5 FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. O’ EGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1912. J. E. Bryan, of Dilley. was Judge Stevens, of Dilley, was A | v wing the sights in the Grove, transacting business in Forest Saturday. Grove, Saturday. Embalming— Funeral Direct; g Dr. Lowe’s glasses are death W. G. Walker, of Banks, was j to headaches. Ask your neigh- FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. visiting his brother, S. A. Wrlk- ! b' rs. 2-lt er, of this city, Friday. J. S. Buxton, Manager Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vande- Twenty head of good, young, Phone No. 6*12 Forest Grove, r. D. G. Lilly, of Gales Creek, h y, of near Gaston, were busi- was a business visitor in the m ss visitors in the Grove Mon- well broke horses for sale cheap. See then at the U. S. Stable. j day, Grove Saturday. 2-4t L. E. H ess , Owner. Dr. Lowe’s glasses do not need Mrs. Grace Larimore, of Port- Just received. A shipment of the warantee that goes with lai d, visited Sunday at the home Whitman Chocolates, fresh from them. There’s a reason. 2-lt of her mother, Mrs. George Copyright, 1906. by Dodd. Mead 6 Company. F o r e s t Grove "H eaven bus given me keener per­ “ I I ji , ha! laughed Ills lordship shrilly. John Heisler, the well-to-do Hnghes, in this city. The epi- tne factory. “ I dare you!” H e turned his horse’s ception. your ladyship. I have seen his farmer of Gales Creek, made cures of the Grove will remem- Pharmacy. p ro m p tly obtained OK NO FEE T rade-M ark*, 2-lt C aveats. C o pyrights a n d la b e l s registered. head for home and moved off a yard lordship.” TW ENTY YEA RS’ PRACTICE. H ighest referen.-ee bt • Mr. Larimore as the former Send mortance to inventor*. Address , C. A. Hanley, County Com­ ; self quite badly. Mr. Dilley is •Tie’ll staud If you stop licking him.” sw er th a t question.” lot on Fifth street, near Pacific “You are q u ite d ry .” missioner elect, was greeting under the care of Dr. Tucker, H. B. WILLSON & CO. Patent "H alloa! Hey. B azelhurst!” cam e a Box 3 i ) l Willson Bldg. WASHINGTON. D T “T hank you. I deserve th e rebuke, avenue, and is erecting a modern f a r d ista n t voice. The adversaries five-room cottage. Charles E. friends in the Grove Monday. and is getting along nicely. glanced down the road and beheld tw o all r i g h t ” “Oh. I m ean you h av en 't been in the Hall is constructing the dwell­ Naturally. Mr. Hanley is much horsem en approaching from Bazel- river.” h u rst Villa—the duke and the count. pleased with the outcome of the “ Not since m orning. Am I w alking ing. “By Jove," m uttered his lordship, ¡election, and is determined to do suddenly deciding th a t it would not be too fa st for you?” George Snipes, a retired cap­ his best for the county and the “ Not a t all. One couldn’t ask to be convenient for them to appear on the italist of The Dalles, is visiting scene at its present stage, "my friends put off m ore considerately.” tax-payers. “By Jove,” he said involuntarily, his in Forest Grove with his neice, nre calling me. H er ladyship doubt­ Rev. Father Buck has received less is n ear a t hand. She rides, you adm iration g ettin g th e b etter of him. Miss Snipes, a student at Pacific “I beg your pardon.” w ith slightly University, and with his sisters- a letter from Joseph Wunder­ know —I m ean dem you! W ouldn’t have her see you for a fortune. Not elevated eyebrow's. lich, of Centerville, who entered Our Work Guaranteed and “ Do you know, you’re not a t all w hat in-law, Mesdames N. B. Hall and another word, sir! You have my or­ Cr ighten University at Omaha, ders. Stay off or I'll—throw you off!” I im agined you'd be.” R. F. Emerson. Your Patronage Solicited “Oh? And 1 fancy I’m not a t all this fall. Mr. Wunderlich is This last th re a t was alm ost shrieked Mike Strum, Sr., of Iowa Hill, aud w as plainly heard by the two whom you im agined me to be.” making excellent progress in his “H eavens! Am I ejecting an inno­ five miles from C o r n e l i u s , horsemen. studies