T « kêm FOREST OROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1912. LITTLE FOLK HUNT FOR GHASTLY GHOST W A N T A N D FOR SALE ADS. I------------------------------------------------ A most unique and delightful For sale or will trade one half Halloe’ en celebration was held block good resident location in last Thursday night at Green Forest Grove. Address P r e s s . Gables, the home of Mr. and A good building lot 70x100 j Mrs. A. G. Hoffman, when their feet, with fruit and berries, for little daughter, Aileen, was host­ ! sale cheap. Best residence dis-1 You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to ess to a number o f her young trict. P ress O ffic \ grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­ friends. The rooms were taste­ Good office rooms in the Hoff­ fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dormitory man building for rent. Inquire GALES CREEK. GLEANINGS MT. RICHMOND ROUNDUPS fully and appropriately decor­ in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­ 39-tf ated, and during the course of the o f J. N. H o f f m a n (Crowded out last week) more, you can receive systematic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy Mr. Stiles, of this section, en- F or S ale -Nice upright piano Messrs Dix and Bennett are joyed'a visit from his daughter, evening a most delightful hot the privileges o f the gymnasium and swimming pool. Inquire at the canducting revival meetings in who resides in Portland, Sunday. supper was served in the com­ very reasonable. 44-tf modious basement, which had | Press office. Enroll at this locality. J. V. Hubbard delivered a load been especially arranged for the Magoons, Gold Dollars and PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Miss Maude Lilly left Friday of fine apples at Fairdale this occasion. Those present were j Oregon Strawberry plants for for Education, Health and Physical Development, and for a visit in Portland. week. the Misses Thelma, Mildred and sale. Phone Press 502. Do It Now ! Miss Alice McCann, of Forest The “ Fairy Dell” dairy Camilla Mills and Ruth Burling- Matched team, 6 years old for Grove, V is it e d her home in this grounds are being improved by ham and Masters Gordon Bur- ! sale cheap. Address F. M ott , section, Sunday. the addition of several new lingham, John Watrous, Chester ! Phone Maple 153 Forest Grove. Miss Leda March, of Portland, gates. 50-tf Wilson and Earl Blitz. While For particulars address is visiting friends at Gales Creek. the young folk engaged in the Wesley Cooper, L. B. Dixon PR O F . F R A N K C. T A Y L O R , W anted —Girl experienced in and Miss Mary Yoder spent many pastimes o f Halloe’ en, Pacific University, WEEKLY W O RD OF W ATTS Saturday evening at Mrs. Allen’s their parents were entertained sewing to work in tailoring shop. Forest Grove, Oregon. by Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman. A Call at once. S amet the Tailor. J. W. Campbell, father of Mrs. playing Flinch and Authors. Forest Grove, N Main sreet. 1-tf D. A. Kennedy, left Wednesday , ---------- - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ------: | The Board of Directors of the very pleasant evening was spent for Colville, Wash, to spend the Mt. Richmond School District by all. L aw O efice with Library for winter with his son, W. W. held a meeting Friday evening J. D. Rode has opened up a rent. Want good live man t o 1 take charge of office and busi­ Campbell. at the home o f Mr. Bemis. commission store in his building ness. Address T he P ress . Miss Pearl Stevenson visited on Pacific Ave. and Second St. Mrs. Woods Tuesday. W. C. T. U. SERVICE SUNDAY EVENING and will buy, sell, store and han Fresh cows for sale. Continued rain is making it die on commission all produce, 52-4t J. D. R ode . ■ Sunday, Nov 10, will be observ­ difficult for the grape-growers to ed by churches all over the coun­ such as grain, hay, flour, feed, Newly Weds and Others Take harvest thqir crop. try as World’s Temperance Sun­ seeds, vegetables, fruits, beef, Notice. Mrs. Demoss was calling at day. The services for that even­ veal and pork, also good second FOREST GROVE, OREGON Do you want a New Modern Mrs. Holshiers’ Tuesday to see ing at the Congregational church hand house furniture and ma­ the little son who arrived last will be conducted by the W. C. chinery, implements, vehicles, house built to order. Small cash payment down; balance to suit. , week. T. U. at which time the follow­ hardware and other articles too Ready on short order. Mr. Higby and family drove ing program will be given, tell­ numerous to mention. Now if Phone 0191 C has . E. H all . up on the Hill Sunday in spite o f ing of the National W. C. T. U. you have anything in this line 52-4t you wish to dispose of, bring it the rain. Mr. Higby says he Convention. in and it will be placed before