Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 07, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Democratic. In ev en t of th is th ere
may be a D em ocratic se n ato r from the
sta te elected as a colleague of S ena­
tor Bristow.
In T en n essee th e leg islatu re will be
Democratic, as it will In probably all
of th e so u th ern sta te s, th u s insuring
a solid d elegation of U nited S tates
sen ato rs to a s s is t In ca rry in g through
the W ilson ideas.
D em ocrats Add to Strength in House.
T he next house of rep rese n tativ es
will be overw helm ingly D em ocratic.
Gariy re tu rn s ind icated th e re would
be 277 D em ocrats, 148 R epublicans
and ten of o th e r p arties, m ostly P ro ­
gressives, in th e new low er co n g res­
sional body.
T his would m ean a D em ocratic m a­
jo rity of 119 votes o ver all opposing
p a rty stren g th .
T h ere is n o thing u n ce rtain about
the next house of rep rese n tativ es. All
th e so u th ern sta te s have accorded
th e ir usual quota of D em ocratic m em ­
bers, w h ereas th e W ilson lan d slid e in
various e a ste rn and n o rth ern sections
will add to th e fo rm er m a jo rity of
the party.
It looks as if In d ian a w ill send a
solid D em ocratic d eleg atio n to th e
low er body.
D o Y ou K n ow that making and distributing electricity is a business requiring
special training and long experience ? Railroading is not more complicated or
more difficult.
D o Y ou K n o w that you must pay a greater tax for light if it is generated as you
are now generating it with an inadaquate installation and imperfect business
methods ?
D o Y ou K n o w that every small city finds the expense of high grade bookkeep­
ing an impediment to their success in any of their laudable efforts to conduct
mechanical installations ?
D o Y ou K n o w that there is nothing more difficult than the business of making
and distributing electricity safely and without financial loss or high taxation for
light and power?
D o you k n e w that conducting a water supply system is child’s play in compari­
son ? If for no other reason than the menace to life and property from a poorly
managed plant.
D o Y ou K n o w that your city bookkeeping cannot show accurately whether
your W A 1E R IN C O M E carries your lighting plant or the L IG H T IN G
T A X goes to make up a deficit on water expenses ?
D o you k n o w that we are specialists in the electric field and have offered to
your Cl I Y C O U N C IL M E N a proposition which is in every particular fav­
orable to the citizens and the city ?
000 .
N ex t to P ost O ffice, F orest G rove, O re.
Pen n sylvan ia Race Close
Philadelphia.— R oosevelt and W ilson
are running neck-and-neck in P en n ­
sylvania. In 1043 o ut of 5377 election
d istricts in th e s ta te o u tsid e of Phila-
deplhia T aft had 38,645, W ilson 62,032
and Roosevelt 62,016.
In P hiladelphia, w ith less th a n half
of the re tu rn s in, T a ft lead s W ilson
by 14,000 votes and R oosevelt by 11,-
C. W. H IL L .- For W a»hinjfton-0roRon Corporation.
Edison Phonographs and
Records at Staehr’s Bazaar
Arizona H eav ily fo r W ilson.
A L L T H E SE A D V A N T A G E S W e o ffer on a form o f co n tra ct w h ich
gu a ra n tees results and fair trea tm en t an d rapid ex p a n sio n o f our serv ice
to m eet ev ery n eed o f your business m en an d your fam ilies.
R E M E M B E R ! W e g iv e you co n sta n t, a m p le, tw en ty-fou r hour service.
B u M ak O n T he S trht
Jo h n W hite to G F H etoeek, 151 a
C h th ak -iu M ountain $10,200.
Jo h n S chlegel.adm r, e t a l to Jo se p h
B raiidenberg,40 a above M tdale $2500.
I.c re n Ft w ard to H V C olem an, 2
lots F ln elau d T e rra c e $250.
U nited Bldg Inv Co to F G C a rp e n ­
te r p a rt lot 33 G arden H om e $10.
C F B a rre tt to C V S an d sto n e, 3
lots M iddleton $300.
J W B arn es to Ida I Jo n e s, 2 24 a
B an res A cres $1050.
P a u l#F le tc h e r to LouLs B urke, 160
a sec 4 t 3 n r 4 w $10.
Roy H e a te r to I I F in ig a n , t r in
blk 3 H um phreys ad $1600.
T Pyfl it H A H inz, 42 ao sec 11 t
1 s r 3 w $6466.
W A Shaw t M E B laoutn, t r ino
Beav-RecdviUe $10.
Phoenix, Ariz.—R e tu rn s from all
over A rizona Indicate th a t G overnor
W ilson ca rrie d every one of th e 14
counties In th e s ta te w ith th e possible
exception of Coconino county. In
which T aft had a lead of fo u r votes
at a late hour. W ilson w ill lead
Roosevelt by ap p ro x im ately 3000
votes, w ith T a ft a poor th ird .
W e P ropose
T o give you T W E N T Y -F O U R H O U R S E R V IC E E V E R Y D A Y .
T o P A Y IN T O I H E Cl I Y I R E A S U R Y a sum greater than you can earn.
