Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 08, 1912, Image 7

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    Farmers and Merchants
W rite us for our cash offer on your
Farm and Dairy Produce.
I f we
don’t handle it will refer you to re­
liable buyer. p e a RSON-PAGE CO.
Portland, Oregon.
Second-Hand Machin­
ery bought, sold and
. K a i „ ' I a m - -
exchanged: engines,
_A _
boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 76 1st
at.. Portland. Send for Stock List and prices.
M e th o d W h i c h W i l l I n s u r e C o m plete D e stru ctio n
O v e r - W i n t e r i n g L a r v a e , I f P e r s i s t e d In, W i l l
E ffe c tu a lly P re c lu d e S e rio u s I n ju r y
F r o m T h i s L i t t l e In sect.
In many cornfields, especially In
Hand Woftn, Unblocked the South, a heavy wind late in the
season, before the corn Is matured,
FROM WtAVtR TO WEAK* does great damage by breaking the
• 'an he worn unblocked ' plants off at
the surface o f the
by women. Blocked in
any size, shape o r style
ground, thus ruining them.
fo r men. Brims 3 and o
_________________ ___ _ inches.
L ig h t weight
An examination of these broken
""'Sent postpaid on receipt
or price. Money refunded if not satisfactorv. Get a
stems will in most cases show that
durable, stylish hat fo r the h alf o f what it would coat
they have been greatly weakened by
you elsewhere.
Add re** NEW M ODE H A T OU.
(V H Meussdorffer. Prop.
37 1-2 W ushim lon St.
the burrows of a caterpillar known
Tw en ty y e a n in Portland.
Portland. Ur
as “ the larger corn stalk borer."
Its work is largely within the stem
of the plant, and Is so concealed that
In most cases, unless weather condi­
roll? developed. 10c. any
tions make it conspicuous, the pres­
Largest and best
shop in Northwest.
ence of the insect passes unnoticed.
plete price list on request.
This insect seems to have been
Best results guaranteed.
originally an enemy of sugar cane
JA C O B S ™
and to have first transferred Its at­
P.-I. Build’ g:, Seattle tention to corn In the southern part
of this country, where corn and cane
are grown over the same territory.
It occurs in many countries where su­
Let Us Read the Papers for You
gar cane is the staple crop, and has
Clippings of every kind and character from
caused great damage in the W est
the press of the Pacific Coast furnished at
Indies, British Guiana, Australia, and
reasonable rates.
Java. The bulk of the evidence goes
to show that It was first brought into
432 S. Main St., Los Angeles. Cal.
this country with the importation of
sugar-cane cuttings from the W est
Indies and Central and South Ameri­
Peculiar Case of Poisoning.
ca, where, since early times, it has
Metal poisoning from handling cop­
per coins was the curious cause for
death recently assigned at W est Ham,
England. The deceased, age twenty-
seven, had been employed to collect
coins faom penny-ln-the-slot gas me­
ters, and his physician testified that
the coins were often green with ver­
digris. which remained on the collec­
tor's hands and was absorbed through
his habit of curling his mustache wJtb
his finger.
Eat Golden Cereal Food» and recommend them to your acquaint-
aimes. You tfet better quality and more for your money. They art
made in your home state from the best Oregon Oat* and Wheat.
Larve packages contain a Handsome Premium and all goods are
guaranteed. Ask your grocer.
and the larva burrows upward for a
short distance, after which it seems
to run aimlessly through the pith, fre­
quently even leaving the stalk entire­
ly and re-entering it at another point.
Turning upward, the caterpillar, when
fully grown, bores toward the outside
and cuts a circular hole In the outer
wall of the stalk. Then, after spin- {
nlng a few loose threads across this
opening to keep out undesirable visi­
tors, it retreats a short distance,
PO » It, A NO .HU COI»
Golden Rod Oats.
Golden Rod Pancake Floor.
Golden Rod Wheat Flakes.
Ralston Select Bran.
Golden Rod Wheat Nuts.
