TYPEWRITERS GIVEN AWAY The Emerson Typewriter Company of Woodstock, 111 . , have recently given away over 400 °J the highest grade, ally visible Emerson Typewriters wholly made in the world. They have gone into every state and territory in the United States. There may be some in your town. They are giving them away everywhere to men, women, boys and girls, over eighteen years of age, on surprisingly liberal conditions. If you could make anv use o f a $100 typewriter, providing it did not cost you even one cent, then in a letter or on a postal card addressed to Frank L. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111 simply say, “ Mail me all your free offers,” and by return mail you will re­ ceive their free offers, the names of over 400 who have recently received typewriters free, and you will learn on What easy conditions you can get one o f their typewriters free right away. The Emerson Typewriter is one of the highest grade, wholly visible type­ writers made in the world. Many who have used the “ EMERSON” and other makes pronounce the “ EMERSON” superior to any $100.00 typewriter on the market. It is a wholly visible ma­ chine, has every new, up-to-date feat­ ure, looks like other high grade $100.00 typewriters, though it is selling just now at an astonishingly low price and on terms o f no monev with order, trial free in your own home. Nothing to pay at first, and after a thorough trial. 10 cents a day until paid. The “ EM­ ERSON” has every new improvement, universal keyboard, back spacer, tab­ ulator, two-color ribbon, e\erything the best; is the ideal machine for be­ ginners as well as for the most expert typists and stenographers; just the typewriter for the smallest or largest office. If you could possibly make any use o f a high grade tppewriter, even though it didn’ t cost you one cent of money, or if you would like the agency in your town on a plan by which you could make big money, or if you would like a position with the company, then be sure, on a postal card or in a letter addressed to “ Frank L. Wilder, Presi­ dent, Woodstock, 111.,” say “ Mail me your Free Offers.” . „ .... First Publication July 25th, 1912. SUMMONS. U GH T AND WATER RATES. The water rate in our city for In the Circuit Court o f the State of dwellings is $1.00 for first faucet Oregon, for Washington County. and not to exceed $1.50 for any Dora L. McMannis Plaintiff dwelling. The light rate is 12& vs. John J. McMannis Defendant cents per Killowatt where meters ’To John J. McMannis, the above are installed and 44c per candle named pefendant: In the name of the power where there is no meter. State o f Oregon: You are hereby reqi ired to appear Cut this out for future reference. and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and L. W. suit on or before the last day o f the m .50 Pacific Drug C o.. time prescribed in the order for pub­ lication of this summons, to-wit; on or Frank Maresse .. 1.15 1.50 before the expiration of six weeks 1.00 next, from and after the date o f first M. A. Austin.......... m publication of this summons: the first W. H. Buttler.......... publication thereof being on July 25, 1.50 m 1912, and if you fail to appear and J. R. Buck............. answer, for want the-eof the plaintiff W. F. Johnson........ 2.00 2.00 will apply to the Court for the relit f m d .natided in her complaint, to -w it! Mrs. A. F. Rogers m that the marriage contract now e x ist-, King Caples C o___ 1.95 .75 ing between plaintiff and defendant 1.15 be dissolved, and that plaintiff be ! Science Hall .......... awarded the care, custody and control I Jane M. Smith___ of Harold McMannis minor child of plaintiff and defendant; that plaintiff I A. E. Clyde...............75 be decreed to be owner of 1-2 of all ' J. A. Elder............. m defendant’s personal property; that de­ R. N. Varley...............75 fendant be required to pay plaintiff $4,000.00 alimony; that plaintiff have It. Hickman............ m judgement against defendant for her costs and disbursements herein, and V: V. C h an d ler.... for such to her and further re’ief as to F. M. C ra b tree.... the Court may appear equitable. This summons is served upon you by C. E. M eiz............. publication by order of Hon. R. (>. Frank R a m s e y .... Stevenson, County Judge o f Wash­ 1.05 ington County, < iregon, which order M. I. Mallory.......... was made at Hillsboro, Oregon, Julv W. H. French.......... m 24, 1912. M. B. B u m p , ‘ 38-6t Attorney for Plaintiff Prof. Shipper.......... m O. It. E lect............. N. L. Atkins.......... m First Publication, July 11th, 1912. B. L. W hited.......... NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE­ H. C. A tw ell.......... m MENT. J. P. W agner.......... m Notice is hereby given that W. M. [ S. Gibson................. Easly has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon fo - Washington Jas. N e w b e rry .... County, his final report in the matter 1.00 of the estate of Nicholas A. Easly, de­ H. W. Vollm er___ ceased, and the County Court has set I Z. F. H ocking........ Saturday August 10th, 1912, at 2 j Miss M ack............. o ’ clock p. m. of said day as the time | for final hearing o f said report and > E. J. Boos............. 1.45 A Model Acetylene Gas plant closing of said estate, therefore all | L. E. Smith.......... m persons interested therein will appear j with good fixtures, for sale. As at that time and file objections if such j L. W. Underwood., m good as new and in perfect con­ there be. S. L. Main, due___ 30.00 W. M. Easly dition. The best light for rural Administrator of the estate of E. E. W illiam s.... m Nicholas A. Easly, Deceased. homes. Write or see, Mrs. Crang ............ 1.50 Manche Irene Langley, Attorney. ; John A. McGee, Orenco, Oregon. A. W. Goodman___ A good building lot 70x100 Carl Hoffman.......... Family Washing—Will do the James H ill....................75 feet, with fruit and berries, for sale cheap. Best residence dis­ work at your home or call for Ed. Sparks............. same. Phone Main 081. trict. P r e s s O f f i c \ G. F. Vandehey. . . . Mrs. 0. M. Taylor m Ella Olson............... G. A. Gillmore___ 1.85 Peter Jenson.......... Gale Church ......... m J. F. Fairchild........ Mrs. D. B. A d a m s.. H. DeBoest............. m Mrs. C. J. Thomas Geo. F. Taplin. . . . m We now have a fine line of the celebrated H. M. Scott............. m J. M. Pollock ........ Mrs. M. A. Thomas 1.70 H. N. R ob in son .... m Dr. Semones............ m at the following prices, viz: W. N. Sears.......... C. E. Speaker.......... 2.05 Chas. Smith............. F. J. Vankirk............. 90 A. Porter................. Mrs. Watkins.......... R. C. H ill................. Mrs. Crowthers___ These comforts are advertised in the best magazines all over the land, which is a J. R. Reynolds___ sufficient guarantee o f their good quality. Enoch M oore......... 1.75 Mrs. A lex a n d er.... We have just received a new line of R. B oyd................... SWEATERS —Ruff Necks’— the kind every­ D. N. M orris.......... body wants. Ward Munkers___ G. O. Sloan............. Other new goods coming. Come in and see what we have. O. C. Jackson.......... Wm. Proctor.......... m 0. P. K elsey.......... 3.04 Mrs. M. E. Newman 1.25 J. K night................. W. H. Grear.......... H. W. Birkholtz.. . . O. E. D arby.......... Laura F ogel........... Mrs. Hines............. Mrs. Wigman.......... m B. H. Jones............. Wm. Scott.............. 2.00 R. C. Vedder.......... 1.70 Mrs. Pringle................50 Mertz & Latta___ 1 J. C. Barker.......... J. N. H offm a n .... 