WANT AND FOR SALE ADS. FOREST Nyal’s Lightens the Daily Task Household duties with their ac­ companying strain and worries are responsible for many of the fuctional disorders of women. And even when in constant pain and misery but few women take the time to think over the proper course to pursue most of them dread to do so thinking that the household duties come first. GROVE LOCALS. Of Importance to Taxpayers Mr. T. Wiggman, a traveling The matter of sufficient day For sale or will trade one half block good resident location in salesman was at home over Sun­ and night service of electricity Forest Grove. Address P ress . day. for Forest Grove is again before Ernest Stoffer and Johnnie \ good building lot 79x100 Leishman are rustling subscrip­ feet, with fruit and berries, for tions for the Press, and we sale cheap. Host residence dis­ trict. P r e s s O f f i c \ learn they are having great success. Good office rooms in the Hoff­ Recent additions to the library man building for rent. Inquire o f J. N. H offman 39-tf for , the pupils of the public schools. The Boy’ s King Arthur F ok S ale Nice upright piano The King of the Golden River, very reasonable. Inquire at the Dream Days. Also some new Press office. 44-tf fiction for the cent a day shelf. Magooris, Gold Dollars and The musical entertainment Oregon Strawberry plants for which will take place in St, A n ­ sale. Phone Press 502. thony’ s chapel, on Wednesday Matched team, 6 years old for evening, Oct., 23rd will consist sale cheap. Address F. M o tt , Phone Maple 153 Forest Grove. o f six or eight numbers o f music 50-tf by Rev. Father Dominic O. S. B. Mr. Francis Eichenlaub, Miss W anted Girl for general Goldie Peterson and Rev. Father housework. Phone 056. 49-tf Raymond. Rev. Father O’ hara W am ted Girl for general of the Portland cathedral will housework. G has . H ines . give a short address. The Rev. Phone 011 49-tf Father Dominic will give two L ost Belt Pin with brown numbers of his own composition. 'stone setting lost in the city last Tickets 50-cents. No reserved Saturday, valued as a keep sake. seats and no reduction for Finder please leave with the children. Press, Reward. 50-tf the public. This time we trust the matter is to be settled fin­ ally. In another part of this issue we print a letter from the Washington-Oregon corporation, which is worthy of attention by our readers. The point which they make regarding the ap­ proaching inadequacy of the plant is not to be lightly passed over, for it is a fact that the ma­ chinery must be added to if a service is *to be given equal to that offered by the applicant. Machinery and buildings cost large sums o f money and the money takes time to raise. This matter should have the most careful consideration and our ac­ tion should be such as to warrant permanent and profitable results. A published statement from our Council setting forth receipts and disbursements for the last 9 months might shed light on the subject. Apportionment. L aw ' O ekice with Library for School Fund Do you know where your rent. Want good live man to The Washington County land corners are, or the ex. take charge o f office and busi­ schools were allotted $34,919.43 ness. Address T he P ress . act number of acres you j by Superintendent Case last have ? You need to know he- j F or S ale Oregon Champion plants, 1000 or week. The state apportionment cause the price of land is so j Gooseberry high now, that every foot more. Price reasonable. I. R. this year gives each child of V a n n o y , Dilley, Ore. 49-tf school age $1.86. The per capita adds on or takes off just so much value. It is worth con- II Steahr’s Bazaar has secured of county ffind $1.34, besides each school district receives $100 sidering. Let me tell you. the agency for the famous “ Cen­ and $5.00 for each teacher at­ H. B. G l a i s y e r , Surveyor, tury Edition” of sheet music. tending an institute. Over Hoffman & Allen’s, It is no longer necessary to pay Phone 806. Main St. 15-cents and 25-cents for good Abstract From O. A. C. Bulletin. up-to-date sheet music, as any Fried foods and pastry do not S T A T E M E N T O F T H E O W N E R S H IP , M A N ­ number in this edition, which is make muscle, strength and good A G E M E N T . C IK C U I.A T IO N , ETC. now more than 1600 copies, will disposition. Good plain, sub­ O f Forest («rove Freuu, published once a week at 10 cents per copy. stantial and wholesome food is nt Forest (¿rove, Ore., required by the A ct o f i he sold A UKimt 24, 1912. Kditor, J. N. HofTman, Forest (¡rove. Oregon. Every number in the catalogue what you need. Almost no stu­ M anaging ed itor J. N. H offm an. Forest (¿rove, ' will be carried in stock all the dent, or teacher for that matter, O iejjon. Publisher, Press Publishing Co., F orest (»rove, j time and a catalogue will be eats as slowly as he should. A < tregon. Ow ner J. N. Hotriimn Forest (¡rov e. O regon . I Known bondholders, mortimRees, and other given to anyone on application. great many headaches and other security holders, bolding 1 per cen t or m ore i total am ount o f bonds, rnortj-ujres, or oth er J The old McKinley music will be ailments come from eating too securities; none. J. N. H o d m a n . Sw orn to and subscribed b efore me this f»th day sold out as long as it lasts for fast and failing to chew the o f O ctober, 1912. T. H. L i t t i . k h a i . kh . 