Ori'K0n Historical Society F orest G rove P ress WASHINGTON COUNTY’S NEWSPAPER. No. 3 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1912. V o i. 4 CITY WILL FURNISH ELECTRIC POWER THE SEAL OF SO HOUSEWIVES MAY HEAT THEIR IRONS thanksgiving P'ant Will Be Operated Every CIRCUIT COURT WILL CONVENE Wednesday Until Noon-Re­ port of Finance Commit­ tee on Light Earnings. Hereafter the municipal light and power plant will remain in operation until noon of each Wed­ nesday in order that the house­ wives of Forest Grove may have an opportunity to do the week’s ironing with electric irons. This action was taken at a meeting of the City Council Tuesday night. Arrangements weie also made at this meeting for the suspension of the penalty required of the Warren Construction Company for failure to complete their street paving contract by the first of October last, so that the continued rainy weather, which makes the laying of bithulithic impossible, and which has pre­ vented the completion of the work within the specified time, may not work an unnecessary hardship upon the contractors, in the matter of giving forfeit. A resolution was also passed authorizing the redemption of the first issue o f street improve­ ment bonds, which fell due No­ vember 15. The finance committee sub­ mitted the following report upon the receipts and expenditures of the light fund of the city:- Forest Grove, Oregon. November 19, 1912. To the Common Council of the City of Forest Grove, Washing­ ton County, Oregon. We, the undersigned finance committee of said council, here­ by respectfully submit the fol­ lowing report o f the receipts and expenditures of the light fund of said city for the ten months p reced in g and ending Novem­ ber 1, 1912. Items of Receipt. Receipts from the users of light: January $800.45 February 737.08 March 766 42 600.18 April 525.47 May 504.89 June 441.05 July 420.25 August 430.90 September 543.75 October $5770.44 Total cash receipts Lights Furnished for Public Purposes. 86 lights, 10 months for streets $1290.00 75.30 Library, 10 months 26.73 Firehouse, 3 months 72.90 Powerhouse 10 months Wash. Co.Agri., and Live- 25.00 stock Association 30.24 8 light posts, extra 1 mo. Total Gash received $1520.17 5770.44 Total revenue Total disbursements $7290.51 3849.74 $3440.77 Net returns to city Expenditures Items o f expenditures Salary $1900.00 Expense, oil. boiler compound, etc 129.74 $2029.74 Extension work and materials $406.47 $2436.21 Jan. 1, 1912, 400 cords wood Nov. 1, 1912, 160 cords wood Paid for to Nov. 1, Expense and salary $3.25 1300.00 $8.25 520.00 $1820.00 2029.74 $38-19.74 O. M. S anford J. M. B arber Committee. The Grand theatre, a new photo-play house located on Main street, will be thrown open to the public on Saturday evenihg. W. F. Burke, the proprietor of the enterprise, has arranged an excellent program for the introductory date. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith, of this city, entertained some N o r t h Dakota friends last Sunday. STATE CONVENTION OF Y. M. C. A. TO BE HELD IN THIS CITY NEXT JANUARY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS MAKE Arrangements Perfected for Big READY FOR COMING DEBATES AT HILLSBORO ON MONDAY Religious Meeting-Delegates Considerable litigation will be tried out before the Circuit j Court of Washington county, which opens in Hillsboro Mon­ day, November 25, although there are no criminal cases of a ] serious nature to be presented. Thirty-one jurors have been se­ lected, including S. A. Walker, Avery Rafferty, August VanLoo and Edward J. Boos; all of North Forest Grove. Twenty-eight of the panel are farmers, one is a shoemaker, and two are clerks, I Tuesday afternoon in the par­ lors of the Portland hotel, Rev. W. A. M. Breck united in mar­ riage Silas Christofferson, the noted aviator of Portland, and Mrs. Edna Becker, o f Hillsboro. J. J. Hutchins, a farmer in the Banks neighborhood, was a visitor in the Grove Tuesday. Mr. Hutchins tells of picking strawberries in October from a small patch less than three-quar­ ters of an acre, which netted h*im $70. The evening of December 13, Coming from Ail Sections the students of the Forest Grove High School will enter into de­ Oregon and Idaho. bate with teams representing the High Schools o f The Dalles and McMinnville. The team from Friday afternoon last, in The Dalles