1.25 R. G. Allison.......... Mrs. J. Darling___ 1.00 E. D. Thomas.......... A. M. Ruggles___ I have taken the agency for the best little motorcycle on the market, O. Waddle............. a machine that A lw a y « makes good, made by the famous P o p e Manu­ V. V. Willis............. facturing C o . with their usual high standard o f quality. This ma­ J. F. Haynie.......... chine is guaranteed and sells at the lowest possible price, $ 175 . Step in G. A. Rosenburg and get a demonstration and free ride. (Continued next week) Y o u g o t G re e n T r a d i n g S t a m p s with goods b o u g h t Something Needful. Maish Comforts $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.25, $3.75, $5. and $5.25. HOFFMAN & ALLEN CO. at o u r store o r w ork done by us. Fresh sU*ck o f tires and sundries. C. G. Second-hand wheels tor sale or rent. DANIELSON The Bike Doctor (Representing Nine Agencies.) Phone 306 Pacific Ave., FOREST GROVE, ORE FOR SALE—200x400 ( 2 acres) best of land, all clear, 15 minutes walk from Forest Grove post- office. $500; $100 and 100 pet- year, 5 per cent. Land will more than pay for itself. Press Office. Forest Grove Pharmacy H o u ses for rent and for sale, little payments and instalments like rent This Entire Bunch of Real Estate is for Trade The Sweetest on Earth. Whitman’s Chocolates. Every box and every piece in every box guaranteed fresh and perfect. A Fussy Package fo:- Fas­ tidious Folks. Special assortment to please the people who care for choco­ lates of merit. The prices of this excellent candy range from 10c up to $1.00 a package. Choose the best first (Whitman's) and you have the best all the time. Forest Grove Pharmacy. Party has between six and seven acres in town and a six room house in South Park, Forest Groye, the both of which he wants to trade for farm or acreage valued at about $4500. No. 118. Ten acres orchard land in the best orchard country in the world to trade for property anywhere. Valued at $3,500. No. 125. 27 acres subdivided to suit trade, close to town and school, for any good property, Forest Grove preferred. No. 145. Ten acres rich bottom land, cultivated and improved, valued at $3500, to trade for property in or near St. Johns. No. 150. LUCK FOR SOME MERCHANT. Store building on Pacific Avenue, 30x75, two stories, to trade for good acreage at about $2500. No. 104. Big Warehouse property in Forest Grove, to trade for property o f good value here in Portland. No. 120. $7000 stock of merchandise on Sixth street in Portland, to trade for farm or acreage near Forest Grove. No. 181. CITY RESIDENCE FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY. We can locate you to your taste with city property, for acreage or small farms. If you have a piece of acreage that is not doing you any good trade with us for property here and get the rent. If you list your property with us to begin with you will save time and avoid disappointment. LIST WITH US FOR TRADES. T. J. O. Realty Co. Hoffman Building. HEADQUARTERS for MILBURN W AGON S Phone 501 Forest Grove M o n e y to loan on a cre a g e and farm s W . F. HARTKAM PF Wholesale and Retail V e tch S eed s, all kinds o f grass seed. A l­ fa lfa H ay, F e e d and Land P la ster lnd Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore Ready for business New Lumber Company Pacific Drug Company. • All kinds of Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. Keep your Rose Bushes and Plants from insects and pests by using Sash and Doors RED-I-MADE- SPRAY. Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Keep your Homes free from infectious diseases by using Willis-Place Lumber Co. ETOM1CIDE Phone O l X Disinfectant and Germi­ cide. South A Street Forest Grove, Or. PACIFIC DRUG CO. (Successor to D r. Chas. Hines) Forest Grove, - Oregon See the Reduced Prices on EVER Y ARTICLE N ow’s the time to buy that new suit for yourself or the boy; plenty o f good underwear, too, at wonderfully reduced prices. Better com e this w eek—this great sale can’t last always. Men’ s $10.00 Suits Men’s 5.00 Pants $ 6.95 $ 3.75 Men’ s 15.00 Suits Men’s 6.00 Pants $ 11.35 $ 4.50 Boys’ $1.95 Suits $ 1.35 Boys’ 2.50 Suits $ 1.65 Boys’ 2.95 Suits $ 1.95 Men’s 20.00 Suits $ 13.35 Boys’ 3.95 Suits $ 2.65 50c Underwear, 35c Men’s 25.00 Suits Boys’ 4.35 Suits $1 Underwear, 79 $ 16.65 $ 2.90 $1 Shirts, 79 Men’s $2.00 Pants $ 1.45 $1.50 Shirts, $1.15 Men’s 3.00 Pants $2 Shirts, $1.35 $ 2.25 Boys’ 5.00 Suits $ 3.35 Boys’ 6.00 Suits $ 3.95 50c Neckwear, 39c Men’ s 3.50 Pants $ 2.65 Men’s 4.50 Pants $ 3.00 When you see it in our ad, it’s so MOYER First and Morrison First and Yamhill FIVE STORES Third and Oak Second and Morrison 87-89 Third