Cf r^ R E S S SUNDAY SCHOOL * by ning Co. A. v>. O. M. G a . J. N. H offm of O regon , Lesson VI.— Third Quarter, For .................. President .................. Vice Pres. .Sec’y und Manager Aug. 11, 1912. I s i S* THURSDAY of EACH WEEK. Vv*“’ ¿y. k THE FIRST CLASS INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of tha Laoson, Mark iv, 35, to v, 20. Memory Vereee, 38, 39—Golden Text, Pe. xlvi, 1, 2 (R. V.)—Commentary ut» Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. It comes to me as I begin to write this lessou that we should always see Jesus In Ills life on earth among men T erm s o f S u bscription as God manifest In the flesh, revealing CASH IN ADVANCE God to us, that we may know Him One Year $1.00 - Six Months 75 personally and trust Him and let Him live in us, that others may know Him, A copy of The Press will be mailed C O P Y R I G H T , 1 9 1 0 , B Y B O B B S M E V R . I L L C O . for the poor world knoweth Him not. to all advertisers in which their ad ap­ (Continued from last week.) pears. give me, my dear, but thirty Is com­ We must also recognize always a great adversary, the devil, who hates God O ur price is no higher than elsew here “Do you meun”— Paul be ,'au delight- ing?" She smiled pleasantly. "I'm not and man and would kill God If he could Display advertisem ents for publica­ edly. and we give and take Ills throne. He would keep tion in the PRESS must be in this office “Certainly I mean It." Sanger re­ afrnld of thirty.” not later than Tuesday evening to in- sponded “I’m serious in this, Eleanor,’r he men in Ignorance of God and of Christ energetically. “I'm going to Bure appearance in current issue. went on evenly. “Under certain con­ and possess them for his own ends and Instruct my broker to buy 5.000 shareB ditions lie has a chance for the next turn them against God. He has great for you. Leave It to me." he added governorship”— with God's permission and will “and If you're not consider­ “W hat do you know of Mr. McAdoo’s power T he Forest Grove Press is not smilingly, exert it to the full against God before richer a week from today you he is finally overthrown. In the two she asked, surprised. the official organ of the city of ably don’t owe me a cent. I appreciate your plans?” “McAdoo”— Sanger began almost portions of today's lessou we see the Forest Grove, as designated by coming to me. Drop In and see me venomously. Then lie went on calm­ Son of God crossing the sea of Galilee time Good afternoon." And he ly: “McAdoo doesn't the city council M ay 31. O ur any necessarily have to deliver a p a n (or. according to Mat­ held out a cordial h«nd to Paul who proposition to do the city print­ took it and went out, thiuking bitter­ the last word In these things. After thew. two men) from the power of the the governorship there Is no reason devil, and on the way it seems as if a ing at two cents a line m ust have ly: why Remington shouldn't go to W ash­ great storm would sink the boat and “It seems that an enemy can be more Forest Grove offended th e city fathers. ington. I think I’ll tuke you Into my drown all who were in it. Did the generous than a friend sometimes.” Y'ou're a Sanger through devil know that he was about to lose That night Dob was scheduled to confidence. Circuit Court. through. Y’ou'li understand It. a bit of his property, and did he seek speak In the Fourth ward. And all and W ith me It’s a question of how I am by that storm to kill Christ and Ilis Irlshtown had made ready. Well Hag- to Judge J. U. Campbell, July 25 gln apply my ability. I’m only forty- disciples? Let those tell who know knew that no mere schoolhouse to 29. years old and In perfect henlth. more than I do, but this we do know— auditorium would be ample for this oc­ five We gangers aren’t Idlers. I could go that he tried to kill Him as a babe In State-vs-Richard Hundley. casion. So a great, bare hall was anil together a tremendous fortune Bethlehem and finally did kill Him by Arrigned. Plead not guilty. hired. Flags and bunting galore had so big get that be a slave to it. But the Jewish rulers at the hands of the For trial Aug. 2, 1912. been secured at Hoggin's expense and already I’m I’d worth about fifty mil­ Homans. Thank God He is risen from hung around the walls and celling lion»”— State-vs-Henry Kreuger. Ar­ more tlie dead, is alive forevermore, is at the profusely, perhaps, than artistic­ rigned. Plead not guilty. j "I didn’t know you were so rich!” right hand of the majesty on high, has ally. “Very few even suspect It,” he re­ all power in heaven and on earth and State-vs-E. L. Baker, James The meeting was notable, first, be­ turned calmly. “Two years from now is waiting Ills time to put the devil In Anderson, E. E. Colestock and cause Paul Remington