OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED STATES WINS. WOODROW WILSON IS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE NOMINATED BY DEMOCRATS America Takes Gold Medal at Olym­ CHURCHES. Church of the Visitation, Verboort piad With Pistols. —Rev. L. A. LeMiUer, pastor. Sun­ Stockholm — In the pistol shooting der Early Maas at 8 a. m.; High Hass at 10:30 a. m.; Vesper at 3:00 competition for teams firing at a dis­ EXPERIMENT FARM URGED. SHOWS BIG FARM. p. m. Week dars Mass at 8:30 a. m. tance o f 50 meters, tbe United State* Tbe United States team Christian Science Hall, 115 Fifth team won. Dr. Withycomb* Telia How Oregon Moro Experiment Station Host to It., between First and Second ave. was swarded the gold medal, its ag­ Could Increase Wealth. South— Services Sundays at 11 a. in.; gregate score being 1916. Sweden was Visiting Boosters. Sunday school at 12 m.; mid-week second with 1849, and Great Britain Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- Moro— Moro state and F edeni s s - meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. third with 1804. This ia another vic­ l vallia— Dr. James Withy com be, direc­ periment form waa host to visitor* Seventh Day Adventist Church, 3rd tory for America in the Olympic tor o f the agricultural experiment from oil porta o f Sherman county, street—Sabbath schol 2 p. m., preach­ game*. station at Oregon Agricultural college from Portland, and from neighboring ing 3 p. m. each Saturday. Midweek The training o f the United States and five sub-stations at Moro, Her- counties. The O.-W . R. A N. reduced prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. miaton, Union, Burns and Talent, in fare* for farmers’ day, and this m. A cordial welcome. H. W. Vall- team in the Olympic games was inter­ fered somewhat by a drizzling rain, mer, Elder. hia address before the ranchers who helped swell tbe attendance. The Catholic Services, Rev. J. R. Buck, which softened the ground. attended the Farmers’ Roundup at Tbe day’s program opened with the pastor. Forest Grove— Chapel at cor. Americans had their first opportunity Moro, emphasized the value o f demon­ arrival of a passenger train from the of 3rd street and 3rd avenue south. o f practicing on the Stadium tracks, stration farm work as a means o f in­ southern part o f the county. Visitors 1st and 4th Sundays of the month, and in the morning nearly all the Clark’s Strength Diminishes Steadily as New Jersey Gov­ troducing scientific methods o f farm­ were conducted over the experiment Mass at 8:30; 2nd and 3rd Sundays track men turned out in the presence ing. farm by Superintendent Stephen* and of the month. Mass 10:30. Cornelius o f a large number o f spectators. ernor Gains— Illinois and Virginia Fall Into Line Dr. Withycombe stated that in hia his corps o f assistants. Visitors were —1st Sunday of the month, Mass at In the afternoon the runners, weight opinion, the maintenance o f demon­ divided into groups, each in charge of 10:30; 3rd Sunday of the month and Victory Is Soon Complete. stration farms in each county in the an assistant In the afternoon a meet­ Mass at 8:00. Seghers— 2nd Sunday throwers and hammer throwers, exer­ cised on other athletic grounds. of the month. Mass at 8:00; 4th state under competent supervision, ing was held in the opera house. The crown prince o f Sweden, and Sunday of the month. Mass at 10:30. would result, within the next five The experiment farm now has 500 Baltimore, July 2.