Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 08, 1912, Image 2

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G athered H a lf M illion o f W ealth Just
fo r Pastim e.
Realty Abstract Company W H Y
M akes Your Abstract
Chicago—Jacob F. Guthrie, alleged
society burglar and forger, whose
Current Events of Interest Gathered clever crimes netted him more than Salazar Willi 1000 Men Moves
half a million dollars in six months, is
From the World at Large.
declared to be a victim of periodical
Toward Mexican Dorder.
insanity, a sort of madness that drove
him to crime The rare joy of steal­
General Resume o f Im portant Events ing and the thrill of breaking into Boundary [Patrol Increased — H ead o f
U nited btates M a te s T ro o p s
other people’s houses lured Guthrie to
Presented In Condensed Form
Fears T ro u b le .
his ruin.
for O ur Busy Readers.
Six months of burglary, riotous,
joyous stealing, that were described El Paso, Texas— Movements of the
Bubonic plague and cholera are by him as he sat in the detective bu­ federal
and rebel arm ies in the dis­
sweeping over Amoy, China.
reau, opened up a new chapter in trict south
of the border at this point
Cloudbursts and floods stopped all criminal psychology. Burglary had and the position of the American col­
traffic and did much damage in Ne­ proved to youthful G uthrie what gam ­ onists in the troubled zone, occupies
bling, drink and stronger stim ulants
attention of chiefs of the United
American industrial enterprises in are to others. Stealing, said he, had the
troops engaged in patrolling
Northern Mexico are being abandoned become a habit w ith him that he did
the border at this point.
and Americans are fleeing for their not even care to break.
To sit in a house th a t has been "se ­ Thirty men from Colonial Diaz, to
Captain E. W. Bixby, the Missis­ curely” locked before the departure the w est of the Casas Grandes district,
sippi river boatman who taught Mark of its wealthy owner for some summer arrived at Hachita, N. M., according
Twain how to pilot a steamboat, is
to advices received at Fort Bliss, and
resort, and map out a plan of stealing the colonists from the Juarez and
are expected to reach
Infantile paralysis has been fatal to all the most valuable heirlooms and Dublan colonies
in a day or two.
33 out of 173 children in Los Angeles, art treasures was to G uthrie w hat an the A border
has reached the United
and public playgrounds are being evening at an am usem ent park or States report
service that General Sal­
theater is to more prosaic people. He azar, w ith 1000 rebels, has evacuated
Farm ers of San Joaquin county, made no effort to sell any of the pro­ Casas Grandes and that two groups of
Cal., have threshed one of the biggest ducts of his thefts.
federals, largely outnum bering the
barley crops on record, over 2,000,000 " I did not care about selling those rebel forces, are in pursuit. Accord­
things,” naively rem arked Guthrie. ing to this information Salazar is
It is believed Mt. Hood has a rival " I ju st enjoyed stealing them, and af­ headed for the border, moving due
w ith the intention of reaching
in Eagle Cap, situated in Eastern Ore­ ter that I didn’t care what became of north
Palomas, opposite Columbus, N. M.,
gon, and accurate m easurem ents will the things. They were like so much and
a few miles west of El Paso.
be made.
junk. ”
bring him in close touch
is something queer about with will
The steam er F. A. Kilburn caught the "T m here
the rebel leader, Orozco, who re
fire off the California coast and was John H atpin’s comment. " H e re ’s a mains in Juarez with about 500 men.
saved only after a heroic fight of over man whose rem arkable crimes have and together they may proceed along
two hours by her crew.
given him an enormous fortune, and the border into Sonora.