made the poor­ this state The beach season is in full swing. Go while the crowds will choose a new senator. the bottomless pit and set up a king­ Thos. Williams. Arraignment est speech of his career. After Faul, The go. Enjoy the cool breezes now, while the heat is so un­ choice, I think, will fall upon Hen­ dom of peace and righteousness on waived on all indictments. Plead Martin spoke. After them came Bob ry Sanger, pleasant inland. Bathi-ng, boating, hill climbing, fish­ Jr. And the m inute I take earth. McAdoo. not guilty to all indictments. ing, hikes over delightful trails. Oregon beaches are the oath of office"— In this great storm on Galilee see Bob had been cheered before and “If you do.” State-vs-Adam Zinzin. Ar­ since better prepared than ever before to care for the crowds. he has received “ovations” “When I do I become a national pow­ Ilim peacefully sleeping on a pillow in raigned on two indictments. from then Plenty of accomodations. Lots of fun. The water is the hinder part of the ship, though the greater and more select audi­ fine ! Plead guilty without being wil­ ences. But neither before nor since er. My office multiplied by my money waves beat Into the ship and it was fully guilty. Fined $100 and has he been greeted with the spon­ and my backing. The senate Is the full of water, and recognize in Him a VIA THE most powerful body In our govern­ weary man, a real man, partaker of cost on No. 1. Fined $300 and taneous, thunderous welcome which ment. Behind me will be the Influence flesh and blood, but without sin, and f costs on No. 2. Paroled on No. Irlshtown gave him that night. When of the principal financial combinations rejoice that we have n High Priest who 2 provided fine on No. 1 be paid the tumult died down Bob began. Newport, Excellent train the country. Only one man in the Is touched with the feeling of our In­ and that deft, comply with law. It was not much of a speech. His In senate lias the backing I shall have, firmities (Heb. il, 14; iv, 15). He is in voice was hoarse. The words fell Nehalem, service. Season State-vs-Itoy Tolson. Arraign­ Jerkily and with no attem pt at ora­ and he Is an old man. Soon he must the midst of trouble, as the disciples [ w |/ SUNSET ed. Given to Monday July 29, torical flourish. But bis audience lis­ die or retire, nnd his leadership will see it. and yet He is not troubled. And Bayocean, I oodensshasta round-trip fares. ROUTES I 1912 to plead. tened Intently, proudly. In less than fall to me. I shall control the senate, on the last night before His crucifixion which controls all national legislation." Tillamook County He said to His disciples, “In the world State-vs-Gus Angeles. Ar­ ten minutes ho closed with these Sanger’s eyes began to glitter. Special week-end ye shall have tribulation, bat in Me raigned. Demurrer to indict­ words: “I’m not talking wildly. For some peace; let not your heart be troubled, Beaches. "You are my kind of people. I’ve time and Sunday fares. ment overruled. Plead not lived I have been working solely to neither let It be afraid" (John xvl, 35; most of my life among you. 1 guilty. tills end. I'm not the sort to waste xiv, 27). When one was discoursing on know you and you know me. There energy. W hat I suggest Is now a cer­ the teaching of Christ a man who had State-vs-Gus Angeles & Chas are more dollars against me in this Send for illustrated booklets about the Oregon resorts tainty—but for one thing. Between never Poel. Arraigned. Demurrer to fight Ilian you can grasp the meaning me before heard such teaching said, and our special folder on "Vacation Days in Oregon." and my ambition there Is but one “Beautiful, benutiful, but can you do indictment overruled. Plead of. But the fight won't end until 1 obstacle It tells about the beaches, springs and mountain resorts. one man, Robert McAdoo.” it?” Jesus Himself could do it, and die. 1 w ant you to stand by me.” not guilty. Sanger’s serenity was slowly giving The shout that met his appeal was a Call on nearest agent for information relative to fares, He did it. He always did what He State-vs-Chas. Poel. Demur­ prophecy. way to Ills Inward excitem ent "Here taught literature, etc., address (Acts i, 1). The ship could not rer to indictment overruled. Hours afterw ard Kathleen for the is where Remington conies In. As It sink, neither could the disciples perish, Plead not guilty. looks now McAdoo Is sure to win. He third night In succession was aw aken­ with Christ in their midst, but they got a grip on this city that 1 can't did State-vs-Conrad Trautline. ed by the sound of a steady pacing to bus know Him and were therefore understand. It Is contrary to all po­ filled not with John M. Scott, G eneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Arraigned. Given Monday July and fro In the room above her. She litical fear. They awoke Him precedents. Nothing that we arose and hastily dressing went up­ 29. 