f o r e st G rove P r ess SUNDAY SCHOOL Published & Edited by The Press Publishing Co. in th« City o f F orest G A . G. I O. J. M. N. H offm an rove Lesson II.— Third Quarter, For , O regon , July 14, 1912. , ... G a r d n e r .... H offm an ....... Sec’ y and Manager THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. T H U R SD A Y of EACH W E E K . / Text o f t h s L e sso n , M a r k Iv, 1-20. M s m o r y V e rsa, 20— G old en Te xt, Jas. 1-21— C o m m e n ta ry P re p ared b y R sv . D. M. Ste a rn s. I n d e pe n d e n t P hones O f f i c e 505 R e s i d e n c e 442 “ Jesus went about all Galilee teach­ ing In their synagogues, and preach­ ing tbe gospel of the kingdom, and T erms o p S ubscription healing all manner of sickness and all CASH IN A D V AN C E manner of disease among the people.” One Year $1.00 - Six Months .75 “ Anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power. He went about doing good C O F Y I4 IG H T , 1 9 1 0 , B Y BOBBS M E T iR IL L C O . Display advertisements for publica­ aud healing all that were oppressed of tion in the PRESS must be in this office (Continued from last week.) the devil, for God was with Him” not later than Tuesday evening to in­ great social force In whose grip we all (Matt tv. 23; Acts x, 38). The great sure appearance in current issue. Ills hesitation wan genuine; but. are: the force that makes the man, topic of Scripture Is the kingdom fore­ yielding to tbe necessity. be took her the social unit, find his happiness, bis shadowed in the dominion over all T he Forest Grove Press is not ■lender white band Info his big strong welfare, in the happiness and welfare things granted to Adam and Eve and one—the hand, as It flashed across her o f his brethren, of society; the force the official organ o f the city of consummated when the kingdoms of mind, that had once snatched her from that has given John Dunmeade Forest Grove, as designated by ■ hideous death. Perhaps her smile strength to struggle, libeled and mis­ this world shull have become the king­ the city council M ay 3 1 . Our became more kindly than she Intended, understood. against those who defy dom of our Lord and of Ills Christ, for he dropped her baud as though It this principle of the universe. The and he shall reign for ever and ever proposition to do the city print­ bad beea a hot coal. force that has placed lu you—forgive (Gen. 1, 20-28; Rev. xi. 15). After ing at two cents a line must have "And now.” Mrs. Dunmeade said mv bluutness—the crassest egoist I Adum lost the dominion by listening promptly, "peace having been estab­ have ever kuown. the spirit to defy to the devil, handing the dominion offended the city fathers. lished all around, let us go In to din and fight the same enemy of your over to him and thus bringing sin Bills paid the News Times by ner." She took Bob's arm and led the brethren. The force that makes you and the curse upon our race and the way Into the dining room. and John Dunmeade. by grace of a earth, God hegnn to reveal by type our City Council for printing for At dinner Bob sat opposite Eleanor, common enemy, necessary to each and plain statement a Redeemer and a the month o f May, 372 lines at to bis considerable discomfort at first. other, and makes you both necessary redemption and a restoration of all 4cts, $14.88. June, 186 lines at Perhaps Mrs. Dunmeade saw this, for to the people of this state. The force that was lost by sin. The Redeemer is first mentioned as the seed of the 4cts, $7.44. July, 1889 lines 4cts the guided the talk to subjects which that will give you the victory.” allowed him to be tbe audience. And The old politician stopped, his black woman, the redemption Is set forth In 75.76. Total, $97.89. after awhile his discomfort was for­ eyes gleaming fiercely at Bob through the sacrifice which provided the coats Our price for this same ser­ gotten In his Interest In the conversa­ the shaggy eyebrows. Of what was o f skins, and the restoration Is seen tion and In his covert study o f Elen going on within him Bob’s masklike In tbe cherubim (Geu. ill, 15, 21. 