CITY NEWS NOTES. Thos. A. Tongue deputy prose­ cuting attorney was in the city Saturday. Rev. J. M. Barber writes from San Francisco, where he has been for some time, that he will leave that place for home Aug. 13th. A party o f Sunday School boys from the Methodist church, en­ joyed a hayrack ride and picnic* ed at the home of E. T. Buxton, near town, on Tnesday evening. Base ball Saturday evening. Edward Fowler and Encill Todd, captains. Captains see a leader before Saturday and get the rest of the teams. Game starts at 7:10 sharp on the college field. Business meeting at 8:15. Elmer Downs and family, from near Thatcher left for Tillamook Beach Monday. Store room on North Main St. near Forest Grove studio for rent. Inquire at Press office 40-tf Mrs. Al. Armstrong aud two little daughters, from Canby, Minn., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Parker. H. C. Parker of the Oregon Land Co., in company with Dud­ ley Knapp are spending this week fishing and hunting on the Wilson river. Mrs. Ed Dixon in company with her sisters and brother, who are here visiting from K an -; The Executive Committee of sas, left Monday for Tillamook the Young People’s Branch of Beach where they will pitch a the W. C. T. U. met last Tues­ camp ior an outing. day. They have arranged for a Dr. Stewart, Cheroproctor, in series of programs to be given K. P. Bldg. Phone Main 486. this winter. The first will come An expert in chronic diseases off August 80th. also fevers, goitre, gall stones, Tillamook Train Wrecked kidney, heart and rheumatism. If sick look us up. 40-tf The special train put on for Dr. McClellan and wife and hauling the Sunday traffic on the daughter of Galesburg, 111, are Tillamook beach was ditched in the city this week visiting Sunday morning near Tillamook friends. Dr McClellan was for­ city. The train left the track mer president of the Pacific and came to a stop after a run of University o f this place. nearly 200 feet. The fireman jumped and sustained but slight About thirty grangers with baskets filled to overflowing bruises. The engineer remain­ swooped down on the family of ing at his post, was badly bruis­ L J. Corl Monday night for a ed. No fatality resulting from big time. The merry party left the mishap, although the train at a late hour, with expressions was packed with passengers. o f satisfaction and the hope for Many Sunday excursionists got the return o f many such meet­ tired and hungry before reach­ ing their homes Sunday night. ings. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP. The Nebraska State Society of Washington County, Oregon Name................................ P. 0 ................................... Phone......... Lived in Nebraska fr o m .........................until.............................. in .......................................................................................... County. Occupation..............................................Was born in Nebraska a t........................................ in .........................................Married or single ................... Enclosed $1.00, for which enter my name on register. Mail the Press t o .............................................. ....................................... If already a subscriber, name date o f expiration..................... Cut out »nd mail at o n c e to Pres« Office, Forest Grove, Ore. First Publication, July 25, 1912. First Publication Aug 8th, 1912 SUMMONS. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon for Washington County. Margrath Thomas Plaintiff vs. Edward Thomas Defendant JtTo Margrath Thomas, Defendant 11 In the name o f the state o f Oregon you are hereby reqqired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 19th day of September 1912, which is the time prescribed in the order for the publication of this summons, and ! if you fail to so appear and answer, ! plaintiff will apply for the relief de- : manded in the complaint namely: For a decree disolving the marriage con­ tract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and that she have and be decreed the interest of defendant in