Hymn, “ Christ for the world we will continue to come as long as CARD OF THANKS the people, who may be glad to Sing.” the grapes last. We wish to extend our heart­ Every-one was busy Tuesday Reading of Crusade, Psalm and purchase. There is an abund­ felt thanks to the people o f For­ Prayer, Mrs. Kerr. trying to vote between showers. Hymn, “ Give to the Winds Thy ance of room, two floors, 50x100 est Grove for their kindness and feet. This is a business that Fears.” ---------------------- I has long been needed in Forest assistance during the long ill­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY. Mrs. Sterns’ Address, Prin. H. Grove, as it is not necessary to ness and death of our dear son. L. Bates. B oard of D irectors : This Sunday, at the Christian The Children’s Demonstration, make a big sacrifice between M r . and M rs . J as . H ocking , Orenco, Ore. Miss Penfield. church, the pastor will occupy seller and buyer. Amen. T. W. Sain W. K. Newell Geo. Mizner By the Children. the pulpit at both morning and Song, 52-4t ___________ John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock The Great Sunday Meeting, Mrs. L. J. Cori Not the cheapest but the best evening services. “ Encourage­ Bishop. The only way to success; what Oregon flour, made from the H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson H. G. Goff ment” will be the theme at the Solo, Mr. Richard Abraham. little we know and what a lot we E. W. Haines W. H. Hollis j best blue stem wheat money can morning service. This is a most The Last Afternoon, Mrs. Semo- do not know. Why our hens do I buy at $5.20 per bbl in five bbl nes. important subject and will be not lay when eggs are 40 cents lots. White Comet blended hard discussed from several very in­ Solo, “ Some Glad Day,” Miss per dozen. Owing to the change wheat flour at $4.40 per bbl. in For rent, 15 acres. All in Peterson. For Sale. teresting standpoints. Every high state of cultivation, goocP A Young Man’s Impression of of feed in the spring when they five bbl lots, from Crescent A good 6 room house and lot, member is urged to be present the Convention, Mr. Grath- get plenty of oily insects they Mills. Patronize local industry 50x100 feet, located on 4th buildings, fine water, two thirds at the evening service. well. Avenue. Inquire at Press office. mile of the Grove. lay the most, so why not feed to avoid hard times. T. J. O. “ TheConfederate,” a companion Hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That them oily feeds such as millet, 46-tf Realty Co. 49-tf 52-4t J. D. R ode . Binds.” sermon to the one delivered last rape, cale, sorgum and meat Sunday evening, will be the The Closing Hour, Mrs. Boldrick. scraps, in connection with an­ Hymn, “ God be With Y ou.” theme. Good interest is mani­ Benediction. other receipt you can obtain at fest in the services at this church the commission store. and all are cordially invited to PUBLIC SALE AT HIGGINS’ PLACE. 52-4t J. D. R ode . attend and participate. The Commencing at 10 o ’clock Fri­ Notice. Bible school is progressing nice­ day morning, November 15, a About Nov. 10, will have Fruit1 ly. ______________ public sale will be held at the Trees and all kinds of nursery Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ireland Higgins place, one-half mile stock for sale. The same reli­ full of just the sort of things you ought to wear, at were called to Albany last Fri­ south of Dilley, when the follow­ able stock that we always have. > ing cattle will become the prop­ day by the illness o f Mr. Ire­ No agents; that is why our prices ; just the prices you ought to pay; and here we are, land’s mother, but arrived al­ erty of the highest bidder: 6 are right. Come and see us. cows; one dry, one just fresh. most too late, as Mrs. Ireland Forest Grove Green House. ready to show you; whether you come to look or buy. died the following day. She had •I half Holstein, two year olds, Corner 4th St. 5th Ave. South. been a patient sufferer for some with calf. 2 half Holstein, heif­ Phone 0116 52-tf Silkaline for Comforts.................. 10c, 121 jc and 15c W h e n Skies W e e p , er calves, six and eight months time. Pure white Cotton, per roll........12' jC, 20c, 30c, 98c The Press and Weekly Ore ; old. This stock is all in good It’s time to talk of Raincoats Bleached Table Linen, 70 and 72 in. wide, condition. Terms: A credit of gonian from now until Novem -1 ...................................................... 40c, 65c and 98c Misses Rain Capes,...............................................$1.50 Napkins to match, per doz....... 75c, 1.00, 1.48, $2.00 9 months will be given on ap­ her 1st 1913, more than a year, New lot of Ladies’ Rain Coats just in. The prices Plain and figured Crepe for Kimonas and are right. proved notes at 8 per cent; 2 per the two papers for the price of House Dresses, .................... 