Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 17, 1912, Image 7

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    Most Durable Air Tight Made
The most durable air
tight made is the
Round Oak
The body is made of
18 gauge dohble re­
fined boiler iron and
securely riveted at top
and lottom.
It will outlast three
ordinary air tight
W. O. Wagner & Sons
Forest Grove, Oregon
We bid for a fair share of your patronage,
and promise you the right treatm ent.
Second St.,
Hillsboro, Ore.
Lend a Hand Society.
The delegates from three or­
ganizations met in call session in
the library at 7:30 Saturday even­
ing, Oct. 12th. As a number of
other organizations had sent
word they intended to cooperate
it was decided to elect officers
M issouri feeder, a son of the late­
for three months only. Mrs. ly A deceased
illionaire farm er. David
Barber acted as temporary chair­ R ankin of T m arkio.
man. “Lend a Hand” was believer in corn silage Is an as an enthusiastic
Ideal ra ­
w ith alfalfa for fatten ing steers.
chosen as the name of this dele­ tion
At present he has some tw enty ca r­
gated body; its object is to put loads
of steers in his yards. Ills ex ­
the benevolent work of the town perience.
covering several years, con­
vinces him th at ensilage Is both tho
on a systematic basis and, if cheapest
best ration th a t the corn
feasible, in the future to estab­ belt cattle and feeder
can have.
lish and maintain a free bed in
Studies of the root system of a nu m ­
our local hospital.
kinds of cultivated plants show
The following women were th at of they
to a far greater
elected officers, although it is depth than penetrate
Is generally supposed. It
found th a t potatoes send
hoped that some or all of the has been
dow n from tw o to three feet; th at
men’s lodges will send delegates roots
penetrates to a depth of from Ove
who will hold some of the offices. corn
to six feet In hum id sections and to a
depth of eight feet In drier country.
Mrs. L. I. Allen, President; Mrs. The
of m ature alfalfa a tta in a
B. F. White, Vice President; length roots
of from tw enty to fifty feet.
Mrs. 0. M. Sanford, General
As a result of experim ents that have
Secretary. The office of Treas­ been
nt the governm ent lab­
urer was left vacant until the oratory conducted
a t W ausau. W is . It has been
the next meeting on Tuesday, found possible to m ake paper from
pine, hemlock and spruce. In the '
Oct. 22nd at 7:30 p. m. in the Jack
spruce alone has been used, but |
library. Will each society, lodge the experim
ents conducted show th a t a
and church send two delegates ? pulp m ade of the three has been found
satisfactory. Sim ilar experim ents con­
Whitman’s chocolates are the ducted
a short tim e before at Lebanon.
show th a t excellent paper may be
best chocolates. At the F. G. Ore.,
m ade from the otherw ise w orthless
50-tf Jack
or black pine.
See the silver ware in Hoff­
man & Allen Comany’s window ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.
that tney are giving away with
The County Court having made an 1
cash purchases.
order appointing the undersigned ad­
F irst Publication, Aug:. 29, 1912.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Washington
j John M. W hite,
Pacific Ave.,
Forest Grove
White Palace Cafe
Ready for business
New Lumber Company
All kinds of Building Ma­
terials, Kiln Dried Finish,
Dry Shiplap in any quan­
Sash and Doors
Call and get prices. We
are here for business and
want to make your ac-
Willis-Place Phone Lumber
South A Street
All kinds of Optical Goods.
Forest Grove, Or.
W atches, Clocks and Jewely.
We solicit your patronage.
Reliable work at moderate prices.
Civil Engineering
and Surveying
Abbot Bld’g
Phone 482
Forest Grove, Ore.
All kinds of survey­
ing and maping.
Subdivisions a spec­
Hoffman & Allen Bld'g
Phone 806
Forest Grove, Ore.
An excellent su b stitu te for b u tter fat
In the milk glveu the grow ing cnlves Is
linseed meal. This Is best prepared for
use by scalding a little of the meal
w ith hot w ater and adding to th e w arm
milk. A sm all q u a n tity —not m ore
than a tablespoonttil—should be given
to start with, but this may be increas­
ed in the course of three or four weeks
to a good sized handful tw ice a day.
The unknown heirs of H etty F. Betts, deceased,
and of Georpre W. Betts, deceased husband of
H etty F. Betts, deceased; also all other j er-
sons or parties unknow n claiming any ritfht,
title, estate lien or interest, in the real e tate
described in the com plaint herein. D efendants.
| To the unknown heirs of H etty F. B etts, de­
ceased, and of Geortfv W. Betts, deceased
| husband of H etty F. B etts, deceased; also all
| other persons or parties unknown claim ing
any right, title, estate, lien or interest
the real estate described in the complaint
herein, the above named defendants;
In the nam e of the S tate of Orepron, You and
each of you are hereby required to appear
j and answ er the com plaint tiled against you
! in the above entitled court and cause on or
before the last day of the tim e prescribed
the order for publication of this sum m ons, to-
wlt: on or before the expiration of six weeks
next, from and a fte r the date of first pub­
lication of this summons, the date of said first
publication thereof being: on Aug:. 29, 1912,
and if you fail to so appear and answer
for w ant thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the C ourt for the relief prayed for
his said com plaint to-w it: T hat plaintiff John
M. W hite, be adjudged and decreed to be the
owner in fee simple of all the following
bounded and described real property situated
in the County of W ashinffton and S tate of
Oregon, terw it:
Commencing a t a stake 41 rods north of
the southw est corner of Sec. 3, T. 2. S. R.