The right of Roosevelt delegates he hasn’t touched a single article. This move, American officers here
from Kansas to have places on the He does not even dress himself decent­ believe, is made also with the view of
national ballot is to be decided by the ly. There was no woman on whom he obtaining ammunition and it is proba­
Supreme court of the United States in Bpent his money; he didn’t drink or ble that the United States border pa­
will be increased.
gamble or go joyriding. He stole just trol That
the rebels are in great need of
Rival candidates for govermnor of for the sake of stealing, and not for ammunition
is evidenced by the recent
W ashington spent the night under the any profit, apparently.
border running.
same blanket, when one's auto got
stuck in the mud in Snoqualmie pass
B U M P E R C R O P C E R T A IN .
and the other unable to get around it. stolen articles I ever saw. There are
diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds
Residents of Texas and Arizona are and pearls worth thousands of dollars. Yield o f O regon to Exceed All F o rm ­
e r R ecords.
becoming indignant at the failure of All his burglaries were committed in
the United States to stop the outrages the homes of t(ie city ’s w ealthiest cit­ Portland—Crop prospects in every
to Americans in Mexico, and offer to izens.
of Oregon and in every line of
go ahead and clear up the situation "H e read the society notes and section
were never b etter than
when he noticed a wealthy woman had they are this year. It has been a
home for a few days he would bumper season all around, and it
Governor Johnson, of California, left
break into the house and steal the means prosperity for the farm er and
says if petitions now in circulation to most
valuale articles he could find. everyone directly concerned w ith the
initiate a law abolishing capital pun­ Apparently
kept all the things he farm ers’ w elfare; and th at includes
ishment receive the required number stole which he appealed
his artistic almost everybody in the state.
of signatures, he will allow no more taste, but he must have to disposed
of a If there is any adverse factor in the
executions until after election.
large quantity of the plunder.”
it is the chance th at some
The balloon Uncle Sam won the big Thousands’ of dollars’ worth of stol­ situation,
be so large they will
race at St. Louis, covering 925 miles en articles were identified by society have to sell may
for less money than ifi
in 35 hours, and landing safely near women.
other years.
the old battlefield of Bull Run.
The surplus to be marketed, how­
Y A N K E E D A N E S GkVE P A R K .
is so great that the total income
Salazar, head of the Mexican insur­
gents, says he cares not how soon the Deed to 4 0 0 Acres in Jutland H and ­ will The be wheat
crop this year will net
United States intervenes.
ed to King C h ristian .
the farm ers of Oregon about $12,600,-
Jam es Landers, who broke jail in
Denmark— King Christian 000. The oats crop will bring in half
Alaska in 1901, was arrested in Los has Aarhurs,
received at M arseilasborg castle as much money as the wheat crop, and
Angeles, where he was working as a the members of the comm ittee repre­ the barley crop will produce a million.
w aiter.
senting the Association of Danish The other grains and hay will also add
H arvest is in full swing in the Rig Americans which has presented to the a vast sum to the sta te's wealth.
Bend and Palouae districts of Wash­ government a new national park in The year 1912 is undoubtedly the
greatest fru it year Oregon has yet
ington, and excellent crops are being Jutland.
The American m inister of Denmark, known. The total value of all fruits
at more than $6,500,000.
The Borah three-year homestead Mr. Maurice, on behalf of President is placed
potato yield, which is enormous,
bill has passed the house and now goes T aft, honorary president of the asso­ The
even on a lower m arket, bring
to the president, who has supported it ciation, read a message from Mr. T aft will,
extending greetings to the king and the farm ers close to $1,500,000, and
from the start.
people of Denmark. The message in the onion and root crops will add ma­
terially to this sum.
part follow s;
“ It is with great pleasure that I The hop crop is going to be a great
W heat—Track prices, new : Club, have witnessed the action of the one, on the acreage, and (at the pres­
78(<i 79c; bluestem, 82(0.83; old wheat, American citizens of Danish birth of ent m arket price will give the farm ­
this country in acquiring a tract of ers $2,200,000, all of it money
Barley—New, brewing, $25; feed, 400 acres of land near Aalborg for brought from outside the state. The
$24 ton.
the purpose of establishing a Danish- value of the wool and mohair clips ex­
Hay — Timothy, $14(0 IS; alfalfa, American national park, to be dedi­ ceeds $8,000,000.
$ll(o 12; clover, $10; oats and vetch, cated to the Danish government, and The w heat crop of Oregon will
$12; grain hay, $9.
to he at all times open to the public. amount to about 18,000,000 bushels.
