Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 21, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Copyright, 1906. by Dodd, Mettd Ct Company.
"Do you dare me?” w ith an eager
step forw ard.
"U oodby.”
“Goodby! I say, are you sure you
can find th e Ren wood cottage?” he
called a f te r her. T he answ er came
back through the c latter of hoofs, ac­
com panied by a smile th a t seduced his
self possession.
“I shall find it in tim e.”
F o r a long tim e he stood w atching
h er as she raced down the road.
“A t my peril,” he mused, shaking his
head w ith a queer smile. “ By George,
th a t's fair w arning enough. She’s
At dinner th a t night the lion. Pene­
lope restored the w atch to her broth­
er, much to his em barrassm ent, for he
had told the duke It w as being repair­
ed in town.
“ I t w asn 't this w atch th a t I m eant,
old chap,” he announced irreverently to
th e duke, quite red in the face. “ W here
did you find it. Pen?” She caught the
plea in bis eye and responded loyally.
“You dropped it, 1 daresay, in pur­
suing Mr. Shaw .”
T he positive radiance w hich followed
dism ay in his w atery eyes convinced
h er beyond all doubt th a t her brother's
encounter w ith the tall Mr. Shaw w as
n o t quite creditable to B azelburst arms.
She listened w ith pensive indifference
to the oft repeated story of how he
had routed the “insufferable cad," en­
couraged by th e support of cham pagne
and the solicited approval of tw o eye
w itnesses. She eouhl not repress the
m ixed feelings of scorn, sham e and
pity, as she surveyed the array of men
w ho so mercilessly flayed the healthy,
fa ir faced young man w ith a gentle
The house party had been augm ented
during the day by the arrival of a half
a dozen men and women from th e city,
b rain fagged, listless and sm art. T he
big cottage now was full, the com­
pany com plete for three w eeks a t le a st
She looked ahead, this fresh, vigorous
young Englishw om an, and w ondered
how she w as to endure the staleuess of
T here w as some relief in the thought
th a t th e men would m ake love to the
good looking young m arried w omen—
a t least p a rt of the tim e—and—b u t it
Miss Manche Langley visited
the family ranch last Sunday.
Senator W. H. Hollis was
transacting business in Portland
Bert Simmons, of Dilley, was
seen on the streets of Forest
Grove Saturday.
Mrs. L. B. McFarland, of
Portland, visited with friends in
this city over Sunday.
Schultz Pure Food Market and
Grocery has all kinds of good
things for your Thanksgiving
For Rent—Vunfurnished bun­
galow and 1 furnished house.
Both modern. Inquire of Mrs.
M. A. Thomas, phone 855, or at
the P r e s s office.
Golf Brothers are constructing
a powder magazine near the
brick yard and will hereafter
buy powder in carload lots, stor­
ing it for local distribution.
H. N. Robinson fnd family
have moved into their new home
on Secbnd street, opposite the
sanitarium. The residence is
modern in every respect and
presents a handsome architect­
ural appearance.
A patent has been granted to
J. N. Hoffman and Chas. E.
Hicks for a hand mitering ma­
chine. A device which will fill
a long-felt want among the
printing craft, especially in
small offices.
verseness of a w oman w ho feels it
w orth w hile to procrastinate.
T ruth to tell, Randolph Shaw w as go­
ing hollow eyed an d fa in t in his
ceaseless, racking w atch for tresp a ss­
Penelope laughed aloud as she gazed
upon th e tangle of hoof prints. The
duke looked as surprised as it w as
possible for him to look a fte r the w ear
of th e p ast night.
“H an g it all, Penelope,” he said. "I
did n ’t say anything, don’t you know.”
“ I w as ju s t th in k in g ,” she said h asti­
ly, “w h at fun it would be for us to ex ­
plore th e haunted house.”
"Oh, I say. Pen, th a t’s going o u t of
th e w ay for a little fun, isn ’t it? My
word, it’s a filthy old house w ith rats
and mice and all th a t—no place for a
ghost, much less a nice little human
being like you. T hey’re all like th a t.”
“I thin k you are a fra id to go,” said
“A fraid of ghosts? P sh aw !” sniffed
the duke, sticking out his chest.
“Yes, Shaw ; th a t’s whom you’re
afraid of.”
“Now, see here, Pen, you shouldn’t
sny th a t. S haw ’s a d—, a cad. See
w h at Cecil did to him. R em em ber
th a t? Well, pooh! W h a t would I do
to him ?” Penelope looked him over
“I ’ll ad m it th a t you’re larger nnd
younger th an Cecil,” she confessed
grudgingly. “B ut they say Mr. Shaw
is a g ian t killer.” The duke dropped
his monocle nnd guffawed loudly.
“Good!” he cried in th e ecstasy of
pride. H is w orn, dissipated face light­
ed up w ith unw onted in terest. “I say.
Pen, th a t’s the nicest th in g you’ve said
to me in a week. You’ve been so
deuced cold of late. I don’t u n d er­
stand. I ’n» not such a bad lot, you
Wm. Ober, employed on the
"Tell th a t to Mrs. De P eyton nnd
Lee place in Patton Valley,
Mrs. Corw ith. T hey’re looking for the
suffered a severe gash on the
good in everything.”
