-------------- P O U L T R Y A N D GAM E ------------------------------ Can itet you fancy prices for Wild Ducks and other same in season. Write us for cash offer on all kinds o f poultry, pork. etc. GREEKS LEAVE FOR FRONT. Ill noil Steel Mills Depopulated By Departure ot Foreigners. Chicago—Grave fears are expressed by Gary, Ind., officials that the “ Steel -------------------------------------------------- City” will be depopulated unless something happens soon that will N E W P E R K I N S H O T E L stop the war in the Balkans. The great steel mills, piled to the limit with orders, are being badly crippled. Within the last week many Ser­ vians, Montenegrins, Greeks and Bul­ garians have departed to join the allied army, and now 400 Macedonians have announced that they will cast their lot with Bulgaria in fighting the Turk. The Macedonians, for the greater HEW part, are outlaws from their native HOTEL EUROPIA# land, and they are entering the con­ flict in hopes of whipping their coun­ PERKINS BATH try’ s oppressor and regaining the PORTLAND.ORE $15?PER DAY UP right to return to their homes. •W THE HEART Of THE CITY 'WITHOUTBATH Si SS UP Their message volunteering service, NOTE REDUCED RATES was received at a mass meeting o f 300 Bulgarians. It was one o f several Most Centrally Located from many cities o f Northern Illinois WARD E. BURTON - d**ayer and Chemist, and from neighboring states. -.eatlville, Colorado. Specimen price«: (.¿old. rillver.L ead.il Gold, Silver. 75c; Gold 60c: Ziuo M. P. Kaloudoff, president o f the or Copper, *1. Ma i ling envelopes a .d full pricelist Bulgarian society, also received a tel­ nt on application. Control and Umpire work eo egram from Sofia, capital o f Bulgaria, sited. Reference: Ourbouate National Bank. in which the war committee of the country asked all countrymen in iV i m Second-Hand Machln- America to prepare for war and to exchanged: engines, respond immediately if possible. boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st Cheers were given when a dozen St.. Portland. Send for Stock List and pricefe. men stepped to the platform and Then a Opportunity for industrious young man with signed enlistment papers. some capital to buy half interest in splendid coun­ collection was taken for the war fund. try business. Well established; did $29.000 last year. Owner needs partner to help cover field. For nearly two hours speakers har- No use for money unless hustler with it. Can rangued the gathering, urging Bul­ make back invested money in six months. Write garians to respond and saying that Box 131, Portland, Or., for full particulars. the country needs men more than money. Economical Lighting Co. Young Greeks hold their regular- drill in their hall at Blue Island ave­ Gasoline hollow Wire Lighting Systems nue and Polk street, and this week Mantles and Glassware Mantles for Canchester. Aladdin, all the differ­ plan sending their second body o f 300 ent makes o f Kerosene Mantle Lamps. Junior soldiers to the front. Pearson-Page Co., Portland m E The People’s Choice for relieving and ovc-coming such ills as Indigestion Poor Appetite Flatulency Constipation Biliousness and Malaria is the famous Hostetter’s S to m a c h B itte r s It invigorates—tones— strengthens— rebuilds TRY IT TORAY 60 YEARS THE LEADER LUNATIC AS DOCTOR. W hile a prominent specialist was absent from the consulting room in Berlin the other day, a lunatic man­ aged to obtain admission, and posed as the doctor to the many patients who called, giving them prescriptions and advice. There appeared to be nothing unusual in his manner until a lady who was a constant patient asked him If he was acting as substi­ tute during the holidays. The Im­ postor laughed, and told her to take peppermint lozenges for her lung trouble. The woman raised the alarm, and the madman was taken Into custody. Considerable anxiety Is felt for the other patients, for whom Ray Mantles 60c per dozen. Write us. he may have prescribed poison. All Ajrots Wanted. 