— Woodrow W il­ fifth ballot, but at that time hia total years, in increasing the agricultural varieties o f growing crops, and tbe M. E. Church, Rev. Hiram Gould Colonel Black, president o f the Swed­ committee, received son was nominated for president by was 633, as against 725 1-3 necessary products o f the state $10,000,000 an­ same amount o f land under prepara­ pastor. Second street, between First ish Olympic and Second avenues. Sunday school James E. Sullivan, United States to nominate. Clark’s total at that nually. This could be accompliahed, tion for experiments next year. It at 10 a. m.; Epworth League at 6:30 commissioner, at the games and com the Democratic National convention time had dwindled to 306. he said, without adding a square rod has 34 varieties o f wheat, the seed p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 plimented him upon the appearance o f on the 46th ballot. o f ground to the present farm acreage. being imported from foreign coun­ p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting the American team. Dr. Withycombe said in part: tries, including Germany, France, Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Woodrow Wilson lacked only 96) The individual competition in the Baltimore, July 2.— Woodrow W il­ votes on the 44th ballot, indicating a “ Denmark has made phenomenal Austria and Algeria. Eleven varie­ Christian Church, corner Third et clay bird shooting was begun. This and First Ave. Rev. C. H. Hilton, consists o f three stages, the first stage son gained 108 votes on the 43d ballot, strong possibility o f nomination on agricultural progress under this sys­ ties o f alfalfa, growing without irri­ tem o f instruction. With an area gation, were shown. The experi­ pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m.; o f which was concluded. The condi­ the first cast today at the Democratic the 45th ballot. preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.; tions called for 20 targets a man in national convention, and the hoped-for That there would be a slump o f Un­ equalling one-sixth that o f our own ment farm today has 97 varieties o f Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p derwood votes to Wilson, probably on state, Denmark supports 2,690,000 domestic wheat, besides the foreign two rounds. J. R. Graham, Chicago break appeared at band. m. the 46th ballot, but certainly on the people and annually exports more than varieties; 16 o f oata, 47 o f barley, 10 A. A .; A. F. Gleason, Boston A. A ., Illinois’ 53 delegates propelled tbe 46th, if that many ballots were taken, $100,000,000 worth o f butter, egga o f corn, 14 o f field peas, 12 o f grain Congregational Church. College and Goelden and Seidlitz o f Germany, and bacon. This result ia accomplished sorghum, 4 o f emmer, 15 o f alfalfa, Way and First ave. north. Rev. D. Thirty-six movement, and gains were made also seemed probable. T. Thomas— Sunday school 10 a. m.; each had 91 “ breaks.” under adverse agricultural conditions, 6 o f grass, 2 each o f kale and rape, others are eliminated for the second Morning service 11 a. m.; evening much o f the country being ao bieak as and 22 varieties o f potatoes. There 8:00 p. m.; Junior C. E. at 3 p. m .: round, not having scored 16 “ breaks to necessitate the blanketing o f the are 160 plots devoted to tillage and Senior C. E. at 6:30 p. m. or over. The second round is at 30 cows to keep them comfortable while crop rotation, demonstrating the bene­ targets a man. LODGES. at pasture during the summer sea­ fits o f good, bad and indifferent farm­ The individual shoot with any rifle Knights of Pythias—Delphos Lodge son.” ing. No. 36, meets every Thursday at K at 300 meters, 120 shots (40 standing, of P. Hall. Chas. Staley, C. C.; Reis 40 kneeling and 40 prone) was won by ROQUE RIVER SEES RECORD. RAISE “ BUSTER BROWN" APPLES Ludwig, Keeper of Records and Seal Coles, o f France, with a score o f 984. G. A. R.—J. B. Mathews Post No Madsen, o f Denmark, was second, "Y ellow Kid*” and “ Mary Jane Also Fruit and Grain Crops Are Unusual 6, meets the first and third Wednes with 983; Johannsen, Sweden, third, and Danger ia Past. Will Figure Prominently. day of each month at 1:30 p. m., in with 959. K. of P. hall. John Baldwin, Com Gold Hill — So assured are fruit­ Hood River— Charles A. Bartcher, mander. SHOUTS RUIN FINE VOICE. o f Chicago, who i* interested with R. growers o f a record crop in the Rogue Masonic— Holbrook Lodge No. 30 F. Outcault, the noted artist and car­ River Valley this year that the cry o f A. F. & A. M., regular meetings held toonist who originated “ Buster the growers for more thinnera ia fre­ first Saturday In each month. P. W. California Woman (Delegate to Chi- Brown” and “ Mary Jane,” the child­ quent Old-timers declare the trees cago Unable to Speak. Kinzer, W. M.; A. A. Ben Kori, sec­ ren o f a comic Sunday supplement, never have been more heavily laden, retary. Chicago— One well-trained contralto has been here this week on business and now that ,the danger o f frost is W. O. W.