“ By Jove, I believe you’re jealous! right knee Thursday afternoon
This is the proudest m om ent of my
last, which necessitated his re­
“ D on’t be silly! And don’t try to moval to the hospital. The in­
m ake love to me any more. W ait un­ jury was caused by the slipping
til I’m m arried,” she added, w ith a
laugh, th e Irony of w hich escaped him. jofan ax with which Ober was
“But, hang It all, suppose you engaged in splitting wood.
should m arry some one else an d not
Alica, the 4-year-ald daughter
m e?”
“T h a t’s w hat I m ean.”
I of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Barrett,
“Oh,” he said, perplexed. Then, as
¡nearly severed the first two
if his stupidity called fo r an explana­
tion: “I had n beastly night. D idn't go fingers of the left hand, Friday
to bed till 4. But, I say, w hy can’t I I morning, while playing with
have the sam e privilege as these o th er an ax. The injured child was
chaps? C orw ith makes love to you
and so does Odwell, and, hang It, I brought to this city from the
th ey 're both m arried. I t's rotten mean family home on the Gales Creek
road and surgical attention se­
“T heir w ives are accountable for
In all probability am­
th eir m anners, not I. But, come; will
you go to Ren wood's w ith me?”
putation will not be necessary.
“I’d rath e r talk to you In th a t nice
little corner of the billiard room a t
home if you”—
“ B ut I d o n 't need a brandy and soda.
Oh!” T his exclam ation cam e w ith the
discovery of an approaching horseman.
“I t ’s Mr. Shaw , I’m sure.”
Randolph Shaw, loyal to his feudal
promise, appeared in th e road a couple
of hundred yards aw ay. H e drew rein
and from th a t distance sun-eyed the
what an up-to-date Drug
Store means to you and
tw o w ho w ere so n ear to encroaching
your family.
u i» n his preserves. H e sa t straig h t
and forbidding in the saddle. For a
It suggests at once that
full m inute th e tw o factions stared at
you can get at a moment’s
each other. Then, w ithout a sign of
notice standard proprietary
recognition, Shaw turned an d rode rap-
and household remedies,
Idly aw ay.
toilet articles and sundries,
“ He rides like a gentlem an,” com­
when sickness unexpected­
ly comes to your household.
m ented Miss D rake, afte r reflection.
“ Indian blood in him,” rem arked her
No matter how great or
small your purchase may
“L et us go home,” said she, w hirling
be, we assure you
her horse like a flash. The duke had
some difficulty in keeping ab re ast of
her during the ride, and he lost sight
in all that which the term
implies. We are in busi-
of her altogether a fte r they dism ount­
to satisfy you.
ed a t B azelburst Villa.
The m om entary glim pse of a real
man set Penelope's opinions on edge
for the rem ainder of the day and
night. Shaw, w hatev er else he m ight
1*\ was a man. Even while others
addressed her in conversation she w as
absentm indedly recalling to memory
certain English gentlem en nt home
who could stand com parison w ith this
handsom e fellow across the d anger
line. But to com pare any one of the
odd— men i„ j,nd.v B azelhurst’s house p arty
l i t . Good, hon­
—oh, it w as absurd! She looked them
e s t D e n tistry to th*
over. Dull eyed, blase, frayed by the
b e st o f my Ability.
social w hirl, w orn out, pulseless, all of
Could one do more?
them . They talked autom obile, bridge,
2nd. I exam ine
women am i’self In particular. In the
yo u r m outh and tell
you its a c tu a l con­
seclusion of a tete-a-tete they talked
d ition b efo re I b*>-
|0ve w ith nn ard o r th a t lost m ost of
gin y o u r a ctu a
(t* dnntrer !>ecause It w as from force
w ork, stating: in ad-
e f habit. One of th e men w as even
vanca w h a t t h e
now ad m itting in her ea r th a t he had
coat w 1 11 be. If
not spent an evening alone w ith bis
ready, w e begin: if ;
w ife in fo u r veara.
not, th e ex am in e- i
tion c osts you n o th ’ i
he New Breakfast food (Post
If your umbrella leaks have
Tavern) for sale by Schultz Pure Danielson recover it.
Food Grocery.
3 It
County Surveyor McGee was Embalming— Funeral Direct» j
Mrs. Hundley was visiting in looking over the Grove last Sun­
the Grove Saturday, driving day.
ov\r from her home in Dilley.
W. P. Ireland, of Corvallis,
J. S. Buxton, Manager
J. R. Taylor, of Independence, visited the first of the week with
Forest Grove, Or.
is visiting in this city with rela­ his son W. W. Ireland, of this
tives. Mr. Taylor is seeking a city.
bu iness location and in all prob­
Jack Carlyle,, one of the first
ability will settle in Forest residents of Cordova, Alaska,
visited with friends in Forest
Roy Fogel and Roy Phelps are | Grove last Sunday.
becoming expert duck hunters.
Special Communication
promptly obtained OB HO TTT
Tra.loM .irk«,
They secured a brace each the
Copyright« and la b e ls registered.
of Holbrook nodge No.
