FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1912. 4 F O R E S T G R O V E P R E S S tliar|k for their sweeping victory of Tuesday. The “ S i l v e r G. Edwin Secour, Editor J. N. Hoffman, Associate Editor Tonpued Orator of the Platte,’ ’ William Jennings Bryan, he who THE PRESS PU B LISH IN G CO fought for clean politics in the FO R EST G RO VE. O RE. face of apparently overwhelm- ing odds, deserves all praise for T elephones : ; the triumph of November 5. To O f fic e 502 R e s id e n c e 442 Bryan, and Bryan alone, can the Democrats give credit. He sav­ T kkms o f S u b sc r ip t io n One year, in advance.................... $ 1.50 ed the party at a critical time, Six months, in advance..................... 75 preserving its e n t i r e t y and Three months, in advance................... 50 strength, and led its hosts to THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1912. success and victory. Display advertisements for publication in the pRBas must be in this office not later than Tues­ day evening to insure appearance in current issue Entered at the post office at Forest Grove, Ore. as mail matter o f the second class. It is with a sensation o f decid­ ed pleasure and a feeling of deep gratification that we announce to the readers THE RETURN and subscribers of the F orest OF AN OLD G rove P ress FRIEND the return of G. Edwin Secour, former editor and proprietor of this paper, as an active participant in the con duct and management of the F orest G rove P ress and the P ress P ublishing C ompany . Words o f eulogy are hardly nec­ essary, but for those who may not be accpiainted with the work o f Mr. Secour, we wish to say that he is eminently fitted, both by education and experience, to properly handle any one or all o f the many “ ends” that go to­ ward the making of a modern newspaper. We feel that the P ress P ub ­ lishing C ompany and the F or ­ est G rove P ress , has been de­ cidedly strengthened and helped by the acquisition of Mr. Secour, and we believe that all of our numerous friends and readers will say likewise before many weeks have passed. Press Publishing Company, J. N. H offman . The trend of population now is toward the larger cities; the country’s assurance o f business s t a b i l i t y and PATRIOTISM public and priv­ ate morality is BEGINS AT in the small ones. HOME The hope of the country at large is in the country at large. The time is passing, when, if Mr. Morgan has a cold, the spine of the whole country must shiver. The smaller indus­ trial centers are becoming the real power. The great centers are gaining in population and losing in influence. It is up to us to see that we gain in both. And we shall contribute to the general good of the whole people by look­ ing after the particular unit we cull home. Democracy has won. By an overwhelming ballot have the le­ gions o f an united organization defeated the brok- SUNSHINE en and decimated IN EVERY r a n k s o f t h e CLOUD “ Grand Old Party.” The much derided “ Donkey” sends forth its bray o f triumph, while the adher­ ents o f the "Elephant” and “ Bull Moose” r e m a i n sadly silent, suffering under the lash o f stinging defeat. No cloud is so dark, h o w e v e r , hut what a rift o f sunshine can U> discerned, and the P r e s s de­ sires to congratulate the support­ ers of Democracy upon the fact that President-Elect Woodrow Wilson will have an ample and sufficient support in both the House and the Senate, giving to the Democrats every opportunity to show to the country at large their ability to conduct the gov­ ernment of the United States in such a manner that good will he derived by all. Democracy never has had such a chance be­ fore to demonstrate its ability as is given it by the election just closed, and it remains to I h > seen if the opportunity will again be offered four years lienee. In conclusion it is hut just to give credit where it is due. The Democrats have but one man to Now that the rainy season has come if those who travel would carry in their vehicle a shovel, and when not on a hurry-up call take the time to make slight re­ pairs in the roads from time to time, all the roads leading into Amity would be kept in good Satisfactorily Explained. condition the whole season.