Golden Rod Chick Food.
F O R SALE-160 A. IN I IN N CO.. ORE.: TO A.
cult.: 2-story 10-r. residt-nce, barn, outbldys. 150
bearing fruit trees, machinery, etc, llaven, Box
310. Chicago.
FOR SALE-Sti A. N E A R V A N C O U V E R . B. C .
Can.: 6 a. cult.: house, barn, hennery, incubator,
outbids'*,, 2 a. fruit orchard, etc. Allen. Box 319,
H lp p e ty -h o p to
T o b u y som e
H tp p e ty -h o p to
T o b u y som e
Foolish Waltzing Contest.
An extraordinary waltzing watch in
which eight couples competed took
part at Allessandria, Piedmont, Italy.
The dancers commenced at 10 cfclock
in the evening of the 25th instant and
did not cease until they were com­
pelled to do so from exhaustion. At
midday on the 26th. when there re­
mained only two couples In the con­
test, the jury ordered the termination
of the match, which had lasted 14
hours, and Regaldt, whe was adjudged
champion, fainted immediately after-
the c an d y shop
chocolate d ro p s ;
the fru ite r's shop
corn w h ic h w ill pop.
H tp p e ty -h o p to o u r hom e a ga in ,
W it h can d y, pop -corn an d p o p p e r;
H ip p e i^ -im p 1 0 the kitchen fire.
F o r each o f us Is a h op p er.
Day on Which Our Creator Finished
His Work and Rested— Many
Other Interesting Facts.
On the seventh day God ended His
On the seventh day Noah’s ark
Female moth;
Wings of touched the ground.
male; c. Pupa.
In seven days a dove w-as sent.
Abraham pleaded seven times for
plugs the burrow below with digested
pith, and In the chamber thus cre­ Sodom.
Jacob mourned seven days for Jo­
ated slowly changes to the next or
pupal stage.
( seph.
Jacob pursued a 6even days’ Jour­
Seldom Is the stalk damaged above
ney by Laban.
the third joint from the ground, al­
A plenty of seven years and a fam­
though the larvae, when small, are
ine of seven years were foretold In
found In the large midribs of the low­
Pharaoh’s dream by seven fat and
er leaves and later in the season,
seven lean beasts, and seven ears ot
when the food supply is restricted,
full and seven ears of blasted corn.
even in succulent nubbins farther up.
On the seventh day of the seventh
They sometimes also penetrate the
month the children of Israel fasted
underground part of the stalk in feed­
seven days, and remained seven days
ing and enter some of the larger
in their tents.
brace roots for a short distance.
Every seventh day the law was read
The larvae of the second genera­ to the people.
Rod Cross Ball Blue, all blue, best bluing value
In the whole world, makes the laundress smile.
Larger cornstalk borer, a. Summer tion work in a similar manner, e x -, Solomon was seven years in build­
formed larva; b-c, hibernating forma; cept that at the time they appear the ing the temple.
Mahomet and the Mountain.
tassel has been formed; hence the
In the tabernacle there were seven
Mahomet made the people believe d-e-f-g, Abdominal segments.
damage is now confined altogether to lamps.
that he would call a hill to him aad
interfered with
the production of the lower stalk. Thus, instead of ar­
Naaman washed seven times In the
from the top of It offer up his prayers
ranging to pass the pupal stage in River Jordan.
this staple.
for the observance of his law.
Corn is damaged by these caterpil­ the upper stalk, they penetrate to
Our Saviour spoke seven times from
people assembled: Mahomet called the
the root to hibernate and there, as the cross, on which He hung seven
hill to come to him, again and again; lars in two ways. First, in the early
hours, and after His resurrection He
and when the hill stood still he was part of the season, while the plants
appeared seven times.
never a whit abashed, but said: “ If are small, they work in the “ throat”
Rotation Is one of the best genera' In the Apocalypse we read of
the hill will not come to Mahomet, Ma­ of the young corn, and if the tender
homet will go to the hill.”— Bacon’s Es- growing tip and the protecting leaves al preventives of Injury from insects seven churches, seven candlesticks,
are once damaged all chances that the afTectlng field crops. Experience has seven stars, seven trumpets, seven
lay “ Of Boldness.”
plant will become a normal produc­ shown that where corn has followed plagues, seven thunders, seven vir­
tive specimen are gone. In many itself upon the same field for two or gins, seven angels and a seven-headed
Quite Too Much for Used Words.