Millstuffs — Bran, $25.50 ton; " I am gratified to be identified w ith The yield will be a record one in
shorts, $28.50; middlings, $32.
this act in my capacity as honorary U m atilla, Wallowa, Baker, Wasco,
Corn--W hole, $39; cracked, $40 ton. president of the association. I recog­ Sherman, Union and Gilliam counties,
Oats—New, $28.60(0127¡old, $32 ton. nize in it a concrete expression of the the latter county estim ating a crop of
Fresh F ru its— Cherries, 3(o!l0c cordial relations that have always ex­ 4,000,000 bushels. W heat conditions
pound; apples, old, $1.50(o3 box; isted between the Danish and Ameri­ in the W illam ette valley, especially in
new, 75e(o $ 1.60; (peaches, 60(o 80c can people and which are today based Polk, Linn and Lane counties, are
box; currants, $1.50(0)1.75 box; more (irmly than ever on friendship, fine, the crop in Lane being the best
in 10 years. Further south the wheat
plums, 60c(o)$1.25; pears, $1.50(0) understanding and mutual esteem .”
prospects are also good. The oats
1.75; apricots, 50c(o $1.
crop of the state is estim ated at 16,-
Berries—Raspberries, $1.50 crate;
Many Rebels Are Quitting,
loganberries, $1.50; blackberries, $1 Mexico City— Encouraged by the 000,000 bushels, and the barley crop
at 2,300,000 bushels.
Melons — Cantaloupes, $2.25(o2.75 success of General Sanjinaz, near the
eastern boundary of Sonora, and rely­
crate; watermelons, lc pound.
Bill Poster M en Sued.
P otatoes— Jobbing prices; Bur­ ing upon General Puerta, to wage an Chicago— Suit for dissolution of the
energetic campaign against the rebels
banks, new, 90c(o$l hundred.
Vegetables — Artichokes, 65(o'76c with the army that drove them back Associated Bill Posters and D istrib­
dozen; beans, 2e; cabbage, 1(0lie ; from Bacylimba, government officials uters of the United States and Can­
cauliflower, $1(01.25 dozen; celery, believe that by the end of the week ada, who have been succeeded by
85c(o$l dozen; corn, 15(o:26c dozen; Pascual Orozco will be seeking hiding the Posting Advertising association,
was filed in the United States district
cucumbers, 50c box; eggplant, 10(0 places or begging for amnesty.
Unofficial as well as official dis­ court here. In a petition in equity
124 c pound; head lettuce, 20<« 26c
dozen; peas, 8(<i.9c; peppers, 8(010c. patches state that many of Orozco's Attorney General W ickersham charged
Eggs — Case count, 23c; candled. men are tiring of fighting without pay a conspiracy to destroy competition,
and that desertions are increasing-
fix prices and monopolize and domi­
26c; extras, 27(028c dozen.
nate the bill-posting business. The
B utter — Oregon creamery, cubes,
Rebels Die Without Trials.
government also asks injunctions
80c pound; prints, 31c.
Mexico City The right to execute against practices and agreem ents said
Pork—Fancy, 10(<i)llc pound.
Veal —Fancy. 13(n 14c pound.
rebels without trial was conferred up­ to be in violation of the Sherman law.
P o u ltry — Hens, 12(013c; broilers, on the Mexican army, when the perma­
T re a s u re Hungers O ff.
16c: ducks, young, 1 0 n l2 e; geese, nent committee of congress approved
llK fillc; turkeys, live, 18(0 20c; dress­ the bill providing for suspension of Victoria, B. C.— Bound for the fam­
guarantees in three states and por­ ous Tibum n island in the Gulf of Cali­
ed, 24c(d26 pound.
Hops—1912 contracts. 19«i20c; 1911 tions of nine others It will not be­ fornia. which is said to be rich in gold
come effective, however, until approv­ and other minerals, which have been
crop, 20(022.
Wool — Eastern Oregon. 14(0 194c ed, article by article.. The measure, successfully held by fierce natives,
pound, according to shrinkage; val­ which principally provides for m artial said to be cannibals, two little schoon­
law, will apply to the states where the ers, the "T enderfoot” and " D rift,”
ley. 21(o'23c; mohair, choice, 32c.