597 Williams Ave., Portland TURKEY ACTS AGGRESSIVELY the pharmacists have been advised of the affair. All Bulgarians and Greeks to Be Ex­ M others w ill find Sirs. W inslow 's S oothing pelled From Country. Byrup the best reraedv to use for their otuidrau *»«*»*. ***. •«<* ¡y ia c n in e n i OltfESi Constantinople — Whether for the purpose of furnishing provocation for war or to show the Balkan allies that PORTLAND. OREGON ___ ___ WRITE FOR CATALOG Turkey cannot be intimidated, the The School that P la ce$ You in a Good P osition government is acting with an aggres­ siveness calculated to bring on hostil­ ities. The embargo on Greek ships, the detention o f Servian ammunition and the seizure o f Bulgarian railway It pays to get our prices before selling elsewhere. Mention this paper and send the names o f five cars, all constitute belligerent acts. progressive farmers; we will send you booklet. The government is determined to Marketing Instructions to Get Highest P rices." expel all Bulgarians and Greek sub­ F. H. SCHMALZ & CO. Paid-up Capital $10,000. jects as soon as war is declared, and 141-143 Front Street Portland, Oregon these will be transported by steamers Check sent by return mail. detained for that purpose. Trouble is probable over the seizures, as most of the cargoes are foreign owned, though the vessels flew the Greek flag, and o f $100 or more by buying your the owners will claim damages. Piano or Player Piano direct The government is requisitioning from factory store. the horses owned by foreign residents, diplomatic representatives. BUSH & LANE PIANO COMPANY except The various embassies have protested 355 Washington St., Portland, Or. and notified the porte that compensa­ tion will be claimed. Several Turkish women are going to the front to attend the wounded. This will mark the beginning o f a new era for the sex. A consular telegram reports the killing o f 12 Bulgarians at Kuprili, in Macedonia, by Turkish soldiers. BUSINESS COLLEGE W A S H IN G T O N A N D T E N T H S T S Veal, Hogs, Poultry SAVE MIDDLEMAN’S PROFIT WAR IS CERTAIN. Write about your wants in this line to F IN K E 183 Madison St. E R O S. Portland, Oregon Let Us Do Our Duty. Let us do our duty in our shop or our kitchen; in the market, the street, the office, the school, the home, just as faithfully as if we stood in the front rank o f some great battle, and knew that victory for mankind de­ pended on our bravery, strength and skill. When we do that, the hum­ blest of us will be serving in that great army which achieves the wel­ fare of the world.— Theodore Parker. To Clean Paper. To make a paste that will clean wall paper, mix a quart o f flour with five cents’ worth of ammonia and enough water to make a stiff dough, and knead until smooth. Then wipe the paper with the dough, working It so that a clean surface will be pre­ sented with every stroke, and the wall paper will look like new.— New Haven Journal C<'— ’ Theory, "W h y Is there no great American dram atist?” asked the art pessim ist ‘‘Because,” replied the sardonic man­ ager, "when an American is capable ol thinking up a first-class practical plot and dressing it up in good speeches he doesn’t Tother about the theater. He goes into noMtlr-s Balkan States Make Demands Which Turkey Cannot Meet. London— Formal declaration o f war in the Balkans is now only a matter of a few days. The replies o f the Balkan states to the powers’ note, virtually rejecting intervention, will be deliv­ ered at the various capitals and at the same time notes virtually in the shape o f an ultimatum will be sent to Tur­ key, demanding autonomy for the Macedonian provinces. According to a reliable dispatch from Rome, the Balkan coalition will make a demand that it will be impos­ sible for the porte to accept, namely, that the reforms be executed under control o f the European powers and the Balkan states, and, as a pledge, that the porte assent to the immedi­ ate demobilization o f the Turkish forces. Spokane Has Leper Exile. Spokane, Wash. — In an isolated house, surrounded by a fence, every few feet on which appears notices warning the public away, Antonio Volcano, leper, has taken up his forced exile from friends, family and civilization on the bank o f the Spo­ kane river. Although his confinement has been of but a few days’ duration the victim already feels the loneliness o f his position and eagerly detains for a few minutes conversation the at­ tendants from the near-by city hospi­ tal, who bring his food to the fence. Prince Gets Nickname. London — The Oxford undergradu­ A Virginia husbandman, alarmed by ates have nicknamed the Prince o f the Indecorous performances of an or­ Wales, who has just entered there, It had been dinarily mild and gentle cow after the “ Pragger W agger.” munching a ration of ensilage, ap­ an established custom o f the under­ pealed to the sharps of the depart­ graduates to call the late Queen Vic­ ment of agriculture, thinking the cow j toria “ the Quagger,” and the Prince h a d gone wild or mad. Investigation by analogy is “ the Pragger.” “ Wales was rather a difficulty,’ ’ revealed that “ bossy” had feasted on fermented cornstalks and had simply said an undergraduate in explanation, g o t drunk on the raw bourbon whisky. “ but ‘ W agger’^was the only possible solution.” Cow Was Drunk, Not Wild. Dally Thought. 