24). vice $49.94. nor. especially in his study of Elea­ expression gave no hint as he met Mur- With this excess the city could nor. lie wutched her critically that chell’s gaze Impassively. He shifted Later it was revealed that the Re­ deemer would be the seed of Abraham, purchase 39 sacks o f flour or 979 be might learn, if (iossible. the secret his glance to the others and found having a special people on earth called loaves o f bread to be distributed o f her Influence over Paul. His study thnt ho. not Murchell. was the target Israel, the twelve tribes from the forced him to admit very grudgingly for their eyes L'pon Dunmende’s gen­ among the town’ s needy fam­ that any man might find It hard to tle face was written Ihe'exaltation of twelve sons o f Jacob, and that through them all nations would be blessed. ilies, or each o f the 6 council­ resist her charm. the marf>yr who sees Into the beyond Still later It was revealed to David man and mayor could purchase “ Any man o f Paul's temperament, and beholds his triumph: upon his that the Lord’s anointed would pro­ wife’s countenance, both triumph and a good $3.00 hat and have $27.94 that Is,” he corrected himself hastily. understanding. Eleanor was looking ceed from Him. sit upon His throne And he began to doubt the success of and reign forever, and to Him give all left in charge. This excess pay­ his mission to tbe capital in its ulti­ st him with nn expression Rob could the prophets witness. Matthew’s gos­ not understand, though he knew that ment would pay for three much mate purpose. for once It was not hostile. He turn­ pel opens with a statement concerning Finally Mrs. Dunmeade turned to needed water hydrants, or suo- ed again to Murchell, an ugly glitter in Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son Bob. “ Tell us, how Is your campaign his eyes. o f Abraham, the one in whom all tbe ply our city with much needed progressing?" promises would be fulfilled. During Do you add the force that led you. street light. Would pay for 12 “There Is considerable opposition.'' His public ministry of three or four the first of the school of corporation “ If your friends' good wishes count politicians, to create the very condi­ years and also during the forty days cords o f wood. between His resurrection and ascen­ for anything.” she said kindly, “you tions we are fighting?” “ Jones pays the freight.” sion the kingdom wns Ills one great will win. We’re all anxious to see you Murdhell did not flinch. “ No. I have topic, but those to whom He specially elected.” been o f those who abused power, and came despised and rejected Him. ask­ The men’s Bible classes o f the “ One good Indication,” Murchell add­ I have been the greatest ed for a murderer instead of Him, said. Christian, Methodist and Con­ ed. "Is the vlclousness o f the news­ therefore triminn! of my day. 1 add the force “ We have no king but Caesar,” and gregational Sunday Schools are paper attacks. They overstep all that will lead you two to repair the cried concerning Jesus Christ. "Crucify arranging to meet with the Sun­ bounds. That courthouse story, for damage 1 have done." Him, crucify Him!" It was after they Instance—I personally know that you Bob’s mouth twisted Info his sar­ determined to kill Him that He began day schools o f the surrounding hud nothing to do with It.” donic grin. "It's a hopeless theory. Mr. to teach In parables as In the lesson of country and furnish entertain­ "N o: I had nothing to do with It.” Murchell. Y'ou make us all blind au­ today, which Is recorded also in Mutt, ment and instructors and other­ “ Surely there must be some way to tomatons You take away from me— xtll and Luke vtll. The words in Matt, stop such stories," said Eleanor. the crassest egoist you have ever wise encourage the Sunday “ What business is it of yours?” Bob known—my Individuality, my reason xlll. 1, "The same day went Jesus out School.work. The Press in con­ wanted to suy roughly. Instead he for existence, my self, and you give me of the house and sut by the seaside." are very suggestive o f the fact thnt nection with this move, will pub­ said grimly: “ Yes. Uribe the own­ In exchange n species of sublimated He was about to leave the house of j ers.” lish the Sunday School lessons “ Who are the owners of the paper socialism." Israel and gather from the sea of na­ "Yes," Murchell sa*d quietly, "the in advance each week in the thnt published the courthouse story?” socialism o f Christ when he command­ tions a special people for a special i purpose. In Heb. Ill, 5, C, we read of she asked, not seeing or not under­ ed 'I-ove thy neighbor ns thyself.’ ” hope o f being helpful. Moses faithful in nil his house us a standing tbe danger signals flashed Y'our force Is as Inexorable as God!” servant and of Christ as a Sou over across to her by Mrs. Dunmeade. The force Is God.” Murchell an­ His own bouse. In Matt, xxiil, 38, 3'J. ] The average number o f drunks Bob wus tempted. To tell her the swered quietly. Jesus said. "Behold your house is left j was recorded in this section on truth, to shame and hurt her before “ Yes." Mrs. Dunmcude said gently, unto you desolate, for I say unto you the 4th, the number being large­ her friends, would have been nn In­ “ for God Is love.” ye shall not see Me henceforth till ye cense o f sweet savor to his hostility. Bob turned to her. and the sneer shall say. Blessed is He that cometh ly made up o f boys from 13 to 20 But he caught Mrs. Dunmcadc's plead­ faded from his mouth. "What does In the name of the Lord.” We are | years of age. A vigorous effort ing look. the force give us In exchange for our waiting for that “ till," or as It Is In "The opposition." he said carelessly. selfishness? What have I. reduced to should be made to locate the He was repaid by a grateful look from nn automaton, to make life and action Luke six, 13, "occupy till I come,” aud boot-legger or boot-leggers and his hostess. in 1 Cor. xl, 20. "Shew the Lord's j worth while?” death till He come.” or In Ezek. xxl. “ How do you arouse a people. Mr. land them behind the bars. "The hnppiness of seeing your fel­ 27; Acts 111. 21. “ 1 will overturn till He While liquor is being sold in our McAdoo?” Eleanor Inquired quizzical­ lows happier." she replied, “ and love.” come whom the heavens must receive ly. He broke Into a rasping, mirthless town contrary to law it is done “ Denounce the other side," he Bald laugh. “ Pardon me.” he said, recov­ until tbe times of restoration of all ' things which God hath spoken by tbe in such a mild way as to cause shortly. ering himself. "I'm not laughing at mouth of all His holy prophets." The no offense ? and o f course calls "Theu In politics one depends for you or your force, but nt a Joke I had kingdom Is no mystery, hut one of the success on the fuults o f the other side forgotten. I was Introduced to your for no effort in way o f suppres rather than on oue'a own virtues?" plainest things revealed In the Scrip force two months ago.” tures, but that tbe kingdom which sion. More, nothing can be “ Precisely." No, my friend,” Murchell said, “ at wns at hand should be postponed und "No, no,” the governor protested your birth." done without spending good an age intervene between its rejection Jtlndly. "Mr. McAdoo Isn't Just to When the men were alone Bob pro­ and Its actual coming was something money, and who cares to part himself. The truth Is while he has not before revealed, and only fully with hard earned coin to put an been at the head o f the Steel City or­ ceeded to explain his visit. Now that we have reuched a verdict revealed later to Haul, as be states in end to a thing o f so light a na­ ganization''— convicting me o f conspiring to uplift Eph. ill nnd elsewhere. This age In “ Is that a polite name for boss?” humanity.” he began, "let’s get down which we still live Is covered by the ture ? Eleanor interrupted. "I'm afraid it Is." the governor re­ to business if you're ready to hear me." seven parables of Matt xlll. the first “ We are ready." No school in the state of turned pleasantly. "1 was going to of which and Its explanation we have "The other day." Bob went on, “ I In our lesson in Mark today. He say thnt under Mr. McAdoo's leader­ Oregon is more favorably located ship the district attorney's otflce In had an interview with Henry Sanger. spoke the parable to the multitudes, than the Pacific University your county has been most efficiently Jr. The Interview wns nt his request. but explained It to His disciples when at Forest Grove. This institu­ and honestly conducted and the pres­ He Is bncklngllarlnnd. Harlnnd doesn't alone with them, saying, "Unto you It It. but there's no doubt about It. is given to know the mystery o f tbe tion o f learning has a reputation ent city administration Is the cleuucst. know most economical the city hus ever Sanger wns very frank. He Informed kingdom o f God, but unto them that for its thorough work; some of known." me that he and his 'fellow Investors' are without all these things are done the highest educational lights “ Why are you so sure of being Intend to break with you openly nnd In parables.” Then He gave the rea­ finally