«regen Historical Society F orest G rove P ress WASHINGTON COUNTY’S NEWSPAPER. Vol. 4 FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1912, COUNTY MAN IS AP­ MUSICALTREATOF WASHINGTON POINTED TO BOARD OF REGENTS “DON’T FORGET T H E K. Newell, of this county, MONDAY EVENING has W. been appointed by Govenor P U D D IN G ” No. 2 ALL INDICATIONS POINT TO SUCCESS­ FUL CATHOLIC FAIR NEXT WEEK The Catholic Fair which is to be g i v e n in Vert’s Hall on i Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 20th and 21st, will be extremely good, if the earnest work o f the ladies o f St. Anthony ’s church is any indication. They are plan­ ning a dinner and supper for Thursday the 21st, besides hav­ ing a bazaar with most beautiful and useful articles for sale. The 'Catholic Club will give an im promptu dance Tnursday even- i ing and there will he many and 1 various amusements all the time. While this fair is primarily for raising funds for the church, the pleasure and enjoyment of all visitors will be looked after, and everyone is welcome. Admis­ sion will be free. West as a member of the board o f regents of the University of Delight Grove Audience Oregon to succeed J. C. Ains­ worth, resigned. Mr. Newell A t University Hall. has been a resident of Washing­ RECITAL OF GREAT MERIT ton County for the past twenty- three years, and is a well known and popular citizen. He served Susie Fennel Pipes and Charles the peoplp as representative in Derbyshire Win Instant Suc­ the State Legislature during 1905, cess In Difficult Numbers. ’06, ’07, keeping an ever w atch­ ful eye on the interests of his Seldom has such an opportun-1 constituents and giving general ity been presented to the music ! satisfaction. Mr. Newell is now loving folk of Forest Grove as managing his large ranch near that of Monday night, when the Gaston, but will take all the time | first of a series o f four recitals, necessary to properly perform j under the direction of Eugene the duties appertaining to his Kuester, was given in Marsh' new office. Hall. Two artists of marked ability held the audience en­ tranced from the opening num­ ber till the final solo, and spon­ taneous and lengthy applause — Bradley in Chicago News. greeted the close of each portion of the program. Bull Moose Presidential Can­ B. W . Barnes In Attendance Susie Fennel Pipes, a violinist! didate Received Support Pledges Hearty Support of exceptional cultivation, in­ in Majority Precincts. terpreted the masterpieces of to the Organization. Violin literature with a depth and bredth o f feeling which ELECT OFFICERS FOR YEAR Will Provide Gymnastic Appa Welterweight Champion of Pa­ REEVES AND HANLEY WIN carried her hearers beyond the ratus for Use of Scholars at c if ic Coast Meets Match In Republicans Secure Every Loca1 present and into the land o f be­ Strong Sentiment Expressed Fav- 1 Central School Building. T a c k lin g Home Boy. yond. Under the masterly Office Except the Sheriff’s oring Continuance of Super­ touch of this great American ar­ and Commissioners. Despite the heavy rain of Mon­ In what turned out to be a visor Work in County. tist the violin speaks language day afternoon there was a large somewhat spirited contest, Wal­ real and humanly beautiful ! Time and lack of space prohib­ One of the most interesting- attendance at the meeting of the ter Arndt, welterweight cham­ it the publication of a full chart which everybody can understand. the Washington Woman’s club of this city held pion of the Pacific Coast, failed of the returns from all precincts, Charles Derbyshire, an English sessions of at the home of Mrs. William to throw Roy Devlin, welter­ baritone with a truly magnificent County Teachers’ Association but a careful summary o f the Proctor. Plans were made f o r ' weight cnampion of Washington ever held was that which took total vote cast for the various voice, scored an overwhelming the furnishing of rugs to the Art County as he had agreed to do, candidates should prove of inter­ success. Mr. Derbyshire is a place