Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 07, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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not afraid of me and I'll prom ise”—
“A fraid? D em m it, sir. d id n 't I say I
w as I.ord B azelhurst? Of th e guards
sir, nnd th e Seventy-first? C o n f"—
“ You come over an d get th e w atch
nnd then see if you can get hack to
th e horse a n d m ount before I g et to the
log. If I b ea t you there, you lose.
H ow 's th a t? "
"I decline to m ake a fool of myself.
E ith e r you will resto re my w atch to
me or 1 shall in stan tly go before the
C o p y r ig h t .
1906. b y D o d d . M e a d Ü C o m p a n y .
In W h ic h a Y o u n g W o m a n T r e s p a s s e s .
R. SHAW w as a tall young man
of th irty or thereabouts, smooth
faced, good looking and a th le t­
ic. i t was quite true th a t he
w ore u red coat when tram ping through
his woods and vales, not because it
w as fashionable, but because he had a
vague horror of being shot a t by some
nearsighted Nimrod from M anhattan
A crow d of old college friends had ju st
left him alone in the hills a fte r spend­
ing several weeks a t his place, and
his sole occupation these days, aside
from directing the affairs about the
house and grounds, lay In the efforts
to com mune w ith n a tu re by m eans of
a shotgun and a fishing rod. Ills most
constant com panion w as a pipe, his
m ost loyal follow er a dog.
As he sauntered slow ly down the riv ­
e r road th a t afternoon, sm iling retro­
spectively from tim e to tim e as he
looked into th e sw ift, narrow stream
th a t had welcomed his adversaries of
th e m orning, he little thought of the
encounter In store for him. The little
m ountain stream w as called a river by
courtesy because it w as y ards w ider
th a n the brooks th a t struggled tiv>po­
ten tly to surpass it during the rainy
season. B ut it was deep and tu rb u ­
lent in places, and it had a roar at
tim es th a t com manded the respect of
th e foolhardy.
“T he poor devils m ight have drow n­
ed, eh, B onaparte?” he m used, ad ­
dressing th e dog a t his side
founded nuisance, getting w et a fte r
all, though. Lord B uzelhurst w an ts
w ar, does he? T h a t log down there is
th e dividing line in our river, eh? And
I have to stay on this side of it. By
George, he's a m ean spirited person,
and it's his w ife's laud, too. 1 won­
d er w h a t she's like. It's a pity a fel­
low ca n ’t have a quiet, decent sum ­
m er up here in the hills. S till"—light­
ing his pipe—“ I d are say I can give
as well as I take. If I stay off his
land th ey ’ll have to keep off of mine.
H ullo, w ho’s th a t? A man, by George,
b u t he looks like a partridge. As l
live, B onaparte is pointing. H a, ha,
th a t's one on you, Bony!” Mr. Shaw
stepped into th e brush a t the side of
th e p ath and w atched the m ovem ents
o f th e m an a t th e “log,” now less than
100 y ard s aw ay.
Lord B azelhurst. attired in his brown
corduroys and his ta n w aistcoat, cer­
tain ly suggested the partridge as he
hopped nim bly about in the d istan t
foreground, cocking his ears from
tim e to tim e w ith all th e aloofness of
th a t wily bird, lie was, stran g e to re­
late, some little distance from Bazel­
h u rst te rrito ry , an actual if not a con­
fident tresp asser upon S haw 's domain.
H is horse, however, w as tethered to a
sapling on th e safe side of the log,
com fortably brow sing on B azelhurst
grass. Randolph Shaw , an unseen ob­
server, w as considerably mystified by
th e actions of his unusual visitor.
H is lordship paced back and forth
w ith a strid e th a t grew firm er as tim e
brought forth no hostile Impediments.
Ilis monocle ever and anou w as direct­
ed both high and low in search of Shaw
or his henchm en, w hile his face w as
rapidly resolving itself into a bloom of
“Confound him,” his lordship was
m uttering, looking a t his tim epiece
w ith stern disapproval, “he c a n 't ex­
pect me to w ait here all day. I'm on
bis land, an d I’ll stay here as long as 1
like!” (At th is Juncture he involunta­
rily m easured the distance between
him self and the log.) “ I knew it was
all a bluff, his th re a t to put me off.
