4 FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1912. F o r e st G rove P r ess G. Edwin Secour, Editor J. N. Hoffman, Associate Editor T H E PRESS PUBLISHING CO FOREST GROVE. ORE. T elephones : O f f ic e 502 R e s id e n c e s 442 397 T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n One year, in advance.................... $ 1.50 Six months, in advance.......................75 Three months, in advance................... 50 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1912. Display advertisements fa ; publication in the PRESS must be in this office not later than Tues­ day evening: to insure appearance in current issue Entered at the post office at Forest Grove, Ore. as mail matter of the second class. “ TH ERE’S N O PLACE LIKE H O M E .” Governor Oswald West, by official proclamation, has decreed this day as ‘ ‘Home Industries Day” with the avowed purpose o f securing concerted action to ward increasing demand for Ore­ gon made products. Governor Wes( suggests, in his proclama­ tion, that upon this very day every man and woman, in doing their shopping, purchase only made-in-Oregon products. The Governor does jiot go far enough, however. He should preach that doctrine, not for a day, or two days, but for all time. He should work with the end in view of ‘ ‘Home Products for Home People, Now and Forever More.” A certain very influential trade publication—one of the best in the country and with a nation­ wide circulation conducts a de­ partment under the caption, “ There’s No Place Like.Home.” And the department is featured as the most important in the great publication. And the de­ partment preaches home patron­ age. Some o f the folk who have a notion that this Home Patron­ age business is a narrow and puny affair need to awake to a realization of its importance'fand its power, Ours is a democratic country, and as a people we are opposed to centralization of power in politics, religion or business. This Home Patronage theory is purely democratic and is opposed to centralization of power in business. It is against the consumer buying from a catalogue house and destroying the local retailer. It is against the local retailer buying fiom the out-of-state-and- far-away job­ bers and manufacturers, while the local (state) concerns ought to have the business. It is against the jobber ignoring the local manufacturer and producer and thus crippling local industry and development. And the part of the retailer in this “ Keep Your Dollar in Oregon” movement is greater "than any other class. The responsibility o f the retailor exceeds that o f all others, and its a big part to play. It is up to the retailer to become letter- perfect in his lines, and educate both producer and consumer, middle-man and jobber. A NEW REGIM E. The day of political bossism is waning. With the new regime comes responsibilities which can­ not be shirked by citizen or citizeness. Before long it will be more disgraceful to admit we are not politicians than now it is to be one. Before long the one who shirks civic responsibilties will be treated as a traitor. And why not ? Is it not treason to defeat the purpose of liberal institutions by apathy or oppo­ sition, when a little thought en­ ables any o f us to choose a right way to act ujxm public ques­ tions ? Is it not treason to de­ feat the will o f majorities by backroom and secret schemes for controlling primaries and hand­ ling public officials ? What is the difference between betray­ ing an army and betraying a political system striving to make all men equal, happy and con­ tented ? There ran he none! Unless it is that the latter is in­ finitely worse than the former. These statements being true, someone must pay and suffer. what rules are to be established It seems as if the simple applica­ for the honest weilder o f the bal­ tion o f ordinary honesty and lot! What behavior and what ordinary business acumen in pub­ ideals are to be sound and hon­ lic affairs is the one rule which est and what dishonest and trait­ can be followed by all without orous ? It is a large question. danger of failing to make good Too large to answer short of in the carrying out o f civic many volumes. Such an an­ duties, whether as servant, citi­ alysis must cover all ethics and zen or citizeness c f the American all practical behavior and be­ Republic. sides excuse many vagaries due to a cosmopolitan population. STIR UP TH E CO M M E R C IA L CLUB. Yet there are a few rules which need no deep study to ap-1 individual criticism of local ply or convince. One of these affairs is likely to be narrow, sel­ is that public business is not dif­ fish, illconsidered and destruc­ ferent from private business. tive. But organized criticism of Things which make success or the kind voiced by a local com failure in one, make success or munity development club is failure in the other. Honesty broad, well thought out, . non- in business is the same sort of partiasm, unbiased, unselfish and honesty which is needed in pub­ constructive. A local club whose lic affairs. Because losses in object is to build up and improve public business cannot cause a the community, if wisely and con­ serious catastrophe, is no reason servatively conducted, may cause why there should be a loss, for 1 its decisions and recommend­ ations on matters of community policy to be accepted by the pub­ lic as authoritative and final. The man who says he is merely living in a town is merely living on it. DR. K . S. M Y E R S DR. E T H E L J. M A R T IN O steop ath ic Physicians W . M . L angley & Son Lawyers F orest G rov e, O gn. This Thanksgiving provides one occasion for the consistent Democrat to be truly thankful. J. N. H offm a n W . Q . T u ck er, M . D. A ttorney-at-LaW EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY Office Hoffman BIJg. Pacific Ave. Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove You cannot correct a friend twice; he ceases to be your friend after you have corrected him M ark B. B um p once. Attorney-at-law There are two classes of busi­ ness men in the world—those who advertise and those who ought to. D aniel D. B um p Sometimes opportunity knocks at a man’s door and he doesen’ t hear it because he is doing so much knocking himself. It is respectfully suggested that the Woman’ s Club take up the question of dangerous sidewalks, and exert their influence toward securing a remedy. Office- over Hoffman & Allen Store Phones, Res. 35XX, Office 751 Hillsboro, Ore. Calls answered promptly day and night . _____ Altorney-at-laW ffiColary Public Room 6, Hillsboro National Bank Building Real Estate Hillsboro, Ore. Attorney-at-laW Tamiesie Biilding 3d and Main Sts. 6 to 8 for the accomoda­ tion of those who cannot bank at other times. Hillsboro, Ore. Hillsboro, Ore S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. H ollis & G ra h a m A tlorneys-at-LaW # F orest G rov e, O gn . Physician and Surgeon Delta Building Hillsboro, Ore. C. H. P ollock, D. M. D. Linklater Building Phone Main 74 Hillsboro, Ore. Hillsboro, Ore. J oh n M. Pipes, M artin L. P ip e,, f i \ r> * G e o r g e A . r ip e s, E lm er H . Smith, M. D., D. O . Physician, Surgeon at-Lan' and Osteopath 811 Chamber o f Commerce 204-ti Nixon Building Phone: Main 80x Residence 35x Open Saturday Evenings, Hillsboro, Ore. R. M. Erwin, M. D. Physician and Surgeon The frame-up for the next presidental election is already Dr. H . R. K a u ffm a n under way, but Terrible Teddy Physician & Surgeon and Fighting Bob are just as Office: Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Building: much at cross purposes as ever. Phone Main 0131 Why is it that everybody runs Forest Grove, Ore. to a free show? Dr. E. B. B rook b a n k Physician and Surgeon paid on Savings Accounts. Forest Grove, Ore. W . E. P ettenger, D. M. D. Portland, Ore. 4 % Calls answered promptly day or night Phone: O.Sce 271, Residence 283. Dr. C. F. V ia Physician and Surgeon . „ „ „ ... n. If you are chasing around town with a chip on your shoul­ E. B. T o n g u e , der, better be sure the glue that J l ttorney-at-LaW holds it is of the sticky kind. District Attorney. Banking by mail. Physician and Surgeon South of Court House This community is ready to say a good word for the man who is ready to say a good word for this community. 6th and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon b u il d in g D R . C. E. W A L K E R W . P. D yk e B en ton B ow m an Merchants Savings & Trust Company nixon FOREST GROVE, ORE. A ttorney-al-LaW Osteopathic Physician If a man repeat a conversation and correctly, nothing else ought to Notary ‘Public Treatment by Special Appoint­ be expected of hlmthas year. Forest Grove Oregon ment Only You like to see this nation maintain its balance of trade; what about your home com­ munity. T h e S w eetest, T h e Purest, T h e M ost W h o le s o m e . In all size p a ck a ges and p riced from 5 c to $ 1 .0 0 orrics: Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. S. M . R egan, D. V . S. Res. Phone City 133 Office Phone Main 783 3rd St., J-jblock N. of Main St. Hillsboro, Ore. J. O . R ob b , M. B. T or. Physician and Surgeon - Phone City 384 Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. Forest Grove, Ore. H. W . V ollm er, M . D. Now that election is over our waste basket does not have to be emptied several times a day.— Polk County Itemizer. Hillsboro, Ore. Physician and Surgeon Dr. E. J. C row thers Physician and Surgeon Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. Calls answered day and night Office in Jackson Pharmacy Cornelius, Ore. Ind. Fhonas Dr. J. J. M urray, V . S., That straight Republican tick­ W . B. C O O N , V . S. V E T E R1NERY SURCEON AND DENTIST et as finally voted appears to O ffice on 1 st S t . Graduate of American have had a few very noticeable Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. Veterinary College, of curves in \i.—Hillsboro Independ­ Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ New York City, 1881. erinarian, I wish to notify the public ent. Office with Brown’s Main Streeh Livery that I am prepared to answer all calls, day or night. F orest G rove , O re A New Mexico lawyer and his Phone Main 95 feminine law partner have been wedded. We should be inter­ ested in learning which would be senior member of the firm.— Oregonian. It is easy enough for Mr. Turk to pack his grip and skip across the channel, but to move Mrs. Turk and the rest o f the establishment is some jo b .— Evening Telegram. Champ Clark is in favor of a special session of congress. Pos­ sibly he does not care to post­ pone that re-election as speaker any longer than is absolutely necessary.—Eugene Daily Guard. The navy department will ask for three battleships this year. Remembering that it was the Democrats who opposed any battleships at all, the outcome will be watched with some inter­ est.— Oregon Register. The state applicants for the dentistry examinations are “ fix­ ing” the teeth of the convicts in the penitentiary at Salem, as a part o f their e x a m i n a t i o n . What have the convicts done to merit this additional punishment? —Oregon City Courier. and Feed Stable, Hillsboro Phone City, 5 0 6 W hite Palace Cafe R. A . PH E LPS. P acific A v e., Forest G ro v e Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. General Contractors and Builders D ealers in L U M B E R , L A T H , SH IN G LES, CE M E N T, S A N D and LIME. A ll Finishing L um ber Kiln D ried. M anufacturers o f Fram es, M ouldings, Sash, D oors and everyth in g requ ired in the build­ ing line. W e sell Flint-K ote and M ik a d o A ls o S h erw in -W illiam s Paints. R oofin g . Office and Factory, Council St., Forest Grove