TWENTY YEARS’ PRACTICE. Highest reference«.
first of the week and had them
[ Send model, sketch or photo, for tree report
30, A. F. and A. M.
A ll business confidential.
HAND-BOOK FREE. K xplainseverything. T ells
served up at a little dinner by Work in the Master’s degree,
H-'W to Obtain and Sell patents. What Inventions j
^ 'll Pay. How to Get a Partner, exp lain s best |
Saturday evening, Nov. 23, at
one of the Grove’s caterers.
m echanical m ovem ents, and contains 300 other |
subjects of importance ito inventors.
( has. E. Short, an old time dially invited.
By order of the
printer, was a business visitor in Worshipful Master.
l B ox 3!H Willson Bldg.
the Grove Tuesday. Mr. Short
A. B en K o r i , Sec’y.
conducted the Crawford, Ne­
braska, Crescent, over twenty-
four years ago, when that place
was one of the outposts of civil­
ization. He is now located in
Attorney John M. Wall, of
Hll sboro, Democratic President­
Our Work Guaranteed and
ial Elector, was in Forest Grove
Your Patronage Solicited
Friday of last week shaking
hands and exchanging congratu­
lations with his fellow con­
spirators. Mr. Wall is a Demo­
crat of the progressive school
First Ave., Foot Council St.
Forest Grove, Oregon
and a strong supporter of the
Bryan policies.
Closing Out
of Odd Pieces of
A t Greatly Reduced Prices
All Furniture that is tagged with red tags are the
close-outs. Some of these pieces have been in stock
for some time and seemed to be slow sellers, but I
have reduced the prices so that they will move now.
T hat I have a limited amount of different articles, as
Dressers, Buffas, China Closets, Beds,
Chairs, Rockers, some Rugs, Lace Curtains,
Lounges and Center Tables.
In fact something of each article,
have to come early to get the best buys.
You will
Stop to Consider
“ Here is the line, Miss Drake.”
depressed her in tu rn to think of the
leftover husbands who would m ake
love to her.
"W hy is it th a t Evelyn doesn’t have
real men here—like this Mr. S h a w ? ’
sh e found herself wondering vaguely
a s the nig h t wore on.
In Which a Dog Trespasses.
E X E L O P E w as a perverse and
calculating young person. She
w as her own m istress and
privileged to ride as often as
she pleased, bnt it seemed ra th e r
although splendidly decorous—th a t she
d id not venture upon Mr. Shaw 's es­
ta te for more than a week a fte r her
first encounter w ith The feudal baron.
I f she found a peculiarly fem inine sa t­
isfactio n in speculating on his disap-
polntm ent. It is not to he wondered a t
W om anly Insight told her th a t Ran-
dolph Shaw rode forth each day and
w atched w ith haw klike vigilance for
th e promised trespasser. In her im ag­
ination she could alm ost hear him
curse the luck th a t was helping her to
evade the patrol.
One m orning a fte r a rain she rode
w ith the du k e to th e spot w here Shaw
Dilley’s Fish Market, open SIX
had draw n his line in the road. She ^ . . g j n t h e week. Will deliver
rL V ohnr d ,s ir in g X tlh V w *
sol! fresh, salt and dried fish. North
on th e opposite side of the line w as First
avenue, telephone 692.
disfigured by a mass of fresh hoof
jj_ tf
prints. She rejoiced to find th a t his
vigil w as incessant and w orthy of the
Twenty head of good, young,
respect it imposed. The desire to visit w e u b r o k e horses for sale cheap.
th e haunted
See them at the U. S. Stable.
an d more irresistible, but sne tu rn ea
it aside w it h ail the relentless per- ^ 2 -4 t
L. E. HESS, Owner.
P aint
PURE MASURY’S WHITE PAINT in 5-gallon cans at $1.95 per Gallon
A Paint Insurance Policy. W e have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for
GOLD SEAL PAINT. We are authorized by the manufacturer to issue a
written guarantee over our own signature that the paint will last five years.
Special GOLD SEAL PAINT at $1.95 per Gallon.
Let us figure on your whole bill of Paint, Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, etc.
in stock.
Pacific Drug Co.
At Cost.
Must close these out.
See my windows
3rd. I g u a ra n te e all th a t I do, as I consider
w ork n o t w o rth g u a ra n te e in g , n o t w orth doing
T his has been my policy.
4 th. A bsolute cleanliness. E v e ry in stru m e n t
m u s t be cleansed, and a re used as th e y a re taken
from th e s teriliz ers.
5 th. My p ric e s a re reasonable, no t advertised
c h e a p p ric e s to lu re you in, and th e n c h a rg e you
m o re —b u t a p ric e th a t w ill m ake m ore friends;
m ore p a tie n ts; one p rice to alL
Dr.ElofT.Hedlund, Dentist
N . W C arn u 6th and Oak, 2nd floor, taka c k v a u a 1
A few remnants of Linoleum cheap.
All Linoleums reduced.
Sewing Machines
Guaranteed Sewirg Machines, with drop head, Special $16.50. Guaran­
teed ten years by the maker. Have a limited amount of other Sewing
Machines that will be sold at cost this week only.