FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1912. drama and opera without moving from his own fireside. Wm. Lyda was a Gales Creek visitor last week. Chas Bateman was transacting business in Forest Grove Mon­ day. S. S. Dallas went to Portland Sunday to serve as juror. It is understood Francis White depart­ ed for the Rose City Monday for the same purpose. The members of the Hillside Christian Endeavor society took charge of the Gales Creek meet­ ing Sunday night and enjoyed a very pleasant eyening. FromN Forest Survey, who has been working in this vicinity, has com­ Mr. Ayers has purchased two pleted his labors and departed large hogs from John McCann. Because of the recent exces­ for other fields. sive rains, the prune men are The election of November 5 went through very smoothly. rushing their crops to market. J. W. H. Adkins and John E. Dr. Tucker, of Forest Grove, Lilly being elected Justice of the was called to the Sargent home Peace and Constable, respect­ All correspondents of the the l^st of the week. ively. Press are requested to for­ Ray Maitland, Frank Wilson, ward full name and post and Earl Johnston were on an Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lilly, of office address to this office excursion to Wilson river the Portland, visited with Mr. and forepart of the week. They re­ Mrs. James Churchill, over Sun­ for our files. Also telephone number if possible. turned with a string of fish each. day. Norman Lilly, from Cogans Charles Maitland and John Wilson were over Sunday visit­ saw mill, visited a day this week COUNTY SEAT NOTES with his mother in Gales City. ors with friends in the Grove. J. H. Humphreys, of Wood­ Messrs Maitland, Culines and Miss Bertha Churchill and land, Washington, visited here Vincent are at home for a few George Madsen spent Sunday on Sunday. Gales Creek. days. Street paving work has been Dr. Tucker, of Forest Grove, John Parsons and wife were has lifted the quarentine from greatly delayed by the late heavy Forest Grove visitors Sunday. the home of Mr. Seth, estab­ rains. On two blocks of Second Dr. Linklater, of Hillsboro, lished because of the illness of street, leading to the S. P. depot, was called to the home of Mr. his father. temporary planking has been Louisingnet the latter part of The Clapshaw boys shot a bear laid for the winter. the week. 0. C. Sook, wife and daughter, on upper Clearwater last Friday. Mr. Louisingnet and Arthur Earl Bateman delivered a load now living at Monmouth, visited Parks made a Hying trip to Port­ of pork weighing 1400 pounds, at here over oyer Sunday, They land Monday. formerly resided in this city. Banks last week. Howard Lilly was transacting Mr. Hamlin of Nehalem, while Mrs. A. C. Archbold has been business in Portland Saturday. returning to his home on Gales quite sick the past week. Robert Lilly returned to the Creek, Sunday, had his buggy John H. Loewen, the drayman Grove Tuesday. break down. With the assis­ is moving his family to Portland The Misses Pnreda Lansing tance of neighbors along the this week. and Alice and May McCann were road the trouble was remended The biennial city election will home visitors Sunday. and he proceeded on his way be held on the first Monday in December. There is some talk Sam Short accompanied mail rejoicing of another ticket being nom­ carrier S. S. Dallas to Wilson James Churchill has purchased river Monday. a new hornless phonograph and inated in opposition to the mass C. C. Scott, a member of the now enjoys all the delights of meeting ticket. The S. P. Company has its track about all laid for the electric extension through the city, except on the paved por­ tion of Main street. Good Horses mid Rigs, with or without John M. Brown, the Wells- Drivers. Transient Horses well UNDER NEW Fargo expressman for the last cared for. fifteen years, has resigned and MANAGEMENT HESS & MACK, Proprietor» removed to his mountain ranch near Buxton. G ALES CREEK G LEANINGS U. S. ST A B L E S 'T¡ KENNEDY’S GRAPE JUICE M ADE FROM T H E Best Concord Grapes Pure and Unfermented. r----- 1 D. A. K E N N E D Y C O N C O R D R ID G E F R U IT FOREST GROVE OREGON FARM -.=Æ PICKED AT ORENCO Orenco is the baby precinct of Washington County yet there were 140 votes polled. Judging from the way the ballots were marked there are very few en­ titled to the voting priviledge who” vote it straight” in these modern days. The store building, lot and mercantile stock of Samuel Kunz has been purchased by two enterprizing young business men of Portland, who will personally conduct the establishment in the future. A mass meeting was held last Friday evening in the school house at which preliminary steps toward forming a permanent or­ ganization of the School Fair association were taken. Apple Show both of which are being held at Spokane, Washing­ ton. Mrs. Buxton is a member of the State Woman’s Board Committee. Gladys Vermilyea was visiting her aunt Mrs. N. A. Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Stevenson were over at his fathers visiting Sunday. HILLSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bamford have returned from a several days visit in Portland. T. E. Hines made a business trip to Portland last week. Dick Quick has found it neces­ sary to have an operation per­ formed upon his baby, and the little one has been removed to a ! Portland hospital. Lawrence commenced attend­ ing school last Week. BARGAIN LOTS Large Size, for Little Money $10 Down, $10 per month-----Close in I have 22 in one tract. Lots of lots in other places; Easl and West, North and South in Forest Grove, so take your choice. Pay down the price of a lot in any location and have a house built to order to be paid out on installments. Your house will go up in a hurry as soon as you select your site. See Blue Prints, get prices at Littlehales & Cady’s Office CHAS. E. HALL Phone me at 0171 - 0191 I Pacific University. The greatest American Artist Management, DAVID B1SPHAM EUGENE KUESTER, Portland. At the piano, Harry M. Gilbert. Season Ticket of 4 Concerts $ 3.00 Edison Phonographs and Records at Staehr’s Bazaar Next to Post Office, Forest Grove, Ore. G ATH ERED A T G A STO N Mr. and Mrs. Will Kertson, of Portland, visited friends in this city Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mabel Bryant is spending a pleasant winter in Fresno, Cal­ ifornia. Mrs. Baker and daughter Grace, recent arrivals from Den­ ver, Colorado, are making their home with Dr, J. W. Baker of this city. Women in Gaston are commenc­ ing to take active interest in city politics. One woman has been nominated for city treasurer and another was tendered the nomi­ nation for rity marshal, but de­ clined. The election of city officers will be held shortly. The Congregational church of Gaston celebrated its twenty- fifth anniversary last Saturday and Sunday. Joseph Gaston, for whom this place was named, was guest of honor. Others from out of the city who participated! were Prof. Bates, Prof. Taylor, 1 and Rev, and Mrs. Barber, of Forest Grove and Rev. Curran of j Portland, formerly editor of the [ Condon News. The people of Forest Dale and Spring Hill sec-1 tions also helped to make the; service a success. All who at­ tended brought basket dinners Sunday, and an old fashioned! picnic dinner was spread on tables ' in Raymond Hall at noon. The many guests, together with the home folk, reported it to have been one of the most enjoyable! events they had attended for years. ismu A are fast coming to the front. They are driving every other talking machine and record out of the rnarket. Why ? Because they have stood the test for years. A number of other talk­ ing machines have been compelled to quit business be­ cause either the machine or the records did not give satisfaction. A good feature with the Edison machine is that the records never wear out. And another good feature is that the Edison machine and records are sold at the same price the world over. Whether it is in New Yoik, Chicago, Portland or Forest Grove, the prices are are all the same. Of course a number of people are send­ ing east for them, having been led to believe, by some fak e advertism ents, that they could get them cheaper by sending east, but if they investigate they find out they have paid exactly the same price that they could have bought the machine of the home dealer for, and perhaps $5 or $6 express charges extra. Besides this they get a machine that is not adjusted and they do not have a chance to hear the records. Every Edison Talking M a­ chine that is sold at Sraehr’s Bazaar has been set up, ad­ justed and tried before it goes out. A full line of records are always kept in stock. The Edison Talking M achines are sold on easy m onthly paym ents and absolutely guar­ anteed to give satisfaction. Edison Phonographs and Records STAEHR’S BAZAAR. The only way to success; what little we know and what a lot we do not know. Why our hens do not lay when eggs are 40 cents per dozen. Owing to the change of feed in the spring when they get plenty of oily insects they lay the most, so why not feed them oily feeds such as millet, rape, cale, sorgum and meat scraps, in connection with an­ other receipt you can obtain at the commission store. 52-41 J. D. R ode . WEEKLY WORD OF WATTS John Stevenson was out over Sunday with the home folks at Elkhorn farm. Mrs. Dorthia Seymour and little daughters, Dortha and Vic­ toria, called at Concord Ridge Fruit Farm Sunday afternoon. Dick Holscher was in town Tuesday, shipping the last of his grapes. They say there is nothing new under the sun. yet we find some­ thing in Oregon weather, that the oldest known inhabitant says “ never was like” before. This present "spellof weather.” for instance. Louis Stevenson was unable to attend school the last of the week on account of sickness. J. H. DeMoss was seen on the streets of Forest Grove Saturday. Mr. DeMoss has a large crop of apples this year that keeps him busy. Mrs. A. T. Buxton is away this week attending the National Grange Convention and National FOREST GROVE PHILHARMONIC COURSE Dec. 16 Marsh Hall, Main Street Garage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine Work. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 62X W . A . CH ALM ERS, Main Street, Forest Grove. £♦; ;*23*3E'-*2S*- >2EX*22 G U ARANT EE ♦ y ! CF The Queen City Ring Mfg. Co. O F B U F F A L O . N. Y. ‘Datedat Forest Grove, Ore., 1912 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that ring stamped purchased today; by S O LID G O L D ifiCr. and JYCrs. Christmas Shopper sold by SHEARER & SONS, of Main Street is G U A R A N T E E D T O BE S O LID G O L D , ~" ) ! V SEAL and u'e guarantee the sets to stay in our rings. Should any set lose out, hou'ever, ice will replace any stone, except f ^ diamonds, in any of our rings free of charge at any time. The Queen City Ring Mfg. Co. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M