H ang it all. w here is th e fellow? I
w on't go up to his beastly house. I
w on’t g ratify him by going up there
even to give him his orders. Hemmed
cad, blow hnrd! Five o'clock, confound
him ! I dare say he's seen me and has
craw led off into th e underbrush. H e's
afrn ld of me; he's a cow ard. It is ns
I feared. I c a n 't see th e rascal. T here's
only one th in g left for me to do. I'll
pin a note to th is tree. Confound him.
be shall h ea r from me. H e’ll have to
read it.”
W hereupon his lordship drew forth
a large envelope from his pocket and
proceeded to fasten it to the trunk of
a big tree w hich grew In th e middle of
th e road, an act o f prem editation which
show ed stran g e pow ers of prophecy.
H ow could he, except by m eans of
clairvoyance, have known before leav­
in g home th a t he w as not to meet his
enem y face to face?
As Mr. Shaw a fte rw a rd rend the
r o te an d tossed it into th e river, it is
only f a ir th a t th e world should know
its contents w hile It hung unfolded to
th e bark of the tall tree. It srid in a
very scraw ling hand: “Mr. Shaw. I
have looked nil over th is end of your
land fo r yon this afternoon.
doubtless choose to avoid me. So be
i t L et me sta te once and for nil th a t
your condnct is despicable. 1 came
here personally to tell you to keep off
m y land henceforth and forever. I
w ill n o t repent th is w arning, b u t will
instead, if you p e rs is t ta k e such sum ­
m ary m easures as would befit a per­
son of your instincts. I tru s t you will
feel th e im portance of keeping off."
T o this his lordship bravely signed If.
____ ___
“There,” he m uttered, again holding
his w atch and fob up U r close Inspec­
tion. “he’ll not soon overlook w h at
I’ve said in th a t letter, confound him!”
lie had not observed th e approach of
Randolph Shaw , who now stood, pipe
in hand, some tw en ty paces behind
him in tlie road.
“W h at th e devil a re you doing?” de­
m anded n stro n g bass voice. It had
th e effect of a cannon s h o t
H is lordship leaped h alf o ut of
his corduroys, tu rn ed w ith agonizing
abru p tn ess to w ard th e tall young man
and gasped “Oh!” so shrilly th a t his
horse looked up w ith n sta rt. The
next in sta n t his w atch dropped forgot­
ten from his fingers.aml his nim ble
little legs scurried for te rrito ry beyond
the log.
Xor dkl he pause upon
reaching th a t supposedly safe ground.
T he sw ift glance he gave th e nearby
riv er w as significant as well as ap p re­
hensive. It moved him to Increased
but unpolished haste.
H e leaped fran tically fo r th e saddle,
scorning the stirru p s, landing broad­
side, b ut w ith sufficient nervous en er­
gy in reserve to scram ble on nnd up­
w ard Into th e s e a t Once th e re he
Didn’t I say I was Lord
kicked th e anim al in th e flanks w ith “A fraid?
B azelhurst?”
both liecis, clutching w ith his knees
nnd reaching for th e bridle rein In au th o rities an d ta k e out a w arran t. I
the sam e motion. T he horse plunged cam e to see you on business, sir, not
obediently, b u t cam e to a stop w ith folly.. Lady B azelhurst herself would
a je rk th a t alm o st unseated the rider; have come had I been otherw ise occu­
th e sapling sw ayed: th e good b u t for­ pied. an d l w ant to assu re you of her
gotten rein held firm.
contem pt. You are a disgrace to her
“ Ila !” gasped his lordship as the countrym en, if you ev er put foot on
our land 1 shall have you th ro w n into
horrid tru th becam e clear to him.
“Charge, B onaparte!” shouted the th e river. Demm it. sir. it's no laugh­
ing m atter. My w atch, sir.”
man In th e road.
"Come an d get It."
“Soldiers!” cried th e rider, w ith a
“Scalaw ag!”
wild look am ong th e trees.
"B y George, do you know If you get
“My dog,” called back th e other.
too personal I will com e over there.”
“H e charges a t th e w ord.”
“W ell, you know, I saw service in Randolph Shaw advanced w ith a
the arm y,” apologized his lordship, th rea ten in g scowl.
w ith a pale smile. “G et ep!” to th e
“ W hat’s your h u rry ?” asked Shaw,
grinning broadly as he cam e up to the
"D on’t —don’t you d are to step over
th a t log!” shouted B azelhurst.
