fo rtu n e! Marble W ork. F orest G rove P ress WASHI NGTON COUNTY S NEWSPAPER. Voi. 3 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1912. No. 50 will surely be found that one de­ partment of an industry is eat­ ing up the profit from another part of the business. These are matters which are as important in the running of | the city incorporation as in the running of an incorporated elec­ Washington-Oregon Corpora­ tric company. If a city fails to Mrs. Emmerson has been quite Mrs. Austin is preparing to ill. build a new house on B street. carry on its business in a proper tion Makes the City manner it also must suffer; the Mrs. Harper, of Gales Creek, Mr. Bert Ramsey, of Portland, only difference is that a city can­ was in town last Saturday. visited in Forest Grove last Sun­ Proposition. not go out of business and must Mrs. C. A. Littler visited rela- day. pocket its losses, levy more taxes ; tives in Portland this week. Miss Hoodenpyln, of Wapato, To the Citizens of Forest Grove: and begin again. Miss Wanda Sain, of Scoggins was in town shopping last Tues­ At the recent regular meeting We are unable to find any evi­ Valley, visited in this city last day. of your City Council, we had the dence that the City of Forest ;Sunday. Mr.'and Mrs. A. E. Harte are honor of substituting a tentative Grove is better off in the matter employed in the N. B. La Course Saturday is proclaimed by Gov. proposal for the lighting of your of bookkeeping than other i store. West as clean up day. Does it city. Owing to several miscon­ small cities, and in some case j mean us ? Warren Tupperand little sister ceptions of our offer, which are very large cities also. There are of Idaho, are attending school in Miss Bessie Wilson, of Port­ abroad, we take this means of many matters in connection with ! this city. land was a visitor in the Grove making our terms and our mo­ the running of the city electric j last Sunday. Mrs. Rev. C. C. Stewart, of plant which a successful private! tive plain to you. Salem, visited relatives in this Mrs. T. Wiggman has been It is necessary first, for us to campany would not permit. city last week. ¡putting anew sidewalk around outline to the residents and tax­ Then again no provision has her property. Mr. and Mrs. Carmel Good payers of the Grove the import­ been made for the breakdown of visited friends at Salem last the single engine, and the one Mr. Grathwell, of this city, ant service we are attempting to Saturday and Sunday. boiler and generator. These are will lecture at Beaverton next render in your valley, where as items which must be taken up Thursday evening. Wm. Sattler has arrived in the a business organization we are sooner or later by the city. city, after spending two years in Wm. Scott, deputy school devoted entirely to the improve­ Knowing this, we offer to the Oakland, California. superintendent of Hillsboro, was ment and advantage of the re­ city as a clean cut business | in the Grove Tuesday. Mrs. C. Shaw has returned to gion. We are engaged in the proposition all the advantages her home in this city, after visit­ manufacture and distribution of Mrs. H. W. Hoskins, of the which come from an avoidance electricity, and our object being Grove, left for California last ing ot Rigfield, Wash. the purely business one of sell­ of the many losses bound to oc­ week to visit her son Blaine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crowthers ing the greatest quantity of our cur in conducting a municipal and little son Gaylord, of Gales Mrs. Doores returned from product, we must accomplish lighting plant. We will sell Creek, were in town on Monday. Woodburn last Friday night this object by applying business electric energy to Forest Grove where she has been visiting. The missionary society of the princip’es. The first element of for less than it costs the city to Congregational church gave a Mr. Needham, father of Mrs. business is to encourage by com­ make it, and relieve the city of supper last Wednesday evening. E. G. Mills, arrived in Forest mon sense means the free use of all the upkeep items which it Grove Sunday from Nebraska. Mrs. C. Knapp, of this place, a product. To do this requires must provide for in its power Went to the Good Samaritan Mrs. 0. L. Kennedy with her a systematic plan of operations house. We will give the city Hospital in Portland last Mon­ family and a party of friends and low prices, steady service twenty four hour service. We day. visited at the Olmstead home and fair treatment. Low price will give it all the current it 12 last week. | Mr. Marion Hawkins from Co- does not mean selling at a loss. asks for now and provide for the growth of the future. We will On the evening of Mor. la;, Oct. 14th, Colonel Thoadore Roose­ Mr. Alva Patton went to Quille, Oregon, visited over Sun- Any product sold at a price enable you to use the many la­ velt progressive candidate