ellng work for twenty-four consecutive through the fence; a heap of dhoe-KEEP MILK UTENSILS CLEAN W. M. Langley & Son H. W. Vollmer, M, D. hours But he kept the lead gained, dared metal which men were striving ] ----------- Physician and Surgeon for all that, and a pace like the long frantically to restore to activity, while One of Important Things to Remem­ Lawyers swoop of a swallow. in the illuminated hospital tent Its ber Is to Keep Veeeels Absolute­ Office in Abbott Bldg. “Car coming out of the paddock. driver and mechanism were undergo­ ly Free From All Dirt, STORY Forest Grove, Ogn. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. Hundred and eightieth lap. Car ing a kindred process of rehabilita­ stopped around the bend," Floyd re­ tion. Other cars went In and out Every man, woman and child In the ported, at Intervals Otherwise there from their camps, for oil, for gaso­ United Statee uses milk or milk prod­ W. P. Dyke Ind. Phones was mute attention to business on the lene, for tires and minor repairs—for ucts in some form. Are you doing Attorney-at-LaW Residence 0332 Office 0331 part of both men. all the countless wants of a racing your part to keep your milk clean anJ "Signal,” Stanton abruptly ordered, machine. Stanton looked for the Mer­ and theirs? One of the worst sources at last, as they rushed across the cury, then, aatlsfled, crossed the track of trouble Is lack of cleanliness In Notary ‘Public DR. C. E. W A L K E R stretch of track between the grand­ and entered the space before the the care of milk utensils. Foreet Grove Oregon stand and the training-camps. grand-stand. One of the chief things to remem­ Floyd obediently rose in his place, Along the edgo of the cement prom­ ber Is that milk utensils should never Osteopathic Physician raising his arms above his head In the enade were parked a row of automo­ be rinsed In hot water without being Hollis & Graham Bv biles whose owners preferred to wit­ accepted signal to their men to stand drst rinsed in cold water. If hot M. ready for the car’s entrance. On the ness the race from their own cars water is used, milk that may remain A ttomeys-at-LaW Treatment by Special Appoint* next circuit Stanton turned Into the rather than from the tiers of seats be­ In vessel is very likely to be so hard­ Author at “ n o Gama ment Only and tha Candle." “Tha paddock and came to a stop before hind. Past them Stanton turned, ened that It can with difficulty be Forest Grove, Ogn. Firing M ercuryale. avoiding the fire of attention and curi­ washed off. the Mercury's tent. “Get out.” he directed, and himself osity be would draw by crossing the Rinse first in cold water, wash In J. N. Hoffman W. Q. Tucker, M. D. lighted space where recognition must hot water, using a washing powder left his seat. r redarle Tksrtbjrgh Attorney-at-Law The two men who alternated were follow. He was going to the reatau-1 if desired, then rinse in boiling water. Physician and Surgeon waiting to relieve the two who de­ rant in the Interior of the stand. (n the summer, set utensils In sun­ EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY scended from the machine. Tbe work­ But as he passed a big white tour­ light to dry. The final rinsing In hot Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Calls answered promptly day or night men swarmed around to fill tanks and ing car at the end of the row, a wem- water not only kills germs but so Ind. Phone 502 Phone: Office 271, Residence 283. Forest Grove give swift inspection, and the fretting an leaned from the shadow of the top. heats the palls that they will dry off Copyright H it Tha BoDbe-M errill Coni pa a / "I beg your pardon," sha sum­ quickly, thus lessening the chance of car sped back to tbe track. a moned. her tone composed and rather rusting. It Is economy to buy only C. W. MERTZ Left opposite each other In tbe flick­ J, C. LATTA • YN 0P 8I8. ering glare of the swinging electric Imperious. the best grade of palls, cans and The apology veiled a command. strainers. A rusty pall should never At tha beginning of Croat automobile lamps, driver and mechanician stood race the mechanician of the MeCury, for a moment, weary, car-stiff, and Stanton halted. be used or one In which the seams M ERTZ & L A T T A Btanton'a machine, dropa dead. Strange tense. Stanton unclasped his “Madam?" he responded, astonished become slightly opened. youth. Jeaae Floyd, volunteers, and Is ac­ still mask with a jerk, took a step toward and scarcely pleased. cepted. A milk house