The value ot advertising was point- sections this is commonly known as more years there has been a much monster.— Newark News.
id out to a man with a budding busi­ “ bud-worm” injury, and though there
ness, and he agreed to give a writer are several other insects which cause
|50 for a full page. The copy was a similar mutilation of the leaf, a
submitted and the merchant looked it very large proportion of the so-called
over coldly. “ Fifty dollars is too “ bud-worm” damage mhy be charged
Framework Arranged on Floats Sup­
much,” he commented. “ You’ve used to this insect.
ports Novice by Means of Elastic
* lot of words I’ve seen before."
The other form of serious damage
Bands— Cannot Sink.
chargeable to this pest occurs later
Formed Queer Alliance.
in this season. The larvae, having
Tim idity about striking o’.»t Is the
A pair of linnets made their nest In then left the leaves and descended to
cause of the difficulty some people
a beehive on a farm In Switzerland, the lower part of the stalk, tunnel in
experience In learning to swim. An
and have succeeded in coming to an un­ the pith. If the larvae are at all
Alabama man has patented a de­
derstanding with the bees, so that numerous in the stalk, their burrows
vice which should remove from the
natural so weaken the plant that any unusual
world dwell in peace and harmony to­ strain will lay it low and destroy all
The birds and the bee3 use chance of Its maturing. While fre­
\ common entrance to the hive.
quently ten or more larvae may live
and mature in one plant, it must be
remembered that any
Dick— “ What part of the family however light, will lessen in some de­
tree am I, muz?” Mother— “ I guess gree the vitality of the plant and
Mutilation of leaves of corn caused
you are one of the limbs, Dick.” Dick cause a corresponding loss in the by larvae of larger cornstalk barer.
—“ Do you suppose that’s what dad quality and quantity of the harvest.
greater loss from the borer than
meant that morning when he said that
Immediately upon leaving the egg where an annual change of crop has
I ought to be trimmed about every so
in spring the young larva of the first been practiced. This is especially
often ?”— Judge.
generation, spinning a silken thread noticeable where stalks or stubble
behind It, wanders down Into the from the previous year have been al­
throat of the plant as far as the wa- lowed to remain undisturbed through-1
DAISY FLY KILLER g .* £ “ 7 h
Neat, clean,
out the winter. The moths, upon
ornamental, conven­
ient, cheap. Lasts
emergence in the spring, finding
all season. Made of
themselves surrounded by the young
metal, can’t spill or
tip over; will not noil
corn, commence egg laying at once
or injure anything.
Guaranteed effective
and escape the dangers encountered
Sold by dealers or
In searching for another field of
6 sent prepaid for $1.
HAROLD SOMERS, lSODeKulb Ave.. Brooklyn, tl. T.
corn. A forced Journey In search of
young corn results in many of the fe -,
males being eaten by birds or being
Swimming Teacher.
Limit to His i-oolishness.
destroyed because of rain, cold, or
W ife — You say 1 ought to practice
failure to find the object of their faintest heart the fear of sinking
economy, John. Now, what did your
quest. A few moths will always suc­ while learning the art.
dinner downtown cost you today? Hus­
ceed in their search, but the success­ metal framework Is supported on
band (a trifle weakly)— About three
ful proportion will be greatly de­ half a dozen floats and from the
dollars. W ife— Heavens, John, three
creased by persistent crop rotation.
cross bars of the framework elastic
dollars just for a dinner? Husband (a
bands depend.