and taking a prominent cent bystander? You are Lady Bazel- “By Jove, he's facing the fellow," brought in to the P ress office h u rst?” part in the athletics of the in­ said the duke to the count. recently, a beet weighing twelve “I am Tenelope D rake. But,* she “Ees eet S haw ? I’urbleu!” stil ution. His preparatory ed­ pounds. This First Ave., Foot Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon “ I’ll seud some one for th a t w atch. added quickly, “ I am an enem y. I am and one-half ucation was received at Mt. D on't you dare to touch it,” said his Lord B azelh u rst's sister.” shows what the quality and Angel. “ You—you don’t mean it?” lordship in tones barely audible. Then ! quantity of the crops produced “A re you disappointed? I’m sorry.” he loped off to meet his frieuds and “I am staggered a n d —a bit skeptical. ! on Washington county land are, tu rn them back before they cam e too close for com fort. R andolph Shaw j T here is no resem blance.” Mrs. Ida S. Burns, of Nome, U N D E R T A K IN j GENERAL BLACKSMITH1NG AND HORSESHOEING J. C, WEGNER laughed heartily as he w atched th e j "I am a bit taller,” she adm itted retreat. Seeing th e new com ers halt carefully. “U isn’t dreadfully immod- Alaska, is a guest of her brother, and then tu rn abruptly back into their est, is it, for one to hold converse w ith H. T. Shorb, of this city, and tracks, he picked up the w atch and her captor? I am in your pow er, you will remain until spring. Mrs. strolled off iuto the woods, ta k in g a see.” Burns, who has extensive busi­ “On th e contrary, it is quite the sh o rt cu t for th e d irt road w hich led thing. T he heroine alw ays converses ness interests in the land of up to his house. “I had him begging for m ercy,” ex­ w ith th e villain in books. She tells him gold, came out on the last steam­ plained his lordship as he rode along. w hat she th in k s of him.” “B u t th is isn 't a book, an d I’m not a er (the Senator) to reach Seattle “I w as on his land for h alf an hour be­ fore he would come w ithin speaking heroine. I am the adventuress. Will before the ice formed. distance. Come along. I need a drink.” you perm it me to explain my presence Oyster Cocktails at Shearer’s, Young Mr. Shaw cam e to the road in on your land?” “No excuse is necessary. Y'ou w ere Forest Grove. Try them. l-4t due tim e and paused, a fte r his climb. to rest on a stone a t th e w ayside. lie ( cau g h t red handed, and you don’t have Word r e c e i v e d from Prof. w as still a mile from home and in the to say an y th in g to incrim inate yourself Gardner, former superintendent loneliest p a rt of his dom ain. T he Ba- fu rth e r.” “B ut it is scacely a hundred feet to of the Forest zelhurst line w as scarcely a q u a rte r of Grove Public a mile behind him. T rees and u nder­ our line. In a very few m inutes I shall Schools, states that it has been bru sh grew thick and im penetrable be hurled relentlessly from your land an d may never have an o th er chance to two below zero at Lakeview, alongside the narrow , w inding road. T he light of heaven found it difficult tell w hy I d ared to venture over here. Oregon, where he is now locat­ to struggle through to the highw ay be­ You see, you have a haunted house on ed, for several days past. low. P icturesque but lonely and som­ your land, an d I ”— She hesitated. “I see. T he old Renwood cottage on ber indeed w ere his surroundings. Mrs. Melvin Markham, sister- Been deserted for years. "Some one com ing?” he said aloud, the hill. in-law of Marion Markham, City a s B onaparte pricked up his ea rs and Renwood b ro u g h t his w ife up here iu Recorder, and L. H. Watkins, looked up the road. A m om ent later th e m ountains long ago and m urdered She comes back occasionally, ! the popular tonsorial artist, is a horse and rider turned the beud a her. hundred yards aw ay au d cam e slowly they say ; m ysterious noises an d lights visiting this week at the home of tow ard him. H e sta rted to Ills feet and all th a t. W ell?” Mrs. Markham re­ “W ell, I'm