aids very much in the tent, then tam ed toward his as­ She deliberately stepped down be the proper care of milk and milk CHAPTER I. (Continued.) side him, accompanied by the crisp sistant. The size of the house, says “Coin' to throw away th« race an’ "The three hours are up," he ob­ sound of shaken silk and a drift of utensils. the Farm and Home, should be propor­ wreck your machine, for foolishness?" served roughly. "I suppose you leave faint, rich fragrance. She wore a tioned to the number of cows milked. he Inquired. "That's just like you. me." dark motor-veil, and in the mingling Some will Ice, Cold Storage, Wood and Coal that a house as small Ralph Stanton. You’ll risk a blow-out “Why do you suppose that? Are of dense shadows and glaring lights it as 8 to 10 find feet will be sufficiently an’ a smash to save five minutes In a you through with me?” Floyd asked, was not possible to distinguish more large. Such a house should have a Corner Fifth Avenue and Second Street twenty-four hour race. You can drive, with studied quietness. than her general effect of youth and concrete floor, cement plaster walls, Both Phones but you won't use common sense.1 “I made the offer to any man who well-poised grace. or at least walls that can be readily Something snapped under Stanton's would go for the first three hours. "I fancied by your costume that you a concrete, steel, or wooden mask. Raging with silent fury, he The time Is up; you're free to get were one of the racers,” she explained washed, tank in which milk cans can be set slowed down bis car and swung Into your money from Mr. Green, and “And as I only arrived an hour ago to cool, some provision for heating the paddock gate as they came oppo­ leave." I wished to beg some information.” water, a sink where milk utensils can site it, thundering through to his own Floyd took off hir own mask and "I am one of the men driving,” he be washed, Central Livery Barns and enough windows to camp. bared his white, steadfast face and corroborated. admit plenty of light. In summer, “Fix that tire.” he commanded, as tired eyes to the other’s gaze. She turned to glanoe at the carl Me Namer & Wirtz, Proprietors the swarm of mechanics surrounded “I entered for the race, or for as rushing by, struggling for the lead. door and windows should be screened them, and descended from his seat to much of it as you want me,” be cor­ “Thank you. Can you tell me General Livery confront the assistant manager. "Have rected. "Until you quit, or find a sub­ whether Ralph Stanton Is now driving WAY OF FATTENING POULTRY you got me another mechanician, stitute you like better. I’m with you." the Mercury?" and Tillamook Stage Lines. yet? This one won’t do.’’ They looked at each other. "No," he answered. Interested foi "hlckens Must Be Fed Lightly at First “Why, no,” Mr. Green deprecated. “Go rest, then. There is coffee in­ the first time. “But he will take thf and Gradually Brought Along to “The driver who alternates with you side,” bade Stanton, and swung on his wheel again in half nu hour." Full Ration. wants to keep his mechanician; be­ heel. “Ah? I have heard so much of hll sides, the man isn’t exactly ready to At the entrance to his tent he was spectacular feats, I,” she gave a care A quick eye for the well being ol go with you, and he couldn’t do both met by the exultant assistant mana­ less, rippling laugh, "I confess 1 fattening fowls is just as important shifts, anyhow. I’ve telephoned to ger. as with other stock, Indeed, more so, should like to see some of them.” the company to find a man and rush "I’ve got you a mechanician, Stan­ "Yes? Well, half the people here as with large numbers it takes a man him here. What,” be looked toward ton!" he exclaimed jubilantly. "I tel­ come to see whether some of the met who can rapidly, yet accurately, de­ the group around the car, where ephoned our fix to headquarters, and won't take a chance once too often tect when birds are getting off feed or Floyd's bronze head shone In the elec­ Jack Rupert is coming down—the They say there is a pleasant thrill is ailing. It is a lack of this faculty that tric light as he directed proceedings, chief tester at the factory, you know, watching some one else get killed.” causes many to fail with sheep and P E E R L E SS C A F E T E R IA .'“what’s the m atter with this one? who used to race with the chief him­ "Hardly that,” she demurred. "Still smaller animals. Scared?