— Forest Grove Camp No. voice was lost at the Republican con­ 98, meets in Woodmen Hall, every and looking over the valley’s orchard practically p u t, it seems almost cer­ Saturday. A. J. Parker, C. C.; James vention in Chicago, either at the Coli­ land. The land in which the cartoon­ tain that a bumper crop will be har­ seum, where the California delegation H. Davis, Clerk. ist ia interested is owned by several vested. was shouting for Roosevelt, or at the The growth, both o f old and young Artisans—Diamond Assembly No New York men. It comprises 1600 birth o f the new progressive party. 27, meet« every Tuesday In K. ol acres near Okanogan. A great many trees, h u been phenomenal, every ec­ P. Hall. C. B, Stokes, M. A ; John The lost voice belonged to Mrs. Isabel trees already have been set out. The centricity o f ¡an unusual season ap­ Blaney, o f San Jose, Cal., one o f tbe Boldrick, Secretary. This ia remainder o f the orchard ia being parently being beneficial. Rebekahs— Forest Lodge No. 44 two women sent as delegates to the cleared by a crew o f negroes brought true not only o f fruit trees, but o f all Republican convention. Owing to the meets the first, third and fifth Wed growing things. An unusually heavy out from Kentucky. the nesdays of each month. Miss Allct loss o f Mrs. Blaney’s voice, “ We are planting only Delicioua, first crop o f alfalfa is harvested, with women o f Lake Forest and other north Crook, N. G.; Secretary, Miss Carrie Jonathans and Yellow Newtowna,’ ’ the second crop coming rapidly. Hay, shore cities failed to bear a discourse Austin. aaya Mr. Bartcher. “ A unique scheme oats and barley will yield better then I. O. O. F.—Washington Lodge No uu woman suffrage which wai to have has been devised by Mr. Outcault to in years, but so rank h u been the 48, meets every Monday In I. O. O. F been delivered here. make the boxea attractive and create growth that scarcely a field ia Hall. V. S. Abraham, N. G.; Robert Mrs. Blaney came to Chicago at the a demand for the fruit. We will call which ia not lodged to some exten t Taylor, Secretary. opening o f the Republican convention, the Delicioua apples the ‘ Mary Modern Woodmen of America— determined to fight for the cause o f Janes,’ the Jonathans, the ‘ Buster C O O S BAY WORK PLANNED. During the convention Camp No. 6228, meets the second and Roosevelt. Brown*,’ and the Yellow Newtowna, fourth Friday of each month. A. L. Mrs. Blaney cheered with the rest o f t h e ’ Yellow Kids.’ Every apple will Porter Brothers Make Arrangement* Sexton, Consul; Geo. G. Paterson. the California delegation and was one hear a wrapper and every box a label Clerk. o f the leaders in the cheering at Or­ Preliminary to Construction. handsomely illustrated by an engrav­ Rosewood Camp, No. 3835 R. N chestra Hall when the new party was Marshfield— R. B. Porter and Grant ing from one o f Mr. Outcault’a draw­ A., meets first and third Fridays ol launched. The strain, combined with Smith, o f the firm o f Porter Brothers, ing».” ________ each month In I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs the damp lake winds, caused Mrs. M. S. Allen, Oracle; Mrs. Winnifred railroad contractors, arrived In the Blaney to lose her voice until she was Aldrich, Recorder. John Day Valley Rich. city to make arrangements in this lo­ G O V . W O O D R O W WILSON, OF N EW JERSEY unable to speak above a whisper. Gale Grange No. 282, P. of H, “ For good schools, fine