“All right.
I see: b u t, a fte r all,
w h at's the rush?” The o th er w as puz­
zled for the moment.
“ I’m practicing, sir." he said un­
steadily, “how to m ount on a run,
Oyster Cocktails at Shearer’s,
dem m it. C a n 't you see?”
“In case of fire, I imagine. Well, Forest Grove. Try them.
you m ade excellent tim e. By th e w ay. J
w h at h as th is envelope to do w ith it?" ! Word r e c e i v e d from Prof.
“ Who are you. sir?”
Gardner, former superintendent
“ Shaw. Aud you?”
of the Forest Grove Public
•'You'll learu w hen you read th a t
Schools, states that it has been
docum ent. T ake it home w ith you.”
“ Ah, yes; I see it's for me. W hy two below zero at Lakeview,
don 't you untie th a t hitch rein? And Oregon, where he is now locat­
w h at th e dickens do you m ean by hav ­
ing a hitch reiu anyw ay? No rid er”— ed, for several days past.
“Confound your im pudence, sir! 1
did uot come here to receive in stru c­
tions from you. dem you!" cried his
lordship defiantly. lie had succeeded
a t th a t m om ent in surreptitiously
slashing th e hitch rein in tw o w ith his
pocket knife. T h ere w as nothing now
to prevent him from giving th e o b tru ­
sive young man a defiant farew ell. “I
am Lord B azelhurst. Good day, sir!”
The Majority has won.
“J u s t a m inute, your lordship.” cnll- '
ed Shaw. "N'o d oubt you w ere tim ing
Decide to elect our P h arm ­
yourself a bit ago, but th a t's no reason
acy as th e place to obtain
w hy you should leave your w atch on j
your d ru g w ants.
my land. Of course I’ve nothing
again st the w atch, and, w hile 1 prom ­
ise you faithfully th a t any hum an be­
The Returns are In.
ing from your side of the log who
ventures over on my side shall be
You'll g etgood re tu rn s from
ejected in one w ay or an o th er, it would
our d ru g g ist* ' sundries and
seem senseless for me to kick tills
well selected line of toilet
tim epiece into th e middle of next
w eek.”
“ D on't you d are kick th a t watch.
It's a hundred years old."
“ F ar lie it fr mi me to tak e ad v an ­
tage of an y th in g -<> old. D on't you
w an t it any longer?”
“Certainly, sir. 1 w ouldn't p a rt from
A welcome to new and old
patrons, alw ays.
-T h en why d o n 't yon come over nnd
get it? Do you expect me to break the
rule by coming over on to your land to
hand it to you?"
"I shouldn't cnll th a t trespassing. !
don 't you know ." began Ills lordship.
“Ah! Nevertheless, if you w ant this
w atch you'll have to come over aud
get it.”
1st. Good, hon­
est Dentistry to th«
“ By .love, now,
flint's a demined
boat of my ability.
mean trick. I'm
mounted. Beastly
Could one do more?
• annoying.
I say. would you tnind
2nd. I examine
tossing it up to me?"
your mouth and tell
“ I w ouldn't touch it for ?10. By th e
you its actual con­
w ay. I'll Just read this note of yours."
dition before 1 be-
Lord B azelhurst nervously w atched
arin y o u r actua
him as he read: his h eart lightened per­
work, sta‘inRin ad­
vance what t h e
ceptibly ns he saw a good hum ored
cost w i 11 be. If
sm ile struggle to the tall young m an's
ready, we begin: if
face. It was. how ever, wltti some m is­
not, the examina­
giving th a t he studied the broad shoul­
tion c<«ts you noth*
ders and pow erful fram e of the e r s t­
w hile poacher. "V ery goml of you, I'm
I guarantee ail that I do, as I consider
sure, to w arn me."
work not worth sriaranteeinff. not worth doing.
“Good of me? It w as im perative, let This has been my policy.
4th. Absolute cleanlir.ess. Every Instrument
me tell you, sir. No man can abuse
my serv an ts and tram p le all over my must he cleansed, and are used as they are taken
from the sterilizers.
land and d istu rb my fish"—
6th. My prices are reasonable, not advertised
"E xcuse me. b u t I h av en 't tim e to
cheap prices to lure you in, and then charge you
listen to nil that. T he note's sufllcient. more—but a price that will make more friends:
You've been practicing th e running more patients; one price to all.
m ount until it looks well nigh !>orfeot
to me. so I'll tell you w hat I'll do. I'll
step back th irty paces and then you
come over and get th e w atch —if you're N. W. Corner u t h and O a r , 2a l floor, take e k a Los
liss Hazel Stockman, of the
Hi fman & Allen store, was de-
t:i :ed from business several days
la; week by sickness.