20c New lot of Childrens’ Wool and Gingham Dresses. one. $1.50 pays for both. cent oil" for cash. Blanket Rohes in pretty colorings,.................... $3.48 New arrival o f Gingham House Dresses. Don’ t delay. New subscribers or| B. II. TuPPER, Owner. Huck Towels, hemmed ends,........... 9c, 12c, 16c, 20c Dilley, Oregon Black Sateen and Colored Messaline Petticoats, at Bath Towels,......................... 10c, 121 ^ c, 15c, 20c, 25c prices you'll like. l-2t W. H ughes , Auctioneer. renewals; both papers at the Phone 5 2 2 Worsted Plaids for Children’ s Dresses, ......39c, 49e New lot of Ladies’ Colored Tailored Waists. price $1.50. 45-8t W e’ ve a lot of Silk, Net and Fancy Waists left Heavy Storm Serges, all colors............................. 59c I I Dort’ t neglect the children’s to close out. The sizes are small so are the For Sale or Trade. Panamas and Wool Taffetas, all colors, 42 Expert Carpet, Rug I musical education. It is a sin I prices. in. wide............................................................... 59c for parents to neglect this part 54 in. Manish Suitings,.............................. 1.50, $1.75 IMPORTANT 8 Room Modern House in Sa­ and Fancy Weaving A Manufacturer sent us by express this week 22 of a child’s education. Have you lem. Oregon, 14th Ferry St. 2 7 in. Messaline, in all the Ladies’ Strictly Man Tailored Suits in Navy Orders called for a piano in your home to start the Paved street, sew rage, gas and Serges and Mixtures. They’re made to sell at W a n ted Colors. and delivered. $45.00, but we're going to close them out at just little ones out on, who, if they electricity, full basement and Remnants in Dress Goods in all Wool and tj price. I had half a chance, would turn part Wool marked away down. furnace. C has . E. H all . •< A FEW ITEMS FOR MEN AND BOYS. the gloom into sunshine for you The largest line of Hats, Shoes and Clothing in 52-4t___ A Great Slaughter in Millinery town, at the smallest prices. and others? I sell good reliable Our $10.00 and $12.00 Beaver Shapes. Hats You can buy a good Smith New things in Mens’ Ties, plenty to select pianos and sell them on terms to in whose company you’ ll feel proud, at $4.50 from......................................................... 25c to 50c suit you whether for cash, or the Premier typewriter at Staehr’s All our High School and Johnny Hats, clos­ Mens’ Heavy Blue and Grey Flannel Over­ ing out at........................................................ $1.39 shirts, were $2.00 f o r ..................................$1.39 smallest payment you can afford. Bazaar for $35. The machine is Hats trimmed free o f charge when materi­ guaranteed and will be kept in Mens' Sweaters, colors. Navy, Grey and —G eo . G. P aterson , Forest als are purchased at our store. White, were $2.00, f o r ................................ $1.39 repair, free of charge, for two Groye, Ore. Boys’ 75c Sweaters, cut t o .................................... 49c Glad News for Your Feet, Ladies. years. $5. down and $5. per Childrens’ 50o Rubbers cut to ............................... 35c Mrs. G. A. Dennis, Graduate month gets it. . New 15 button High Top Shoes in Patent Boys' $6.00 Overcoats cut t o ............................. $3.98 $3.50 Leather and Gun Metal. Specialist. Shampoo 25c., Mani­ We want to assure Mens' $15.00 Overcoats cut to........................ $10.89 $2.78 Ladies’ Fat Ankle Shoes, worth $3.25 for Century music at Steahr’ s cure 25c., Face Massage 25c. you we are prepar­ Scalp treatments a specialty. Bazzar, 10c McKinnley music 5c. ed to give you the Charges reasonable. Phone 0181. $3.55 Round trip to Albany via A gents for Ed. V . Price very best work in Residence utul office 332, Pacific Oregon Electric Railway. For the latest approved & Co. Largest M en ’s Agents Avenue. Albany Apple Show. Tickets designs, and that Tailors. Y ou r Suit Much o f the county corres­ to be sold Nov. 12, 13 and 14 your early order for m ade to pondence, which was crowded with return limit Nov. 16th. Portraits will insure m easure out this week on account of elec­ l-2t J. E. Farmer, agent. you the perfection tion matter, will appear next o f careful attention Sewing machine needles for week. to detail. any machine at Steahr's Bazaar. Do not pay 15c and 25c for St St sheet music. Staehr’s Bazaar, next to Post Office, sell the famous “ Century Edition” of i l 0010 l l l i f TINS Jl ' i ■ 00 ■ 0 r J00 sheet music for 10c per copy. i i YOUNG WOMAN ! At Pacific University W A T C H T H IS S P A C E ! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 0 0 0 . U. S. DEPO SITO RY. I PEOPLES STORE, HILLSBORO, ORE. Here’s a Store 8 — G. C. G R A Y , Photos for Christmas Presents ¡9 tS f°r Forest Grove Studio. 1 i A ^Jcrvt/ó re tvÀ ’C ft ' Pictorial R eview Patterns $ 15. up ! Peoples Store, Hillsboro ¡