in this city last Saturday, room of the Domestic Science in one hour of time. The mat est to the readers o f the P ress , singer of marked ability, with a with Professor James H. Jack department of the L i n c o l n was spread in this city Wednes­ presiding. County Superintend­ and is given herewith: voice mellow in quality, exten -1 school, and the providing o f ma­ day night, and a good sized Taft electors, 6517; Wilson sive in range and evenly de- ] ent-elect B. W. Barnes, of Hills­ terials for the manufacture of crowd of wrestling enthusiasts boro, was present and outlined j 7138; Roosevelt, 7260; Chafin, veloped from the lowest to the; gymnastic apparatus to be placed from Hillsboro and Forest Grove 1427; Debs, 1628. For Congress, highest tone, and which he han­ briefly his proposed policy and in the play sheds o f the Central were seated about the platform pledged hearty support to the Hawley, Republican, led with dles with consummate artistry. school. The boys o f the manual when the principals entered the organization. 3128. Ben Selling, for United His rendition o f the several Strong sentiment favoring the training department will con­ arena. Arndt secured the first States Senator, secured 1686 difficult numbers well merited struct the necessary trapize, hor­ fall in four and one-half minutes, votes against the Democratic the generous appreciation shown. continuance o f the supervisor izontal bars, and other essentials useing a leg head hold and a candidates’ 1251. Secretary of The scond concert will be given work in the county schools was with which to equip the sheds, body grip. The Pacific Coast State-elect Ben W. Olcott secur­ expressed and a committee ap­ on the evening of December 16, | champion under-estimated his ed 3204 votes. 3285 votes were from these materials. when David Bispham, conceded pointed to bring the matter cast for Robert Eakin, candi­ On Wednesday o f last week, a adversary, however, and figuring date for Justice o f the Supreme to be the greatest of American properly to the attention of the j number o f the Club women met that the second fall could be se­ Court. Total votes cast for baritones, will render a program Representatives-elect from Wash­ with Miss Clara West and organ­ cured at will, played along with other candidates were as follows: ington County. of e x c e p t i o n a l merit and Food Commissioner—C. W. An interesting outline o f the ized the Domestic Science d e -1 the idea of giving the crowd an strength. Barzee S, 292; J. A. exhibition. When the minutes partment, of which Miss West is best method of piesenting a 342: A. H. Lea D, 1121; J. D. classic was given by a teacher of leader. The first clasif meeting began to disappear, he got down Mickle R. P. 2343. PROMINENT ATHLETE OF GROVE AT Railroad Commissioner T. K. SANITARIUM WITH TUBERCULOSIS English in the Hillsboro High will be held in the Domestic to actual work, but too late; the School, Miss Butler. Mrs, Hettie . Science rooms o f the Lincoln stalling had given Devlin time to Campbell R. D. 3209; J. G. Edward Jasper., who has been Skidmore illustrated in a graphic school building at 2 o’ clock get sound wind and a good rest, Voget P. 623. attending Creighton University District Attorney—Gilbert L. manner the plan she had found Saturday afternoon, and it is re­ and lie foiled every attempt of Hedges I). 1378; E. B. Tongue at Omaha for some time past, most satisfactory in teaching quested that all who may desire the coast champion to place his R, 2594; J. F. Welch S, 298. is now a patient at the Forest Arndt artistic ideas of school and home to join the class be present at this shoulders to the floor. State Senator 24th DisO —W. Grove Sanitarium, suffering decoration to her pupils. Mrs. ■ meeting in order that they will worked hard and nearly succeed­ H. Hollis R. 3279. from tuberculosis. Mr. Jasper Skidmore has had remarkable miss no portion of the course. ed in getting the decision several State Senator 11th Dist. — L. L. has been in the Sanitarium f o r 1 