M D COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. City Council met Tuesday the 9th, All present but Council- m in Wirtz. Routine business was transacted. Finance Committee Report: General fund. Bills allowed ........... $ 1884.15 Library fund............. 50.00 CLP SING OUT SALE of our Entire Stock of Ladies’ Shirt Waists, Muslin Underwear and Children’s and Misses’ Dresses. We beleive in selling goods at a legitimate profit during the season and afterwards close out the remaining stock regardless of cost or profit, as we do not wish to carry goods over from one season to another. Listen To U s! $1.00 $ 1.25 Shirt Waists, sale price 1.50 i t 4 1.20 <« 1.75 1.40 1.60 2.00 2.25 1.80 2.50 2.00 2.75 2.20 3.00 2.40 3.75 3.00 Look at our offerings in Misses’ and Children’s : 50c Garment, sale price 35c 75c 50c 85c 55c 1.00 65c 3.00’ 2.00 On Muslin Underwear, we are giving il t it «S it i* it it it a a a a a a t s i i a 11 i* a « i ft*. » it THE DOCTOR S PRESCRIPTION might as well not be written if it is not filled faithfully and accurately. His work can be seriously hampered If not wholly voided if his orders art not carried out to the letter. WE FILL PRESCRIPTIONS that back up your doctor’s efforts. Dare you risk not coming here when some loved one your house is ill? S 4 it it P A C IF IC D R U G CO. it it (Successor to D r. Chas. Hines) i* it Forest Grove, Ore. TYPEWRITERS GIVEN AWAY One-fifth off or 20 per cent. We will also, during this sale, give 1-4 off on one line of our Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing. NUFF SED—Come and see what we have. We still pay the highest cash price for wool. The Em erson T y p ew riter Com pany of W oodstock, 111., have recen tly given aw ay over 400 of th e h ig h est grade, wholly visible E m erson T y p ew riters ' m ade in th e world. T hey have gone I into every s ta te and te rrito ry in the U nited S ta te s. T h ere m ay be some in your town. T hey a re giving them I aw ay ev ery w h ere to m en, women, boys ! and girls, over eig h teen y ears o f age, j on su rprisingly liberal conditions. I f you could m ake any use o f a $100 ty p e w rite r, providing it did not cost you even one cent, then in a le tte r or j on a postal card addressed to F ran k L. W ilder, P resid en t, W oodstock, 111., sim ply say, “ Mail me all your free o ffe rs,” and by re tu rn mail you will re- | ceive th e ir fre e offers, the nam es of o v er 400 w ho have recen tly received 1 ty p e w rite rs free, and you will learn on w h a t easy conditions you can g e t one ! o f th e ir ty p e w rite rs fre e rig h t aw ay. The E m erson T y p ew riter is one of th e h ig h est g rade, wholly visible ty p e­ w rite rs made in th e world. Many who have used th e “ E M E R S O N '’ and other m akes pronounce the "E M E R S O N ” su p erio r to any $100.00 ty p e w rite r on th e m a rk e t. I t is a wholly visible m a­ chine, has every new, up-to-date fe a t­ u re, looks like o th e r high g rad e $100.00 | ty p e w rite rs, though it is selling ju s t ! now a t an astonishingly low price and ; on te rm s o f no monev w ith order, tria l [ fre e in your own home. N othing to pay a t first, and a fte r a thorough trial. 10 c en ts a day until paid. The “ E M ­ E R S O N ” has every new im provem ent, I u niversal keyboard, back spacer, ta b ­ u lato r, tw o-color ribbon, e v ery th in g th e b e st; is th e ideal m achine fo r be­ g in n ers as well as fo r the m ost e x p e rt ty p ists and ste n o g rap h ers; ju s t the je w i rite r fo r th e sm allest or larg est typew office. If you could possibly m ake any use j o f a high g rad e tp p e w rite r, even [ though it d id n ’t co st you one c en t of money, or if you would like th e agency in your tow n on a plan by w hich you could m ake big m oney, or if you would like a position w ith th e com pany, then be sure, on a postal card or in a le tte r addressed to “ F ra n k L. W ilder, P resi­ d en t, W oodstock, 111.,” say “ Mail me your F re e O ffers.” HOFFMAN & ALLEN CO. Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. General Contractors and Builders DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath and Shin­ gles. All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dried CEMENT, SAND and LIME Manufacturers of Frames, Sash, Doors, Mouldings and everything required in the building line We Sell Flint-Kote and Mikado Roofing Also Sherwin-Williams Paints Office and Factory, Council St., Forest Grove Moyer’s Great Sale. Hundreds are buying at Moyer’s Great Sale; come today and see the wonder- ful reductions in the price of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Furnishings. These reductions are in force at all of the Moyer stores; take advantage now. BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S SUITS MEN’S SUITS $1.95 Suits, now.............................. $ 1.35 $10.00 Suits, now ............................ $ 6.95 2.50 Suits, now............................. 1.65 15.00 Suits, now.............................. 11.35 2.95 Suits, now....................'......... 