To save you a far greater sum by preventing approaching losses.
T o save you from losses due from imperfect management.
T o give you B E T T E R S T R E E T L IG H T IN G free.
I o light public buildings free.
T o charge less for service than your tax and rate now amount to.
S y n d icatin g R e a lty to D E K easey,
10 a sec 25 t 1 s r 2 w $10.
E b e rt R o b e rts to N H F o eller, 0.03
a H azel b rock F a rm $10.
Aug G sb h ard y to Hetoika P e te rs, 30
a sec 1 t 3 s r 1 w $4000.
E lsa C Bohle to I F ra n zc l, tr
sec 25 t 2 s r 2 w $2000.
C B E u ch a n an to J H H anson, 30x-
1 IS a W W C atching d 1 c $10.
K arl H ein rich to A \V B oorm an, 15
a Jo se p h Woods d 1 c $3500.
R N B ak er to S eavey & Johnson,
80 a sec 4 t 1 n r 4 w $10.
W C E m m erscu to C J H om m . 34.-
50 a sec 4 t 2 s r 3 w $3800.
W X E v e re tt to G E M cClintock,
lot 13 G arden A cres $2230.
X eal Brown to F re d R o b ertso n , 103
a in G errish & H inm an d i e $6500.
Majorities in Both House
and Senate.
Miss EfTie Kessler, of flay- Dan Rainwater, of Greenville,
Chicago.—T he n ex t U nited S tates
ward, was a Grove visitor Wed- paid the Grove a visit Wednes- S en ate will be D em ocratic by a m a­
jo rity of ut least four. According to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, of
At the Congregational Church re tu rn s from all sectio n s of th e coun­
Gales Creek, were in the Grove Sunday morning Rev. Thomas try th e re will be 46 D em ocrats in the
u p p er house of con g ress to 42 R epub­
will take for his subject “The licans. T his leav es eig h t seats in th e
Be sure to hear Mr. Finley’s Hidden Reservoir,
doubtful colum n, w ith every prospect
practical, illustrated talk on Health and happiness is in of th e ir being sw ung Into the Demo­
birds at Marsh Hall, November store Tor every woman, and care- c ra t ranks.
Senator Borah W in s in Idaho.
12, at 7:45. Admission free.
ful attention to herself will help
S en ato r Borah, of Idaho, P rogres­
J. W. Sherwood, State Com- her *uard g a in st diseases pecu- sive and R epublican candidate, will
mander of the Knights of Mac- *'ar *° 'ier st’^‘ N val s \ ege- probably be re tu rn e d to the senate.
cabees, with headquarters
in HUde prescription corrects and In Colorado, w h ere a successor to
S en ato r G uggenheim Is being chosen,
Portland, was a visitor in Forest 'prevents functional disorders. early re tu rn s show th e race to be
It’s what she should use. Ask close betw een th e D em ocrats and Re­
Grove, Wednesday.
at the F. G. Pharmacy. 50-tf
Rev. Father Ruck will enter­
tain a number of the voung folks
from Gaston, Cornelius and For­ her home in this city Friday
est Grove at St. Anthony’s after a three months visit with
Rectory tonight. A good time relatives and friends in Minne­
sota, Illinois and California.
is anticipated.
, Mrs. Hanna had a most pleasant |
Everyone is invited to attend journey am, enjoyed every day I
the illustrated lecture on birds of her absence, but nevertheless !
to be delivered at Marsh Hall is glad to be back in the Grove. |
the evening of November 12. j
Fred Stockman, of York, Ne­
Mr. Finley will show his famous
is in Forest Grove visit­
bird pictures during the pro­
Wm. Stockman.
gress of the talk. Admission
of the gentle­
will be free.
man from Nebraska, remain-1
A Catholic fair and bazaar is ing in this section are ex­
to be held inVert’s Liberal Hall. cellent, as he is most favorably
November 20 and 21. Some ex­ impressed with the Oregon coun­
cellent exhibits have been ar­ try and Washington county in
ranged and the booths will be particular.
most attractive. The affair will
Next Wednesday evening the
W. E. B O R AH
close with a supper and im­
regular Quarterly Conference of i
promptu dance.
M. Dixon of Mon­
j the Methodist Episcopal church
tana, Colonel Roosevelt's cam paign
H. C. Giltnor has moved his will be held in this city. It is m anager, is having a h ard tim e being
stock of groceries into the new planned for all the congregation retu rn ed . In M assachusetts It was
Wirtz building on Main street to take dinner in the church par- still w ithin th e realm of possibility
between Pacific avenue and First lors at t*:00 p. m. and then attend th a t S en ato r C rane would have to
avenue south. Mr. Giltner has the conference in a body. l>is- give place to e ith e r Mayor Fitzgerald,
of Boston, or G overnor Foss.
large and commodious quarters triet Superintendent Moore will D em ocrats W in Illin o is Legislature.
and a neat appearing and well be present and an interesting
W ith re tu rn s from practically every
arranged line of staple groceries, and instructive meeting is ex- section of th e sta te showing a steady
Increase In W ilson's plurality. It was
Mrs. M. S. Allen entertained pvetod.