Paget, P. 580; J. B. Prickett S, success in this endeavor because j Miss West’s lectures and dem­ times, and in all probability, 396; Wm. Schulmerich D, 1400; the past two weeks and is now of her knowlege o f using ordi­ onstrations will last about two with several minutes more to go, W. D. Wood R. 2121. reported upon the road to re­ would have been victorious. nary fnaterials to achieve extra­ hours. Representatives -V. S. Abra­ — covery. At Creighton Mr. Jasper A three round boxing prelimi­ ham D. 1587; B. B. Reeves, D. ordinary results. stood very high in his studies, nary between Frank Ely, of 1384; Wm. R. Stevens D. 1181; Morning and afternoon ses­ CHEMAWA WARRIORS LIFT SCALPS and took a prominent part in the OF PACIFIC GRIDIRON GLADIATORS Hillsboro, lightweight champion J. M. Barber, P. 507; J. E. Mor- sions were held, and in the noon back P, 428; N. R. Bolilig S. 317; sports of the University, being of the Pacific coast in 1896, and P. E. Phelps S. 331; W. M. Tip- intermission, luncheon was The last football game of the considered an all-round athlete served at the Congregational par-! season to be played by the Pa­ an unknown, was quite spirited ton S. 348; John A. Chapman R, o f great promise. His home is 2347; Virgil H. Massey R, 2189; lors by the Missionary Committee cific gladiators proved one of and gave general satisfaction. about two miles northwest of S. A. I). Meek R, 2266. of Mrs*'M. A. Bean’s Sunday heavy defeat, their opponents, OREGON ELECTRIC TRAIN AND AUTO Forest Grove, and upon his d is-, County Judge— D. B. Reason- School class. the Chemawa warriors, gaining er It. 2429; R. O. Stevenson D, charge from the sanitarum he COLLIDE IN STREETS OF PORTLAND Before the afternoon session a victory by the score of 20 to 6. 1609. will remain there for some time, j The 10:30 train over the O re­ was brought to a close, | Both teams put up a strong bat­ County Commissioner—Hum­ or until fully recovered. gon Electric, out of this city phrey Boyd S. 298; C. A. Hanley officers for the ensuing year, j tle and played' fiercely through­ D. 1922; John McClaran R. 1888. Ssturday morning, collided with were elected as follows: out the halves, but the better PLANING MILL EMPLOYEE BADLY County Clerk Edw. C. Luce President,R.L.W’ann,of Orenco interferance on end runs and a an automobile at Tenth and Sal­ It D 3350 INJURED BY WHIRRING MACHINERY First Vice-President C. F. Grov­ more varied attack, combined mon streets, Portland, resulting Sheriff -J S. Applegate R. 2055 Omer Moore, an employee of er, of Dilley, Second Vice-Presi­ with steadier fighting spirit, in the breaking o f the air con­ John Boyd P, 262, J. E. Reeves D the Forest Grove Planing Mill dent, Wm. Proctor, o f this city, gave the spoils o f war to the de­ nections between the cars, and 2229. Recorder—E. L. Perkins, R, company, sustained a deep cut Third Vice-President, J.C. Ryan, scendants of a once mighty damaging the headlights and 3106, E, O. Shepard P. 566, J. mud-guard ot the machine, For­ on the side of the right hand of Beaverton, Fourth Vice-Presi­ people, wiping out the defeat of F. Thompson S, 468. tunately no one was injured. The Tuesday morning, while taper­ dent Miss Anna Taylor, Forest last year in this city. County Treasurer—R. A. Car- train was proceeding very slowly lile P 684; E. B. Sappington It, ing a board on the jointer. In Grove, around a curve at the time of 3002; W. A. Wilkes S, 531. some manner the board which A committee composed of Ja*. BEAVERTON LABORER TIRES OF LIFE County Assessor Max Cran­ the collision, and the auto ran Moore was handling slipped, per­ H. Jack, Mrs. Skidmore and Miss COMMITS SUICIDE WITH SHOTGUN dall R. 3143; J. H. Ray. S. 526 J. into the space between the cars mitting his hand to come in con­ Peachin, was appointed to ar­ H. Stephens P, 594. It is B eaverton , O r . . —Sebastian with considerable force. tact with the razor-like blade, in­ range the programmes. A con­ County Surveyor— A. A. Kirk­ flicting a w’ound several inches test committee, B. W. Barnes, Banz, laborer, age 