will come to Forest [ Marsh Hall of Pacific University Grove, where the local team will ¡a representative committee of take the affirmative. At Mc­ | business men, Y. M. C. A. work­ Minnville, the Grove students ers and the clergy of the city will assume the negative. A try completed preliminary arrange­ out was held Saturday night, ments for the State Convention with Prof. Burt, of the Hillsboro [of the Young Men’s Christian | High school as judge, and the j Association, which is to ho held i following chosen to represent in this city January 10, 11 and 12 this eitv. Ella Garrigus, Ruth of the coming year. Under the [Troutman, Carl Peterson, Geo. [ guidance of I. B. Rhodes. State Parker, Vinton Robinson, Glenn Secretary for Oregon and Idaho, j Morgan, Tom Roe and Claude a competent committee of ar­ Hutchins. rangements was appointed and the various sub committees des­ Messrs Hess and Mack, recent ignated. Principal H. L. Bates arrivals in the Grove from John was chosen as permanent chair­ Day county, have purchased the man of the committee of the U. S. Livery and are preparing whole, and the following heads to handle all business that may of sub-committees named. En­ come their way in a manner tertainment of delegates. Thos. whiehjwill be eminently satis­ VV. Leonard. Banquet for dele­ factory. gates, Prof. Bean. To perfect arrangements for men’s meeting on Sunday afternoon, C. E. Ostrander. P u b 1 i c i t y, Prof. Bates. Finances. Senator E. VV. Haines. Ushering, Eg- I bert Bishop. It is estimated that close to Popular Young People of Forest Harriman Line Employees Take Ruling of Federal Judge Places 1250 delegates will he in attend­ ance, and in all probability this Grove Happily Joined in In Pacific Northwest Land All Initiative and Referen­ number will be greatly aug­ mented by friends and visitors. Wedded Bliss on Sat­ Products Show at Port­ dum Measures Into Im­ Secretary^ Rhodes expects the urday Afternoon. land in Solid Phalanx. mediate Effect. greatest gathering held in years. DEATH CALLS FATHER CUPID AGAIN SHOUTS RAILROAD CLERKS IN WOMEN TO CAST VOTE O F SCHOOL TEACHER PAEAN OF V IC T O R Y GREAT STREET PARADE AT NEXT CITY ELECTION ---------------------------- Frank H. Norton Passes Away At His Home In This City Monday-Buried In For­ est View Yesterday. ■ ----------------------------- The Southern Pacific evening Last Saturday afternoon at Perhaps nothing has occured Frank H. Norton, who has re­ S alem , Oregon. —A s under a sided in this county for the past 16:30, in the home of the bride’ s, in recent years to show the I ruling made by Judge Bean of passenger from Portland, which three years, died at his residence parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H? changed attitude toward the the federal bench at Portland a carries the mail, will hereafter in Forest Grove Monday, after a ! Martin, just east of town, Rev. public than the interest the rail­ year ago initiative or referendum reach Forest Grove at 5:30 p. m.- short illness of Gastric fever. j Hiram Gould spoke the final roads are now showing in the Pa­ measures go into effect just as instead o f 6 o ’clock. This ar­ Deceased was close to 72 years j words which united in the holy cific Northwest Land Products soon as a majority vote is cast in rangement will give the busi­ of age. He was born near Ionia, | bonds o f wedlock Miss Marian Show held at Portland this week, their favor, the Malarkey public ness men an opportunity to se­ Michigan, April 7, 1841, and L. Martin and Clyde M. Perry. and the railroads are not ¡only utility bill is now in effect. The cure their evening mail before spent his early boyhood on a Miss Martha Mrrtin, a sister of offering expensive cups as prizes, bill gives the Railroad Commis­ the supper hour. farm in that vicinity. In 1877 j the bride, acted as bridesmaid aiding the show people in carry­ Mrs. F. J. Miller entertained sion power to control and regu­ he was married to Marietta Hen­ J and Glenn Wagner stood up with ing exhibits, placing booths of late all public utilities save those the ladies o f the Forest Grove The bride was their own in charge of experts, dricks of Danville, Michigan. To j the groom. Bridge club, yesterday after­ which are municipally owned. this union three children, all of ! beautifully g o w n e d in white but the Harriman lines in Ore­ noon, in honor