rv / OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CHURCHES. WORLD IS WARNED Church of the Visitation, Verboort ■—Rev. L. A. LeMiller, pastor. Sun­ day Early Mass at 8 a. m.; High Mass at 10:30 a. m.; Vesper at 3:00 p. m. Week days Mass at 8:30 a. m .! Christian Science Hall, 115 Fifth et., between First and Second ave. South—Services Sundays at 11 a. m.; Sunday school at 12 m.; mid week meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Seventh Day Adventist Church, 3rd street—Sabbath scbol 2 p. m., preach­ Vital Issues of Monroe Doctrine Dis­ ing 3 p. m. each Saturday. Midweek cussed In Secret— State De­ prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. partment Not Consulted. m. A cordial welcome. H. W. Vall- mer, Elder. Catholic Services. Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor. Forest Grove— Chapel at cor. Washington, D. C. — The United of 3rd street and 3rd avenue south. States senate issued a warning Satur­ 1st and 4th Sundays of the month, Mass at 8:30; 2nd and 3rd Sundays day to the nations o f the world against of the month, Mass 10:30. Cornelius encroachment upon the continents of — 1st Sunday of the month, Mass at 10:30; 3rd Sunday of the month. North and South America. The United States will not see Mass at 8:00. Seghers—2nd Sunday of the month. Mass at 8:00; 4th “ without grave concern,” said the Sunday of the month. Mass at 10:30. senate, any suitable naval or military M. E. Church, Rev. Hiram Gould, pastor. Second street, between First site pass into control o f a foreign cor­ and Second avenues. Sunday school poration, when such possession might at 10 a. m.; Epworth League at 6:30 threaten the communication or the p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 saftey o f the United States.” p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting So vital were the issues discussed in Thursday at 7:30 p. m. the Lodge resolution, which set forth Christian Church, corner Third e t the policy o f the United States, as to and First Ave. Rev. C. H. Hilton, points situated like Magdalena Bay, in pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m.; Lower California, that the doors of preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.; the senate were closed for three hours Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p while the resolution was debated in m. secret session. Congregational Church, College It finally passed with only four votes Wav and First ave. north. Rev. D. T. Thomas—Sunday echool 10 a. m.; against it. Notwithstanding the com­ Morning service 11 a. m.; evening, parative unanimity of the senate upon 8:00 p. m.; Junior C. E. at 3 p. m.; the note o f warning, it is understood the measure did not have the official Senior C. E. at 6:30 p. m. indorsement of the administration. LODGES. Knights of Pythias—Delphos Lodge It was framed entirely outside the No. 36, meets every Thursday at K. State department and it is understood of P. Hall. Chas. Staley, C. C.; Reis the executive branch o f the govern­ Ludwig, Keeper of Records and Seal. ment was not consulted with regard to Or. A. R.—J. B. Mathews Post No. the senate’ s pronouncement. 6, meets the first and third Wednes The resolution arose from the re­ day of each month at 1:30 p. m., in ported attempt o f a Japanese syndi­ K. of P. hall. John Baldwin, Com­ cate to secure land about Magdalena mander. Bay. In the form finally adopted by Masonic—Holbrook Lodge No. 30, the senate it declares against the ac­ A. F. & A. M., regular meetings held first Saturday in each month. P. W. quisition o f any threatening location Kinzer, W. M.; A. A. Ben Kori, sec­ by a foreign corporation, “ which has such a relation to another government retary. W. O. W.— Forest Grove Camp No not American as to give that govern­ 98, meets in Woodmen Hall, every ment practical power o f control for Saturday. A. J. Parker, C. C .; John naval or military purposes.” Anderson, Clerk. D YN AM ITER S FOILED. Artisans—Diamond Assembly No. 27, meets every Tuesday in K. of P. Hall. C. B. Stokes, M. A; John Robbers Get Safe From Mine Office Boldrick, Secretary. But Are Driven Off. Rebekahs— Forest Lodge No. 44, Baker, Or.— Masked men broke into meets the first, third and fifth Wed­ nesdays of each month. Miss Alice the office o f the Underwood Placer Crook, N. G.; Secretary, Miss Carrie Mines company at Cornucopia, rolled Austin. down an embankment the safe con­ I. O. O. F.