“ self. He ’phoned that h^w ouldn't see If one comes to an automobile race Crate feeding is carried on with only 104 F I F T H S T R E E T M »nd 8« FIFTH STREET Between Wash, and Stark “No,” conceded Stanton, grudgingly the Mercury thrown out but to tel! one wants to see something more ex­ six or eight birds In a crate, so that Between Stark and Oak just. "Insolent and interfering.” you he was going to cancel his life citing than a drive in the park; some each unit can be quickly looked over, P O R T L A N D O R E G O N “Well. If that is all—” Insurance policy first so he would not thing more exciting than—th a t" She Milk feeding occupies but fourteen Stanton turned his back upon* the be accused of suicide for the benefit waved a fragile hand toward the days and ordinarily under seventeen. Indeed, there is, as a rule, no endeavor speaker, recklessly and blindly angry, The Best Place in Portland to Eat and at to make old hens prime, merely to past all reasoning. Most Reasonable Prices flesh them a bit and often eight to j When, the brief operation com­ nine days accomplishes this. Milk pleted, Floyd sprang up beside his besides its feed value helps the di­ .driver for the start, Stanton surveyed gestive process. Chickens must be fed him through his goggles. lightly at first and gradually brought “If you are nervous about my driv­ to a full ration. It costs about nine ing and my sense, you had better get cents a pound for the flesh put on, of off now," was the grim warning. “For which 7.10 cents was for cost of feed. I drive as I see fit, and I’m going to Growing chickens make more eco­ make up these laps." nomical gains than hens. "Why are you wasting time here, .then?” countered the mechanician, psactlcally. How Much Water? The Mercury hurtled viciously down It Is a safe rule to provide five Comer Third Avenue and Third Street tbe line of training camps and burst pounds of water for every pound of out on the track like a blazing meteor. milk that the cow gives. This will ROOM AND BOARD $4 PER WEEK Stanton shifted into high gear on the mean that at least 12 gallons a day curve, and began to drive—as he saw should be supplied. Cases have been Telephone 025 MRS. C. R. VEDDER, Proprietor lit. known where a cow would drink 25 The close-packed witnesses stood or 30 gallons per day in the warmest during most of the next hour, alter­ weather. Such a cow, however, will nately applauding and shouting dis­ produce 10,000 or 12,000 pounds of may, climbing on seats and benches to milk a year. The supply should be sse. The other racers gave the Mer­ as liberal accordingly In the winter as cury room on the turns, after the in the summer. Always the water Alan car tried to steal an inside should be pure and in the winter it sweep, and skidding, missed destruc­ should be warmed to at least 60 de­ MAIN STREET, NEAR PACIFIC AVENUE, tion through and with Stanton by the grees. It is cheaper to warm the wa­ FOREST GROVE, OREGON narrow margin of a foot. ter with a tank heater than to make M eals at all H ou rs. Th e B eet of E v e ry th in g There was neither opportunity nor the cow do the work with alfalfa and Served R ig h t wish for speech between the two who high price concentrates. W m . Ruffner, Proprietor rode the verge of death on the Mer­ cury. Floyd attended steadily to his Laying Drains. duties; pumping oil, brushing the yel­ In laying tile drains, Prof. E. O. low trackdust from the pilot's goggles Pippin of the New York State Agri­ to clear his vision for each turn, cultural college, says the main drains watching the tires and the other ma­ should be large enough to provide for chines. Rut he made no protest at tba future expansion. For the lateral deadly methods of his companion. drains never use anything less than Near the end of the second hour, three or three and one-halt inches in the scream of the klaxon sounded Its diameter. In clay soils he recom­ significant warning of trouble. mends laterals not over 50 feet apart "It’s us—lamps oat,” called the me­ and at a depth of two and one-half to chanician, after a comprehensive re­ three feet. ^The denser the soli the view of their machine. more shallow the drains must be laid. 1 Stanton shook his head impatiently, In laying drains in clay it shouW be and kept on; deliberately passing the done In summer, when the land Is paddock gate Instead of turning in. dry, and be sure the clay Is dried As they shot by the grand stand for out before it Is thrown back In the the eecond time, the klaxon sounded 1ltch. Again, long and Imperiously. E are in a better position than