claim ed nt D em ocratic headquarters
the ladies of the Methodist Aid
Miss Christine Tingley, Na- th a t Illinois will send two Dem ocrats
Society at her charming home on tional Lecturess of the Woman’s to th e U nited S tate s senate. Colonel
Second Avenue South, yesterday Christian Temperance Union, oe- Jam es H am ilton Lewis, th e regular
Close to thirty of cupied the pulpit of the Meth- IV m ocratic can d id ate for the senate,
w as Indorsed at the last p ri­
the Church workers were pres- odist church last Sunday mom­ who
m aries, will be elected In all proba­
ent, and passed a most pleasant ing, and in the evening delivered bility to the six-year term to fill th e
afternoon. Refreshments of a a sermon at the Christian church, place of Shelby M. Cullom.
K an sas in Doubtful Column.
tempting nature were served As a result of Miss Tingley’s
K ansas, w here G overnor Stubbs
and a pronounced delightful; es- efforts seventeen new members
P rogressive, Is b attlin g with Senatot
peciallv piping hot waffles made were received. Monday morn- Curtis, sta n d p at Republican, It was
only as Mrs. Allen knows how ing Miss Tingley addressed the Indicated at a late hour th at both
to prepare them.
, students of Pacific University.
m ight be defeated and the sta ts go
Chehalem M ountain Orch to Geo
Sandford Sm ith 2 a in l e t 76 C heha­
lem Mt O rch $450.
L J Blosick to W illiam I H a rp e r
.919 a in It 31, Gdn H ome $750.
E M T ongue to F lo ren ce T M onger
and hus its 7 an d 8 blk 3 H ighland
P ark add to Hbo $10.
F o re st G rove S tone Co to J G Boos
Its 1 2 3 sec 22 1 s 4, also 10 a north
of and adj said It 3 $2500.
M erchants Sav & T r Co to Jo h n A
Johnson so 1 a c re of It 105 Johnson
est add to B vrtn-R dvl a $10.
V ina M Bacon and hus to R obt T
Cornelius It 2 blk 3 H en ry ’s add to
C ornelius $100.
A ndrew Boos to J G Boos 10.60 a in
sec 22 1 6 4 $1000.
K a te M cPherson to S h aw -F ear Co.
21 a J II McMillan dl c $10.
Ja c o b I iu b e r to S h aw -F ear Co, 48.-
48 a a t H u b er $10.
T G M eachain to C F H ard in g , 64.-
61 a sec 18 t 3 n r 3 w $10.
J a s Im brie e ta l to F ra n k Im b rie,
q c to 184.38 a $1.
O regon N u rsery to J u lia A H atch ,
2 lo ts a t O renco & 17.91 a $4001.
J D Rode to E th e l H all, lo t in V al­
ley View, F o re st.G ro v e $250.
C A Reed to H S Reed, land in A
L an d iss claim $10.
W D V anA ntw erp to S J W aldron,
66.6x122 ft blk 14 F G rove $1000.
J n o B ees eto. J H C arlso n , 58.54 a
R F T u p p er d 1 c $10.
A (D W ick to L A P rie stly , 2 lots
South Coast ad d itio n $60.0
L c r tn S ew ard to H M Brow n,
lo ts P ineland T e rra c e $300.
S am e to It C B row n,saine as above
C V S an d sto n e to A J Sm ith, 2 lots
in M iddleton $10.
Edison P h o n o g ra p h s an d R eco rd s are fast coming to the
front. They are driving every other talking machine
and record out of the market. Why ? Because they
have stood the test for years. A number of other talk­
ing machines have been compelled to quit business be­
cause either the machine or the records did not give
satisfaction. A good feature with the Edison machine is
that the records never wear out. And another good
feature is that the E dison machine and records are sold
at the same price the world over. Whether it is in New
Yotk, Chicago, Portland or Forest Grove, the prices are
are all the same. Of course a number of people are send­
ing east for them, having been led to believe, by some
fa k e a d v ertism en ts, that they could get them cheaper by
sending east, but if they investigate they find out they
have paid exactly the same pi ice that they could have
bought the machine of the home dealer for, and perhaps
$5 or $6 express charges extra. Besides this they get a
machine that is not adjusted and they do not have a
chance to hear the records. E very E dison T a lk in g M a­
ch in e that is sold at S ra eh r’s B a za a r has been set up, ad­
justed and tried before it goes out. A full line of records
are always kept in stock. The E dison T a lk in g M a ch in es
are sold on e a sy m on th ly p a y m en ts and a b so lu te ly g u a r­
a n tee d to give satisfaction.
Main Street Garage
A u to R ep airin g, V u lca n izin g and
G en eral M ach in e W ork . S to ra g e
and S u p p lies.
P h o n e M ain 62 X
Main Street, Forest Grove.
Cider Apples Wanted
at the
Phone 752
Highest Market Price Paid.
We also do custom work. We have Kegs
and Barrels of all sizes for sale.