for the presidency was shot by an in­ Portland Monday night to attend day with Mr. and Mrs. D. N. which does not yield a fair bor saving electric devices now sane crank, by name John Schrank. in front of the Gillpatrick a Christian Endeavor meeting, Morris. profit will swamp the strongest j M. It. Wagner (Met) who has business. Any business which on the market, not the least of hotel, Milwaukee, Wis. The ball fired from a 38 calibre revolver, returning Tuesday morning. which is the electric iron. All entered the right breast below the nipple, embeding itself in the We pay cash to those who get ^een in California for some time does not know where to guard against losses must fail. A fair of the above we can give the muscles of the chest at a depth of 4 inches 1 he wound, consider- j subscriptions for the Press. We 's here fixing up around the need more good representatives, home place. profit encourages good service city while it still retains its plant ed at first slight, may prove fatal. ready for use, if we fail to fulfiil The would be assassin was overpowered and arrested. He Write us at once for particulars. s. C. Inkley, farmer and hop and keeps the establishment these promises. But even with plead guilty and boasted of his crime. The whole country is Joseph Howell died Monday in grower of the banks section was abreast of the times. These elementary principles all the saving this plan offers, aroused in sympathy and is hopeful for the cand dates’ recovery. Portland. He had large land ¡n town on business the latter holdings on Souvie’s Island. part of last week. apply perhaps more in the man- the city must bear the losses A t the Christian Church. Many years ago he lived near ,, „ . .. . . facture and sale of electricity and burden of management M asonic O rd er Bans th e Liquor „ .„ i ' Huffaker Bros, left this week Business. than they do in other lines of which make it very doubtful At the Christian church next for Garden Home and Metzger, work. To manufacture electric­ that the city can avoid losses in Los A ngeles : Hereafter no Sunday the pastor will preach Mrs. Laura Doane entertained where they have a large contract ity in a proper manner a vast a term of ten years. It is on Mason in California can engage both morning and evening. In a few friends at her home last of wood sawing which will re­ amount of money must be spent this account that nearly every in the liquor business and re- the morning the subject will be, Saturday evening in honor of quire about three weeks to com­ city has found it wise to . in machinery and buildings. small give a franchise to a reliable ma'n *n E°°d standing. This is “That Rock Was Christ.” In the second anniversary of Mr. plete. The most talented designing and company. We therefore offered ru' ‘ng the C alifornia the evening a most important and Mrs. Bert Doane. The State convention of the operating engineers are employ­ informally to the city council a Kram' l°(tee of h**oe and Accept- theme is to be discussed, one A basket social was held at W. C. T. U. will be held in Port­ ed in all its operations and much proposition for a franchise sim- e(^ Masons today. Not only was that the minister has been asked the High School last Friday land on Friday, Oct. 18th and time and money is devoted to ilar to the one we hold in Hills- j amer>dment passed to pre- about many times, The subject evening. The sale of the bask­ the national convention will be keep the machinery moving entering is, “Why Christ Died, or the ets amounted to $31.75. Be­ held at the same place from the without disaster or interruption boro. The acceptance of 0ur ' vent saloon men from rider prevent- Necessity of His Death.” Be tween 40 and 50 were present, 19th to the 26th of Oct. terms will clear the city of all ! order, but a to the service. Large sums good standing sure and hear this sermon. and all had an enjoyable time. Masons in must be set aside for emergen­ expense and possible loss and 'ng from entering the liquor busi­ Bible school at 10:15, which is Prof. Proctor and wife and A single potato, somewhat ir- cies and for improvements to will leave a large sum of money ness in any way was almost a very interesting session. The j daughter, Mrs. A. L. Moore, Irefiu,ar in shal>e. weighing five in the treasury. keep abreast of the times. I Mrs. R. E. Emmerson, Miss B. Pounds was brought to our office public is cordially invited. Our knowledge of the business unai|imously adopted. No one not intimately familiar Dorris, Miss Kate Scott and Joe t)y Cal Cambell this week, just O bituury. M an H u rt W hile Fishing. with the modern power station of manufacturing electricity is Samet, the tailor, were among *n time to save us from straining Warren E. West aged 6 years and its business organization, offered to the Grove and the vai HiLLSBORo:-On last Friday the Portland visitors this week. our cref^1 f°r wore