3 5 0 Talesmen Summoned. And if you do but live long enough Salem, Mass.— Three hundred and you get past the bad bits of the road. fifty men elig ib le ’ for jury duty have —Mrs. Humphry Ward. been summoned to report to Judge Quinn in the Superior court when the trial o f Joseph J. Ettor, Arturo Gio- vannitti and Joseph Caruso, defend­ . . P IS O S R E M E D Y ants in the Lopizzo murder case, is siiT iiT “ resumed. Only four qualified as jurors from a previous venire of 350 ~ FOR COUGHS AND (COLDS • talesmen. ? uring I he teeth ing p eriod . Easily Made Coathangers. A coathanger may be Improvised from a newspaper In the following manner: Fold a newspaper through the center and continue folding or rolling It until It Is a com pact piece about three Inches wide. Bend It downward In the middle and tie with a cord, forming a loop. It will answer the same purpose as a hanger of wood or metal and requires only a few minutes to make. Pettits GOOD FOR Eve BBf Salve Embarrassment of Riches. "W ealth doesn’t always bring happi­ ness.” remarked the youngster with the large spectacles. “ Nawk” asserted the other kid. “ Look at me cousin yonder. H e’s got two cents and he can’t decide between lollipops find Ice cream ."— Pittsburg Post. Liquid blue is a weak solution. Avoid it. Buy Bed Cross Bali Blue, the blue that’s ail blue. A sk your grocer. Didn’t Concern Him. T he tramp did away with a sand­ wich handed to him by the latest far­ mer w ife he had favored with a calL She had wrapped the sandwich in a section o f newspaper, which the tramp scanned with the eye o f carelessness characteristic of his kind. “ My idea o f nothin’ to git nutty about,” he re­ marked to himself, after glancing at a market report, “ is the advance of $2 a ton in the price of car wheels.”— Judge. BREAK FOR LIBERTY W.L.DOUCLAS SHOES 53.00 53.50 54.00 <4.50 AND <5.00 FO R M EN AN D W O M EN S o y a m a r W. L. Oouplmm $ 2 . (JO, 9 2 . SO X 9 3 . 0 0 S c h o o l S h o t * , haemumo one p air will p ou lt Ivaly outw ear tw o p a ir* o t o rd in a ry a /io e s , mama aa tho m an'a ahoaa. Convicts In Wyoming Pen Rush Guards and Escape. W.L.Dougla« make* and sell* more $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 3 0 YEARS. The workmanship which has made W . L Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to show you W. L Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice the u h o rt v a m p s which make the foot look smaller, points in a shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the c o n s e r v a t i v e sty les which have made W. L Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. If you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un­ derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and wear longer than any other make for the price. fast Color Eyelets. Fight Desperate Battle In Prison— Kill and Wound Citizens — Fight Posses In Mountains. Rawlins, W yo.—A battle raged in the state penitentiary Sunday. Lock­ ed inside the walls with hundreds of mutinous prisoners, a few guards fought desperately to restore order and prevent a wholesale prison deliv­ ery. Camped outside the walls was a force o f citizens, heavily armed, ready to drive back the convicts if they murdered the remaining guards and made a rush through the gates. Shouts and occasional shots told the story of desperate fighting within the walls. The mutinous prisoners were subdued finally and locked in their cells. Early reports of the killing of several men inside the penitentiary have not been confirmed. Another battle is in progress in the hills south of Rawlins between a posse o f citizens and from 20 to 40 escaped prisoners. Two men have been killed in the streets of Rawlins, one is des­ perately wounded and two convicts have been recaptured following the es­ cape of from 10 to 20 prisoners. At 11 ^o’ clock Marshal Hayes re­ turned to Rawlins from the manhunt in the hills, bringing one o f the men who escaped, whom he had shot and wounded. The man was placed in the prison hospital. Two o f the 20 escap­ ing convicts were recaptured later, re­ ducing the number of original fugi­ tives at liberty to nine. The men who escaped were led by Antone Pazo, a life term murderer, who a few months ago in the prison dining room seized a knife and almost disemboweled a fellow ’ prisoner. He stabbed a livery man after the escape and was shot and killed by an officer. Governor Carey is hastening home from Crawford, Neb., to take person­ al charge of the situation. The town is in panic. Frantic tel­ egrams have been sent to Governor Carey at Sheridan, imploring him to send state troops to protect the citiz­ ens. C A U T I O N . — T o p r o te c t y o u a g a in st in fe r io r sh o e e , W . L . D o u g la s s ta m p s h is n a m e o n th o b o t ­ t o m . L o o k fo r t h e s t a m p . 