FOREST GROVE l’RESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1912. Forest Grove SWEEPING DEMOCRATIC VOTE GIVES Steam Laundry HIGH OFFICES TO WILSON AND MARSHALL W ood , Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. MERTZ & LATTA Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., Forest Grove, Ore. W. F. HARTRAMPH Feed Mill will run every day in the week. Wholesale and Retail Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole Wheat and Corn, Middlings and several kinds of Hard Wheat Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, Hay and Vetch Seed. Give us a call when in need. lnd Phone 50x S. A . W A L K E R Forest Grove, Ore H. L ID Y A R D WALKER & LIDYARD SHOEMAKERS STATES CONSIDERED DOUBT­ DEMOCRATS WILL CONTROL FUL ARE CARRIED HOUSE AND SENATE New England States. New Yorl* The Solid South Returns Usual , and New Jersey Go Large Democratic Ma- Democratic. jorities New York.—The next president o. victory to Taft in New Hampshire. ; the United States will be Woodrow but the Taft plurality dwindled as the Wilson, present democratic governoi returns came in. of New Jersey, and the next vice pres The vote in Utah as reflected in the ident will be Thomas R. Marshall early dispatches gave indications that democratic governor of Indiana. That that statu wuiua be carried for Taft. is the verdict rendered by a majoritj The vote in Pennsylvania was amaz- j of the 15,000,000 voters of the country ingly close, the returns from more The size of the popular majoritj than 1000 precincts embracing 185.000 given the democratic national ticket votes giving each of the three leading by the states outside of Illinois that presidential candidates more than 60,- might give electoral votes to eithei 000 votes. Taft or Roosevelt were matters of con President Taft's lead in Philadelphia jecture. It seemed certain, howevet districts was offset by the heavy vota that Illinois would give a majority tc polled by Roosevelt and Wilson In Roosevelt, while the race in Pennsyl other parts of the state. vania was so close as to bring al. Many surprises were shown in the three candidates within range of sue returns. The New York state assent- | cess. bly seemed to be overwhelmingly Overturning big republican majori Democratic. In Illinois, indications ties in states never before carried bj were that Judge Dunne, the Demo democrats in a presidential election cratic candidate for governor, had the Wilson-Marshall ticket was swepl won notwithstanding the heavy Roose­ into office on the wave of a victorj velt victorj. Former Speaker Cannon that carried with it state officers, con seemed to have been defeated for re- gressioual seats and the control of 8 election to congress jn Illinois. number of legislatures. In addition to Roosevelt's appar­ Roosevelt Strong In lllincis ently certain victory in Illinois, the Second only in interest to the ove confident claims of the Roosevelt whelming victory of Wilson and Ma managers that Iowa, Michigan and shall, was the strength shown by Col Kansas wrould fall into the Roosevelt onel Roosevelt in Illinois. column seemed verified by the par­ Pennsylvania’s 38 votes are appar tially complete returns. The returns ently certain for Roosevelt. The race from California, while meager, indl- j between Taft, Roosevelt and Wilson cated a Wilson victory. The uncer­ was almost an even affair until more tainty regarding Vermont was settled than 185,000 ballots had been counted by the announcement of the complete Minnesota, conceded to Wilso | vote, which gave Taft a majority ol when early returns came in, later slip 924 votes. ped back into the doubtful column at The Providence, R. I., Journal, con j accessions to the Roosevelt strength ceded that state to Wilson, and wltl ! reduced the democratic lead. Iowa the vote close in New Hampshire, it j given to Roosevelt in the early re seemed probable that New England’! turns, showed a strong reversal ot entire vote, with the exception oi form and later partial returns give Vermont, had gone over to the Demo Wilson a slight lead. cratic column. 7 Take Your Coupon Book TO The leading and enterprising firms with whom we have arranged to redeem Press Coupons. Their prices meet all competition. TH E JACKSON P H A R M A C Y H O FFM A N & ALLEN General Merchandise Cornelius Main Street, Forest Grove GOFF BROTHERS G OFF BROTHERS Hardware, Implements, Autos Hardware and Supplies Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove GEO. G. PATERSON Cornelius A . S. HENDRICKS Furniture and Pianos General Merchandise Main Street, Forest Grove SH EARER & SON Cornelius G A STO N D R U G STORE Jewelers Drugs and Medicines Main Street, Forest Grove FOREST G R O V E P H A R M A C Y Pure Drugs and Medicines Gaston BRIGGS BROTHERS General Merchandise Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove SUN-RISE G ROCERY Dilley G LU N D Q U IST & CO. Groceries and Provisions Hardware Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove C. G. DANIELSON Cherry Grove ERIC ANDERSON Bicycles and Sundries Jewelry and Drugs Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove FOREST G R O V E STU D IO We are prepared to do the very best of all kind of shoe work, Drugs and Medicines Cherry Grove FORSBERG & BROSTRO M Photos and Photo Supplies General Merchandise Forost Grove Cherry Grove UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY R. A . PHELPS Special attention given to crippled feet. A . J. C O O K W hite Palace