FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1912. L. D. Huffaker has moved in­ to his new residence in the north part of town. E. W, Webb, instructor at the Bethany district school, spent Saturday and Sunday with his family in this city. Sidney Taylor and Richard Wilson, who are attending the Next to Dolly Varden Sweet Shop Behnke-Walker Business college in Portland, spent Sunday with the home-folk at Firholm. Mrs. C. O. Roe, who recently underwent a somewhat serious operation, is now sitting up, and will soon be once more mingling with her numerous friends. A physician was called at the - OF home o f R. D. Holsher on David’s Hill, last Saturday, to attend their week old child who was suffering with a slight at­ tack o f croup. The force of the Press office acknowledge receipt of a bottle o f the famous “ Kennedy Grape Juice” and a box of their luscious 10c A D M IS S IO N 10c grapes. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy were in the Grove Tuesday. Mrs. N. A. Derting visited the first of the week with her H ouses fo r rent and fo r sale, little paym ents and instalm ents like rent brother, J. H. Shearer, in this city. Mrs. Derting resides at Goldendale, Washington, where her husband is a contracting car­ penter. A case o f small-pox which de­ Modern seven room house just seven blocks from Oregon veloped in this city some few Electric depot. This elegant home has four bed rooms, re­ days ago is confined to one pa­ ception hall, porcelain bath, fine linen closets, living and dining rooms with openings, built in china closets, kitchen tient, and assurance is given bv with pantery, porcelain sink with back, electricity with fix­ the local and state boards of tures, front and rear porches, faces east, good neighborhood, health that there is no danger of graded streets, sidewalk, good barn, one acre of deep, mel­ an epidemic. low soil, strawberries, Loganberries, asparagus, grapes and fruit trees. Hoffman & Allen were deliver­ Price $3,000. $500 down, balance like rent. ed a carload of trees and shrubs from the Oregon nursery at Orenco, Monday, which is valued at $3,000. This is the largest shipment o f this nature ever re­ Hoffman Building. Phone 501 Forest Grove ceived in the Grove. John M. Scott, general passen­ M on ey t o loan on a crea g e and farm s ger agent, and H. A. Hinshaw, General Freight Agent, o f the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, were looking over the Grove Tuesday. Both Gentlemen paid the Press office a plessant call. J. A. Brown, formerly in the livery business in Forest Grove, now farming near Lebanon, was an over Sunday visitor with friends in this city. Mr. Brown has an excellent tract of land Danielson will renovate and and is perfectly satisfied with Fred Haney, of Thatcher, was re-make your mattress at a rea­ his new environments. a Grove caller Saturday last. 3-tf Mrs. Vanetta Hines, o f Hill­ sonable figure. Boniface Ives, of the Forest GRAND OPENING of the GRAND THEATER Saturday Evening, Nov. 23 A HIGH CLASS PROGRAM Pictures, Singing and Orchestra Music Own Your Own Home T. J. O. Realty Co. Captain Bell, of Nome, Alaska, is Visiting with friends in Forest Grove and will remain during! the winter months. Clark Brown, a former Forest boy. now connected with the Pacific Coast Condensed milk company at Chehalis, Washing­ ton, was in the city Sunday visit­ ing his mother, who is quite ill. The holiday season with its good cheer and plenty is upon us. Every family in Washington couuty is plan­ ning for t h e ........................................ Miss Cora Tumbleson. sister of J. E. Tumbleson o f this city, was removed to the Forest Grove sanitarium Tuesday suffering from a slight attack of pneu­ monia. Miss Tumbleson but re­ cently arrived from the east to make her home with her brother. C H R I S T M A S S p re a d and th e N E W Y E A R Fea st. The head o f every family should provide a carving set of quality with which to carve the fattened turkey, and the ............................................. CARVING SETS Sold by HINM AN-GORDON HARDWARE CO. The Maximum class o f the Methodist Episcopal church en­ joyed an interesting session on Sunday the tenth when a num­ ber of instructive talks were de­ livered by Thomas Leonard, Carl Curtis, Dr. W. Q. Tucker, Mike Schrammel, Mark Bump and Mrs. Barber. FO REST G RO VE are acknowledged the acme o f per­ fection, the premier o f quality and the richest in appearance.................. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Floyd Taunton, who was en­ rolled in the tenth grade, has stopped school to w-ork in the drug store. The tenth grade English class has had some very interesting letters from the eleventh grade English class at Lake View, Oregon, where O. M. Gardner is superintendent. The letters show that the Lake View people think as much of Mr. Gardner as the Forest Grove pupils did. Wednesday morning at assem­ bly the high school decided on the four official forms for the monograms for, foot-ball, basket ball, base-ball and tracks. A girls glee club has been or­ ganized in the High school under the leadership of Miss Anna Tay­ lor with Florence Littler as pianist; Bessie Martin, business manager, and Ruth Troutman, secretary and treasurer. T he M am Q n T he S side, was a Grove visitor Satur­ day. B. Ortman and wife, o f the Thatcher neighborhood, were Grove visitors Saturday. F. I). Otis, the popular photo­ grapher o f Cornelius, was a Grove business visitor Saturday. Remember the old reliable Seal-Shipt oyster with your Thanksgiving order. For sale only by Schultz Pure Food Grocery. 3-It MR. RANCHER. Do you know where your land corners are, or the ex. act number o f acres you have ? You need to know be­ cause the price of land is so high now, that every foot adds on or takes off just so much value. It is worth con­ sidering. Let me tell you. H. B. G laisykr , Surveyor, Over Hoffman & Allen’s, Phone 806. Main St. 1 G. C. GRAY, Dilley, Oregon Phone 52 1 l Expert Carpet, Rug j and Fancy Weaving 1 ^ 1 i Orders called for and delivered. ! I Furniture repaired and up­ Grove Hotel, returned Sunday holstered by Danielson at his from attending the Spokane Pacific avenue shop. Apple show-. Mr. Ives brought A. B. Caples, o f King & Ca- with him a number of mementos ples, was transacting business in of the trip and expressed him­ self as decidedly satisfied with Portland, Monday. the exhibition and his visit in the O. C. Scofield and family, of Inland city. Banks, were transacting busi­ By a score of 12 to 7, the boys ness in Forest Grove, Saturday. o f the Central school defeated C. A. Littler, of the Forest j the eleven from the Lincoln Grove pharmacy, visited over building in a hotly contested Sunday with his parents in Sa­ battle Friday afternoon. Both lem. elevens played with all their Mr. and Mrs. Ayers, of Gales vim and grit and the outcome Creek, were visiting in the Grove was ever in doubt until the latter Monday. Mr. Ayers has a gen­ part of the last half,-when Cen­ eral store in the neighboring tral forged to the front and vic- town. | tory. C. L. I-eroy, who is located on The installation of two street the Gales place north of town, lights at the junction of the Ore­ has purchased two lots in the gon Electric and Southern Pa­ Hall’s addition to Forest Grove, cific tracks with Main street is and will immediately commence certainly appreciated by the resi­ the construction of a neat resi­ dents of the Grove. These cross- dence. j ings were considered very dan- Paul Lilly and wife, o f this (gerous before the lights were city, left Tuesday for Wisconsin, placed, and the action of the city- where they will spend the winter officials in safeguarding the pub­ with the parents of Mrs. Lilly. lic is to be commended. Mrs. Dan Pierce and Mrs. Jas. Thursday night last, at the Churchill, sisters o f Mr. Lilly, home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Em­ accompanied them as far as Port­ erson, on C. street, the boys and land. girls of the Forest Grove High Frank Kane was presented School were entertained by Miss with a box of cigars by the pro- Una Emerson. Music, recita­ pietor o f the Fern Confectionery, tions and various games made last week, for making the closest the evening pass all too quickly. guess as to the number of spoons Refreshments were served and contained in a large glass jar on greatly enjoyed. All who par­ exhibition within the store. Mr. ticipated expressed themsehesi Kane guessed lf»40. and the jar as having had a most enjoyable actually contained 1652. I time. At the COMING ! Star Theater 26 Comedians and Singers THE TARIFF WILL BE REDUCED ! “ Revise Our Prices Downward” just as And we have decided to W oodrow Wilson has promised to do with the tariff. The reductions we will make on Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, beginning IMMEDIATELY will be o f vital interest to every family in Washington County. 20 to 30 % off on our entire line of Suits and Overcoats, which consists of a stock of $ 4 , 0 0 0 . Now is your time. Hoffman & Allen Co. P. U. MINSTRELS Wednesday Night, Nov. 27, Thanksgiving Eve. i^ = COME ON. 8 At the Star Theater Tickets 25c, 35c and 50c COMING!