3 FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1912. Most Durable Air Tight Made The most durable air tight made is the Round Oak The body is made of 18 gauge dohble re­ fined boiler iron and securely riveted at top and lottom. It will outlast three ordinary air t i g h t heaters. W . O. W agner & Sons Forest Grove, Oregon M LLINERY PARLORS We bid for a fair share o f your patronage, and promise you the right treatment. MRS. M. L. BURDAN, Second St., Hillsboro, Ore. A. J. COOK R. A. PHELPS White Palace Cafe Forest Grove Pacific Ave., Ready for business New Lumber Company All kinds of Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. Sash and Doors Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Willis-Place Lumber Co. P h on e 0 1 X South A Street All kinds of Optical Goods. Forest Grove, Or. Watches, Clocks and Jewely. J. A . H O F FM A N W A TC H M A K E R AND JEWELER We solicit your patronage. Reliable work at moderate prices. HILLSBORO, ORE. Investment Realty Abstract Company Mrs. C. Roe, of this city, was in Portland on business last Tuesday. Mrs. Butler is improping slow­ ly, after her illness o f the past few weeks. Miss Florence Littler visited friends in Portland the latter part of last week. Whitman’s Chocolates are the best Chocolates. Forest Grove Pharmacy. 46-tf phone Sun-Rise Grocery J DODGfc, PfOpHetOr Alex Berry, of Portland, is visiting with his uncle, Mr. A. J. Spillers, of this city. Roy Harper, of the Gales Creek neighborhood, was attend­ ing to business matters in the Furnished room for rent. Grove the first of the week. Across street from Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Goullard, ! School. Phone 0270, M r s . M a r y of Brownsville, have been visit­ P a r s . 5 1 -tf ing with Mrs. Kerry the past Miss Clara Crawford, of this few days and have now gone to I city, visited over Sunday with California to look after business her sister, Mrs. Crowthers at matters. Gales Creek. State Commander Sherwood, Mrs. Neva McLean and two of the Knights of the Maccabees, sons of Alberta, Canada, are attended a meeting of the local ( visiting in this* city, with her chapter Tuesday night. Three ■ mother, Mrs. C. Knapp. candidates were initiated into Fred Hines arrived Sunday at the mysteries of Knighthood, the home of his brother, W. C. and at the conclusion of the cer­ Hines. He has been traveling emonies all partook of light but | tasty refreshments. abroad the past few years. Don’ t use anything but Sen­ eca Stock Powder, the guaran­ teed stock powder, for your horses or cattle. For sale only by the Forest Grove Pharmacy. 49-tf Mrs. Geòrgie Cheney, and son Donald, of Seaside, are visiting at the home o f the former’ s mother, Mrs. George Hughes, in this city. Mr. Cheney is pro­ prietor of a large general mer­ chandise establishment in the beach city. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Haines and daughter Bernice, o f Mc­ Minnville, were over Sunday guesis at the home o f Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Hines, of this city, Mr. Hines was formerly post­ master of the Grove aud a promi­ nent business mar. He still re­ tains extensive interests here. Health and happiness is in store for every woman, and care­ ful attention to herself will help her guard against diseases pecu­ liar to her sex. Nyal’s Vege­ table prescription corrects and prevents functional disorders. It’s what she should use. Ask at the F. G. Pharmacy. 50-tf L. E. Hess and C. G. Mack, of Prairie City, John Day county, arrived in the Grove the latter part of last week with a drove of horses, which they are offer­ ing for sale. Mr. Hess and Mr. Mack are much taken with this section of the Willamette valley, and in all probability will locate permanently. Recent accessions to the lib­ rary! A set of 18 volumes of James Whitcomb Riley’s poems, also a new novel, “ A Cry in the Wilderness,” by Mary E. Wal­ ler, the author o f ‘ ‘The Wood- carver of, Lympus.” The pub­ lic Library would be very thank­ ful for the World’s Work for Dec. 1911 to fill out a broken file. The Board o f School Directors of Forest Grove met Monday evening for the transaction of routine business. Bills were al­ lowed approximating $45 and orders placed for some badly needed supplies. The members o f the board are much chagrined over the failure o f the voters to support the County High School Fund measure at the recent elec­ tion. Why be bothered with two pairs of glasses ? C a l l at the Laughlin Hotel, Thursday, Offices, with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building. Nov, 21 and have Dr. Lowe Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro. show you the new Toric glasses with which you can see all dis­ GUARANTEES RELIABLE SERVICE tances. No unsightly lines or seams in the glass to catch dirt and strain the eyes. They make 871 you feel young without making Pacific Avenue you look old. Free demonstra­ F O R E S T GR O VE, O R EGON tions, scores of Forest Grove We are here to serve your needs. , No order too .mall or too Urge references. Remember the dav and date. 2-lt Makes Your Abstract Dick Crowthers, of Gales Creek, was visiting in the Grove Tuesday. Hot coffee and sandwiches at Shearer’s confectionery, Forest Grove. l-4t There will be a Mothers’ Meet­ ing at the Congregational church, j Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Livingston will have charge of the meeting and the subject j will be “ Boys and Boys’ Work.” Dr. Bean will tell of the Forest Grove Boys’ Club. Mothers of boys are especially invited. ★ TH E T H E A T R E U N ow L o ca te d in IU N ew B uilding Motion Picture Exhibition from 7:45 to 9:00 Three Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50 Matinee -2:30 p. m. Saturday Daily Change o f Best Films Procurable H ou se» fo r rent and fo r sale, little pa ym en ts and instalm ents like rent Central Oregon is a Boom HOMESTEADS: We can locate you on the choicest 320 acre homesteads in central Oregon. Will show you over Crook, Harney and Lake Counties, which will be a distance of three to four hundred miles by auto. One of this firm has recently spent two years in these counties and will gladly furnish all the in­ formation required. T. J. O. Realty Co. Hoffman Building. Phene 501 Forest Grove M o n e y to loan on a cre a g e and farm s AUTUM N DAYS Paving operations in Forest Grove have been suspended for the winter leaving two blocks yet to be completed. The in­ clemency of the weather delayed the work seriously but it is an­ ticipated that the two blocks in question will be finished by the first of May at the outside. offer the most delightful time of the >A% year for wheeling crisp air, good u 5 ,i roads and gorgeous scenery. If you do not possess a RACYCTLE or DAYTON wheel you need to get one immediately, so as to enjoy to the fullest extent the charm of an Autumnal spin on the finest bicycle ever built by hijman skill and matured experience. \ SU* Portland Marble Works \ I have got a good stock o f second hand wheels, all in the very best condition, that I am selling out at very low prices. Sundries, Lamps, Tires, Coasters and everything you need. E s ta b lis h e d in 1885 Carries the largest stock of C. G. DANIELSON HOME OF G OOD WHEELS Memorials. Phone 306 264-266, 4th St., S T A R Pacific Ave., FOREST GROVE, ORE Portland, Ore. For Your New Suit Overcoat or Raincoat we’ll tell you how to save $5 and at the same time be as properly clad and as warmly as if you had paid $20 for the or­ dinary kind of clothing. Drop into M oy­ er’s and you’ll need to spend but $ 15.00 for one of the famous M oyer Suits, O ver­ coats or Raincoats. In no other $15 gar­ ments can you buy the style, the service and the fine appearance that you get with them; they’re unequaled at the price—they are superior to many that are sold for more. Spend and S a v e - W ear Moyer Clothes W hen you see it in our ad, it’s so MOYER First and Morrison First and Yamhill FIVE STORES Third and Oak Second and Morrison 87-89 Third