and to select the next governor, son (verses 10-12). In verse 13 He have graduated within its walls. elected?" Eleanor nsked. legislature ard senator. lie came to seems to Indicate that this parable of “ Because I play the better game.” The developments o f late should Suddenly Murchell, who had taken propose thnt I Join with them. He the sower Is a key to all tbe parables make o f every citizen and for­ tittle part In the conversation, leaned held out big Inducements He offered or that this one is so simple that If mer student a booster for our forward nnd leveled an accusing An­ to contribute to my campaign fund; they understood It not It would be also to place the next governorship un­ difficult for them to understand any ger at Bob. college. Let no opportunity "That's not true.” he said sternly der my control aud to put me at the With tbe explaution given so fully by pass where a good word may be “ It's false to the people of your city head o f the new state organization, Himself, no further comment Is neces­ said on behalf of our school. and to yourself. You're the shrewd­ subject to certain limitations, of sary. Let us, however, note carefully and boldest politician lu this state. course. that the great work given us is to sow Let us as citizens show such est But your kuowlcdge o f tbe game alone “ I told him that I proposed to line dlllgeutly the incorruptible seed of the courtesy to the students as will would never make you mayor o f your up with you.” Bob paused, looking at word of God (Luke vlil. 11; I f’et. L 23), remembering that He will watch make them boosters for our fair city, uor will It be due to the fact tin others Inquiringly. that you are a boss with an ironclad "1 suppose you didn't leave your cam­ over It und It will not fall to accom­ city. The school and the city machine at your back. Y'ou're more paign merely to tell us this,” Murchell plish Ills pleasure (Jer. I, 12. R. V.; working in harmony can only than a boss You have made yourself snkl. Isa. Iv, 11). Tbe devil Is always ready build for the common good. Let the lender of the people In their fight "No. As I told Sanger. I choose to to snntch away tbe word lest people against the railroad-steel trust There­ us put our shoulder to the wheel fore you will win. Not the master Join you people. But. o f course, my sboukl believe and be saved. He Is tbe god o f this world, blinding the and place Forest Grove in the politician or the boss o f a machine doing so depends u|>on certain condi­ minds of those who believe not (II Cor. tions. I must name the next candi­ front rank, the city o f beauty. will be elected, but Robert McAdoo, date for governor." Bob said coolly. tv, 4). Tbe thing to do Is to receive lender o f the people. The responsibil­ “That.” Murchell said decidedly, "we the word with meekness nnd bring We have nature’s help and with ity will he yours, but It will not be little care we can boast o f our your victory, but the victory o f the can't consent to unless your candidate forth fruit with patience tJas. I. 21; meets with our approval, nave you Luke rill. 16). If we are true believers, cities beauty. How about the cause you represent, the victory o f the some one In particular In mind?" saved fully aud forever by tbe great fore*." sacrifice o f Christ, we will, by His front and back yard? Don’ t "Y'es; Remington." “The force?" Bob and Eleanor ex­ grace, have victory over the cares of "Paul Remington!" Dunmeade ex­ wait to have notice served on claimed together. claimed. “ I had suspected"— He this world, tbe deoeltfulness o f riche*, Murchell * hand dropped to the ta­ you but do the right thing; be tbe pleasure* of thts'ltfe and the Insta ble. Ills lean, haggard face showed a paused. o f all other things which might choke happy and make your neighbors red spot to each cheek. “ Yea, the (To be continued.) the word and binder oar fruitfulness Entered at the poet office at Forest Grove, Ogn as mail matter o f the second class. B Y H EN RY RUSSELL MILLER happy. I have taken the agency for the best little motorcycle on the market a machine that Always makes good, made by the famous Pope Manu­ facturing Co. with their usual high standard o f quality. This ma. chine is guaranteed and sells at the lowest possible price, $175. Step ¡n and get a demonstration and free ride. Fresh stock o f tires and sun­ dries. Second-hand wheels tor sale or rent. Carry Your W heel to