ever to "I Am One of the Men Driving,” He Co, roborsted. "Goin' to fight the judges?” lisped Harrowing Planted Com. of his heirs. Funny chap! He'll be track. shrugging her shoulders with Floyd, with careful politeness. do all kinds of Fine Commercial Print­ Harrowing corn after It is planted The driver did not speak or glance here before you go on the track an airy amusement and scorn. la looked upon by the Wisconsin ex­ again.” Stanton surveyed the scene, the from the funnel-effect of light and ing on short notice, having just recently periment station as somewhat haz­ dark Into which they were boring, but "What for?” demanded Stanton. "It darkness hiding his expression. the catch of his breath was not gen­ I kill my mechanician, I kill my car "The Mercury Is marking time with ardous, because the harrow is sure to installed new machinery and a com­ tle. However, he swung Into the pad- and myself—I don't need two men, a substitute driver, the Duplex is off Injure some of the hills. After the farmer has planted his com he can­ and I’ve got one.” with a choked feed-pipe, and the Stern dock, on the next circuit, and halted plete line of the latest styles of type faces a brief instant to have tbe lamp re­ “But I thought you said—” began went through the fence,” he summed not afford to lose any portion of hla up. "The others are driving to win field through unwise cultivation. lighted. Familiar with his usual (he amazed Mr. Green. wants, a man ran bringing a pitcher “I was wrong. 'Phone Rupert that by endurance, playing for accidents to Planting com more thickly will not of water to Stanton; who awallowed a I’ll keep Floyd. Now. I'd like to get the faster cars. It Is a dull period, compensate for the loss as the har­ Just now. Yet every car there is go­ row does not strike all hills alike, little, then pushed the vessel so rough­ some rent.” BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, ly toward bis mechanician that some The assistant manager stepped ing fast enough to face destruction U and is too liable to leave too many stalks In one hill and too few in an­ of the liquid splashed over the recipi­ aside from the entrance, confounded. anything goes wrong." LEGAL BLANKS, POSTERS, BRIEFS, ENVEL­ other. Harrowing before planting la ent and trickled down upon them both. Sht turned to him again, and he OPES, CALLING CARDS, ETC. Up-to-date work CHAPTER II. "Here," he offered curtly. knew her gaze swept him interroga­ the better practice. Cultivate after "Thanks," Floyd accepted. and tively, searchlngly. But his close- ward. on short notice. The Risk and the Lady. drank as tbey.bounded forward, toss­ fitting linen costume offered no means Plant Lice. ing the tin pitcher back over his Two hours later, Stanton emerged of Identification, since he purposely shoulder, where a reporter gathered from his camp and strolled toward kept from tbe light the sliver letters If plant lice appear on the peas, it up and sat upon a keg of oil to write the paddock ex it It was after two running across his jersey. sprinkle the foliage with tobacco dust S A T IS F A C T IO N G U A R A N T E E D a pretty account of the volunteer me­ o'clock In the morning; the dark arch This will not kill the lice, but it will (T O B E C O N T IN U E D .) chanician who had made the Mer- of star-set sky overhead, tbe black repel many of them and greatly re­ No Danger. cury's entry possible and of tbe conse­ emptiness of tbe central field except duce the Injury. for the line of tents, contrasted oddly "I can't understand why you wizV quent regard of Stanton for btm. The next boor pesaed a trifle more with the glistening white track where to go to the legislature. Don't you Gain In Lambs. quietly. Perhaps even 8 tan ten waa the meteor-bright cars circled tireless­ think your business will suffer If you Lambs gain In weight during their sufficiently tired by the strain to <,_rlve ly to the accompanying monotone of are elected?" month largely in proportion to with some conservatism; perhaps be mmtij apices, varied by the occasional "Oh, no. You see. I manufacture first -nllk received. this reason atten­ wall at the official klaxon. One ms- things which are needed In furnish tion should be For acknowledged mentally that no ear paid to the milking chins was out of tbs race, after going | lag public offices.' bellt would stand such viciously quality of ewes. SERIAL STANTON WINS Forest Grove Steam Laundry t THE CASA ROSA CITY CAFE Commercial Printing Press Job Rooms THE QUALITY SHOP