o f Miss Margret Under this ruling also every whom were with him at the time crepe while the groom was gon gave a half holiday for all other initiative or referendum Hines, who has arrived at her ! dressed in conventional black, clerks in the general offices and of his death. A very enjoy­ measure passed at the last elec­ first birthday. In 1884 Mr. Norton moved i At the conclusion of the cere- free tickets for the employees tion goes into effect at once. able time was had. with his family to Forman, N. i mony, which was performed in and their families to attend the Among other measures that it At the Congregational church D. where be took up a premption the presence of immediate rela­ show yesterday afternoon. Ev­ puts into immediate effect is the Sunday morning Rev. Thomas tives and friends, a delightful erybody admits that the m’llen- claim. In Janurary 1888, he was woman’s sufFrage bill. This will will take for his subject “ The niummay be close at hand, caught in the great blizzard wedding supper was enjoyed. give the women o f this city the Uninixed Blessing.” In the Mrs. Perry has been a teacher And those 1200 clerks cele* which swept that country and privilege of voting at the city evening the members o f the Con­ was compelled to spend the night in the public schools of this city brated properly. A few of them election, which will he held in gregational church will join with under a temporary shelter made for two years past, and has a really know something about January. the congregation o f the Meth­ from a sleigh box. In 1890 he host o f f r i e n d s among the farming. One of them owns a odist Episcopal church in a Home moved back to a farm near Dan­ scholars and p a t r o n s of the cow and another has made affi­ Missionary rally. REBEKAHS OF FOREST GROVE CELE­ schools. She is a faithful work­ davit that he got three potatoes ville, Michigan and in 1910 the The pulpit of the Forest Grove family emigrated to Oregon, er in the Methodist Episcopal out o f one hill in his garden this BRATE TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY since which time they have resid­ i church and Sunday school, of fall. But they had a parade from One o f the most enjoyable Methodist Episcopal church was ed in various portions of the Will­ | which she has been a member the Wells-Fargo to the land show ! events of the week was the cele­ occupied Sunday morning by amette valley. Besides the for years. The groom is well on East side. They had a band, bration of the twenty-eighth an- Rev. Nathan English, who de­ three children, two brothers and known as a young man of sterl­ a quartette, floats, character im­ [ niversary of the founding of the livered an interesting and in­ Rev. En­ m e sister survive James W. Nor­ ing qualities, and an active personations, 50 wheel-barrows Rebakahs, the women's auxillery structive discourse. loaded with fake vegetables and of the Independent Order o f Odd glish, who is visiting in this city ton Sr., of Duluth, Minn.; Fred church worker. A. Norton, of Lisbon, N. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Perry will oc­ a few other stunts that were of [ Fellows, which was held last with his brother-in law, E. G. Mrs. B.B. Hall of Lansing, Mich. cupy the Riley Boyd residence in general interest. ¡evening in the lodge rooms of Mills, was engaged in active It all goes to show that the Forest Grove Lodge No. 44. church work at Lexington, Ne­ Mr. Norton had been a member South Park until their new home, of the Presbyterian Church at I now under construction, is ready Harriman people, consisting of | Seven candidates were initiated braska, last year. Ionia, Michigan, for many years. for occupancy about the first of the S. P and the O. VV. It. &N., into the mysteries of the organ­ The funeral services were held the year. The P ress joins with and the P. E. & E., are alive to izations, and at the conclusion of BRAKEMAN INSTANTLY KILLED from the residence yesterday, their legion of friends in extend­ the fact that the farmer must be the ceremonies all partook o f a BY FALL FROM LOCOMOTIVE encouraged, and the people gen­ most excellent chicken dinner. Rev. Thomas delivering the clos­ ing congratulations. B anks , Ore., Ray Wilson, a erally must he taught something Officers for the ensuing term ing words. The quartette of the about the land. The educational