51, committed presumed the accident was due wood I. D. 1433; Geo McGee It long, and cutting in to the bone. Jas. H. Jack and Miss Anna Tay­ suicide near his home in this city to the macnine skidding, caused 2632. County School Supt B. W. It will be several weeks before lor, was also appointed. The yesterday by snooting himself by wet pavements. Barnes It, 2702; Wm Scott I, 1309. with a shotgun. He had made the injured man will have the next meeting will be held at Coroner—Dr. Ira E. Barret R, Miss Ethel Smith, who is several threats to take his life on use of the hand, and in all prob­ Hillsboro, December 7. teaching at the Watts District 3049; Jared Wetmore.P 779. various occasions recently. He school, was a Portland visitor ability the little finger will be County High School Fund— No Subscribe for the P ress now. leaves a wife and seven children. last Saturday, ,2124, Yes 1357. permanently crippled. Artists of W orld-W ide Fame — COMPLETE COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS SCHOOLTEACHERS MEET IN THIS CITY ACTIVITY OF WOMEN PROFESSIONAL FAILS TO SHOWS RIGHT SPIRIT THROW LOCAL ATHLETE Dunbar ¡’, CITY TO MAINTAIN ALLSTREETUGHTS Action Taken A t Meeting of Council Tuesday Night Quiets Contentions. MANY BILLS ORDERED PAID Extension of Time Will Be Given Paving Company In Which To Finish Street Work. Forest Grove’s City Council met in regular session Tuesday eve­ ning and transacted little more than routine business, adjourn­ ing at an early hour. The War­ ren Construction Co. presented a request for an extension o f time upon their contract for paving, asking until May 1, in which to complete the paving of two blocks on First Avenne South, which had been delayed owing to the rain and the slowness of the railroad Company, whose tracks occupy the thoroughfare, in rais­ ing the grade. This was spoken upon favorably but referred to the city attorney for an opinion as to the effect it would have upon the contract and bond. A petition from the local grange requesting the council to take action seeking to safe-guard the young girls of the city from undesirable characters was re­ ferred to the vice commission. The Washington -Oregon Corpor­ ation. through its representative, C. W. H^ill, presented a propo­ sition for. the taking over of the city lighting plant, which was tabled with but slight discussion. It was arranged at this meet­ ing for the city to keep in re­ pair all streets lights, regardless of by whom erected. The report of the city treas­ urer shows a balance in the gen­ eral fund of $2,837.61. In the Library fund $364.85. Street bond fund $1,322.43. Road fund $963,48. Building fund, $94.85. Bills to the amount o f $1,638.21 were ordered paid from the gen­ eral fund. CATHOLIC YOUNG PEOPLE GUESTS AT SAINT ANTHONY’S RECTORY The young people o f St. An­ thony’ s Parish and missions of Cornelius and Gaston took po­ ssession o f the Rectory last Thurs­ day evening, and seldom have young people enjoyed themselves more. About forty were in at­ tendance and music, songs, danc­ ing and games were pastimes which seemed to make the hours fly, A delicious lunch served by the young ladies was the last in the c o u r s e of “ enjoyables.” During the evening a club was formed to give parties during the winter. Committees were appointed to secure a place and music as well as to issue invita­ tions. It is hoped by these par­ ties to eliminate all public, as well as Saturday night dances, so prevalent at present. PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING AT BANKS TO BE ENLARGED AND REMODELED BANKS, Ore., In accordance with the decision o f a majority of the tax-payers o f this district, expressed at the bond election recently held in this city, the present school building is to be remodeled and at least two rooms added. Owing to the inclement weather, actual work will prob­ ably not be undertaken until spring. When the contemplated changes have been made, Banks will have an up-to-date and mod­ ern school building in every way.