FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1912. Round Oak Don’t | C H I E F Let Your L s t e e l Wife Fuss ^Ranges any longer with a Worn 3 H O M E B AK IN G CO. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Aden Harper, of Gales City, Every Day. Mr. Kahler, o f Gales Creek, was a Grove visitor Saturday. visited in this city Saturday. W e sell 6 loaves of Bread for 25 cents Hot coffee and sandwiches at Oyster Cocktails at Shearer’s. Free delivery to all parts o f the city Forest Grove. Try them. l-4t Shearer’s confectionery, Forest Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove l-4t Mrs. Jane Lilly, of Gales City, I Grove. Hartrampf’ s Feed Mill has was visiting in Forest Grove Sat­ just installed a grain cleaner for urday. 3-tf Mr. Heesacker, of Verboort, cleaning seed grain. * Not How Cheap Jack Killin o f the Thatcher was greeting friends in this city Absolutely Safe and Reliable neighborhood, made a trip to the Saturday. b u t How C. R. Cox was in the Grove Grove Saturday. Alfalfa hay, the best o f feed. from his home in Cedar Canyon, O f Forest Grove, Oregon Delivered any place in town. Saturday. Conducted on Econom ic and Business Principles. T h e H om e Perfect Baker* 3-tf E. B. Lament,x of Firholm, Hartrampf Feed Mill Com pany That Has M ade G o o d . Insure Y our Dick Holscher, of David’s Hill, was a business visitor in the Fuel Savers • Business or Dwelling in 1 he was transacting business with Grove Saturday. Bankers & Merchants The Pacific “ U” Minstrels local merchants Saturday. J. W. II. Adkins, Justice of Thanksgiving Eve. Bigger and the Peace at Gales City, was better than ever. 2-2t Whitman’s Chocolates are the greeting friends in the Grove, best Chocolates. Forest Grove Saturday. Ira Purdin, of Thatcher, one­ Pharmacy. 46-tf A. W. Wilson, drove over from time Representative at the State was a business Gales Creek, Saturday, to trans­ Legislature, visitor in the Grove Saturday. act business in the Grove. Miss Stella Boscow, of Hills­ Casper Jasper, a farmer from Forest Grove, Oregon north of town, was transacting boro and Miss Eva Boscow, of business in the Grove Saturday. Portland were guests at the Langley home in this city, Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Crunican of the day. Gaston neighborhood, were busi­ The members of the Eastern ness visitors to Forest Grove Fri­ Star assembled in regular ses­ day. THE S T A R sion Monday evening. At the Chester McRoberts, a well-to- conclusion of the business meet­ do farmer up Gales Creek, was a T H E A T R E ing a tasty lunch was served and business visitor in Forest Grove a social hour enjoyed. Two Is N ow L oca te d in Its N ew B uildin g Saturday. ladies o f the Beaverton lodge Wm. Williams and family of were guests of the legal chapter. Soda Springs, above Gales City, Christopher Col .mbus Bozorth Motion Picture Exhibition were transacting business with who resided in this city about 63 from 7:45 to 9:00 local merchants, Saturday. ! years ago, having crossed the W. W. Ryals made a trip to plains from Iowa in 1845, died Three Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50 the John McCann sawmill on recently at Woodland, Washing­ Matinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday Gales Creek, Tuesday, on busi­ ton, aged 81. He was a member Daily Change of Best Films Procurable ness pertaining to a logging of the Territorial Legislature of contract. 1860 and the founder of the town J. E. Gleason, of Goldendale, | of Woodland, Washington, who has been look­ ing after property interests in this city the past week, left for his home yesterday. E s ta b lis h e d in 1885 Don’ t use anything but Sen­ eca Stock Powder, the guaran­ Carries the Ready for business teed stock powder, for your horses or cattle. For sale only largest by the Forest Grove Pharmacy. New Lumber Company 49-tf stock of All kinds of Building Ma­ E. L. Hunter, wife and young terials, Kiln Dried Finish, son, of Juneau, Alaska, are visit­ Memorials. Dry Shiplap in any quan­ ing with F. S. Gordon and tity. family. They will remain until 2G4-266, 4th St., Portland, Ore. after Thanksgiving. Mr Hunter Sash and Doors is postmaster of the Alaska city, which is the distributing Call and get prices. We center for 27 offices. are here for business and want to make your ac- R. M. Mawhinney and wife, quaitance. of Springfield, Ills, are visiting with'TKeir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Umchied on Gales- Creek. Mr. Mawhinney was in the Grove P h on e O l X seven years ago and is much South A Street Forest Grove, Or, taken with the country. There is a possibility that he may lo­ Man cannot migrate as do the birds at the cate in this vicinity permanently. approach of Winter, consequently he must Friday night in the gymnasium look for warmer plumage—clothes, if you o f Pacific University, the girls please. If its a question of long-enduring o f the local High school were en­ quality at extreme lowness in price, we tertained by the young ladies of can help you. the P. U.. Folk dances, gym­ Watches, Clocks and Jewely. All kinds of Optical Goods. nastic exercises and fancy march­ es provided the evening amuse­ ments. Before the home-going time arrived orange frappe was served and voted a most J. A . H O FFM A N Suits. Overcoats and Raincoats “ exquisite” refreshment. W ATCHM AKER Alexander Thievenot Creecy, has furnished warmth and wear to thous­ who died recently near Albany, A N D JEW ELER ands of men—’Twill do the same for you. aged 81, came to Oregon from W e ’re showing you hundreds of garments, Illinois in 1853, and after finish­ each representing care and economy in ing bis education at the Portland We solicit your patronage. every step of its making, {from loom to HILLSBORO, ORE. Reliable yvork at moderate prices. academy under President Kings­ tailor. ley, taught school in Washing­ ton county for several years, moving to Linn county, Investment Realty Abstract Company later where he engaged in farming. He was a bachelor. The oldest Mason in the state of Washington, William Champ, Offices, with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building. died at Winlock recently, aged W hen you see it in our ad, it’s so Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro. 88. Mr. Champ organized the first lodges installed at Chehalis GUARANTEES RELIABLE SERVICE and Winlock. His activities in the Masonic order dated back to 1853 when he joined lodge No. 35 Phone $71 at Kirksville, Iowa. He organ­ Pacific Avanua ized the first Masonic lodge in F O R E S T G R O VE, O R EG O N Second and Morrison FIVE STORES First and Morrison Martinsburg, Iowa, and was We are here t.. «erve your M tv A F v n r n • . 8 7-89 Third Third and Oak First and Yamhill No order too small or too large J | )0 D u E , P rO p n e tO f master of same until 1857. He for us. came to Washington in 1860. o u t , poorly baking, fuel wasting range. Think of the The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association Round Oak Chief U Steel Range. b Bring her in to see it, and learn how complete and perfect a range can be made. W . O. W agner & Sons ELECTRIC POWER * Cheapest and Best Portland Marble Works Washington-Oregon Corporation. Willis-Place Lumber Co. Now is the Time to Buy WARM CLOTHING M oyer $ 1 5 Clothing W ear M oyer Clothes Makes Your Abstract Sun-Rise Grocery and K eep W arm M OYER