—Washington Lodge No taining gold nuggets valued at thou­ 48, meets every Monday in I. O. O. F. sands o f dollars, at 1 Saturday morn­ Hall. V. S. Abraham, N. G.; Robert ing and dynamited it. Taylor, Secretary. They were interrupted by Foreman Modern Woodmen of America— CHarles Camel, o f Walla Walla, who Camp No. 6228, meets the second and is in charge o f the plant, and fired fourth Friday of each month. A. L. several shots at him. but he escaped Sexton, Consul; Geo. G. Paterson, with a slight wound and called help Clerk. and frightened them away without Rosewood Camp, No. 3835 R. N their booty. A., meets first and third Fridays of Mrs. R. S. Bisher, telephone oper­ each month in I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs. M. S. Alien, Oracle; Mrs. Winnifred ator, who Friday saved Halfway from a serious fire by calling out the farm­ Aldrich, Recorder. Gale Grange No. 282, P. of H.. ers and townspeople, was appealed to meets the first Saturdays of each and she raffg people out o f bed and month in the K. of P. Hall. A. T urged them to start in search of the Buxton, Master; Mrs. H. J. Rice safecrackers. Secretary. The entire Pine valley was notified by breakfast time and parties passed CITY. the day in search. A. C. Stephens, Mayor—G. S. Allen. deputy sheriff o f Baker county, in Recorder—M. R. Markham. that district, suspected two men and Treasurer—R. P. Wirtz. Chief of Police—O. Burnsworth. telephoned to Baker for aid, but as Health Officer— Dr. .1. S. Bishop. Sheriff Rand could not cover the 90 Councilmen—John Wirtz, Carl L. Hin- miles to the mine in time to help, told man, O. M. Sanford, Rev. J. M. him to arrest the men. They have not Barber, W. F. Schultz, II. B. John­ been apprehended yet. son. Military Basis Cannot ;6e Acquired Os Western Hemisphere. « City School. School Directors—M. Peterson, Mrs Edward Seymour, Chas. Littler. Clerk—R. P. Wirtz. Justice of the Peace— W. J. R. Beach Constable— Carl Hoffman. Ship and Whale Collide. San Francisco— A giant whale col­ lided with the schooner J. H. Bruce Saturday night off the coast between Point Reyes and the Farallona Islands. A part o f the forward rigging o f the COUNTY. vessel was torn away by the impact Judge— R. O. Stevenson. with the body o f the leviathan and Sheriff—George G. Hancock. when the schooner reached port por­ Clerk—John Bailey. tions o f the flesh o f the whale and Recorder—E. L. Perkins. quantities o f blood were scattered Treasurer—E. B. Sappington. over the deckload and the forecastle Assessor—Max Crandall. # Surveyor—Geo. McTee. head. Coroner— E. C. Brown. The sea-animal was sighted by the Commissioners—John McClaran, John lookout when the vessel was not more N. vberg. than 300 yards away. The course was School Sup’t—M. C. Case. altered, but the whale kept in its path. UNDERTAKING Nicaragua Asks for Help Panama— Manuel E. Velasquez, the Embalming— Funeral Directing Nicaraguan minister here, said he hoped the friendly offices o f the FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. United States might stop bloodshed and restore peace to the Nicaraguans. J. S. Buxton, Manager News that President Adolph Diaz, o f Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. Nicaragua, had dismissed General Luis Mena from his office as minister of war and imprisoned him and that W.Weitzel L. L. Hollinger Mena’ s son, the military commander o f Granada, is in control o f Granada, Nandiame and Masava, where General W E1TZEL & HOLLINGER Mena had stored big quantities o f war munitions, is confirmed. JAPAN M AY BE W ARNED. Vigorous Resolution Reaffirming Mon­ roe Doctrine Expected. Mexican Rebels in Superior Force In­ flict Great Damage. Washington, D. C.— The vigor of the terms that the senate shall use in declaring that no foreign country shall establish a naval base at Magdalena Bay, or at any other point on the American continent, will be the sub­ ject o f consideration by the foreign committee o f the senate. Within a day or two, it is believed, the senate will be called upon to adopt a resolution stating in unequivocal terms that the Monroe doctrine or the settled policy o f the United States requires that no foreign power be thus permitted to secure a military or na­ val foothold in the Western hemi­ sphere. Senator Lodge, as chairman o f the subcommittee that investigated the rumor o f a Japanese purchase of 4,- 000,000 acres o f land on Magdalena Bay, will make a formal report to the foreign affairs committee, recommend­ ing that the United States reaffirm the policy known as the Monroe doc­ trine in terms that cannot be misun­ derstood by any foreign power. The senate investigation began as the result o f reports that « private Japanese syndicate was attempting to control a vast tract about the Lower California bay, long regarded as the best naval base on the Pacific Coast. The correspondence submitted to the senate in April and May by President Taft and Secretary o f State Knox in­ dicated that the United States had no intimation that Japan, as a govern­ ment, was behind the attempted pur­ chase or that it intended to make use o f the land as a military or naval base. It is understood that the subcommit­ tee headed by Senator Lodge has found no evidence o f the connection o f the Japanese government with the at­ tempted purchase of the big tract of land in Mexico. To make the position o f the United States clear, however, the majority o f the committee will propose that con­ gress declare that this nation will not permit, without a protest, the estab­ lishment o f any foreign power at a point where it could threaten or en­ danger the safety o f the United States. The subcommittee consists o f Sena­ tors Lodge. Root, Sutherland, Rayner and Hitchcock. Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico Forest Grove, Ogn. — Federal forces attempting to hem in the rebels here and'at Juarez suffered W . P. Dyke their first defeat Wednesday. Cour­ iers coming overland from Ojitas, 50 A Homey-at-Law miles west o f here, said the rebels and who left here last week met and de­ N otary ‘Public feated the federals under General Jose Forest Grove Oregon de la Luz Blanco. General Blanco is said to ¡have only 500 men, while the rebels numbered Hollis & Graham 2000. The messengers said that Blanco’s forces were driven back to­ A tlomeys-at-LaW ward A e Sonora state line to join General Sanjines, who is advancing with the main body o f federals. Forest Grove, Ogn. Particulars of the battle are lack­ ing, the couriers leaving before an or­ ganized investigation o f the losses J. N. H o ffm a n was made. Fighting continued A ttom ey-at-Lon through the day, the federals retreat­ EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY ing under cover o f night. Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. It was reported to rebel leaders here that the main force o f federals Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove moving from the south had reached Temosachic, 30 miles south of Madera. The federals are ¡reported to number H. W . Vollmer, M. D. 2000 seasoned regulars led by Gener­ als Rabago and Telles. As the rebel Physician and Surgeon garrison at Madera 'numbers no more Office in Abbott Bldg. than that, and as this town virtually Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. was evacuated by the movement against General Blanco, it is probable that the federals will enter this dis­ Ind. Phones trict without an engagement. Eight hundred rebels are operating Residence 0 3 3 2 Office 0 3 3 1 along the national railway between Juarez and Gallego, opposite this point. The Juarez garrison has been D R . C. E. W A L K E R strengthened to 800 men. When the army led by General Sanjines crosses the Chihuahua line Osteopathic Physician the federal troops will outnumber largely the rebels in Chihuahua. Still another army of federals is Treatment by Special Appoint­ moving along the line of the national ment Only railway from the city of Chihuahua. HIGH LIVING S C O R E D . Luxury Attacked By Senator as Main Cause, Burton Washington, D. C.— Senator Bur­ ton, o f Ohio, explained to the senate his opinions as to the cause o f the present high cost o f living. The manifest and important causes, ha said, were the “ phenomenal progress o f recent years, the striking inequali­ ty o f this progress in different lines o f human endeavor and the tendencies to extravagance and waste and to dimin­ ish productive energy by a large part o f the population.” “ Neither the P»yne-Aldrich tariff law nor any other similar measure was responsible for the general high prices,” he declared, “ for the varia­ tions in prices have been so very con­ siderable, both in the way o f increase and decrease, as absolutely to disprove any inference that the change in prices has been due to the tariff of 1909 or to any other tariff act.” He exonerated the “ trusts” and “ large combinations o f capital,” de­ claring that a complete monopoly in any particular article affords a chance to increase its price, but that the same result is apparent when separate producers maintain an agreement as to prices. “ One o f the serious influences tend­ ing to increase prices,” he asserted, “ is that of price agreements o f vari­ ous sorts. It was one o f the purposes o f the Shcxman anti-trust act to pre­ vent practices o f this sort. However, there can be little doubt that this practice still continues.” Another “ device” resorted to to eliminate competition, he declared, “ was that o f hiding behind the patent right.” He referred to a recent Su­ preme court decision under which the “ user o f a patented article may be re­ quired to buy supplies o f a certain make and pay the price imposed.” New Drug Law Proposed. Washington, D. C.— A bill by Rep­ resentative Stanley to define more specifically the terms "misbranded,” as used in the pure food laws, was re­ ported favorably by the house com­ merce committee. The measure would make it illegal to sell any drug under the nsme o f some other article; make compulsory the printing of the quantity or proportion o f alcohol, mor­ phine or other narcotics in drugs offer­ ed for sale and prohibit the printing on labels o f false curatives and thera­ peutic claims. Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Turks Seek Peace Pact. ’ Cotton Measure Passed. Metal W ork and Re­ Constantinople—The Turkish gov­ Washington, D. C.