7 FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1912. Forest Grove Steam Laundry I Take Your Coupon Book Wood, Coal, The leading and enterprising firms with whom we have arranged to redeem Press Coupons. Their prices meet ail competition. Cold Storage and Ice. Cornelius Main Street, Forest Grove • Ore. V Hardware and Supplies Hardware, Implements, Autos Cornelius Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove W. F. HARTRAMPH A . S. HENDRICKS GEO. G. PATERSON General Merchandise Furniture and Pianos Feed Mill will run every day in the week. Cornelius Main Street, Forest Grove Wholesale and Retail GASTON DRUG STORE SHEARER & SON Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole Wheat and Corn, Middlings and Silver Loving Cup Offered by L. W. Hill for Best Community Exhibit of several kinds of Hard Wheat Agricultural and Horticultural Products Displayed at the Portland Land Pro­ Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, ducts Show, November IS to 23. Hay and Vetch Seed. Drugs and Medicines Jewelers Gaston Main Street, Forest Grove BRIGGS BROTHERS FOREST GROVE PHARMACY Pure Drugs and Medicines General Merchandise Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Give us a call when in need. Dilley SUN-RISE GROCERY Forest Grove, Ore G. LUNDQUIST & CO. Groceries and Provisions Hardware Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Cherry Grove C. G. DANIELSON ERIC ANDERSON Bicycles and Sundries POLK’S' O R E G O N a n d W A S H IN G T O N Business Directory A Directory of each City, Town and V illas \ giving descriptive sketch of each place, location, population, tole- g-rap'.i. si Ip p in g and banking point; also c h .- .- id e d Directory, com piled by business and profession. > It. J„ J’ O I.K & C O ., S E A T T L E •is*? W. Weitzel «asaannHEi Watch for the Big Minstrel show Thanksgiving Eve. 2-2t Arthur Mills, who is attending 0. A. C. at Corvallis, spent Sun­ day with the home folk in the Grove. The Oregon Electric train which leaves Portland at 4:25 p. m. has been changed from a limited to a local between Gar­ den Home and Forest Grove. A reproduction of a label printed for D. A. Kennedy by the press appears elsewhere in this issue. The original is print­ ed in v.'olet and gold and has been pronounced by experts a beautiful specimen of typograph­ ical art. Lester Crossley, of this citv, who is employed by the South­ ern Pacific railroad as night hostler at McMinnville, had his hand badly burned by escaping steam, last night. He is under the care of a physician, and may be disabled for some time. About the twenty-fifth of this month, school enumerator Robert Wirtz and assistants will com­ mence taking a census of school children in this district. It is important that a complete and careful count be obtained and the co-operation of all parents is earnestly requested. J E. Gleason, of Goldendale, Washington, is looking after his property interests in that city. Mrs. A. G. Hoffman and daughter, Aileen, visited Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. A. K. Higgs, of Portland. ! Sheriff-elect J. E. Reeves was greeting friends in Forest Grove the forepart of the week. It is said that Mr. Reeves found hut one voter who failed to as­ sure him that he had had his sup­ port at the polls. The members of the Forest Grove Fire department held their regular meeting on Wednesday evening, which accounts for the sounding o f the alarm. Pre­ liminary action looking to the holding of the annual reception and dance of the department was taken. Mrs. T. J. 0 . Thatcher, Mrs. E. E. Williams and Miss Farn- ham, of the Forest Grove Wo­ man’s club, are in attendance at the Annual Convention of the Oregon Federation of Women’s clubs which opened in Portland yesterday, as delegates from the local organization. Alternates Mrs. B. F. White and Miss Mar­ garet Hinman, with a large number of club members, are also attending the convention. Jewelry and Drugs Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Cherry Grove FOREST GROVE STUDIO FORSBERG & BROSTROM Photos and Photo Supplies General Merchandise Forost Grove R. A. PHELPS Cherry Grove A. J. COOK THE C. C. STORE White Palace Cafe Day Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware Pacific Ave., Forest Grove Orenco C. L. BUMP & CO. ORENCO DRUG CO. General Meachandise Drugs and Jewelry South Forest Grove Orenco MORTON & FREEMAN W m . OELRICH Groceries and Provisions Builders’ Materials Hillsboro Orenco OFFERING AN APOLOGY FOR AN POWDER MAN KILLED DY BLAST UNINTENTIONAL ERROR LAST WEEK NEAR ORENCO LAST SATURDAY H il l s b o r o ,O r . , —A Coroner’s Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet jury Tuesday returned a verdict Metal Work and Re­ of accidental death in the case of pair Shop. Alexander Crawford, who was North First Avenue, between Main and killed by a blast near Orenco “ A ” Streets; phone 863. last Saturday evening. Craw­ ford was a powder man on the right-of-way work for the Ore­ gon Electric out of Orenco. A pathetic feature was the finding of a note in the dead man’s clothes from the 5-year-old son, which read: D eardaddy;“ I am going to have a mask halloween night, I want you to come home.” CHRISTIAN CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY. “ The Unturned Cake” will be the subject for the sermon at the Christian church next Sun­ day morning. In the evening the theme will be “ The Fear of ELITE MILLINERY PARLORS men.” The interest and attend­ National Bank Building. ance at the Bible school last Sun­ Miss C. E. Olson, day was splendid. There is al­ Successor to Mrs. Bath. ways a welcome for the stranger Hillsboro, Ore. and the visitor. In the hurry and hustle of get­ ting the P r e s s before the public upon schedule time last week an unintentional error was allowed to slip through, which, although small in character, never-the-less might be construed in an unde­ sirable manner. We refer to the double column head covering the report of the receiving of election returns in this c:ty, which should have read as fol­ low»; •‘MOST COMPLETE ELECTIONS RETURNS EVER RECEIVED IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, FURNISHED BY THE FOREST GROVE PRESS AND LIVE WIRE BUSINESS M E N ." This was thrown up by a traveler w ho had been engaged for the day, and it is presumed, so set in order to secure uniform­ ity of appearance. To those who assisted in this character­ istic bit of enterprise o f the PRESS, and feel that due credit has not been given, we hereby ! tender our apology. — • J. A . HOFFMAN OREGON NURSERY CO. Jeweler Wholesale and Retail Nursery Stock Hillsboro Orenco THE DELTA DRUG STORE M. R. CADY Drugs and Medicines General Merchandise Hillsboro Beaverton — PERCY LONG J. L. H ARDY Hardware Confectionery and Patent Medicines L. L. Hollinger j WEITZEL & HOLLINGER s GOFF BROTHERS GOFF BROTHERS / lnd Phone 50x Drugs and Medicines General Merchandise Cor. 5th Ave, and 2nd St., Forest Grove, THE JACKSON PHARMACY HOFFMAN & ALLEN RÌERTZ & LATTA 2nd Street, Hillsboro Beaverton MRS. M. L. BURDAN N. C. LILLY Millinery General Merchandise Gales Creek 2nd Street, Hillsboro SAELENS & SPIESSEHEART E. J. AYERS General Merchandise Gales Creek Meat Market 2nd Street, Hillsboro K1NTON & JENSEN A. C. DONELSON General Merchandise Furniture Banks Hillsboro PEOPLES STORE More Business Houses will be added to the list- General Merchandise — Hillsboro MRS. WINIFRED GUNTON Pope Photo Gallery Hillsboro, Oregon 1