One band books to
trifle Indignantly)— Well, that Includ­
a headpiece worn by the novice,,
ed a bottle of wine, of course. (More
another books to a belt around his
Indignantly) You don’t s’pose I would
Harnessed up In this fashion
pay three dollars Just for food, do
the learner cannot sink If he tries,
you?— New York Sun.
and can perfect
himself in the
stroke without worrying about what
Alfalfa Is RicH In Flesh Formlm is going to happen. When he feels per­
and Milk Producing Nutri­
fectly sure of his ability to keep afloat
e n ts—R ig h t K in d o f
be can strike out unhampered, or, If
he prefers, can free his legs first and
his head and body afterward, so as to
(By A. T. W IA N C K O . Indiana Experi­ learn his lesson gradually.
m ent Station.)
Larger cornstalk borer; Larva In
For alfalfa:
lower part of corn plant preparatory
T r y It.
Good drainage must be provided.
to hibernation.
The ground must be free of weed
It is said the queen of Sheba test
They may not cough today,
| ed King Solomon's wisdom by bring­
or dew usually standing there seed.
but what about tomorrow? ter
Soil lacking In fertility must be ing before him an equal number of
will allow It to go, and begins to feed
Better be prepared for it on the leaves, going back and forth well manured, as alfalfa requires a boys and girls, dressed exactly alike,
I and asking him to decide which was
when it comes. Ask your through the yet unfolded clusters large amount of plant food.
Inoculation of the soil will generally which.
doctor about keeping Ayer's and soon riddling the more tender
The father of wisdom called for
leaves with aimless burrows. If the be necessary and must not be neg-
Cherry Pectoral in the house. burrow reaches the tender terminal nected.
Soil from a good alfalfa field wash basins, and told the group to
Then when the hard cold or bud where the future Joints are being or from a place wrhere sweet clover U wash Its hands.
The girls daintily rolled up their
cough first appears you have formed, further growth at that point growing should be used for Inoculat­ cuffs,
but the boys splashed away with­
ceases and the plant becomes stunted | ing.
a doctor’s medicine at hand. and misshapen, with no tassel. As
out regard to neatness.
Alfalfa Is an excellent feed for all
And there you are.
T his cou g h m edicin e is the plant continues to mature, the kinds
of stock.
There was no match trust In that
especially good for children.
It Is rich In flesh forming and milk early day. If there had been any the
say. It is more likely that It is the
No anodynes. No alcohol. evidences of Its work and not the producing nutrients.
great king would have enjoyed a sim­
It is more digestible than red clo­ pler test.
For the Ixindon Chronicle
M iny • child is cilled dull *nd stupid . larva itself that “ grows out;” but for
when the whole trouble is due to s Iszy whatever reason, the caterpillar soon ver and is not far behind such mate­ declares that when women strike a
liver. We firmly believe your own doc­ leaves the more leafy portion of the I rials as wheat bran in feeding value. match she invariably scrapes it out?
tor will tell you thst sn occssionsl dose plant and attacks the stalk at or near
A lfalfa will yield from three to six ward and away from herself, while a
of Ayer’ s Pills, sugsr-costed. will do such the ground.
Here a hole is cut tons of hay per acre per season, ac­ man scrapes It in and toward himself.
children s »rest desl of good. Ask him. • throuch the outer wall of the stalk j cording to the fertility of the soiL
Fill your match box and try this.
»p t h a /. C. A T S » CO . LwwaU. * • • • .
of Children
^ P o rtla n d . O regon
p ^ R e e ld e n t and Day School fo r G ir l» t if
c h a r « « o f Sinter» o f St. John Baptiat ( r.' pi »copal I1
Cali » fla t » , Academic and Elementary Department«,
Music, A rt. Elocution. Oymnaelnm.
F o r catalog addree*» T H E S I S T E R M ft’ LI H i O R
O f f i c e 30. s t . H e le n a H a ll
O PE N S S E P T E M B E R 24
How Taste Is Cultivated.
