Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 14, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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F o r e s t G r o v e p r e s s it, at the close
o f the school
G. Edwin Secour, Editor
J. N. Hoffman, Associate Editor
and development in things educa­
tional which will set a standard
TH E PRESS P U B L IS H IN G CO for those to come.
T elephones :
O ffice 502
R e s id e n c e
T erms of S ubscription
One year, in advance.................... $ 1.50
Six months, in advance............... .75
Three months, in advance..................50
NOVEMBER 14, 1912.
Display advertisements for publication in the
P r e ss must be in this office not later than Tues­
day evetnina: to insure appearance in current issue
Entered at the post office at Forest Grove, Ore.
as mail matter o f the second class.
Yes, it true there is lots of
rain in Oregon, but look at the
crops produced.
The man who lives in any
community without working for
its interest is riding someone
else’s horse.
“ Single Tax” the bugaboo of
the investor and the man who
“ does things” has been over­
whelmingly defeated and rele­
gated to the archives of ancient
history, so far as Oregon is con­
The development of
the state as a whole should now
proceed u n c h e c k e d and un­
hampered. The upbuilding of
great industrial enterprises will
be but a matter of time, and
limited time at that. The eyes
of the capitalists have long been
turned toward Oregon, as the
one state on the Pacific slope
wherein opportunity awaits, and
that these capitalists propose to
pour wealth into the state, and
ffiColary Public
D e m o c r a t s should tender
“ Teddy” a congratulatory mes­
sage for his aid in the president­
ial victory.— Hood River Glacier.
The idea of patronizing our
neighbor will be brought to the
fore on November 21, which has
been proclaimed “ Made in Ore­
gon Day” by Governor West,
and officially decreed a holiday,
The Oregon Manufacturers’ as­
sociation will meet in Portland
on that date, and Portland busi­
ness houses will decorate and ar­
range window displays for the
proper exposition of “ made in
Oregon” goods and “ grown in
Oregon” products. The idea is to
bring before the people of the
state the necessity o f patroniz­
ing themselves, and to pre /ail
upon them to use “ made in Ore­
gon” goods and eat “ Oregon
grown” foods.
Saturday, in Forest Grove, the
first session of the Washington
County Teachers’ association, for
the present school period, was
held in the Central school build­
ing. The work undertaken was
o f such a nature as to materially
assist the county teachers in the
performance o f their duties, and
the furtherance o f education
throughout the county. At these
gatherings, which are of untold
benefit, both to teacher and pu­
pil, ideas are exchanged, pro­
grams mapped out, and the gen­
eral work o f teaching the young
gone into in a thorough ami
practical manner. The meetings
o f the association should In* at­
tended by every teacher in the
county, and the ideas secured
put to practical use in the every­
day work. This county has al­
ways had an association, but the
present organization is expected
to excell in every way the efforts
Of the past, and to leave behind
Treatment by Special Appoint*
ment Only
W . Q . T u ck er, M . D.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls answered promptly day or night
Phone: Oifice 271, Uesidence 2»3.
W . E. Pettenger, D. M. D.
Room 6, Hillsboro National
Bank Building
Hillsboro, Ore.
R. M . Erwin, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Tamiesie Bi ilding
3d and Main Sts.
Real Estate
Hillsboro, Ore.
S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M.
Physician and Surgeon
Farmers do not look like they
used to, nor do they talk like
they used to, but then neither do
they farm like they used to.—
Farm and Home.
Delta Building
Hillsboro, Ore.
H ollis & G raham
C. H. P ollock , D. M. D
Linklater Building
Phone Main 74
A ttorneys-al-LaW
Hillsboro, Ore.
Forest G rov e, O g n .
E lm er H. Smith, M. D., D. O.
Physician , Surgeon
and Osteopath
E. B. T on g u e,
District Attorney.
Calls answered day or night.
Hillsboro National Bank Bldg.
Hillsboro, Ore.
Hillsboro, Ore.
■ * n
It is pretty hard to make a
case of the Salem boiler explo­
sion, with both McNamaras in
prison and the rest at Indian­
apolis. —Oregonian.
Dr. H. R. K a u ffm a n
Physician & Surgeon
Dr. S. M. R egan , D. V . S.
Res. Phone City 133
Office Phone Main 783
3rd St.,
block N. of Main St.
Forest Grove N at’l Bank Building
Phone Main 0131
Forest Grove, Ore.
Hillsboro, Ore.
Dr. E. B. B rook ban k
J. O. R o b b , M . B. T or.
If the American balloon enter­
Physician and Surgeon
Physician and Surgeon
ed in the Berlin races had been
204-ti Nixon Building
Phone City 384
inflated with some o f our pre­ Phone: Main 80x
Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg.
Residence 35x
election gas it might have stay­
Hillsboro, Ore.
Forest Grove, Ore.
ed up longer . —Eugene Register.
Now that the National spar­
ring match is over, the politi­
cians of Forest Grove are turn­
ing their attention to the city
election, which is due directly
after the first of the year.
D A Y .”
Osteopathic Physician
Hillsboro, Ore
Joe Cannon’s old auto has been
sold in Portland for $600. All
his machines seem to have gone
to the bad. — Eugene Daily Guard.
and fruit
enter ex­
Land Pro­
D R . C .E . W A L K E R
Lots of wet leaves scattered
on the sidewalks, to the detri­
ment of pedestrians. Just a few
minutes work with a broom
would improve walking.