1912, for plea. with the cry “Lord, save us!" and with Knocking, she entered and have tried so far money, organization, the question "M aster, carest Thou not State-vs-Joseph Manning. Pa­ stairs. newspaper attacks”— up to Bob. ttmt we perish?" Ills reply was: “Why roled on remainer of jail sen­ went Eleanor started. “Henry! Do you are “Bob,” she said directly, “there's ye fearful, O ye of little faith? tence. own the Gazette?” been something wrong lately." Where is your faith?" (Matt, viii, 20; "Yes. W hat of It?’ State-vs-Frank Colfelt. Ar­ “Always, Kathleen," he answered In “Then you are responsible for the Luke viii, 25.) They were troubled by a tired voice. raigned. Plead not guilty. what they saw. Faith endures by see­ I help you w ith It?” she ask­ slanders against Mr. McAdoo?” ing the Invisible. We are expected to State-vs-PeterChevalli. Ar- ed “Can't “Nonsense! Y'ou have been listening walk by faith, not by sight (II Cor. v, raigded. Plead guilty. Fined He gently. shook his head hopelessly. “No to the Dunmeades. We have publish­ He rebuked the wind and the rag­ THEATRE $50 and costs. one can help me. It's only that I’m ed nothing that hasn't been essentially 7). ing of the sea and said, “Peace, be true. But we have one card left that, State-vs-Janey McE. Galbreath ashamed. Go back to bed and quit I> Now Located in Its New Building and there was a great calm 1 think, will settle friend McAdoo If still,” Plead not guilty. For trial Aug. bothering nbout me, Kathleen. I'm played (verse 39; Luke viii, 24). The rebuking, at the right time and by the compared with Zech. Hi, 2, and Jude 9, not worth It." 7, 1912. right person.” Something In his voice and haggard State-vs-R. A. Caples. Plead face caused the tears to start to her He paused. “He has been posing as leads me to believe that the person re­ Motion Picture Exhibition ferred to In those passages had some­ not guilty. Trial July 30, 1912. eyes. She turned away and left him. a sort of reformer. W hat do you think thing to do with tills storm. As the from 7:45 to 9:00 State-vs-Henry Scheuerman. The monotonous pacing to and fro be­ the people, who are shouting them ­ disciples saw the power of His word selves hoarse over him today, will they feared and wondered anil said, Arraigned. Plead guilty. Fin­ gan again. Three Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50 think when they hear that the dele­ "W hat manner of man Is this that even ed $50. Matinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday CHAPTER XIX. gates whose votes nominated him were tlie wind and the sea obey Ilim ?” Our Nida-vs-Nida. Default and bribed with his money?” stratagem s . Decree. hearts exultingly cry. “Jesus is God!" “Another lie?” Daily Change of Best Films Procurable HEN Eleanor left the Dun- The perfect man a little while ago so Schultz-va-Schultz. Order for “I suggest the use of another word. peacefully rnende household she was asleep Inis power over wind $200 suit money and $50 per mo you please,” he said Idly. “This and sea and all the elements. He it ts convinced that she did not Is If true. maintenance. 1 already have half a dozen who walked in the furnace with Dan­ care ever again to see ttie from delegates who took his iel's friends nnd quenched the violence McLeod-vs-McLeod. Decree. grimy, busy Steel City. Therefore she affidavits money.” went to New York, ostensibly to visit of fire and spent the night with Daniel Mac Pherson-vs-Mac Pherson. “Then why haven't you published nnd of her school days. In reality them?" shut the lions’ mouths. To kuow Default and Reference. Decree. a that friend she might think out the new Him is peace at all times. “Because they won't be effective. Kruse-vs-Wash. Co. Change problem confronting her. Now see Him meeting the tempest Tlie testimony of an accomplice Is nev­ of venue to Clackamas Co. There was one tiling that she made er more than half believed. The ex­ tossed man of Oadara, possessed by a Hanscome-vs-Hanscome. Dc- no effort to disguise from herself. must come from a different legion of demons, a naked wild man, Every day she dispatched a servant posure CPM> source. Paul ltemlngton to exceeding fierce, whom no one could the Steel City papers. When make the 1 want Ned & Berry-vg-M¡Her. Con­ to they get were revelation. The bind or tame, for he broke all chains Seaside and G earhart, O regon. brought to her she spent whole state ts watching Think! and fetters, and all men were afraid McAdoo—M tinued. $ 5 .0 0 Effective daily; Season limit long hours poring over them. On Adoo, the reformed and reformer. In e of blra. The poor