3. W. of the Will. Mer. in said County anil
State, and running: thence E ast 240 rods;
thence N orth 84 rods; thence W est 40 rods;
thence south 4 rods; thence W est 160 rods:
thence N orth 80 rods; thence W est 40 rods;
thence South to the place of beginnini?, con­
taining: 141 acres of land, more or less, and
th at the title of plaintiff to said property be
absolutely quieted; and th a t it lie decreed
th at you and each of you and all persons
claiming: by, through or under you or either
or any of you be forover barred and pre-
eluded from viaimin« or attem pting to claim,
asserting- or attem pting to assert any interest,
right, title, claim or lien, in, to or upon said
premises or any pai*t or parcel thereof ad­
verse to the title of plaintiff therein and
thereto; and th a t plaintiff have such other and
fu rth er relief as to the Court may seem ju st
and equitable.
This summons is served upon you by publica­
tion by order of Hon. R. O. Stevenson, County
Judge of W ashington County:, Oregon, which
order was made and dated A ugust 28, 1912, at
Hillsboro, Oregon.
M. B. B um p .
A ttorney for Plaintiff.
F irst Publication, Oct. 3, 1912.
Administrator’s Notice of Sale
of Real Estate and Tim­
ber at Private Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that by vir­
tue of an order and decree of the
County Court of Washington County,
Oregon, made and entered on Sept.
30, 1912 authorizing and directing the
I adm inistrator of the estate of Jam es
M. Hamblin, deceased, to sell at pri­
vate sale, certain real estate and tim ­
ber belonging to the estate of said de­
ceased, I, the undersigned, will from
and after Nov. 4, 1912, proceed to
sell the real estate and timber here­
inafter described, at private sale, for
cash in hand, subject to confirmation
by said Court, said real estate being
particularly described as follows, to-
All the following described and bounded
real property, situate in the County of
Washington and State of Oregon, »«-wit:
Beginning at the southwest corner
of the southeast quarter of siction 32
in township 3, north of range 5 west
of W illamette Meridian, and running
thence north 240 rods, more or less,
to the south line of the Pacific Rail­
way and Navigation Company’s right
of way: thence east along said south
line of said right of way about 80
rods to the center line of the north­
east quarter of said section 32: thence
south 240 rods more or less to the
south line of said section 32: thence
west along said south line of said sec­
tion, 80 rods to the place of beginning:
Said timber being particularly de­
scribed as all the tim ber both stand­
ing and fallen, except the cedar, now
sitatue on the following described land,
The northwest quarter of the north
east quarter of section 32, T 3 N R 5
W of the Will. Mer. and containing
40 acres in W ashington County, Ore­
i Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this
Sept. 30, 1912.
George T. Hamblin, Administrator
of the E state of Jam es M. Hamblin,
M. B ailey B ijmp and D. D. B ump ,
Attorneys for the Estate. J
H o utei for rent and for tale, little payment* and instalm ents like rent
Central Oregon is a Boom
HOMESTEADS: We can locate you on the choicest
320 acre homesteads in central Oregon. Will show
you over Crook, Harney and Lake Counties, which
will be a distance of three to four hundred miles by
auto. One of this firm has recently spent two years
in these counties and will gladly furnish all the in­
formation required.
T. J. O. Realty Co.
Hoffman Building.
Phone 501
M o n e y t o loan on a cre a g e and farm s
1» Now L ocated in Its New Building
Mution Picture Exhibition
from 7:45 to 9:00
Three Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50
Matinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday
Daily Change of Best Films Procurable
ministrator of the estate of John
Ttautner, deceased, notice is hereby j
given to all persons huving claims !
against the estate to present such
claims to said administrator, duly v e r-;
ified according to law, at the office
of Langley & Son in Forest Grove,
Oregon, within six months from the
first publication of this notice.
Dated Septem ber 26th, 1912.
J ohn S palingek ,
Administrator of the estate of John
Trautner, deceased
M a n c h e I ke : e L angley . A tty .
offer the most delightful time of the
year for wheeling crisp air, good
roads and gorgeous scenery. If you
do not possess a RACYCLE or
DAYTON wheel you need to get
one immediately, so as to enjoy to
the fullest extent the charm
of an Autumnal spin on the finest
bicycle ever built by human skill
and matured experience.
Feed Mill will run every
day in the week.
Wholesale and Retail
Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground
Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked
Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole
Wheat and Corn, Middlings and
several kinds of Hard Wheat
Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks,
Hay and Vetch Seed.
Give us a call when in need.
lnd Phone 50x
Forest Grove, Ore
Forest Grove
I have got a good stock of second hand wheels,
all in the very best condition, that 1 am selling out
at very low prices.
Sundries, Lamps, Tires, Coasters and everything
you need.
Phone 306 Pacific Ave., FOREST GROVE, ORE
You Need A New Suit?
If you do, try a Moyer $15 suit; there’ll be two
things about it you’ll long remember—the low
price you paid and the good service it gave you.
Lots of men are wearing Moyer $15 suits—well
dressed men who are as willing to save their
dollars as they are able to make them.
Good woolens and honest tailoring always go
into Moyer $15 suits; the great number we pro­
duce and sell permits us to maintain that for
which all of us are seeking—High Quality and
Low Price.
When you see it in our ad, it s so
First and Morrison
First and Yamhill
Third and Oak
Second and Morrison
87-89 Third