— The house has passed 156 to 72, the cotton tariff re ernment is willing to enter into peace pair Shop. vision bill, which the Democratic ma­ jority asserts will reduce the duties North First Avenue, between Main and on cotton and cotton manufactures “ A ” Streets; phone 863. by approximately 21 per cent. The measure is identical with that vetoed J. C. Kuratli General Auctioneer last year by President Taft on the E. L Kuratli Notarial Work ground that it was not based on offi­ cial information. House members be­ lieve the senate will pass it and put it up to the president again. Kuratli Bros. Thirtv-Two Automobiles Burned. negotiations with Italy if they are conducted in a manner compatible with Turkey’ s honor and dignity. This was announced in the chamber of deputies here during the reading o f the new ministerial proclamation. The government censured the interfer­ ence o f the military in politics and de­ clared it proposed to take vigorous measures to counteract it. Hill Men Msxe Record. R EAL E STATE,COLLECTIONS San Francisco— Thirty-two automo­ Albany, Or.— By laying four miles biles were destroyed here in a fire o f track in nine hours and 11 mintues, M ONEY TO LOAN that burned out the body factory o f Albert E. Lattimore. The damage is estimated at $100,000. With nine ex­ Ind. City, 344 ceptions the machines were privately owned. The fire department has no O R EG O N knowledge o f bow the blase originated. German spoken in the office PHONES Bell, Main 346 HILLSBORO the Oregon Electric broke all known tracklaying records. It is centain that this is by far the best record ever made in the Pacific Northwest, and so far as known it has never been equaled in the entire country. Mexican Rebel Leader Refuses lo Recognize United Stales. Receives American Consul Only as American Citizen— Two Amer­ icans Found Murdered. Mexico City—Two Americans have been hanged near Cananea, Sonora, presumably by Mexican rebels. Their bodies were found Thursday and the incident was reported immediately to President Madero by the governor of Sonora. The governor has [ordered an investigation. He believes the two men were executed by rebels in order to precipitate American intervention. The victims have not been identified. Juarez, Mexico — General Pascual Orozco, commander4n-chief o f the Mexican rebels, coolly declared that he did not recognize the United States government. He made the remark to Thomas Edwards, American consul here, who called at the rebel leader’s headquarters to deliver a message from Secretary o f State Knox. The message from Washington con­ cerned the treatment of the American settlers in Northern Mexico by the rebels, growing out o f the disarming o f colonists last week. General Orozco told General Ed­ wards that he did not regard the American as a representative of the United States, which government, Orozco said, he did not recognize. However, he was glad to see Mr. Ed­ wards, he said, and to receive hirn as an American citizen. Orozco accept­ ed the message from the American consul without further comment. Ed­ wards then left the room. JAPAN AGAIN BU SY. New Emperor Takes Reins and Sub­ jects Resume Tasks. Tokio— Business in the capital and generally throughout the country, which came to a standstill with the death o f the Emperor Mutsuhito, has been [resumed, Emperor Yo Shihito having expressed the desire that there be no further cessation, owing to the PICTURE K EE P S PLA C E. Taft Has Colonel’ s Photograph Private Office. Lawyers W . Q . T ucker, M. D. In Physician and Surgeon Calls answered promptly day or night Washington, D. C.— Nine out o f ten Phone: Office 271, Residence 283. persons entering the president’ s pri­ vate office in the White House have DR. V . S. M YERS some comment to make on the framed photograph o f Theodore Roosevelt that DR. ETHEL J. M AR TIN Osteopathic Physicians hangs on the wail. The likeness was placed there in the days when it as O FFICE: NIXON BUILDING “ Dear Theodore” and “ Dear W ill,” FOREST GROVE, ORE. and it remains the first object to strike the eye when visitors having business with the chief executive pass W . B. C O O N , V . S. the portal. O ffice o n 1 st S t . “ Well, it hasn’ t been turned to the Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. wall yet,” and “ if I , were in his Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ place, I would pull it down,” are stock expressions to be heard from erinarian, 1 wish to notify the public those coming from audiences with that I am prepared to answer all calls, President Taft, but the president day or night. F orest G rove , O re keeps the photograph just where it Phone Main 95 was hung when he first took possession of the present office, and it probably Dr. J. J. Murray, V . S., will stay there during his term o f office—at least the first half o f it, VETER1NERY SURGEON AND DENTIST should he be re-elected in November. Graduate o f American It has become so noticeable to the Veterinary College, of regular White House visitors that its New York City, 1881. removal would occasion even more talk Office with Brown’s Main Streeh Livery than its presence. and Feed Stable, S T E E L N E T EARNINGS GAIN, Second Quarter Financial