“ M A D E IN
B en ton B ow m an
A good way to increase the
proportion of farm taxes in
Washington county is to decrease
the value of store property in the
The man who invests money
in farm improvements in Wash­
ington county does not merely
get interest on the money; he
increases the principal.
Hillsboro, Ore.
The completion of the fruit
cannery should be but a step in
the development o f the industri­
al possibilities of Forest Grove.
How many of the
ton county farmers
growers are going to
hibits at the Portland
ducts show ?
D R. K . S. M Y E R S
D R. E T H E L J. M A R T IN
O steop ath ic Physicians
assist in its rise to commercial j grow up by itself. Its destiny | W . M. L angley & Son
and industrial supremacy, is a should be guided by the wisdom
fact acknowledged without re­ of its elders. There is no lack
servation by all who are familiar o f elders in any town who have
Forest G rov e, O gn .
opinions as to what is wrong
with existing conditions.
with it. They are to be found
at the grocery stores, the cigar W . P. D yk e
stores and every common meet­
A Homey-al-LaW
A town is in some ways like a ing place. If these wiseacres
person. If it amounts to any­ would exercise their perspicacity
thing it must be largely self- in figuring out what would be
made. The town that drifts, good for the town, and then Forest Grove
like the person that drifts, or would all pull together in trying
the ship that drifts, is not likely to bring that good about, the re­ J. N. H o ffm a n
to come to the right harbor. If sult would be such a matter of
prosperity is the haven desired, local pride that nobody would
Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave.
it will not be reached without want to talk about anything else.
Phone 502
Forest Grove
determination and self-guidance. The destiny o f a community,
This truism has been applied to like that o f an individual, can
human conduct so often as to be­ be controlled; the possibilities of M ark B. B um p
come commonplace, and would development and improvement
not be repeated here except to are almost unlimited; and it is
emphasize |he fact that it ap not only wisdom but money in South o f Court House
Hillsboro, Ore.
plies to communities quite as the pocket for the citizens to
much as to individuals.
take their town in hand and try
A town is a problem like a to make it amount to something. D aniel D. B um p
It should not be left to
H . W . V ollm er, M. D.
T h e Sw eetest, T h e Purest, T h e M ost
W h o le so m e . In all size p ack a ges and
p riced from 5c to $ 1 .0 0
A Baltimore surgeon says that
many baseball players “ move al­
most o f themselves, with little
direction from the brain.” Yep,
we’ ve seen some of that kind.—
Rainier Review.
6th and Washington Sts.,
Portland, Oregon
Banking by mail.
4 %
paid on Savings Accounts.
Open Saturday Evenings,
6 to 8 for the accomoda­
tion of those who cannot
bank at other times.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Abbott Bldg.
Both Phones
Forest Grove, Ogn.
| Calls answered day and night
Office in Jackson Pharmacy
Cornelius, Ore.
Ind. Fhones
Dr. J. J. M urray, V . S.,
O ffice on 1 st S t .
Graduate o f American
Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S.
Veterinary College, of
New York City, 1881.
Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­
W . B. C O O N , V . S.
And in the midst o f a most
overwhelming political defeat
President Taft had to come to
the front o f f i c i a l l y with a
Thanksgiving proclamation sent
forth yesterday ! Can you beat
i t ? —Evening Telegrm.
Savings & Trust
Dr. E. J. C row th ers
Physician and Surgeon
G o v e r n o r Wilson showed
mighty good confidence in him­
self Tuesday night, or he has a
splendid nerve. He went to bed
at nine o’clock and let the morn­
ing papers tell him he had been
elected president. —Oregon City
The elephant may be alright
for the show ring, but the don-
| key does the real work every
day. Just where the bull moose
comes in is not yet determined.
So far he hasn’ t come in very
much and p r o b a b l y won’ t—
Roseburg Review.
The full membership o f the
Evening Bridge club were guests
o f Mrs. J. A. Thornburg last
Saturday evening at her charm­
ing home in this city. Five hun­
dred was indulged in and at the
conclusion of play a delightful
light luncheon was served. High
Prize vrert to Mrs. W. W. Mc-
Eldowney and Dr. C. E. Walker
and the consolation was award­
ed to Mrs. W. B. Haines and
W. W. McEldowney.
very enjoyable hours were pass­
Joh n M. Pipes,
M artin L. Pipes,
G e o r g e A . Pipes.
811 Chamber o f Commerce
Portland, Ore.
erinarian, I wish to notify the public
that I am prepared to answer all calls,
day or night.
Phone Main 95
F orest G rove , O re
Office with Brown’s Main Streeh Livery
and Feed Stable,
Phone City, 5 0 6
Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked
Every Day.'
sell 6 loaves o f B read fo r 2 5 cents
Free delivery to all parts o f the city
P a cific A v en u e,
F orest G ro v e
Forest Grove Planing Mill Co.
General Contractors and Builders
D ealers in L U M B E R ,
CEM EN T, S A N D and LIM E.
A ll Finishing L u m ber K iln D ried.
M anufacturers o f Fram es, M ouldings, Sash,
D oors and everyth ing requ ired in the build­
ing line.
W e sell Flint-K ote and M ik a do
A ls o Sherw in-W illiam s Paints.
R o o fin g .
Office and Factory,
Council St.,
Forest Grove