LOCATED N EAR TACOM A—Chrstian; eo-eito*
largo campus; modern equipment.; ath*
People who live in climates wher» rational;
letics; new $5000 gymnasium under construction.
malaria abounds, frequently have to
PREPARES thoroughly, and in the shortest
take so much quinine that they get to possible time, for College. Business, Teaching,
! Civil Service, and Citizenship.
Languages a Spa*
love the taste of it, and to take it | rfalty.
dally, even when they do not need it,
Tight Courses; no entrance examination»; ape-
classes for foreigners.
Just because it tastes good to them. cial
EX PENSES LOW: Tuition, board, room and
And yet quinine is one of the bitter­ washing, nine months, $180; eighteen weeks, $D5|
est of drugs and these same people, nine weeks, $f0.
You ask: How can you furnish all this for leaf
did they move away from the malaria than the usual price <»f board and lodging? Wd
district for a few years, would soon answer: By the aid of our church we are enabled
to give our students more than they pay for.
get to detest the taste of It.
W e can’t tell all here. Our free 50-pago cata»
Mothers w ill And Mrs. W in slow 's Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to uso for their cliiidrea
lu r in g the teething period.
Chinese Children Like Pari».
Recently a numbei of Chinese chil­
dren have been found in the streets of
Paris and taken before the magistrate*
as vagabonds. These children were
brought to France by show men to per­
form as acrobats. After a few months,
their performances having lost their
novelty and ceased to attract, the man­
agers abandoned them. They have
been taken to the Chinese legation to
be sent home. But they don’t want to
go home. The beautiful city of Paris
is more to the'»- living.
Red Crr.*s Ball Blue will wash double as many
clothe? as any other blue. Don’t put your money
into any other.
G»t H I» Knowledge First Hand.
Benson J. Lossing, whose historical
collections were sold In New York
city recently, was a historian of the
old school, whose methods were yet In
a way up to date, not to say Journal­
istic. He traveled many thousands of
miles in gathering material for his
books, conversing with old pettlers
and descendants of revolutionary he­
roes and making sketches on the spot
of battlefields and scenes of historic
Interest. __________________
logue will do it.
Send for it.
N. J. HONG, Principal
Parkland, Wash.
Oldest City in the World.
Doctor Harkov, a Russian savant,
once affirmed that Samara, on th »
right bank of the Tlgrus, near Bag­
dad, is the oldest city extant. R elic «
now discovered Bhow that Sam ar»
flourished before the arrival of th »
Semites in Chaldea or Mesopotamia,
1.000 B. C.__________________
The deaf man may yet console h it»
self that his ears serve many purpose^
Including the supporting of his speo
tacles and pencil.
Lydia EL Pinkham’s Vegeta#
ble Compound Restored
Mrs. Green’s Health—
Her Own Statements
Queer Counting of Distances.
In the rural parts of Schleswig-Hol­
stein people do not measure distance
Covington, Mo. —“ Your medicine has
by miles, as wo do, or by hours, as done me more good than all the doc­
In other parts of Germany. They say
tor’s medicines. A l
that a place is a pipe, or two pipes,
everymonthly period
or three pipes off, according to the
I had to stay in bed
number of pipes one could smoke
four days because o f
while walking there.
Shorter dis­
hemorrhages, and
tances are reckoned by dogs’ barks;
my back was so weak
a village under a mile away would be
I could hardly walk.
wo or three rtne-c- hpi-Vs.
I havo been -aking
Lydia G. Pinkham’s
To B rca l ¡n N ew Shoes,
V e g e t a b l e Com­
A lw ays shake In A llen's Foot .Ease, ftpowder,
pound and now I can
ft ru n s hot, sw eatin g, ach in g, sw o llen feet
I’lires corns. In gro w in g nails and bunions. At
stay up and do m j
ill druggists and shoe steres, 25e. Dont accept
work. I think it is
tnysubstitute. Snin|>lemafh*<l 1-itEh. Addresf
Allen S. Olmsted. Ig- K n v.N . Y.
the best medicine on earth for women."
