Modern House in Sa­
lem, Oregon, 14th Ferry St.
Paved street, sewrage, gas and
electricity, full basement and
C has . E. H all .
J. D. Rode has opened up a
commission store in his building
on Pacific Ave. and Second St.
and will buy, sell, store and han­
dle on commission all produce,
such as grain, hay, flour, feed,
seeds, vegetables, fruits, beef,
veal and pork, also good second
U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y .
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF hand house furniture and ma­
chinery, implements, vehicles,
M ary A n d erso n , P la in tiff i
hardware and other articles too
J a m e s H a rp e r, J r .
numerous to mention. Now if
e t al D e fe n d a n ts.
B oard of D irectors :
T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N TO .
have anything in this line
W illiam
H a rp e r an d
H a rp ­
e r. his w ife, first n am e u n k n o w n ; E b in T hom as you wish to dispose of, bring it
Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain
W. K. Newell
and J a n e Doe T hom as, h is w ife fir s t nom e; T h e
u n k n o w n h e irs o f L oim a H a rp e r, d eceased , and in and it will be placed before
G. Hancock
J a n e H a rp e r, h is w ife ; th e u n k n o w n h e irs of
C h arle s H a rp e r, d eceased ; G lenn H u n te r, Sue the people, who may be glad to
O 'B rie n , a n d J a n e Doe O ’B rien , h e r h u sb an d ,
first and tr u e nam e u n k n o w n ; J o sie A n n P r a tt ; purchase.
W. H. Hollis
E. W. Haines
Ije ttie C lam an d J o h n Doe C lam , h e r h u sb an d ,
first and tr u e nam e u n k n o w n ; R. T. R obinson; ance of room, two floors, 50x100
C h arle s S. N a y lo r and N e ttie N ay lo r, h is w ife;
M ilton G. N ay lo r an d E m m a N . N aylor, his feet.
This is a business that
w ife; th e u n k n o w n h e irs of A n d re w H a rp e r
an d E liza H a rp e r, d eceased, a n d all o th e r p e r­ has long been needed in Forest
J. E. Baldwin returned yes-1 For rent, 15 acres. All i11
sons or p a rtie s u n k n o w n claim in g a n y rig h t,
title , lien or in te re s t in th e real e s ta te de­ Grove, as it is not necessary to
from a weeks business high state of cultivation, good
scribed in th e c o m p la in t h e re in n o t giv en as
d e fe n d a n ts in said s u it. D e fe n d a n ts G R E E T IN G ; make a big sacrifice
Mr. Baldwin buildings, fine water, two thirds
In th e nam e of th e S ta te
O regon,
You a re h e re b y re q u ire d to a p p e a r in a s u it
reports the rain as heavy in mile of lhe Grove. T. j. o.
b ro u g h t a g a in s t you by th e above nam ed
Washington as it is in this sec- jjea]ty Go
p la in tiff in th e above nam ed C o u rt a t H ills-
Capata! and Surplus
6 0 0 00
lx>ro, in W a sh in g to n C o u n ty , O regon, on or
!>efore th e 26th d a y o f D ecem ber 1912, said
d a te being th e la s t p u b lic a tio n of th is no­
tic e a s provided by th e o rd e r of C o u rt in
said s u it m ade an d e n te re d by th e J u d g e of
said C o u rt on th e 18th d a y of N ovem ber,
1912, d ire c tin g p u b lic a tio n of th is notice, th e
first p u b lic a tio n o f w hich should be dated, and
is d a te d th e 21st day of N ov em b er 1912, and
th e la st p u b lic a tio n of w hich sh all be the
26th day o f D ecem ber 1912, to a n s w e r th e com ­
p la in t filed th e re in an d un less you so a p p e a r
o r a n sw e r o r d e m u r or plead to th e said
co m p la in t d e f a u lt w ill t>e ta k e n a g a in st you
and ju d g e m e n t re n d e re d acc o rd in g to th e
p ra y e r of said com plaint.
T he said s u it is b ro u g h t to d e te rm in e a claim
m ade by said d e fe n d a n ts a d v erse to th e p la in t­
iff to th e follow ing d escribed land s itu a te in
W ashington C ounty, S ta te of O regon, viz;
B eg in n in g a t th e S o u th w e st c o rn e r of th e
D onation l a n d C laim of A ndrew H a rp e r and
w ife in section 12, T ow n sh ip one. South, R ange
F o u r W est of W illa m e tte M eridian, and r u n ­
n in g th e n c e N o rth 71 d e g re es E a s t 8.84 chains;
I th en ce N o rth 10 d e g re es. W est 18,46 chains;
th en ce S outh 84 d e g re es, W est 8.75 chains to
, th e w est line o f th e A ndrew H a rp e r D ona­
tion Land Claim ; th e n c e S o u th It» d egrees,
j F a s t 20.45 c h a in s to th e place of beginning.
c o n ta in in g sev e n te e n a cres, m ore or less, and to
' com pel th e said d e fe n d a n ts to set up and
| estab lish th e ir claim , if any th e y have, to
; said prem ises, a n i th a t th e sam e and th e p re te n d ­
ed claim , rig h t, title , lien, intei eat or e sta te of
j said d e fe n d a n ts, or any of th em , in and to
; said p rem ises and ev ery t»art th e re o f may l>e
a d judged an d decreed to be invalid and void;
j th a t th e said d e fe n d a n ts and each of them
i m ay be Ita rrtd o f and from all rig h t, title , in te re s t
I ami e s ta te in and to th e said prem ises and
eech and e v ery p a rt th e re o f, and th a t said de­
fe n d a n ts and each a n d every one of them m ay
l>e fo rev e r ebjoined a n d re stra in e d from in ­
t e r f e r i n g w ith th e p la in titfs title and h e r
peaceable possession and occupancy of said
p rem ises; th a t th e said p la in tiff's title m ay be
a d ju d g e d am i decreed to be a good and valid one
as a g a in s t th e said d e fe n d a n ts and each of
them , and all persons c laim ing u n d e r th e said
d e fe n d a n ts anil each of them , and fo r such
o th e r and fu r th e r re lie f a s m ay be ju s t and
e q u ita b le as th e n a tu re of th e case m ay re ­
q u ire, as w ill m ore fully a p p e a r by th e com­
p la in t on file h e re in to w hich re fe re n c e is
h e re to m ade, an d fo r h e r costa o f su it.