'B e w a r e o f s u b s t itu t e s . W . L . D o u g la s s h o e s a r e so ld in 7 8 o w n s t o r e s a n d sh o e d e a le r s e v e r y w h e r e . N o m a t t e r w h e r e y o u liv e , t h e y a r e w ith in y o u r r e a c h . If y o u r d e a le r c a n n o t s u p p ly y o u , w r ite d ir e c t t o f a c t o r y fo r c a t a lo g s h o w in g h o w t o o r d e r b y m a il. S h o o t s o o t e v a r y w h e r e , d e liv e r y c h a r g e s p r e p a id . W .L .D o u g !a s , B r o c k t o n . M a t e . Likely to Keep Him Susy. Mrs. Bacon—I never saw a puzzle my brother couldn’t do. H e’s really a wonder. Mr. Bacon— I wish you’d take this timetable down to him and see If he can make anything out o f it. — Yonkers Statesman. -w—a— MILL WORK, DIRECT FROM MILL, AT MILL PRICES > > Y ou will find our big FREE catalogue very valuable It will be mailed IMMEDl ATELY, upon request- It contains a COMPLETE LIST o f MILL MATE1RIAL, such aa doors, sashes, frames, windows, colonadcs. buffets, cedar chests, flour bins, stairways, balusters and flooring. Prices all quoted in PLAIN FIGURES. Buying DIRECT FROM MILL, your SAVING W ILL SURPRISE YOU. Place your next order with us. Send for CATALOGUE TODAY. NORTH W EST DOOR COM PAN Y, Portland, Ore. - - - __________________ W . -- .W. — Curios C om e From Arctic. W . A New Idea for Display of Goods. Called a "roundabout,” a motor driven display rack for stores invent­ ed in England carries goods to be shown on the ends of arms that re­ volve vertically and at the same time swing around a vertical shafb Varying Life of Plants. The Jvy outlives 200 years; the elm, 300 to 85° years; the linden, 500 to 1,000 years; the locust tree and tho oak, 400 years; the fir, 700 to 1,200 years, and palm trees, 3,000 to 6,000 years. Eat Golden Cereal Foods and recommend them to your acquaint­ ances. You get better quality and more for your money. They are made in your home state from the best Oregon Oats and Wheat. Large packages contain a Handsome Premium and all goods are guaranteed. Ask your grocer. Golden Rod Oats. Golden Rod Pancake Flour. Golden Rod Wheat Flakes. Ralston Select Iirnn. Golden Rod Wheat Nuts. Golden Rod Chick Food. Answered. Teacher (In lesson on H olland)— Under remarkable circumstances a “ Why, Willie, don’t you know what valuable gold ring, set with sapphires country the geography lesson Is and pearls, belonging to a resident of about? Think hard. W ho were thw Rochester, near Uttoxeter, Stafford­ people who made war on skates?’* league.”— shire, England, has been discovered W illie— “ De Anti-Saloon after being missing for over four Judge. years. It Is assumed that the ring must have been carted away with ashes, for while working on a near-by farm a bailiff found the ring in a I field. Although It had been missing for such a lengthy period the ring was not In the least tarnished. The man who was working In tho field with the bailiff happened to remem­ ber the lo'"’ ' *’ VALUABLE RING RECOVERED. Said More Than He Meant. The Candidate (having quoted the words of an eminent statesman in sup­ port of an argument)— "And, mind PURIFY REGULATE, _ you, these are not my word.:. This THE BOWELS THE LIVER ’ THE BLOOD is not merely my opinion. These are a t a l l d r u g g is t s the words of a man who knows what he’s talking about.” Seattle— Forty-one cases of curios and relics gathered by Dr. Vildjhmar No thoughtful po*-son uses liquid blue. It’ s a Stefanson, the Arctic explorer who pinch of blue in a lurqe bottle o f water. Ask for lied Cross Ball Blue, the blue that’s all blue. discovered a race o f blonde Eskimos in Victorialand, were unloaded here Has Pig for Her Pet. from the schooner Transit, which Miss Ethel Albright of Palmyra, N. brought them down from Point Bar- row, Alaska, and are being prepared Y., has an unusual pet, a tame pig, shipment to New York, where which she raised