Cafe TH E C. C. STORE Day Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware Pacific Ave., Forest Grove P O L K ’S OREGON and Business Directory C. L. BUM P & C O . W A SH IN G TO N W E1TZEL & HOLLINGER Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal W ork and Re­ pair Shop. North First Avenue, between Main and “ A ” Streets; phone 863. SU R VEYO R All kinds o f survey­ ing and maping. Subdivisions a spec­ ialty. H. B. GLAISYER, Hotfman & Allen Bld'g Phone 806 Forest Grove, Ore. ITE M ILLINERY PARLORS National Bank Building. Miss C. E. Olson, Successor to Mrs. Bath. HilUboro, Ore. Drugs and Jewelry South Forest Grove Orenco M O R TO N & FREEMAN W m . OELRICH Groceries and Provisions WOODROW WILSON L. L. Hollinger ORENCO D R U G CO. General Meachandise A D ire c to ry o f each C ity, T o w n and V illa g e , g iv in g d e sc rip tiv e sk etch o f each place, location , popu lation, t e le ­ graph, sh ip p in g ' and b a n k in g p o in t; also Classified D irec to ry , co m p ile d by business and profession. K. I„ F O L K & CO., SEATTLE W .W eitzel Orenco TH OM AS R. Hillsboro M ARSH ALL The division of the republican vote Democrats Control House and Senats between Taft and Roosevelt resulted President Wilson will be supported in complete democratic victories in by a congress that will be Democratic many states. In New York the-demo- in both branches, thus insuring the crats carried the state ticket and the passage of a revision of the tariff an legislature. der Democratic auspices without s The total number of electoral votes possibility of the factional opposition Is 531, and the returns Indicate that which prevailed in the present con Wilson and Marshall have many more gress. than the 266 votes necessary to win. The House will be overwhelming!) Reports indicate that the electoral Democratic. The returns Indicate vote of the Democratic candidates will that there will be a Democratic ma pass the 400 mark. jority of 119 votes. This will Insure South Still Solid. the election of a speaker, control ol The so-called “ solid South,” Alar committees, a:*» dictation of ieglsla bama, Arkansas, Florida,- Louisiana, tion during the two years beginning Mississippi, North Carolina, South March 4. Carolina. Tennessee, Texas and Vir­ The Democrats according to the re ginia, which have uniformly cast their turns will have a majority of at least electoral votes for the Democratic four in the senate with a prospect ol presidential candidates in the past several doubtful seats being filled by six elections, is still solidly Democrat­ Democrats. ic, Wilson and Marshall polling the usual large majorities. Kentucky. T. R. Has Lead in Kansas. Maryland and Missouri, which with Topeka, Kan.—Returns indicate few exceptions in the past 25 years that the Progressive national ticket have gone Democratic, have given and the Republican state ticket bad substantial Democratic majorities. been victorious In Kansas. Progrès ; New York state’s 45 electoral votes sive leaders claimed the state foi ! will be cast for Wilson and Marshall. Roosevelt by a plurality of from 10,000 The indications are that Wilson has to 15,000, but the Democrats maintain carried New York state by a plurality ed that the complete vote would place of between 100,000 and 150,000. Re­ Wilson in the lead. W. R Stubbs ports from all parts of the state show (Rep.) was leading William H. Thomp : the vote was heavy, the efforts of the son (Dem.) in the race for United three gubernatorial candidates to States senator. bring out the voters being rewarded with success. Congressman Sulzer, Taft Loses His Home State. I’.ie Democratic candidate for govern­ Cincinnati.— Returns from 100 pre . or was elected by a large plurality. clncts out of 5211 in Ohio gave Gov Wilson Carries Many Doubtful States ernor Wilson 74,146, Taft 50,575 Wilson seems to have carried most Roosevelt 34,069, giving Wilson a plu of the doubtful states. Early returns rality of 23,571. In addition to giving Wilson and Mar­ Figuring the proportionate gain ol shall the “solid South,” Indicated that lovernor Wilson in each 100 precinct» the states of Connecticut, Delaware, tabulated, it was estimated that the Kentucky, Maine, Maryland. New Jer­ Democratic candidate would receive sey, Massachusetts, New York, West a plurality in the state of from 100, Virginia. Indiana and Missouri were 000 to 110,000 votes. As returns from the Democratic. meat began to come In Montana, New Michigan Conceded to Roosevelt. Mexico, Idaho. Oregon and California Det^lL— Returns from 145 out ol lined up in the Democratic column. 2115 state precincts show Taft 12,347 The early returns gave an apparent Roosevelt 20,330, Wilson 16.0««. Builders’ Materials J. A . H O FFM AN Orenco O REG O N N U RSERY CO. Jeweler Wholesale and Retail Nursery Stock Hillsboro THE D ELTA D R U G STO R E Drugs and Medicines Orenco M. R. C A D Y General Merchandise Hillsboro Beaverton PERCY LONG J. L. H A R D Y Hardware 2nd Street, Hillsboro Confectionery and Patent Medicines Beaverton MRS. M. L. B U R D A N N. C. LILLY Millinery General Merchandise 2nd Street, Hillsboro SAELENS & SPIESSEHEART Meat Market Gales Creek E. J. A Y E R S General Merchandise Gales Creek 2nd Street, Hillsboro K1NTGN & JENSEN A . C. DONELSON General Merchandise Furniture Banks Hillsboro PEOPLES STORE More Business Houses will be General Merchandise Hillsboro MRS. W INIFRED G U N T O N Pope Photo Gallery Hillsboro, Oregon added to the list-