very much interested in the later. w ith an exclam ation. T he rid er w as a woman, and she w as m aking her w ay spooks. In spite of the feud I rode sides at Clatskanie, where Mr. leisurely tow ard th e B azelhurst lands. over here for a peep a t th e house. Markham, who graduated from "L ady B azelhurst, i ’ll bet my hat,” D ear me, it's a desolate looking place. the Portland Dental College I d id n ’t go inside, of course. W hy th o u g h t he w ith a quiet w histle. “By George, this is aw kw ard! My first d o n 't you te a r it dow n?” about a year ago, is enjoying a tresp asser is in petticoats. I say, she's “And deprive the ghost of house lucrative practice. a beauty—a ripping beauty. Lord. Lord, and home? T h a t would bo heartless. w h a t do such women m ean by giving Besides, it serves ns an attractio n to them selves to little ra ts like Bazel- bring visitors to my otherw ise un- h u rst? Oh, th e sham e of it! Well, allu rin g place. I'm terrib ly sorry the i t ’s up to me. If I expect to ’make fo rtu n es of w ar prev en t m e from good’ I've Just got to fire her off these offering to ta k e you through th e house. B ut ns long as you rem ain a Bazel­ grounds.” N aturally he expected to be very po­ h u rst I c a n 't neglect my vow. Of lite about it—instinctively so. H e could course, I d o n 't mean to say th a t you not have been otherw ise. T he horse­ can ’t come an d do w hat you please w om an saw him step into the middle over here, b u t you shall be recognized w h at an u p-to-date D rug S tore m eans to you and of the road, sm iling oddly b u t deferen­ and treated as a tresp asser.” your fam ily. “Oh. th a t’s ju s t splendid! P erh ap s tially. H er slim figure straightened, her color rose, and th ere w as a —yes. there I’ll come tom orrow .” I t su g g ests once th a t “I shall be obliged to escort you w as a relieved gleam in h er eyes. As you can g e t a t a m om ent’s sh e drew near he advanced, h a t in from th e grounds, you know .” 6 notice stan d ard p ro p rietary "Y'es. I know ,” she said agreeably. hand, his face uplifted in his m ost w in­ and household rem edies, ning sm ile—savoring m ore of welcome H e looked dazed and d elighted.. "O f to ilet articles and sundries, course I shall come w ith stealth an d th a n of repellence. when sickness unex p ected ­ “ I beg your pardon.” he said; “doubt­ darkly. Not even my b ro th er shall ly com es to your household. less you nre not aw are th a t this is pro­ know of my plans.” No m a tte r how g re a t or “C ertainly uot,” he said w ith alac­ scribed land.” sm all your purchase may “T hen you are Mr. Shaw ?" she ask ­ rity. (They w ere nearing th e line.) be, we assure you ed, checking her horse w ith prem edi­ “ Depend on me.” tated surprise and an em phasis th a t "D epend on yon? Y'our only d uty is S E R V IC E to scare me off the place.” puzzled him. in all th a t which the term implies. We are in busi- “Y'es, m adam ,” he responded gravely, “T h a t's w h at I mean. I’ll keep to sa tisfy you. “th e hated Shaw. P erm it me.” and sh arp w atch for you up a t th e h a u n t­ he politely grasped the bridle rein. To ed house.” her am azem ent he deliberately turned “I t's more th an a mile from the an d began to lead her horse, willy nil- line," she advised him. Jy. dow n th e road, very much as if she “Y'es. 1 know ," said he. w ith his w ere a child tak in g her first riding les­ friendliest smile. “Oh. by th e way. would you mind doing your b rother a son. favor. Miss D rake? Give him th is “W h a t a e you doing, sir?” she ex claim ed sharply. T here w as a queer | n-at<-h. He ei he m ust have dropped flutter of helplessness iu her voice. It w hile pursuing me “ Y'ou run?” She accepted the w atch “P u ttin g you off.” he answ ered la ­ conically. She laughed in delight, and w ith su rp rise and unbelief. "H ere Is the line. Miss D rake,” be he looked up w ith a relieved smile. l i t . Good, ho n ­ “ I’m glad you don’t mind. I have to evaded. “Consider yourself lgnomln- e s t D e n tistry to th* do I t These feuds are such beastly lously ejected. H ave I been unneces­ b e st of m y ability. Could on« do more? things, you know. One has to live up sarily rough and expeditious?” 