A nd you a re h e re b y notified th a t if you fail
to a p p e a r a n d a n sw e r th e said com plaint as
above re q u ire d th e said p la in tiff will apply to
th e C ourt fo r th e re lie f dem anded in said com­
plain t.
H o A G r a h a m . F o re st G rove, O regon.
A tto rn e y s fo r P laintiff.
M ary A n d e r s o n , P laintiff.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Rafferty and
little son were in Portland last
Mrs. M. J. Abbot is substitut­
ing for Miss Norton in the Cen­
tral school.
Miss Jessie Scott returned to |
her home in this city last Thurs­
day, after undergoing an opera­
tion for appendicitis in a Port­
land hospital.
A Home Missionary rally of •
the ladies from the different
churches in the city will be held
at the Congregational church to­
morrow afternoon. Mrs. Liv­
ingston will preside and an in­
teresting program has been ar­
Staehr’s Bazaar is indeed a
busy place now. Loads after
loads of boxes containing dolls,
toys and Xmas gifts of all kinds,
are coming in right along and in
order to make room for the im­
mense stock, it was found nec­
essary to rent another store
building for their large stock of
musical i n s t r u m e n t s. Long
tables have been placed all over
the store and they will all be
loaded down before Thanksgiv­
ing with some of the finest toys
and Xmas gifts ever seen in
Forest Grove.
As we announced in last week’s issue of this paper,
our Thanksgiving Bargain Clean-up will continue un­
til Saturday, November 23rd.
500 yds. worsted dress goods, 36 to 42 inches
wide, serges.
Panamas, wool taffetas, cheviots and manish
tweeds. Values up to 85c, at
Worsted plaids for Misses and children’s
dresses. Values 25 and 35c, at
Worsted plaids and checks. Values 50 and
60c, at
Fancy silks for waists or dresses. Values up
to 90c at
Plaid and Persian silks, $1.25 values, at
68 and T2in. bleached table linen, $1.00 val. at 65c
Heavy, bleached Irish table linen, $1.50 val. at 95c
Remnants, table linens and towelings, great bargains
Grey cotton blankets, $1.00 values, at
Grey or white cotton blankets, full size, $1.50
values, at
Fancy plaid and stripe blankets, $2.75 val. at 2.19
Grey wool blankets, $5.50 values, at
White wool blankets, $7.00 values, at
Full size comforts, $1.50 values, at
Sateen comforts, $1.85 values, at
Dainty feather weight comforts. $3.75 val. at 2.65
Ladies’ outing flannel night gowns, $1.50 val. 1.19
Children’s outing flannel sleeping garments,
75c values, a t
Children’s Sweaters—Colors, white, grey,
navy and cardinal. Values $1.00 to 1.50
39c and 49c
Ladies’ sweaters, white and cardinal, $2.00
values, at
Grey or white, all wool sweaters. Values
$2.50 to 4.00. at
Big line of ruff neck sweaters in new college
stripes, also in navy, white, grey and
---------------------------- •
Photos for
Christmas Presents
et et
We want to assure
you we are prepar­
ed to give you the
very best work in
the latest approved
designs, and that
your early order for
Portraits will insure
you the perfection
of careful attention
to detail.
Flannelette house dresses.
Values $2.00, at
1.25 and 1.50
Gingham house dresses
Outing flannel petticoats
Messaline petticoats, a I colors, $4.00 values, 2.98
Nobby whip cord dress skirts, solid colors and
two-tone effect
Misses and children’s long coats
Ladies long coats in chilchillas and tweed
8.35 and up
Ladies' rain coats
4.00 and up
Ladies’ and children's aviation caps, all reduced.
Keversible, high school and Johnny hats, all
colors, at
Children s trimmed hats, $3.50 values, at
Big variety of ladies' trimmed felt hats, $6.50
and 7.50 values, at
Any felt shape in stock
Hats trimmed free of charge when materials
are purchased at our store.
Men’s and Boys’ Wear.
Stamped linens for embroidery and punch work.
D. M. C. Cotton for embroidery and crochet.
15c and 25c at
25c garters at
50c suspenders at
25c sox at
10c sox
35c ties at
50c mntfiers at
50c silk handk chs 25c
1.50 cuff buttons at ■ DC
50c belts at
10c arm bands at
1.50 hats at
Odd lots of men's and boys' 1.00 shirts at
75c sweaters for boys at
$2.00 sweaters for men at
$1.25 heavy wool underwear at
50c heavy fleeced underwear at
Lot of boys' heavy shoes, $2.25 at
Lot of boys’ heavy shoes, $2.75 values at
Men’s and boys’ suits, $10.00 values at
Boys’ over coats, 6.00 values at
Men's over coats, 15.00 and 16.00 values at
Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns.
Agents for Ed. V. Price & Co. largest men’s tailors.
Suits made to order from 15.00 up.
Forest Grove Studio.
s .
Hillsboro, Oregon |