— Mrs. J e n n ie G r e e n , Covington, Mo.
Snail Culture Profitable.
How Mrs. Cline Avoided
French farmers find snail culture a
profitable undertaking. As many as
Brownsville, Ind. — “ I can say thal
500.000 “ first quality” snnlls, the price
3t which throughout tho year aver­ Lydia G. Pinkham ’ s Vegetable Compound
ages $1.70 a thousand, can be reared has done me more good than anything
on an acre of land. They have to be else. One doctor said I must be open*
fed only once a day, preferably In the ted upon for a serious female troubl«
evening, and though extremely vora­ and that nothing could help me but as
cious are by no means fastidious. A fter operation.
“ I had hemorrhages and at timet
a fall of rain, which seems to sharpen
their appetites, a bed of 100,000 will | could not get any medicine to stop them.
demolish a barrow load of cabbage In I got in such a weak condition that I would
have died if I had not got relief soon.
a very short —
“ Several women who had taken you*
Compound, told me to try it and I did
Fans actuated by currents of all and found it to be the right medicine t4
have from time to time been used as build up the system and o v e r c o m t
motors for running clocks. One, by female troubles.
“ I am now in great deal better health
Lepaute, Is In tho Louvre, Paris. Ben­
jamin Hanks, of Litchfield county, than I ever expected to be, so I think 1
Connecticut, patented one In 1783. In ought to thank you f o r i L ” —Mrs. O. M.
a more recent patent tho weight is Ci-iNE, S. Main S t , Brownsville, Ind.
w'ound up by the current of air In a
chimney which 1» stopped by a self­
acting brake as the weight nears the
top of Its course.
Painless Dentistry
Being Practical.
Practical people are wise people.
Genius may create brilliant ideas, and
be of a very active m m of mind, but
money makes the mare go, and what
practical people really wish is to have
a pot, to have that full of potatoes,
and to have fire enough to make the
r ot boll.
I f our pride—our hobby—oar »to d y for y r e r » »nd|
now our iuccom , and our* i» the b*it
to b « found anywhere, no matter how tnaoh you
C o m p a re o u r P ric e«,
I W© flnUh plate w d
| brill*« work rot out-
of town D»tron« In
on « Hay ff d mi rad.
I' r ! n I o n artraotloa
free when p lat«« o «
I bridge work i« or lt t
la d . Consultalioa frta.
iMolarOrowna $ 5 . 0 0
122k Brid(«T»etb4.G0
|Gold .‘ illlnffi
}.f ' * ' Jjfl
• 1-
1 .0 0
J Fn»m«l Filling» 1.00
■> W*F
I S 1 ver FllUnir»
.5 0
■ Good Rubb«r
5 .0 0
| B.-- ».JR.bbw
w .
M «
For Sprains and Bruises.
B. S treet, C ed arville, Cali., w rites t
“ H are used M u «tan g Liniment a number |
ofyears on atock for cut». i p f i H w , t n k w ,
I etev, with best rcault*. The boys on the I
I SHI. P n ia w m « m u m
II -ll.l -ruin.-, m —IHM,
A l l w o r k fu ll/
S a a r MaTMOOS
a -n r it n r -.—I f o r f J t w n 7
Wise Dental C o .,i * * c
Painless Dentists
rutin* Building, Third and WnMngtaa. PORTI AMO. OR*
Orilo. M o d a : • A. M. M * » .1 « . i u . d x . v t M l
P. N. U.
N o . 3 » —’ l l
: for rheumatism, lum bago,
| « p r a m « , c u t * a n d ho rn s
infat tory rc.Mii;
in fj«« t we ti«* it on man |
or beast a » the be*t remedy w e know of.”
2 5 c . 5 0 c . $1 a b e t t i e .t D r u g & G e o ! S t o r e « |
_ „
P llr t i t r ’ «•a
C.i .50
W H E N w riting t - l i r n U n n
Uoa thin paper.