FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1912. 6 BIG CATH O LIC FAIR D EV O TE D T O TH E IN Verts Liberal Hall, FOREST G R O V E , Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 2 0 -2 1 Dinner 12 to 2 and Supper 5:30 to 8 p. m. Thursday. Amusements of all kind. Fair will close with an Impromptu Dance Thurs­ day Evening. Good music and a good time is assured to all. Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Forest Grove, Oregon Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in 1 he Bankers & Merchants ELECT PO Cheapest and Best W ashington-Oregon Corporation. Junction City and Harrisburg Trains leaving Forest Grove 8:00 a. m. and 3:45 p. m., connect at Garden Home with limited trains for Salem, Albany, Junction City, Harrisburg and Eugene. Current folders give details of all trains. A V A L U A B L E SILVER TR O P H Y is offered by the Railway Companies for The Best Agricultural Exhibit of produce given along the lines of the Oregon Electric, United, Spokane, Portland & Seattle and Oregon Trunk Railways, displayed at the Pacific Northwest Land Products Show, PORTLAND, NOVEM BER 18-23. $ 1 .0 0 Round Trip to Portland T icket* on sale N ov. IS to 21 inclusive. R eturn limit N ov. 25. $ 1 5 .9 5 Round Trip to Spokane N A T IO N A L APPLE S H O W Return limit N ov. 20. Fast trains to Spokane morning and evening via Oregon Electric Ry. and The North Bank Road. Details, schedules, sleeping car reservations, etc. on ap­ plication. W . K. coy A N . Ü m 'I Fri. »nd P a n . A «t. Portland. O v ifo n P a r k G r o c e r y Cor. 2nd St. and 4th Ave. Stand up fur prohibition; Ye patriots of the land, All ye who love your country, Against saloons should stand. He bold against this traffic, Your country’ s greatest foe; Let word and deed and ballot Proclaim, saloons must go. tion of a temperance address by Dr. Die Lewis, of Boston, the women of Hillsboro and other Ohio towns, were moved to con­ certed action against the saloon. They gathered in the streets to It is a fact o f statistics that pray and marched two by two in­ out of every one hundred men to the saloons. They besought "who reform, ninety return to the men who drank to cease to those habits again; while of do so, and the men who sold every one hundred boys and liquor to give up the business, girls who sign the pledge ninety and invited all to accept christ. remain true to it through life. In fifty days this whirlwind of It is also an established fact that the Lord had swept the liquor two-thirds of the Loval Temper- traffic out o f two hundred towns ance Legion children stand in and villages, the front ranks at school for The National W. C. T. U. of scholarship and good deport- the United States was organized mer|t- in November 1874 at Cleveland, Of the more than one hundred Ohio. It is the largest organiza- prominent leaders in the temper- tion composed exclusively o f vvo- ance conference gathered recent- men and conducted by them. ly seventy per cent of them Men are admitted as honorary testified to receiving their tern- j members. perance conviction before they The noontide hour o f prayer is were fifteen years of age. | when each white ribboner the A leading feature of the WOrld over is expected to lift her twentieth century effort of the heart in prayer for his blessing national W. C. T. U. is the Fran- on our work and workers and for cisE . Willard Memorial organiz- the overthrow o f the liquor sys- ing fund. This fund was first tem and its allies, established at the St. Paul na- The most pressing needs of tional convention in 1898, for the tbe W. C. T. U. is money to extension of the work to which carry on the wrork along its vari- Miss Willard gave her iife. ed lines, and consecrated hearts \\ hat is the Woman s Christ- to join our ranks. When every ian Temperance Union ? It is Christian woman shall wear the an organization of women band- white ribbon the day of victory ed together for the protection of will be at hand We plead with the home, the abolition of the Christian women to join with us liquor traffic and the triumph o f beart and hand to protect and Christs golden rule in custom sanctify the home, that woman- and in law. It is the lineal de- hood and manhood in equal puri­ scendent of the great Woman’ s ty, equal liberty and peace may Temperance Crusade of 1873-’74. climb to those blessed heights In Dec. 1873 under the inspira- where “ there shall be no more curse.” The white ribbon recruits of the W. C. T. U. are the little children from birth to six years of age, whose mothers promise to train them in the principles of W il t o n total abstinance and p u r i t y , A l a b a m a .............................................................. 12 , . , ... A r iz o n a .............................................................. 3 w h i c h w i l l p r e p a r e them to enter A L L N E W G OO DS. PRICES RIGHT. FREE D ELIVERY T O A L L PARTS OF T H E CITY. Phone 7 3 1 Central Livery Barns McNamer & Wirtz, Prop’rs General Livery And Tillamook Stage Lines O n e a n d Round Trip to O n e T h ir d F a r e PO R TLA N D VIA SUNSET 0GDEN&SHASTA ROUTES SALE Account DATES From points South of Roseburg, Nov. 18, 19 and 20, and from points North o f Rose­ burg, including points on the C. & E., P. R. & N., S. F. C. & W. and b r a n c h l i n e points, Nov, 18, 19, 20 and 21, with final return limit of Nov. 25. ELECTORAL VOTES OF CANDIDATES C a lifo r n ia ........................................................... i 3 o u r w h i t e r i b b o n C o lo r a d o .............................................................. 