Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 07, 1912, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
F orest G rove P ress
W A S H I N G T O N C O U N T Y ’S N E W S P A P E R .
V oi. 4
F O R E S T G R O V E , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 7, 1912.
President-Elect of the United States
Counting of Ballots A Slow Process.
lying Districts Delayed.
High School
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Reports from Out­
W om an’s Suffrage and
in Doubt.
Selling, Hollis, Tongue, Mickle
® by American Press Association.
Father of William F. Hartrampf State Game Warden Finley Will
Dies in Portland and Is
Talk Under Auspices of
Buried at Hillsboro.
The Woman’s Club.
H I L L S B C R O , Ore., — J. W.
Hartramnf, a well known veter­
an of the Civil War, died at the
Nesbeth Sanatorium, Portland,
and burial took place here Satur­
day. He had been ill for some
time having suffered a stroke of
partial paralysis several months
ago. He was a member of Gen­
eral Ransom Post, of Hillsboro,
and was highly e s t e e m e d
throughout Washington County.
Mr. Hartrampf was born in
Prussia May 10, 1846, and came
to America when he was but 14
years of age. His family settled
in Wisconsin in 1860. He enlist­
ed in Company E. Seventh Wis­
consin Infantry and joined the
Twenty-second Regiment near
Petersburg, Va. early in 1865.
Het was mustered out of the ser­
vice at Jeffersonville, Ind., in
July o f that year.
home he was married to Freder-
icka Wilhelmina Hopp, in Dodge
County, Wis., Nov. 18, 1866.
They later moved to Minnesota,
and in 1886 came to Oregon, set­
tling near Cornelius. The widow
and following children survive:
Mrs. Elizabeth Thies, Cherry
Grove, Ore; William F., Forest
Grove; Robert C., Ferninda E.,
Albert J., Otto B, and the Misses
Amanda and Minnie, all of Hills­
That the Woman’s Club of
Forest Grove is seldom found
asleep when questions o f better­
ment and improvement are up­
permost is evidenced by the ac­
tion of the Civics committee of
that organization in persuading
State Game Warden William L.
Finley to deliver his famous lec­
ture upon the life and habits of
Oregon birds, absolutely free of
all charge. Mr. Finley, who is
President of the Oregon Audub­
on Society, has made an exhaust­
ive and intimate study of bird
life, in the course o f which he
has secured a most rare and
valuable collection of lantern
slides depecting all varieties of
the feathered creatures, and
showing their wonderful color­
ings to the greatest advantage.
The lecture will be given in
Marsh Hall the evening of No­
vember 12, starting promptly at
7:45 Admission will be free and
everyone is invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, of
Gales Creek, are parents to a
baby girl, who arrived Oct. 29.
The month old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adylott died
of whooping cough Tuesday and
was buried in Forest View
Cemetary this morning.
eral services were held at the
Otis Shearer, .vho slightly Christain Church.
scratched his hand last week,
A. A. Kirkwook, a civil en­
had a somewhat narrow escape
with offices in this city
from blood poisoning as a result.
a candidate for county
The injured member commenced
carried the South For­
to swell the first o f the week,
precinct (his home
but prompt action was taken
a majority o f 102
and he is getting along nicely.
over his opponent. This speaks
Full election returns will be well for Mi. Kirkwood’s popu­
larity in Forest Grove.
published in the next issue.
Carry This County.
Although Washington County least 75 votes over his republi­
gave a large majority to the can opponent. J. C. Applegate.
Democratic nominees for Presi­
George McGee, County Sur­
dent and Vice-President, the veyor. and B. W. Barnes, County
election of the entire county Re­ School Superintendent, both Re- j
publican ticket, with but two ex­ publicans, have won by hand­
ceptions, that of county com­ some majorities. Edw. C. Luce,
missioner, and sheriff, is con­ for County Clerk; E. L. Per­
Returns have come in kins, for Recorder of Convey­
very slowly and up to the time ances; E. B. Sappington, for
of going to press, no definite County Treasurer; Max Crandall,
figures have been secured.
for Assessor and Ira E. Barrett,
On the Presidental ticket Wil­ for County Coroner, all Repub- |
son ran far ahead o f his Repub­ lican candidates, have been elect­
lican and Progressive opponents, ed beyond all doubt.
with Roosevelt second.
W. D.
W. J. R. Beach was again
Wood, for State Senator has de­ elected Justice of the Peace for
feated Schulmerich by over 200. North Forest Grove and Carl
The Republican candidates for Hoffman, Constable.
Representatives have secured a
Nothing definite can be learn­
victory by over 300 majority. D.
ed as to the fate of the County
B. Reasoner, Republican candi­ High School Fund, or of the num­
date for County Judge, defeated
erous amendments and bills
R. 0. Stevenson, Democrat, by
which appeared upon the ticket.
between 600 and 700. For County In all probability complete re­
Commissioner, the Democratic turns upon the measures which
candidate, C. A. Hanley, is con­ were offered to the voters for
ceded to have defeated the Re­ consideration will not be obtain­
publican nominee, John McClar-
able for some days. The elec­
an, by a good margin.