contract on the lot in Forest Grove on which the home is located. That she be decreed to be the owner o f the household goods and other small per­ sonal effects about the home and that she have judgment against defendant for her costs and disbursements in this suit. This Summons is published once a week for six consecutive and success­ ive weeks. The first publication is on the 8th day of August, 1912 and the last on the 19th day of September, 1912 By order o f the Hon. R. O. Steven­ son, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County. Made and entered on the 8th day of August, 1912. J. N. H o f f m a n , 40-6t Attorney for Plaintiff, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. Charles L. Jennings Plaintiff vs. Helena Jennings Defendant To Helena Jennings, Defendant. In the name o f the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against vou in the above entitled suit on or before the 5th day o f September, 1912, which is the time prescribed in the order for the publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, plaintiff will apply for the relief de­ manded in the complaint namely: For a decree disolving the marriage con­ tract now existing between plaintiff and defendant for such other and fur­ ther relief as to the court may seem equity. This Summons is published once a week for six consecutive and success­ ive weeks. The first publication is on the 25th day o f July 1912 and the last on the 5th day of September 1912. By order o f the Hon. R. O. Steven­ son, Judge o f the County Court o f the State of Oregon for Washington County. Made and entered on the 20th day of July 1912. J. N. H o f f m a n , 38-6t Attorney for Plaintiff. First Publication, Ang. 8th. SUMMONS. In Justice Court for Forest Grove Jus­ tice of the Peace and Constable Dist­ rict, Washington County, Oregon. G. W. Bunker Plaintiff vs John Hinkle and Jane Doe Hinkle, Husband and wife Defendants. To John Hinkle and Jane Doe Hinkle defendants. In the name of the State o f Oregon: you are hereby commanded and requir­ ed to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled action within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons being August 8th, 1912, and if you fail to so answer with­ in the time prescribed for the publi­ cation o f this summons to with­ in six weeks for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgement against you and each of you in the sum of $53.80 and for costs and disbursements in this action and will sell the sewing machine and two boxes of goods held under attachment to satisfy the judg­ ment and costs. An order for the publication o f this summons was made by the above en­ titled court on the 6th day of August, 1912, by W. J. It. Beach Justice of the Peace, and which order prescribed that said summons be published in the Forest Grove Press, a weekly news­ paper, for a period of six weeks, the first publication being August 8th, 1912 and the last publication being on the 12th o f September, 1912. Dated at Forest Grove, Oregon this 6th day of August, 1912. W. J. R. B ea ch , Justice o f the Peace for Forest Grove Justice o f the Peace and Constable Dist­ rict, Washington County, Ore. J . N. H o f f m a n , Attorney for Plaintiff. W A T C H THIS SPACE ! IT IS RESERVED BY PACIFIC UNIVERSITY F o r e s t G ro v e , O r e g o n A Christian College of Highest Standards and Rank. Excellent Equipment, Thorough Instruction, Modern Gymnasium, Clean Athletics, Ideal in Location and Surroundings. pR O M week to week the University will publish information of importance to prospective college students and those in­ terested in their welfare. N ext week mention will be made of some advantages of the Christian College. If you are interested W A T C H THIS SPACE! F or particular information address PROF. FR A N K C. T A Y L O R , Chairman of Committee of Control. First Publication Jnly 11th, 1912. SUMMONS. Report of the Condition of In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Ruel N. Baker, A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Plaintiff, vs. William Ira Tallman, The following comparative statement of the deposits and Corba C. Tallman, his wife, Alfred Tallman, resources of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Forest Grove, Ore., Minnie Tallman, his wife, under its present management speaks volumes: Stephen Tallman, Jane Doe Tallman, his wife, DEPOSITS James Tallman, Sarah Jane Tallman, his wife, Nov. 2. 