Henry Berkholtz came over
fit u Gaston Tuesday to help fill
tb ballot box. Mr. BerRholtl
is ow running a billiard parlor
in the neighboring town.
• liss Margaret YVhealdon, of
T! Dalles, a graduate of Pacific
Lit versify, visited with her sis­
ter. Miss Jerrene Whealdon, at
Herrick Hall, over Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. A. K. Higgs, Dr.
and Mrs. E. N. Crockett and
Mi. s Margaret Raimbault, of
Portland, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. G. Hoffman, at Green
Ga les, Sunday.
"Cyclone” Davis, the silver
tongued orator of Democracy
fro n the Lone Star state, deliver­
ed an interesting address upon
matter political before a fair-
siz (1 audience at V ert’s Liberal
Ha!!, Saturday evening
MissManche Langley, the pop-
ul: • young lady lawyer and so-
cit y leader of this city, return­
ed ast Thursday from a vaca­
t e . of three weeks, spent among
th orange groves of California.
Mi s Langley had a most delight­
ful and restful trip and will take
up her work with renewed ener­
gy and vim.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shively,
of Portland, visited over Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Shively’s Embalming —Funeral Directi; \
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Peter­
Etl. Fisher, the we’l-known
J. S. Buxton, Manager
fire insurance man of this city,
Forest Crove, ( .
came in off the road to cast his Phone No. 642
ballot Tuesday and incidently to
boost for single tax.
I. P. Vanney of Dilley, ac­
companied by Mrs. Vanney,
was a Grove visitor Monday.
Mr. Vanney called at the Press
p ro m p tly obtained OR NO FEE.
Trade-M ark*.
office and reported the sale of a
C aveats.
C o pyrights a nd
Lnbols registered. ,
I TW ENTY YEARS PRACTICE High i t reference*.
number of gooseberry plants as
Souil in.»d-d. sketch or photo, for free report
on p a te n ta b ility .
A ll bu sin ess confidential. !
the result of a small advertise­
HAND-BOOK TREE. E x p lain s e \o ry th in g . T e lls ¡
H >w to O b ta in and Sell P a ten ts, W h a t In v en tio n s
M ill P a y , How to G et a P a rtn e r, explain* b est ¡
ment placed in the Press.
m cha n ic a l m ovem ents, and eo n tu iu s 300 o th er
Dr. Lowe, Nov 21st.
subjects of im portance to lu ventors.
A ddress
H. B. WILLSON & CO. ,K £ .
l B ox _ v . u
Willson Bldg.
Our Work Guaranteed and
Your Patronage Solicited
First Ave., Foot Council St.
Forest Grove, Oregon
y u -tC C C
Closing Out Sale
of Odd Pieces of
At Greatly Reduced Prices
All Furniture that is tagged with red tags are the
close-outs. Some of these pieces have been in stock
for some time and seemed to be slow sellers, but I
have reduced the prices so that they will move now.
That I have a limited amount of different articles, as
Dressers, Buffas, China Closets, Beds,
Chairs, Rockers, some Rugs, Lace Curtains,
Lounges and Center Tables.
In fact something of each article.
have to come early to get the best buys.
You will
Election is Over
PURE MASURY’S WHITE PAINT in 5-gallon cans at $1.95 per Gallon
A Paint Insurance Policy. W e have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for
GOLD SEAL PAINT. We are authorized by the manufacturer to issue a
written guarantee over our own signature that the paint will last five years.
Special GOLD SEAL PAINT at $1.95 per Gallon.
Let us figure on your whole bill of Paint, Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, etc.
in stock.
Pacific Drug Co.
At Cost.
Dr. ElcfT. Btdland, Dentist
Must close these out.
See my windows
A few remnants of Linoleum cheap.
All Linoleums reduced.
Sewing Machines
Guaranteed Sewirg Machines, with drop head, Special $16.50. Guaran­
teed ten years by the maker. Have a limited amount of other Sewing
Machines that will be sold at cost this week only.