1.95 20.00 Suits, now.............................. 13.35 2.65 25.00 Suits, now.............................. 16.65 3.95 Suits, now............................. 4.35 Suits, now............................. 2.90 MEN’S PANTS 5.00 Suits, now............................. 3.35 $2.00 Pants, now.............................. $ 1.45 6.00 Suits, now............................. 3.95 2.50 Pants, now.............................. 1.95 3.00 Pants, now..................... 2.25 MEN’S UNDERWEAR 3.50 Pants, now............................... 2.65 $ .50 Garments, now....................... 35c 4.00 Pants, now.............................. 3.00 1.00 Garments, now....................... 79c 4.50 Pants, now.............................. 3.25 5.00 Pants, now.............................. 3.75 FURNISHINGS 6.00 Pants, now.............................. 4.50 50c Neckwear, now............................. 39c MEN’S SHIRTS 25c Silk Web Padded Garters, now ... 15c $1.00 Shirts, n o w .............................. $ 79 1.50 Shirts, n o w .............................. 1.15 CHILDREN’S WASH SUITS 2.00 Shirts, n o w .............................. 1.35 HALF PRICE 2.50 and $3.00 Shirts, now.............. 1.95 When you see it in our ad, it’s so M OYER First and Morrison First and Yamhill FIVE STORES Third and Oak Second and Morrison 87-89 Third Total ..................... $ 1934.15 Treasurer’s Report. General Fund Balance on hand June 1 s t................ 4873.59 Reed, for light....... . 505.89 701.55 “ “ w a te r.... Labor ....................... 6.00 Fines ......................... 5.00 T o tal...................... $ 6092.03 Paid w arrants........... $ 2981.20 Balance July 1st. Library Fund Balance June 1st.. Reed, for ren t......... $ 3110.83 T o tal...................... $ Paid w arrant............ 465.00 15.00 480. CO 50.00 Balance on hand July 1st.................. $ 430.00 Building fund Balance on hand July 1s t ......................... $ 500.00 Street fund Balance on hand July 1510 30 ! 1s t ......................... Street Board Fund. Balance on hand June 1st ............. 1298.78 Reed. Int. on bonds 126.46 Bal July 1st........... $ 1419.25 J. N. Hoffman was present be­ fore the Council and requested that action be taken on charges preferred against the Chief of of Police. Charges read as fol­ lows : To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of Forest Grove, Oregon: We would respectfully call your attention to the fact, your Chief of Police, P. W, Watkins is guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer in as much as that he in the presence of Sexton and others repeatedly called the in­ formant herein A Son-of-a-bitch. This occurred on the street at intersection of College Way and ! Pacific Avenue on the morning of July 2nd, 1912. We would ask that thia matter be taken up by your honorable | body and we stand ready to prove our assertions. Dated this 2nd day of July, 1912, at Forest Grove, Oregon. Signed J. N. Hoffman. The Chief was present and ad­ mitted using the language charg­ ed; explained that he was not wearing the S t a r at the time, having left it at home that morn­ ing. The Council decided that they would have no authority to pass on the matter as the Chief could not lie held liable under the cir- cumstences, and the communica- j tion was laid on the table in- definately. Councilman Sanfoid talked at length on the matter saying that in his opinion the I language used was justified ss the informant had been doing all he could against the town for the past 3 or 4 years. Mrs. C. A. ^Dennis, reliable shampoo. Scalp treatment a specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184; residence and office 232 Pacific avenue. tf A Model Acetylene Gas plant with good fixtures, for sale. As good as new and in perfect con­ dition. The best light for rural homes. Write or see, John A. McGee, Orenco, Oregon. Don’t neglect the children’s musical education. It is a sin for parents to neglect this part of a child’s education. Have you a piano in your home to start the little ones out on, who, if they had half a chance, would turn the gloom into sunshine for you and others? I sell good reliable pianos and sell them on terms to suit you whether for cash, or the smallest payment you can afford. ¡-G e o . G. P aterson , Forest Grove. Homes for rent and for sale, little payment* and inatalmaat* like rant This Entire Bunch of Real Estate is for Trade Party has between six and seven acres in town and a six room house in South Park, Forest Groye, the both of which he wants to trade for farm or acreage valued at about $4500. No. 118. Ten acres orchard land in the best orchard country in the world to trade for property anywhere. Valued at $3,500. No. 125. 27 acres subdivided to suit trade, close to town and school, for any good property, Forest Grove preferred. No. 145. Ten acres rich bottom land, cultivated and imprt ed, valued at $3500, to trade for property in or near St. Johns. No. 150. LUCK FOR SOME MERCHANT. Store building on Pacific Avenue, 30x75, two stories, to trade for good acreage at about $2500. No. 104. Big Warehouse property in Forest Grove, to trade for property of good value here in Portland. No. 120. $7000 atock of merchandise on Sixth street in Portland, to trade for farm or acreage near Forest Grove. No. 181. CITY RESIDENCE FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY. We can locate you to your taste with city property, for acreage or small farms. If you have a piece of acreage that is not doing you any good trade with us for property here and get the rent. If you list your property with us to begin with you will save time and avoid disappointment. LIST WITH US FOR TRADES. Thatcher-Hicks Comyany Hoffman Building. Phone 501 Forest Grove Money to loan on acreage and farms LOW ROUND TRIP FARES OCEAN VACATION RESORTS ELK’S NATIONAL REUNION CIVIC CELEBRATIONS CLATSOP BEACH CC Art Seaside and Gearhart. Ore., on the Pacific Ocean.