1909, $ 92,318.96--------------- Thomas Tallman, May 2, 1910, 132,138.98---------------------- Millie Tallman, his wife, Nov. 2, 1910, 133,184.64________________ Frederick Tatlman, May 2, 1911, 148,877.81------------------------------ Nancy Tallman, his wife, Sidney Tallman, Nov. 2,191 1, 153,430.91______________ ______ Jane Doe Tallman, his wife, May 2, 1912, 201,079,16___________________________ James Moore, Jane Doe Moore, his wife; and Resources May 2, 1909 - $177,348.10 John Doe Cratt; * “ 2, 1912 - $315,261.56 also all other persons or parties un­ known claiming any right, title, estate lien or interest in the real estate de­ scribed in the complaint herein, Defendants. To William Ira Tallman, Corba C. Tallman, his wife, Alfred Tallman, Minnie Tallman, his wife, Stephen Tallman, Jane Doe Tallman, his wife, James Tallman, Sarah Jane Tail- man his wife, Sidney Tallman, Jane Doe Tallman, his wife. James Moore, Jane Doe Moore, his wife, and John Doe Cratt; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title estate, lien or interest in the real estate Corner 2nd St. and 4th Avenue described in the complaint herein, (ex­ cepting the claims of J. F. Sehoeh, James W. Seavey and Frank S. John­ ALL NEW GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. son), Defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS You and each of you are hereby re­ OF THE CITY. quired to appear in the above-entitled Conrt, and answer the complaint filled against you in the above-entitled case on or before the 24th day of August, Phone 731 J. F. LEISE, Prop’r 1912, said date being after the expira­ tion of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, the first publicalion thereof being Thurs­ day, the 11th day o f July, and the date of the last publication thereof being Thursday, August 22nd, 1912; and set LEGAL NOTICE. up by way of answer any claim you may have in or to the real property Notice is hereby given by the County Court of Washington County, Oregon, hereinafter described; and you and that if the following named County warrants, to-wit: each o f you, will take notice that if N am e you fail so to appear and answer said N o. o f W arrant Date A m ou nt 1145 complaint, for want thereof the plaint­ A ndy A ve ry , Class V. A u g . 9, 1900 $ 1.20 3306 iff will apply to the Court for the re­ Elton A lex a n d er, Series 1904 Jan. 9, 1904 1.00 5144 3.20 lief prayed for in his complaint; to- A lex B ew s, Series 1905 A p r. 7, 1905 1700 wit, for a decree adjudging plaintiff Mrs K ate Bowes, A d m rx , Class V Feb. 6, 1901 3.12 1050 to be the owner in fee simple, and in W m . Bingham , Clas s V A u g . 9, 1900 3.50 4956 actual possession o f all the following Carrie C ham bers, Series 1905 Jan. 12, 1905 4.10 described real property situated in A rthur Cum m ings, Series 1904 3103 N ov. 5, 1903 1.50 Washington County, Oregon,! to-wit: J. W . C lark, Class U 1962 1.20 Dec. 7. 1899 The Northeast quarter ( NE' 4) of Charles D ietz, Series 1903 2937 Sep. 3, 1903 2.50 Section Four (4), in Township One Johhn T . E lliott Series 190 5456 Jun 12, 1905 1.00 (I), North of Range (4), West o f the J. T. Fort!, Series 1904 .3353 Feb. 3, 1904 2.20 Willamette Meridian, containing One Fir G rove Mill Co., Series 1903 2842 10.40 A u g . 6, 1903 Hundred and Sixty-Four (164) acres H enry F uhren, Class V 1671 Jan. 10, 1901 1.00 W orth H uston, Series 1904 3351 of land more or less. 3.00 Feb. 3, 1904 That, you, and each of you, be for­ C. H. H olbrook. Series 190 4 5454 Jun. 12, 1905 1.00 ever barred and precluded from claim­ W . C. H arm s, Series 1905 5219 A p r. 10, 1905 .97 ing or attempting to claim, asserting M. H arrington, Series 1905 4868 Jan. 6, 1905 2.50 or attempting to assert any interest H om e Insurance Co. in, or right or title to, said premises, By D. O gden, Series 1905 5336 M ay 6, 1905 4.32 or any part thereof adverse to the title W ill K irby, Series 1905 4927 Jan. 12, 1905 4.00 5460 of thè plaintiff herein, and that the L ew is L arson, Series 190 Jun. 12, 1905 3.21 title o f the plaintiff in and to said real M. M eyer, Class V 1674 1.00 Jan. 10. 