2nd. I exam ine "Y'ou have had n long and tiresom e to them w hether he likes it or n o t ” y o u r m outh and tell "So you are p utting me off your w alk,” she said, settling herself for a you its a c tu a l con­ m erry clip. "P lease don’t step on our place? Oh. how lovely!” d ition b efo re I be­ “I t isn ’t far, you know —Ju st down side.” H e released the bridle rein and g in y o u r a c tu a by those big rocks. Your line is there. doffed bis h a t w ork, s ta tin g in a d ­ “ I shall bring ray horse tom orrow ,” Of course.” he w ont on politely, “you vance w h a t t h e he rem arked significantly. co st w i l l be. If know th a t there is n feud.” “ I m ay bring the duke,” she said ready, w e begin: if ”Oh, yes; I’ve heard you discussed. _________ n ot, th e e x a m in a ­ Besides, I m et Tom pkins and Jam es sw eetly. tion costs you noth “ In th a t case I shall have to bring th is morning. Pardon me. Mr. Shaw , b u t I fancy I can get on w ithout be­ an e x tra m an to lead his horse, i t In*. 3rd. I g u a ra n te e all th a t I do, as I eonsidex w on't m a tte r.” in g led. W ould you m ind”— w ork n o t w o rth g u n ra n te e in g , n o t w orth doing “My d ear m adam , th e re is no a lte r­ “So th is rock is th e dividing line?” T h is h as been m y policy. "Yes; you are on the safe side now native. I have taken a solemn vow per­ 4 th . A b so lu te cleanliness. E v e ry In stru m e n t —and so am I, for th a t m atter. The sonally to eject all B azelhurst tre s­ m u s t be clean sed , and a re used a s th e y a re taken p assers from my place. You forget line Is here,” and he drew a broad line from th e steriliz e rs. 6th. M y p ric e s a re re a so rab le , n o t ad v ertised t h a t I am . by your orders, to be throw n In th e d u st from one side of the road into th e river and all th a t. Don’t be to th e other. “My orders are th a t you c h e a p prices to lu re you in, a n d th e n c h a rg e you alarm ed! 1 don’t mean to throw you are not to ride across th a t line a t your m o re —b u t a p ric e t h a t w ill m ak e m ore frie n d s m ore p a tie n ts ; one p rice to alL peril.” Into th e river.” “And you are not to cross It eith er at “Bv my orders? I t seem s to me th a t you have confused me w ith Lord Ba- vour Deril." i N. W. U . i i t i t.U> and uak. 2nd floor, taka aiavaua — -•» (TO BE CONTINUED) s e lh u r s t” _ Closing O ut Sa!e of Odd Pieces of Furniture At Greatly Reduced Prices All Furniture that is tagged with red tags are the close-outs. Some of these pieces have been in stock for some time and seemed to be slow sellers, but 1 have reduced the prices so that they will move now. T hat I have a limited amount of different articles, as follows: Dressers, Buffas, China Closets, Beds, Chairs, Rockers, some Rugs, Lace Curtains, Lounges and Center Tables. In fact something of each article, have to come early to get the best buys. You will DID YOU EVER Stop to Consider P aint PURE MASURY’S WHITE PAINT in 5-gallon cans at $1.95 per Gallon A Paint Insurance Policy. W e have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for GOLD SEAL PAINT. W e are authorized by the manufacturer to issue a written guarantee over our own signature that the paint will last five years. Special GOLD SEAL PAINT at $1.95 per Gallon. Let us figure on your whole bill of Paint, Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, etc. PURE WHITE LEAD, PURE LINSEED OIL, WALL PAPER and CLOTH in stock. Dishes Pacific Drug Co. - J WHY NOT? Dr. ElofT.Hcdlund, Dentist At C ost Must close these out. See my windows Linoleum A few remnants of Linoleum cheap. All Linoleums reduced. Sewing Machines Guaranteed Sewing Machines, with drop head, Special $16.50. Guaran­ teed ten years by the maker. Have a limited amount of other Sewing Machines that will be sold at cost this week only. GEORGE G PATERSON FOREST GROVE, OREGON.