5 cents per copy. ( s k a i .) N otary P ublic fo r O regon.“ : food properly. Andrew Kelley and Lydia A. Taylor. John V. Kelsey and Vera Slaines. J. J. Purcell and Martha Pleas- ance. Josepy L. Overbeck and Sarah E Hunter. Curtis Mason and Bertha Clem­ ent. Benjamin C. Sahnow and The­ resa Zetman. I. F. Lowd and Myrtle Reiser. Arthur Baldwin and Edna R. Morris. C. F. Bailey and Emma Jaynes. Frank J. Beier and Sadie R. O’ Conner. Arthur O. Griswold and Sarah E. Hoodenpyl. W ouldn't it be much easier to commence on an efficient treat­ ment have the functional dis­ orders corrected in a short time return to normal than to be in a state of total collapse? NYAL’S Vegetable Prescription acts directly on the functional organs and brings about a regu­ larity. It acts as a sedative to the nerves and a tonic to the system its use results in permanent good health. Let us tell you more about it. The price 1>$1.00 the bottle. A very fine line of rubber goods, such as hot water bottles, foun­ tain syringes, etc. Forest Grove Pharmacy. MR. RANCHER. YOUNG MAN ! At Pacific University You can obtain a thorough education and receive while pursuing your studies Systematic instruction in gymnastics The use o f a locker and the shower bath The privilege o f the swimming pool Instruction in swimming The recreation and Stimulus incident to intercollegiate track and field athlethics The development of courage and stamna incident to foot ball This year’s eleven is being coached Dudley Clark, former Uni­ versity o f Oregon “ Star” and All-Northwest-half-back. Enroll at PACIFIC UNIVERSITY for Education, Health and Physical Development, and Do It Now ! For particulars address PROF. FR A N K C. T A Y L O R , Pacific University, Forest G rove, Oregon. WATCH THIS SPACE! Marriage Licenses. The story, “ Cowardice Court” will begin in the issue of Oct. 31. Don’ t miss it. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B oard Geo. Mizner L. J. Corl H. G. Goff W. H. of D ir e c t o r s : T. W. Sain W. K. Newell John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson Hollis E. W. Haines (JgjKDr. Lowe Oct. 31st. T H E PEOPLES STORE BIDS FO R Y O U R BUSINESS W ith an Array of Irresistible Bargains 1 Your own best interests demand that you do your trading at this store. You are always certain of depend­ able quality as every article is backed by our guarantee of “ Satisfaction or your M o n e y Back” — the strong­ est guarantee possible. Our prices will always be found just a little lower than others. W e invite comparison, and like to have you make the rounds just to prove what we say. ' Glance at the Various Specials Advertised Herewith Wool Blankets in white, grey and fancy, regularly sold at $6.00, our price . .. Dress Materials and Silks Manish Tweeds in mixtures regularly sold at 75c, our p r ic e ..................... Storm Serges and Panamas Colors, Black, Navy, Brown, Green and Cardinal, regularly sold at 75c. our p r ic e ..................... Heavy Worsted Serges 45 inches wide all the wanted colors, regularly sold at $1.00, . . . . 27 in. Messalino for waists and Dresses, regularly sold at $1.25, our p r i c e ................. Plain and fancy mixed Suitings and fancy Silks in a variety of colorings and prices. Complete line o f models in Kabo Corsets, from ............................ Try a Kabo you’ ll never try any other Ladies’ Kid Gloves, black and colors, regularly sold at $1.50, our price ........ 49c 49c 73c 89c $ 1.25 to 5.00 Ì M 4.25 98c See our line of Fancy Braids and Buttons for Dress Trimming Fleeced Underwear, regularly sold at 50c, our p r ic e ..................... Boys’ School Pants. regularly sold at 75c, our p r ic e ..................... Men’s High Top Shoes, regularly sold at $6.00 and $7.00, our price. Big reductions in Men's and Boys’ Over Coats and Suits. New line of Packard Shoes for Men. 29c 39c 4.49 Suit Cases, all kinds, from ..................................................................... 1 l . U J lip Agents for Ed. V. Price & Co. Men’s Tailors Suits to order, f r o m ................................. 10.00 up Just In A new line of Ladies’ Tailored Suits 12.50 Special Women’s Man-tailored Suits, regularly sold at $45.00 to $50.00, while they la s t ................... 29.89 Visit our Millinery Department this week. Little Misses’ hats, daintly trimmed, $1.98. Black and colored shapes, $2.75. Paflnrn Hale at Half Prim The styles represent all that is new, both in shape and adjustment of i ullcl 11 lldlo dl Ildll I I ILC. the trimmings. Materials purchased at the store trimmed free of charge. Peoples Store, Hillsboro, Oregon.