J. E.
Reeves, democrat nominee for tion of John I). Mickle, o f this
Sheriff has undoubtedly secured county as Dairy and Food Com-
the election by a majority of at > missioner o f Oregon, is assured.
National, State and County Results Taken Hot From Spec­
ial W ire by Expert Operator and Read to Large
and Enthusiastic Crowd Gathered on Pa­
cific Avenue Until A f ­
by American Tress Association
v isit P o r t l a n d lo d g e
Forest Grove Chapter To Assist Oregon Agricultural College Will
In Conferring Degree This
Inaugurate Home Course
By special invitation of Wash­
ington Chapter Royal Arch Ma­
sons, o f Portland, the members
of the Forest Grove Chapter
will assist in the conferring of
the Royal Arch degree in that
city Saturday evening. Following
the ceremonies a grand banquet
will be spread and a general
good time enjoyed. The mem­
bers o f the Forest Grove Chapter
will be met upon their arrival at
Jelferson street, in Portland, by
members o f the Washington
Chapter with autos and convey­
ed to the lodge rooms on the
East side.
The following will compose
the party from this city: W. H.
Hollis, E. W. Haines, A. G. Hoff­
man, M. E. Dilley, John Ander­
son, Prof. A. Ben Kori, Bert
Nixon, D. 1). Bump, B. F.
White, Rev. D. T. Thomas, B.
Y. Roe, A. E. Scott, W. I).
Parker, P. G. Kinzer, Prof. W.
G. Harrington, L. M. Graham,
O. S. Higbee, P. C. Starrett,
C. L. Bump.
in Domestic Science.
Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, Ore., Nov. 2 A de­
partment for the young girls of
the state, to aid them in win­
ning prizes at the industrial and
state fairs and to give them use­
ful information generally, is to
be inaugurated in the next issue
of the Oregon Countryman, the
monthly magazine published by
the students of agriculture and
home economics at the Oregon
Agricultural College.
The first few numbers will be
given to the subject o f bread
making, and ensuing issues will
tell what girls of other states are
doing, how to make cake, how
to can fruit that will win prizes,
and how to make jellies that
will meet the strictest score card
From time to time, also discus­
sions of the selection of materi­
als for various garments and
other matters regarding sewing
will be included. It is one o f
the objects of the new depart­
ment to interest young girls in
all the operations in their homes.
Before many years they will be
the home-makers of the state,
and they should be interested in
their profession.
For the first time in many bination of figures which gave
years the residents in this sec­ neither of the contending par­
tion of Washington county had an ties advantage one way or the
opportunity Tuesday night to re­ other, but served to keep the
ceive as full and complete returns listeners upon the keen edge of
of the national, state and county expectancy.
election as any portion of the
As the flashes began to come
country. Through the efforts of in more rapidly, and the reports
the F orest G rove P ress ar­ ¡o f gain for first one and then
rangements were made early in the other, in the big eastern dis-
the day for the exclusive use o f i tricts. were read off, the enthusi­
a direct Portland wire and the asm became red-hot, and soon
receiving of reports over a practi­ the cheering was almost con­
cally continuous circuit from all tinuous.
sections of the United States.
Every effort was made to secure
It was shortly after five o’clock accurate and reliable reports,
when the crowd began to gather and that the P ress succeeded in
and inside o f an hour over one that endeavor is testified to by
thousand were standing before the great, appreciative audience
the Press office patiently wait­ which filled the street until after
ing for the opening word which midnight, with an ever attentive
might give some indication as to
ear turned to the announcer who
Miss Ruth Austin entertained
how the battle was going. Soon
thirty of the High School
the bulletins began to straggle called the results through the
girls at a Halloween
in, mostly from the far east megaphone, as fast as they Were
party at her home last Thursday.
and all showing a happy com­ received from the wire.
All had a verv pleasant time.
She was assisted by the Misses
16 new subscribers to the
HELPFUL MEETING OF W. C. T. U. the National convention, recent­ Hazel Barker and Una Emerson.
F orest G rove P ress since Mon­
ly held in Portland, and all testi­
Friday afternoon last, at the fied to the wonderful inspiration
Sunday School will be held at day morning speaks well for the
popularity of the paper that does
residence of Mrs. W. M. Semo- and great
derived. the Free Methodist Church 10:00
nes, the members o f the local “ Echos from the Convention” o ’clock Sunday morning with
chapter o f the Woman’s Christ­ were listened to with rapt atten­ preaching at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30
Six of the High School girls
ian Temperance Union had a tion. The resignation o f Mrs. p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting helped to serve refreshments at
most pleasant meeting and were A. Bolderick, president o f the next Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. the Freshmen’ s ini tat ion last
entertained in a delightful man­ Forest Grove lxx;al, was received The pastor’s subject in the morn­ Friday evening. They were the
Mrs. Upton’ s Misses Ruth Austin, Hariett and
ner by the charming hostess. at this meeting and accepted ing “ Strength.”
subject in the evening “ A Blind F ranees Benjaman, Margaret
Mrs. Wm. Kerr conducted the with deep regret.
Man’s Prayer” . Every body is Macfetters. Beth Potwin and
M a njy
were present who had attended
Subscribe for the P ress now. invited to worship with us.
I Ruth Sexton.