6 j C o n n e c t i c u t ........................................................ 7 D e la w a r e .................. 3 F lorid a ................................................................ 6 G e o r g ia ................................................................. 14 Id aho .................................................................... 4 Indiana .................................................................15 I ow a ....................................................................... 13 K e n t u c k y ........................................................... 13 L o u is ia n a .............................................................10 M ar y la nd ............................................................ 8 Maine . . . 4............................................................ 6 M a s s a c h u s e t t s .................................................. 18 j M innesota ...........................................................12 Mississippi .......................................................... 10 1 M isso ur i ...............................................................18 ; M on t a n a .............................................................. 4 N e b r a s k a ........................................................... 8 j N e v a d a ................................................................ 3 | N e w J e r s e y ...................................................... 14 N ew M e x ic o ..................................................... 3 New Y ork .......................................................... 45 N orth C a r o lin a ...............................................12 North D a k o t a ................................................. 5 Oh io .......................................................................24 O k la h o m a .......................... 10 < >regon .................................................................. 5 R h od e Island ................................................... 5 Sou th C arolina .............................................. 9 T e n n e s s e e .......................................................... 12 T e x a s .................................................................... 20 V ir ginia .............................................................. 12 W e s t V i r g i n i a ................................................... 8 W is c o n s in .......................................................... 13 R oosev elt K a n s a s ................................................................ 10 l V n s y lv a n la ...................................................... 38 Sou th Dakot a ................................................... 5 M ich igan ............................................................ 15 W a s h in g t o n ............ 7 T aft Uta h ...................................................................... 4 V e r m o n t ............................................................. 4 W y o m i n g ............................................................ 3 Doubtfu l N ew H a m p s h ir e ............................................. 4 Illinois .......................... 29 J. F. LEISE, Prop’r Pacific international Dairy Show and Pacific Land Products Show NOVEMBER 18 to 23 For further details as to fares from any specific station, train schedules, etc., call on nearest Agent or write to John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. arm y. THE TARIFF WILL BE REDUCED ! The Oregon Electric Railway Line is Open to Eugene, T icket» on sale Nov. U to It. S o u t h W . C. T. U. J. K. F A R M E R . A gen t. For*«t GroT*. O raron Montana Goes Democratic Helena, Mont.— Returns Indicate that the democratic candidates for president, senator and representatives In congress have been elected In Mon­ tana. With 157 precincts from every part of the state heard from Wilson has 752(5. with 5578 for Roosevelt and 5505 for Taft. Walsh, democrat, for senator, is leading Dixon. Roosevelt progressive, by 1200 votes, with Smith, republican. third. Stewart, democrat, for governor, is leading ’ Wilson, republican, by more than 100 votes, with Edwards, progres­ sive, far behind. MR. RANCHER. Do you know where your land corners are. or the ex. act number o f acres you have ? You need to know be­ cause the price o f land is so high now. that every foot adds on or takes off just so much value. It is worth con­ sidering. Let me tell you. H. B. G l a i s y e r , Surveyor. Over Hoffman & Allen’s, Phone 806. Main St. And we have decided to “ Raise Our Prices Downward” just as W oodrow W ilscn has promised to do with the tariff. The reductions we will make on M en’s and Boys’ Clothing, beginning IM M E D IA T E L Y will be of vital interest to every family in Washington County. 20 to 30^ off on our entire line of Suits and Overcoats, which consists of a stock of $ 4 , 0 0 0 . Now is your time. CO M E ON. Hoffman & Allen Co. 8