by artificial means. But a Symptom, a Danger Sig­ for they will be placed in the American It was taken from the litter when a few days old. The little animal shows museum o f natural history. nal W hich Every W oman Included in the shipment are two great affection for Its young mistress, Should Heed. cases o f human bones and skulls, there follow ing her about, as would a dog, being 61 of the [latter, soapstone and showing Its Jealousy of her other Backache is a symptom o f organic lamps, cooking utensils, and other val­ pets. weakness or derangemenL If you have uable exhibits pertaining to the mode backache don’t neglect it. To get per­ o f living of the natives. Unci* Pennywise Says: manent relief you must reach the root “ A girl with several applicants for of the trouble. Read about Mrs. Wood- One of Chief Towns Taken. her hand Is apt to worry because the all’s experience. Podgoritza, Montenegro — The demand for her Is so much greater Morton’s jrap,Kentucky. —“ I suffered Northern Montenegrin army under than the supply." ttvo years with female disorders, my General Vukovitch, which recently health was very bad crossed the border into the Sanjak o f and I had a continual backache which was Novinazar, gained a firm foothold by simply awful. I could capturing Bylopolye, one o f the chief Bylopolye not stand on my feet towns of the province. long enough to cook fell after prolonged fighting, but no a meal’s v ic t u a ls information has been received regard­ The Montenegrins w it h o u t my back ing the losses. nearly killing me, have set up a provisional government. and I would have The Serb inhabitants o f Bylopolye i such dragging sensa­ welcomed the Montenegrins as libera-1 W e have had seventy years tions I could hardly tors from the Turkish yoke. bear it. I had sore­ of experience with Ayer's New Alfalfa is Solution. ness in each side, could not stand tight Cherry P e cto ra l. T h i s Washington, D. C.— Secretary Wil- j clothing, and was irregular. I was com­ makes us have great confi­ pletely run down. On advice I took son expressed belief that the agricul­ Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Com­ tural problem in the arid lands o f the | dence in it for coughs, colds, pound and am enjoying good health. It West had been solved by the alfalfa bronchitis, weak throats, and is now more than two years and I have brought from Siberia. “ Draw aline W e want yo.u not had an ache or pain since. I do all from the northern boundary of North | weak lungs. my own work, washing and everything, Dakota down to the Gulf of M exico,’ ’ j to have confidence in it, as and never have backache any more. I said Mr. Wilson. “ That’ s arid land. well. Ask your own doctor think your medicine is grand and I praise Up in Siberia they are getting alfalfa j it to ail my neighbors. I f you think my and that hardy product we will put in- | what experience he has had testimony will help others you may pub­ to the arid section. It will be the sal­ with it. He knows. Keep lish it.” —Mrs. O llie W oodall , Mor­ vation o f the arid country.” in close touch with him. ; ton’s Gap, Kentucky. BACKACHE NOT fl DISEASE 7 o Years Painless Dentistry 1« o a r pride—o a r h ob b y—o a r «tody fo r year« an d n o w o o r iu r o e ti, an d c a n i« t h o I k at painieas w ork to b e fou n d anyw here, n o m a tte r how m u ch j o v pay. C o m p o r t) o u r P r ic e s . W e flnlHh p late an d bri dteen gathered from every q u a r­ te r o f th e globe. T h e *ecret* o f the*e m ed icin e* are not known to th e outalde w orld, bat have t>e«Q banded down from fa th er to son in the physicians’ fa m ilies in China. C O N S U L T A T IO N F R E E . I f yoTi live oa t o f town and cannot rail, w rite fo r sym ptom blank and c ircu la r, e n closin g 4 cen ts la stamps. THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162J first St., Cor. Morrison P o r t la n d . O r e g o n . Chemical Cow Invented. One of Ayer’s Pills at bedtime will cause London— Three Germans have in­ an increased flow of bile and produce a vented a machine which digests vege­ gentle laxative effect the day following, j tables like a cow and gives chemical Formula on each box. Show it to your : doctor. He will understand at a glance. 1 milk. Sir William Crooks, scientist, Dose, one pill at bedtime, just one. tasted some o f the milk and said he liked it. U e A s b y t h e t . O. AY I k C O ., L o w e ll, a m P. N. U. No. 42 — *12 W H E N w riting to a d v e rtía «* , pleaaa men- T t ic « thia pagar.