Statement Shows $18,429,294 Gain. New York— The financial statement YOSHOHITO, EMPEROR OF JAPAN of the United States Steel corporation for the second quarter o f the current losses entailed on the poor people and year, ending June 30, was made pub- Earnings for the the interference with international lice Wednesday. quarter totalled $25,102,265, after de­ exchanges. *■ Emperor Yo Shihito was kept busy ducting all expenses incident to opera­ throughout Thursday, during which tions. Net income, generally known time he issued an edict proclaiming as net earnings, amounted to $18,- his accession to the throne, which he 429,294. After deducting interest for the read before a vast concourse of high officers. He also proclaimed his suc­ quarter on outstanding bonds and pay­ cession to the .command o f the army ment o f the regular dividends on the preferred and common shares, there is and navy. The Japanese foreign office has noti­ left a surplus for the quarter o f $56,- fied the foreign powers that the im­ 483. Small as this surplus is, it compared perial birthday has been changed from N ovem bers (Mutsuhito’ s natal day) most favorably with the showing in to August 31, Yo Shihito’ s birthday. the quarter immediately preceding A fter the farewell taken o f the late when only a small part o f the common emperor’ s body by the members o f the dividend was earned, and it became imperial family, the body was depos­ necessary to take the greater part of ited in a casket with a quadruple cov­ the $6,354,000 from the undivided sur­ ering, the outer one measuring nine plus reported at the end o f 1911. feet by four, and was then placed in a Rains Worrying Farmers. special mourning chamber. On his way to the Aoyama palace, Pendleton, Or.— Rains in the north­ where it is understood he will reside eastern part of the county, which have until after the funeral, a great ova­ tion was given Emperor Yo Shihito, been coming down briskly o f late, are immense crowds gathering along the causing farmers in that section consid­ streets, where they stood with bared erable anxiety, as crops are being har­ vested and hay cut and stacked. heads. Some light rains are reported in the vicinity of Helix, though no damage Woman Immigrant» Needed. thus far has been wrought. The late Honolulu—“ Equal immigration for rains which have visited this section women,” was the substance o f a pro­ recently are almost unprecedented and position broached here by Dr. Charles the uncertainty o f the weather man’ s W. Eliot, president emeritus o f Har­ next move makes it difficult for the vard University. Dr. Eliot, how­ farmer to anticipate. ever, was looking at the subject not Canal Ship Line is Plan, from the standpointof women’s rights, but as part o f the study o f the influx Boston — Preliminary plans were o f foreign people into the United started at a meeting o f the directors States. Dr. Eliot advocated laws o f the Port of Boston and represent­ which would prevent a preponderance atives o f the chamber o f commerce for o f more than 5 per cent o f men over a line o f fast freight and passenger women in any race entering the steamers between Boston and Los An­ country. geles by way o f the Panama canal. It is proposed to build seven steamers, Newport Yield» Halibut. which will provide weekly sailings, Newport, O r .— Thursday morning with only one stop on the way to the the launch Ollie S. went out on a pros­ canal, the entire trip to Los Angeles pecting trip for halibut banks and suc­ to be made in 15 days. ceeded in locating it» object about 16 Tacoma Port Plan Fails. mile» southwest by south from this Tacoma— All o f the city precincts bay. About two hours were spent fishing and 17 halibut were taken. It are heard from and the smalt majority has long been known that fishing given by them in favor of the port banks lay southwest o f this place. commission plans is more than offset Captain Carner, o f the Ollie S., says by returns from 32 o f the 77 country the catch of fish was limited only by precincts. It is conceded that the the small Quantity o f bait taken along. plana have failed to carry. Hillsboro Phone City, 5 0 6 H. B. Glaisyer A. A. Kirkwood Glaisyer & Kirkwood Engineers and Surveyors Hoffman Bldg. Phone 0 1 0 6 Forest Grove, Oregon Portland Marble Works Established in 1885 Carries the largest stock of Memorials. 264-266, 4th St., Portl.nd, Ore. Don’ t neglect the children’s musical education. It is a sin for parents to neglect this part o f a child’ s education. Have you a piano in your home to start the little ones out on, who, if they had half a chance, would turn the gloom into sunshine for you and others? I sell good reliable pianos and sell them on terms to suit you whether for cash, or the smallest payment you can afford. — G no. C. P aterson , Forest Grove, Ore. Mrs. C. A. Dennis, Graduate Specialist. Shampoo 25c., Mani­ cure 25c., Face Massage 25c. Scalp treatments a specialty. Charges reasonable. Phone 0184. Residence and office 332, Pacific Avenue. I