1901 droperty be forever quieted as against John Miller, Class V 1.90 1789 Feb. 7, 1901 your claims of interest, right, title, A. B. M cD onald, Class V 1334 D ec. 7, 1900 1.00 and lien therein and thereto. iVmald M cK enzie, series 1905 5216 A p r. 10 1905 4.82 This summons is served upon you by John M cCoy, Series 1903 2406 M ay 8, 1903 3.70 publication thereof in the the Forest John N elson, Series 1904 4157 J u ly 15, 1904 1.33 Grove Press pursuant to an order of A nton N eilsen, Class V 734 Jun. 7, 19*H) 2.00 the Honorable R. O. Stevenson, J. Peopples, Series 19115 5232 A p r. 10, 1905 2.52 County Judge of Washington County Charles E. P otter. Class V 1871 A p r. 4, 1901 1.50 Oregon, made and dated on the 8th day J. W . R obinson, Series 1905 5229 A p r. 10, 1906 22.91 o f July, 1912, which said order re­ John Roberts. Class V 1914 A p r. 4, 1901 2.00 quires that you appear and answer said Mrs. Ella R ogers, Series 1904 4223 A u g . 4, 1904 1.70 complaint on or before the 24th day of J. C. Slaughter, Series 190 5451 Jun. 12, 1905 1.50 August, 1912. Ellen W . S tarrett. Series 1905 5218 A p r. 10, 1905 .86 Lotus L. Langley, W m . Slater. Series 1904 3503 Mar 3, 1904 2.00 Manche I. Langley, A. S torey, Clsss V 1.50 642 M a: 10. 1900 Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sam Schm idt. Class V 1964 May 1. 1901 .75 4 0 Per Cent Cash Reserve South Park Grocery For Sale. One double Barrel Shot gun. Inquire at Press Office. 40-tf Middle aged lady wants place as housekeeper. Country pre­ ferred. Inquire at Press Office. 40-tf 17 Acres close to Forest Frove. Will sell cheap. Fine land and excellent location. Can be sub­ divided. For Particulars see J. W. S h e r w o o d . Phone 161. 40-3t PEOPLE’S STORE Corner 3rd and Main St. This week we introduce a new feature in our advertisement. No such right down genuine bargains as this advertisement tells about have ever been offered in Hillsboro. W h en this store makes an announcement, its friends and patrons w ho know good goods and recognize low prices respond at once, because the values are always there This is the greatest bargain offering we have ever made, but you must come to the store and pick them out if you want a share of the good things. W e are not going to give a detail or a price. Take our word for it, they are worth coming for. First class practical nurse wishes confinement cases. Will do light housework. $15 per week; after first week will make rates. Phone Main 381 38-tf Fresh garden truck of all kinds. Cucumbers, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, peas, and corn. Will deliver fresh from garden. Prices that will more than meet competition. Phone Main 081. A re you curious enough to sec whether w e mean business or not? People’s Store, M rs . M ary P arr . HILLSBORO, OREGON A T aylor Thom as, Class W 563 N ov. 6, 1901 4.00 A. W . V in cen t, Class V 1264 O ct. 4, 1900 1.00 W estern T ra n sfer Co., Series 1905 5046 Mar. 2, 1905 10.00 S. E. W hiteseil. Series 1906 5223 A p r. 10, 1905 1.13 A lexand er W eir. Class U 10.00 1850 N ov. 9, 1893 John W esterdahl, Class V 1660 Jan. 10. 1901 1.00 A. Zachau, ( la s s W Jan. 7, 1901 9.00 261 are not presented fo r paym ent to the C ounty T reasurer o f W ashington C ounty. O regon, w ithin sixty d a y« from the first day o f July, 1912. the sam e will be cancelled, and paym ent th ereof will be refused. Dated this Ilth day o f June. 1912. A ttest: J. W . Bailey. Co. Clerk R. O. S tevenson. C ounty J u d ge. For Sale. A few thoroughbred White Wyandotte hens, cheap if taken soon. Must make room for young stock. J. E. P o g u e Phone 0145 Forest Grove, 3S-2t Good office rooms in the Hoff- m» n building for rent Inquire °f J- N. H o f f m a n 39-tf For Sale or Rent—House and barn on North A. street. Also Jersey cow for sale. L. J. CORL. »