were elected as follows- Noble freight brakeman on the P. It. & Congregational church rendered value of the Land Products Grand, Mrs. Otis Shearer; Vice N., was instantly killed in this suitable hymns. Interment was MOTHER COMING TO RESIDE WITH SON IS CALLED BY GREAT REAPER Show will be its great impor­ Grand, Miss Florence Temple­ city Friday afternoon, in at­ in Forest View Cemetery. tempting to hoard the locomotive The funeral o f Mrs. Anna tance, and a study o f it was of ton; Secretary, Miss C. Grahm; o f a passenger train. He fell, Wm. Emerson, of Laurelwood, Tumbleson, aged 66, occurred in benefit to even 1200 railroad Treasurer, Mrs. H. H. Porter. I striking a cattle guard and break- this county, has purchased six this city Monday. Services were clerks. ! ing his hack. He leaves rela- lots in Hall’s addition to Forest held in the chapel of the Forest THE CHRISTIAN CHUCH. | tives in Tillamook. Grove and will erect a structure Grove Undertaking company, WEALTHY FARMER OF SEGHERS C. H. Hilton, the pastor, will to be used as a manufaturing and interment made in Forest DROPS DEAD OF HEART FAILURE preach at the Christian church The press was to have been plant for the Cinch Gopher trap. View Cemetery. Deceased Mr. Emerson has been turning leaves a son, J. E. Tumbleson, of An attack o f heart failure, next Sunday morning and even­ j ten pages this week to handle Morning theme, “ Trust the large quantity o f news mat­ out the traps at Laurelwood, but this city, and a daughter Cora. which came upon him as he was ing. finding it necessary to enlarge The demise of Mrs. Tumbleson is doing the family chores last Our Safeguard.” In the even­ ter, including the real estate the plant, picked upon Forest one of peculiar sadness. She Monday evening, caused the ing the subject will be “ Drift­ transfers and Court proceedings. Grove as a logical location for his was stricken with pneumonia death o f A. Steckel a wealthy ing.” A word o f assurance to An accident at the last moment establishment.v The plant will while enroute from the east to farmer of the Seghers neighbor­ the public is that Rev. Hilton is .compels the crowding o f the give employment to from six to this city for the purpose of tak­ hood, in Scoggins Valley. Burial in practically no danger from the front page and the killing of ten people. ing up her residence with her was made Friday in Mt. Angel present scare. The local board numerous articles. son, and passed awavat Eugene. Cemetery. He was 75 years of of health and the state board of Deceased was horn at health concur in that decision, A series o f instructive talks Mrs. Tumbleson was horn in age. Mr. Marsh will move into his are being delivered at the High Adams county. Ohio, and in Wuerttemburg, Germany, and and certainly the church build­ new home on First avenue north, school building, dealing with the September of 1868 was married came to this country when young ing is in no danger. Services of the latter part of this week. care o f the person, within and to Nathaniel Tumbleson. She He followed mining and farming all kinds will be continued as Mr. and Mrs. Will Butler will without. Dr. W. H. Vollmer had been a member of the after reaching manhood, and usual. The public is welcome. leave for an extended visit in The Thanksgiving service will came to Oregon in 1868, settling Presbyterian church, of George­ spoke to the students Wednesday morning upon diet. Tomorrow town, Ohio, f -om her fifteenth at Seghers. Since then he had be held in this church on Thanks­ SanDiego, California, Saturday. been active in the development giving evening, Nov. 28. Rev. Dr. C. L. Large, the popular Dr. Brookbank will speak upon year. of the country about Seghers, Mr. Upton will preach the ser­ practitioner of this city, accom­ hygiene. Monday morning Dr. panied bv Mrs. Large, returned Semones will advise the students W. F. Kinman, o f Hoquiam, where he acquired a valuable mon. Mr. Steckel Tuesday from San Francisco, upon the care of the eyes, and Washington, was visiting with farm of 160 acres. next Wednefday Dr. Todd will his brother-in-law. Nathan Eng- leaves a widow and stepson, G. C. Gray, of Dilley, was a where they have been upon a i Gust Roth, to mourn his loss. i two weeks sight-seeing trip. discuss the care o f the teeth. i Groyo visitor Monday. , liah, in this city, last week. _____