farms, good cality preliminary to the starting e f Her husband, Charles D. Blaney, meets the first Saturdays of each orchards and rich resources Grant construction on the Eugene-Coos Bay MARSHALL VICE PRESIDENT. from Connecticut, Iowa, Idaho, Louis­ month in the K. o f P. Hall. A. T was taken to the hospital at the close county compare« favorably with any line of the Southern Pacific. Porter Buxton, Master; Mrs. H. J. Rice o f the convention suffering from an ans, Maryland, Michigan, North Car­ district in the state,’ ’ said N. C. Brothers hold tbe contract for build­ Secretary. infection o f one o f his eyes. Governor o f Indiana Is Chosen for olina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Vir­ Maris, who has just made a trip into ing 80 miles o f the line extending CITY. Second Place. ginia, Wisconsin and Hawaii. the John Day valley in the interest o f from the end o f the 2$ miles now be­ CANAL CASH IS PLENTIFUL. Mayor—G. S. Allen. Wilson's vote o f 602 on the ballot Baltimore, July 3.— For president— the school children’« industrial move­ ing built by Twohy Brothers out o f Recorder—M. R. Markham. was a majority o f the convention. It Eugene, to a point this side o f Gardi­ Governor Woodrow Wilaon, o f New ment. Treasurer—R. P. Wirtz. More Bonds Will Not B* Needed for was tbe highest vote he had received, ner. “ The John Day valley, where moat Chief of Police— P. W. Watkins. and the vote o f 329 cast for Clark was Jersey. Work This Year. Work on the big tunnel on this side o f my travel and work was confined Health Officer—Dr. J. S. Bishop. For vice president— Governor Thom­ during the last week, is one o f the o f Gardiner will be carried on during the lowest received by him during the Councilmen—John Wlrtx, Carl L. Hln Washington, D. C. — With nearly as R. Marshall, o f Indiana. richest agricultural sections o f tue the winter. The Siuslaw country may man, O. M. Sanford, Rev. J. M $100,000,000 in the cash drawer o f the prolonged balloting. When the result was announced the Barber, W. F. Schultz, H. B. John treasury, officials expressed the belief Their average annual be the headquarters for the firm dur­ This was the ticket completed by whole state. son. that it will not be necessary to issue demonstration for Wilson was as en­ the Democratic National convention precipitation in that county ia some­ ing the railroad construction. thing over 20 inches, insuring, with City School. additional bonds for the construction thusiastic and protracted as the weary at 1 :56 a. m. today. School Directors— M. Peterson, Mrs o f the Panama canal for nearly a year. delegates could make it. The nomination o f Governor Mar­ proper farming, good grain crops, but Power at Cascade Locks. Wilson lacked only 124 votes o f the shall for vice president by acclama­ the John Day valley is largely devoted Edward Seymour, H. T. Buxton. The purchase and building o f the Hood River— “ Our company will de­ necessary two-thirds to nominate. Clerk—R. P. Wirtz. tion after the second ballot came as to the production o f hay for the win­ velop 1600 horsepower by the comple­ waterway to date has cost the United Justice of the Peace— W. J. R. Beach States $276,487,000. O f this amount something o f a surprise, for when tbe tering o f large bands o f stock that tion o f the big new flume that h u Constable— Carl Hoffman. Convention Hall, Baltimore, July 2. night’s balloting for vice president traverse the splendid ranges during 11137,886,000 has been paid out o f the been begun from the rapids o f Her­ COUNTY. general fund o f the treasury and the — Forty-third ballot (official): Clark, began it seemed that the Bryan- the grazing season, and tor this pur­ mann creek,’ ’ says G. A. Young, pres­ Judge— R. O. Stevenson. 