C attle — Choice steers, $6.75(0 7; rebels are the most harrassing.
of the Victoria Yacht club, left port
carrying an adventurous party of
good, $6(u6.50; medium, $5.76(u6;
Mountain Climber Is 81.
choice cows, $f.76oi 6 25; good, $6.60
treasure hunters. They expect to be
(0:6.76; medium, $6« i 6.60; choice Ashland. Or. — More than 80 mem­ gone six months. They will stop at
calves. $7(08.25; gbod heavy calves, bers of the Siskiyou club of this city, San Francisco en route.
$6«; 6.50; bulls, $3,60(.i 6.10; stags, climbed Mount Ashland Sunday, view ­
O ld est O dd fallow D iaz.
ing the panorama of scenic beauty as
$4.76ni 6.
Hogs — Light, J8M 8.60; heavy, seen from the summ it of the highest Albuquerque, N. M.— H. Collins,
peak in this section of Southern Ore­ probably the oldest Oddfellow in the
$6 26018.60.
Sheep—Yearlings, $.‘V<i4.26; weth­ gon. W. H. Smith, aged 91, was the United States, having joined the order
ers. $3<i4.35; ewes, $3(03.36; lambs, oldest person who successfully made at Danville, Kentucky, in 1842, died
the trip.
here at the age of 96 years.
$4(0.6.30.J ;
lit. Good, hon­
est Dentistry to the
best of my ability.
Could one do more?
2nd. 1 examine
your mouth and tel)
you its actual con­
dition before I be­
gin y o u r actua
work, stating: in ad­
vance w hat t h e
cost w i l l be. If
ready, we begin: if
not, the exam ina­
tion costs you noth’
Office», with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building.
Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro.
GUARANTEES r e l ia b l e
Absolutely Safe and Reliable
The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association
3rd. I guarantee all th at I do, as I consider
work not worth guaranteeing:, not worth doing..
This has been my policy.
4th. Absolute cleanliness. Every instrum ent
m ust be cleansed, and are used as they are taken
from the sterilizers.
6th. My prices are reasonable, not advertised
cheap prices to lure you in, and then charge you
m o re-b u t a price that will make more friends;
more patients; one price to all.
Of Forest Grove, Oregon
Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home
Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your
Business or Dwelling in The
Bankers & Merchants
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund, Dentist
N. W. Corner 6th and Oak, 2nd floor, take elevator
Our Work Guaranteed and
Your Patronage Solicited
| promptly obtained OH NO FEE. Trade-Mark»,
Caveat». Copyrights and Lab»]» registered.
TWENTY YE AES' PRACTICE. Highest reference».
Send model, »ketch or photo, for free report
on patentability. All business confidential.
HAND-BOOK FREE. Explains everything. Tells i
How to Obtain and Sell Patents, W hat Invention»
Will Pay, How to Get a Partner, explains best |
mechanical movements, and contains SOO other
»abject« of importance to inventors.
First Ave., Foot Council St.
Forest Grove, Oregon
J o x 3 9 1 Willson B ldg.
Closing Out Sale
of Odd Pieces of
A t Greatly Reduced Prices
All Furniture that is tagged with red tags are the
close-outs. Some of these pieces have been in stock
for some time and seemed to be slow sellers, but 1
have reduced the prices so that they will move now.
That I have a limited amount of different articles, as
Dressers, Buffas, China Closets, Beds,
Chairs, Rockers, some Rugs, Lace Curtains,
Lounges and Center Tables.
In fact something of each article, You will
have to come early to get the best buys.
•1 gt
' - r r r -
- 5 ; - lu fii,, llt Vo:
P U R E M A SU R Y ’S WHITE PA IN T in 5-gallon cans at $1.95 per Gallon
A Paint Insurance Policy. We have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for
GOLD SEAL PAINT. We are authorized by the manufacturer to issue a
written guarantee over our own signature that the paint will last five years.
Special GOLD SEAL PAINT at $1.95 per Gallon.
Let us figure on your whole bill of Paint, Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, etc.
in stock.
Sewing Machines
At Cost. Must close these out. See my windows
A few remnants of Linoleum cheap. All Linoleums reduced.
Guaranteed Sewirg Machines, with drop head, Special $16.50. Guaran­
teed ten years by the maker. Have a limited amount of other Sewing
Machines that Hill be sold at cost this week only.