— A colonel o f a British regiment In South Africa who was repairing a Amity Standard. NEW TALES “ THAT ARE TOLD DR. K. S. M Y E R S DR. E T H E L J. M A R T IN O steop ath ic Physicians W . M. Langley & Son Lawyers Forest G rov e, O gn. OFFICE: NIXON BUILDING FOREST GROVE, ORE. D R . C. E. W A L K E R W . P. D yk e A llorney-al-LaW Osteopathic Physician arid N otary Public railroad after one of General De Wet’ s Treatment by Special Appoint­ many breakages discovered a fine emp­ Forest Grove Oregon ment Only A Baptist minister asserts that ty house, which he proceeded to occu­ every member of his church who py as headquarters. When the news of the colonel’s com­ J, N. H offm a n can sport an auto, can support W . Q . T u ck er, M . D. fortable quarters reached Bloemfon­ Ax ttorney-al-Law a missionary; which moves us to tein he received a telegram, which EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY Physician and Surgeon Accidents are a prolific source remark that it depends some- read: Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. “ G. T. M. wants house.” Calls answered promptly day or night o f revenue for the physician and what on the speed o f the mis- Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove Phone: Office 271, Residence 233. The colonel was unable to make out surgeon. Possible accidents in sionary. Portland Evening Tele what “G. T. M." meant and Inquired Forest Grove may he prevented gram. by sweeping the wet leaves off ---------------------- the sidewalks. If the allied armies are plan- ---------------------- ' ning to have Turkey for their The money you spend will Thanksgiving dinner, it might build something s o m e w h e r e ; he suggested to them that there where, will depend on whether Iis manY a slip ’twixt the cup and you spend the money somewhere the lip, as has often been proved in the past. Oregon Register. else or in Washington county. Remember that clerks in the stores get tired as well as those engaged in other occupations, and do your Christmas shopping early. M ark B. Bum p W . E. P ettenger, D. M. D. Altorney-at-laW Room 6, Hillsboro National Bank Building South of Court House Hillsboro, Ore. R. M. Erwin, M. D. Daniel D. Bum p Physician and Surgeon Attorney a* law •Rotary Public Someone has raised the ques­ tion of whether widows should be allowed to marry again. O ff­ hand, we should say it is a ques­ tion of chances. Eugene Daily Guar g. Hillsboro, Ore. R eal Estate Tamiesie Bi ilding 3d and Main Sts. Hillsboro, Ore. B enton B ow m an . Hillsboro, Ore. S. T . Linklater, M . B., C. M. , , Physician and Surgeon „ , Attorney-at-law „ Delta Building * The original purpose of public Hillsboro, Ore. Hillsboro, Ore. Another rebellion has been office was not to provide a job crushed in Mexico. The country for somebody hut to provide will soon be covered with the C. H. P ollock, D. M. D. somebody for a job. H ollis & G raham fragments of crushed revolu­ Linklater Building “ I T I S S I M P L Y A N A B B R E V IA T I O N ,” R E ­ The way to get money out of tions. Morning Register. A ltorneys-at-Law P L IE D T H E COLON EL. Phone Main 74 land is to improve it. The way of officers, who translated it “ general I to get good out of a country is Hillsboro, Ore. F orest G rov e, O gn . traffic manager." to develop it. "All right,” said the colonel. “ If he ' C E R T A IN L Y can use hieroglyphics so can I.” Elm er H. Smith, M. D., D. O . CURES CO U G H S So he wired hack: E. B. T o n g u e , The real “ man without a coun­ Physician, Surgeon “ G. T. M. can G. T. II."' When the throat becomes clogged jdttorney-at-LaW try” is the man who doesn’t Two days later he received a dis­ and Osteopath with phlegm and produces a “ hack- smile when the home team wins. ing” cough which interfers with your patch from Bloemfontein ordering him District Attorney. Calls answered day or night. to attend a board of Inquiry. On ap- Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. work and your rest at night, you Hillsboro, Ore. pea ring In due course he was asked Hillsboro, Ore. should take what he meant by sending such an In- j My ! wouldn’ t some people be suiting message to a superior officer. mad if we all sent to Chicago for N yal’s W in ter Dr. S. M. R egan , D. V . S. “ Insulting?" repeated the colonel in- 1 Dr. H. R. K a u ffm a n our butter and eggs ? C ou gh R e m e d y nocently. “ It was nothing of the | Physician & Surgeon Res. Phone City 133 Now that election, is over, what was all the fuss about any­ way C lip p e d a n d P a s te d Remember that live and let live is not a motto applicable to any o f the trust formations. They propose to do the living, and are not particularly caring a continental whether those who have to buy their goods are able to do so or not. Polk County Itetnizer. I f the phlegm or mucous deposits are allowed to remain, they will not only grearly irritate the membranes o f the throat the bronchical tubes and lungs will become infected as well. Nyal’s Winter Cough Remedy promotes a relaxation o f the inflam­ ed air passages, causes the mucous membranes to throw off the phlegm and Prevents Further In fection The first few doses bring prompt relief. Two sizes- 25c and 50c Whatever a good drug store ought to have and many things that other drug stores don’ t keep you'll find here. Come to us first and you'll get what you want. Forest Grove Pharmacy. Merchants Savings & Trust Company kind.” Office Phone Main 783 Office: Forest Grove Nat l Bank Building “ But what do you mean,” demanded Phone Main 0131 3rd St., ¿¿block N. of Main St. his superior, “ by telling me I can ‘G. Forest Grove, Ore. Hillsboro, Ore. T. II?’ " "It was simply an abbreviation,” re­ plied the colonel—“ G. T. M. (general Dr. E. B. B rook ban k J. O . R ob b , M. B. T or. traffic manager) can G. T. H. (get the Physician and Surgeon house).”—Human Life. Physician and Surgeon 204-6 Nixon Building Phone City 384 Phone: Main 80x Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. Residence 35x A GREEDY BOY’S UNIQUE DEFENSE. H . W . V ollm e r, M. D. Dr. E. J. C row th ers Physician and Surgeon Plausible but Illogical Excuse For Selfishness. Hillsboro, Ore, Forest Grove, Ore. Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. Physician and Surgeon Calls answered day and night Office in Jackson Pharmacy Cornelius, Ore. Ind. Pbones Dr. J. J. M urray, V . S., VETERINERY SURGEON AND DENTIST O f f ic e o n 1 st S t . Graduate of American Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. Veterinary College, of Having bought out Dr. Ffceley, Vet­ New York City, 1881. W . B. C O O N , V . S. Julius Rosenwnld, the Chicago phi­ lanthropist who recently celebrated his fiftieth birthday by the novel method of giving ¥687,500 to various charities, Is a believer In civic righteousness. erinarian, 1 wish to notify the public Office with Brown’ s Main Streeh Livery To a politician who defended certain that I am prepared to answer all calls, and Feed Stable, underhand political methods Mr. Ito- day or night. Hillsboro Phone City, 506 Phone Main 95 F o r e st G r o v e , O re senwald said the other day: "That's a plausible defense, but It doesn’t hold. It's like the defense of the piggish little boy. “ A piggish little hoy always used to take at breakfast the bottom piece of toast, which was sure to be kept ex­ tra warm by the hot plate beneath it and the hot slices above. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked “ One morning us he slipped out the Every Day. bottom piece ns usual his mother said reproachfully: W e sell 6 loaves o f B read fo r 2 5 cents " ’ Tou must stop doing that Sup­ Free delivery to all parts of the city pose everybody did that. What would happen then?’ P a cific A v en u e, Forest G ro v e " "Why, then,' said the little boy. •everybody would get a bottom piece.’ ” HOME B A K IN G CO. P o o r S o p h ia ’* C a se . 6th and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon B a n k in g b y m a il. 4 % paid on Savings Accounts. Open Saturday Evenings, 6 to 8 for the accomoda­ tion of those who cannot bank at other times. Dr. Ronald II. Curtis, the well known zoologist, said In a recent lec­ ture In Charleston, relates the Cleve­ land Plain Dealer: "1 take no stock In these yarns about the disinterested affection o f ani­ mals. An animal's nffectiou Is para­ sitic—your dog loves you because you feed It Analyze those yarus about animal affection aud they turn out like Sophia's case. "There was a rich old maid who had an ill natured cur nnmed Sophia. The old maid died, leaving her fortune to her nephew, who had lived with her. I mot the nephew one day and ven­ tured my sympathy lie said: ” ’ Yes, It's very sad. And the morn­ ing after my aunt's decease the dog Sophia died.’ “ ’Grief. I suppose?' 1 said. ” ’No,' said he. ’prussic acid.’ ” T h a t T ir e d F e e lin g . "Home rule has been a long time coming.” snld Thomas V. Brady, sec­ retary o f the Irish emigrant society of New York. “ The Englishmen who promised it to us were a rather Ured lot when tt came to fulfilling their promise. They were as tired, indeed, as Pat Murphy of Ballycoollsh “ Tat,* said I. ‘don't you ever get tired doing nolhing?* “ Pat looked up from his pipe and nodded lazily. “ ‘Indade. eor.' he said. ’1 get so tired doin' nothin' that I can't do i nothin else.' Washington Star. F o r e s t G r o v e P la n in g M ill C o . General Contractors and Builders D ealers in L U M B E R , L A T H , SH IN G LES, CE M EN T, S A N D and LIME. A ll Finishing L u m ber Kiln D ried. M anufacturers o f Fram es, M ouldings, Sash, D oors and everyth in g requ ired in the bu ild ­ ing line. W e sell F lint-K ote and M ik a d o A lso Sherw in -W illiam s Paints. R o o fin g . Office and Factory, Council St., Forest Grove