spuds. can imagine the number of de­ ley in which it is located. Our Jack Beedon, a Portland busi­ late son of Prof, and Mrs. Earl The Prohibition rally held in The ladies of the Christian tails entering into the work. interests and capital is devoted ness man, was rendered uncon­ West died Sunday morning at the the Congregational church last church will give a cooked food to adding to the growth and The making of the electric fluid scious by a 12-foot fall while try­ Forest Grove Sanitarum. The Saturday evening was well at- Hale ne*t Saturday, Oct. 19th, at prosperity of the district in is the simplest and cheapest ing to land a salmon trout on child underwent an operation for Moore’s meat market and gro­ operation in the process. It is which we operate. If those who the Salmon Berry River, 40 miles appendicitis last week but was too tended. The topic, “ Why I am cery. All kinds of good things a Prohibitionist, ” was discussed have the interest of the neigh­ weak to recover. Funeral ser­ before and after the generation I from here. and much enthusiasm manifest­ for your Sunday dinner. Come borhood at heart will weigh the of the fluid energy, that ex­ Beedon was standing on a vices were held at the home of ed. and see us. facts we present they must ad­ the parents Reverend Thomas pense and losses begin. It takes rock in the stream when -the Mrs. Millie Trumbell will the utmost care at every point mit the advantage of our terms fish bit. He started to reel in and Barber officiating with in­ Dr. H. R. Kauffman, of Glen- over the present situation. dale, Oregon, has located in the speak at the Christian church to prevent losses, danger and his catch, lost his balance and terment in Forest View Cem­ Grove. He has taken offices parlors Friday the 18th, at 3 For the Washington-Oregon damages, and interruption of the fell, striking on his head. He etery. C. W. H ill . with Dr. Pollock in the Bank p. m. at the Mothers’ meeting, service. To paraphrase a well Corporation. was brought here and was un­ The good people of Father building. His wife who is visit­ of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Trum­ known saying “the price of un­ conscious when taken from Buck’s congregation in Cornelius ing in the east, will join him bell is the secretary of the Child H IG H SCHOOL NOTES. interrupted electric service is the train. He was better that gave him a double surprise last Labor Commission of Portland. eternal watchfulness,” from the Newberg trimmed the Forest evening and was able to return week when they came in a body soon. Every one is urged to be present. Concord grapes have been sell­ time the plans are executed to Grove High School team last to Portland. to spend the evening and inci *! ing on the Portland markets this the time bills are paid. Walker and Lidyard, shoe­ Saturday to the tune of 19 to 0. B ethany —School with Prof. dently presented him with a week, two baskets for 25 cents. It is not the least item of trou­ Our boys are game, though and makers, have installed up to beautiful rocker. The evening ble, this matter of seeing that will go after McMinville in good E. G. Weeble, as teacher, has an was pleasantly spent with music No better grapes can lie had for date machines in their present enrollment at this date of 36 bills are paid, but a greater earnest this Saturday, and refreshments. Father Buck jelly purposes, and while so quarters on 1st Avenue north, difficulty exists in apportioning Dr. Todd, Vice President of and the school is working up says if he grows lazy it will be cheap all should avail themselves They now sew on the soles as the many items of expense the Willamette University spoke much enthusiasm. of a supply. well as do all fancy stitching. on account of his kind people. C ard of T hanks. where they belong. Unless in his usual happy manner at Andrew Kelly and Miss Lydia The polisher and finisher is every item of expense is proper­ assembly on Oct. 11th. We desire to thank our many C ongregational C hurch Service» A. Taylor were married by Rev. something of a marvel in the ly noted and carefully charged kind friends and neighbors who Morning subject “Supposing” C. H. Hilton at the home of T. quality of work it turns out. to the part of the business in $5.00 down and $5.00 per month with their help and kind words evening subject “Choosing.” H. McGreer, Thursday of last The boys say all this new ma­ Rev. Toomas, pastor. week. The couple will make chinery was necessary to keep which it belongs, it will not be for 6 months, buys a good type- assisted us in our late bereave- long before serious losses will be writer at Steahr’s Bazaar, guar- merit The Press from now till Jan. their home on 1st avenue N and abreast with the growth of busi­ discovered somewhere and it anteed for two years. C. L. P erry and F amily . 1914, $1. Fifth streets. ness. 24 HOUR SERVICE H Forest Grove Locals , *