demoniac seems to Parker-vs-Parker. Default. the first page of one of the papers was $ 4 .0 0 Saturday and Sunday; Limit Monday last hours of the campaign the man long for deliverance, for he ran to Je­ Theve famous resorts enjoy the advantages of limited train ser- First Cong. Church of Forest a photograph of the Republican can­ tlie sus, ns if he knew that He could de­ who for yours has boon known as bis the first she had ever seen of Grove-vs-Edwin Eells et al, De­ didate, close personal .friend suddenly liver him. but the demons are strong cim ps su?f baethffig etc “ R‘Ver- ^ ClM8 hütels’ coUa«es’ him. His eyes looked straight out at only within him. They knew Jesus and fault and decree. breaks » 1th him ami exposes the re­ the reader. At last she came to a res former ns a candidate who won his called Him Son of the Most High God LOW ROUND TRIPS EAST Viggers-vs-Viggers. Order of olutlon. (verse 7). They knew the doom that nomination by flat. Incontestable brib­ publication. the Dobits^í^the^East k T ™ 1 triP ^ k e ta will be sold to "1 will go back." she declared to her­ ery! There Isn't a man living who awaited them nnd nsk. “Art thou come red u «<1 fares* quotecL OW" be‘°W- “"¿m an y others, at greatly self, “and tonight.” Calling a maid, hither to torment ns before .dhe time 7 ’ could w ithstand the reaction. P robate C ourt she had tier trunk packed at once. “And that,” he concluded, “is why I (Mstt. vlll. 2.U They knew of the Through Trains East Via Nor could nil the arguments and want you to marry ltemlngton.” place prepared for them and Ix'g not Estate of Samuel Scharer. de­ pleas of her hostess dissuade her. to be sent to the abyss or tiottoiiiless She looked at him curiously. “I see. The North Bank Road, Northern ceased. Estate closed. Admin­ She reached the city early next You want to use me ns a brllie to buy pit (l.uke viii. 31. It Y.l. There is such istrator and bondsmen released. morning. At noon her brother came Mr. Remington's betrayal of bis a place, and there Is a place called the Pacific and Great Northern to luncheon, much to her sur­ friend." lake of fire, everlasting fire prepared Estate of Isaac R. Anderson, j home Railways. prise. It was tits custom to lunch nt for the devil nnd his angels (Rev. xx. deceased. Inventory and ap- one (To be continued.) of his clubs. At Its conclusion he 11. 15; Matt. xxv. 41). All who deny this Atlantic City, praisement approved. Detroit, $83.25 Omaha. $ 60.75 made no move to return to his office, Baltimore, et make light of it are not for the time Duluth. 60.75 Philadelphia 109.25 Estate of Thomas B. Herkins, and Sanger was a busy man. R eaders A ttention. Boston. controlled by the iqdrit of truth. Al­ Kansas City, 60.75 Pittsburg 92.25 deceased. Widow allowed $30 "Well?" she queried, with a smile. Buffalo, Milwaukee, 73.25 though there were so many demons In St. Louis, 70.25 Will the reader who has the Chicago, ,0.w per month. Minneapolis, 60.75 "Out with tt. W hat did you come book entitled "The Trail of the the man, they are spoken of as one. for St. Paul, 60.75 Colorado Springs, 55.75 Montreal. 105.75 Toronto, 92.25 Guardianship of Sarah Nelson, home to tell me?" said. “Come out of the man. thou Denver, 55.75 New York, 109.25 Lonesome Pine" please return it Jesus Washington 108.25 unclean spirit” (verse Si. and. having deceased. Guardian authorized "Eleanor, why don't you marry Paul to the library. D*les of Sale, 1912 A f t u t g p u lt st m b 1. t r 2. 4. 3. 5. 6. ft. 7. 7. 12. ft. 15. H , 18. 12. 22. 3 0 . 2 3 . 2 9 . 3 0 . 3 1 . received permission, they went Into the to borrow $400 for and on behalf Remingtonr and the whole herd, a!suit 2.000. of ward. i . . L..._. ,, Ul1' Is In lore with von. Tie Is a Brown Leghorn hens and pul­ swine, 1 “He were drowned In the sen. Behold the lets for sale, 75e each. Mixed change In the man who had been the u ,(,l!ur 1ra n minors ^ ' P ° f f Guardian ll,ZalF th au- R charming fellow t have taken BmB an In- Westhojr. tcr,.st ln hltll „ rl,ln>( or chickens W. E. COMAN, GmI Fri. & P**. A«t, terror of the neightiorhood! See him 60c. Ail laying. W. C. clothed J. E. FA R M ER , Agent, Portland. Ore. t homed to expend $40 for inuin- CIIn rlw under favorable condition», and In his right mind aud long­ Forest Grove, Ore. ,Grddy, Cornelius, Route ‘1 tenance of minors. , which I am ready to Insure. And, for- ing to stay with Jesus. m I n d epen d en t P hones O ffic e 505 R esid en c e 442 Entered at the post office at Forest Grove, Ogn •s mail matter of the second class. PYHENRY RUSSELL MILLER In Granite, Tin and Aluminum Ware. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. W. O. Wagner & Sons August at t h e Beaches. r;qsng&, THE STA R w LOW ROUND TRIP FARES To CLATSOP BEACH RESORTS r,