329; Wilson, 602; Underwood, 9 8 ); pose alfalfa la king. The John Day remainder from bond issues. Wilson contingent in the convention ident o f the Columbia River Power A Sheriff—George G. Hancock. Balancing its books for the fiscal Harmon, 28; Foss, 27; Bryan, 1; had definitely settled upon Governor furnishes an abundant supply o f water Light company, who w u here on busi­ Clerk—John Bailey. Kern, 1. for irrigation purposes, producing Burke, o f North Dakota. year just closed, the Treasury depart­ Recorder—E. L. Perkins. ness. “ We have been serving the There was not much o f a fight, how­ three good crops o f six to eight tons citizens o f C u csd e Locks, near which ment issues a statement showing that Treasurer—E. B. Sappington. Convention Hall, Baltimore, July 2. an acre in the aggregate. the army cost $150,182,000, against — Forty-fourth ballot (official) : Clark, ever, and when two ballots disclosed Assessor—Max Crandall. “ This ia one o f the beat natural hay our plant is located, with electrie Surveyor—Geo. McTee. $160,136,000 the previous year; the 306; Wilson, 629; Underwood, 99; Marshall steadily in the lead, Gover­ and grass countries I have ever seen. lights since l u t Thanksgiving by Coroner—E. C. Brown. nor Burke’s name was withdrawn and Navy $135,556,000, against $119,938,- Harmon, 27; Foss, 27; total, 1088. Commissioners—John McClaran, Johi 000, ■aw beautiful meadows o f red and means o f a temporary system we con­ Masbail was proclaimed the nominee and pensions $163,597,000, structed. Nyberg. white clover, which I was told had against $157,981,000. Convention Hall, Baltimore, July 2. by acclamation. ‘ It is probable that within a short School Sup’t—M. C. Case. never been seeded, but waa simply A minute later the convention had — Forty-fifth ballot (official): Clark, time some business enterpriu will voluntary growth, mown regularly Five Teacher* Lost. 306; Wilson, 638; Underwood, 97; adjourned sine die. come to C ucade Locks and make u u for year».” ________ Honolulu — Five teachers in the Harmon, 25; Fosa, 27. of the surplus power we are develop­ McCombs May Lead Fight, ing. Several companies are now con­ Pacific Avenue Honolulu public schools, three men Chick 14 Week* Old Lays. Baltimore, July 2.— Woodrow W il­ Baltimore — William F. McCombs, sidering our offers.” and two women, who went on a tramp­ son continued to gain steadily in the Oregon City— Oregon Washburn, a ing trip in the Kooleu mountains Sat­ balloting for the presidential nomina­ o f New York, 36 years old, a lawyer poultry fancier o f West Oregon City, 8torage Company Host. urday, have not been heard from since tion in the Democratic National con­ and graduate o f Princeton and Har­ is the owner o f probably the youngeat Buys and Sells Second Brownsville—An entertainment waa and fears are expressed for their vention this afternoon, but after the vard, will in all probability be chosen Hand Goods safety. A detachment o f police, as­ forty-third ballot bis progress was as chairman o f the Democratic Na­ laying hen in the state. given recently by the Brownsville sisted by a squad o f Japanese labor­ alow. Hia managers had confidently tional committee or as chairman o f the The hen waa hatched March 8 and Warehouse company, under the man- ers, searched tbe mountains without expected his nominaion on the forty- campaign committee to direct the po­ laid it* first egg June 24 and has been agem eit o f Charlu Stirling, to the litical fortunes o f Woodrow Wilaon laying daily since. finding trace o f the missing party. Telephone 743 Its mother has farmers and business men o f tbe sur­ The army engineer corps, which re­ for president o f the United States. hatched two broods since March 8. rounding country and their fa m iliu , Vote Two Battleships. Mr. McCombs, who managed the pre­ Tbe chicken wonder ia a white feath­ u a mark of appreciation o f the grow­ cently surveyed the region, will be Washington, D. C.— The naval ap­ nomination campaign for Governor ered-leg bamtera, and under size even ing patronage the company is enjoy­ asked to join in the search. The party Dealer in Flour and Feed propriation bill, carrying $133,609,674 Wilson, ia Mr. Wilson’s choice aa tbe carried no provisions. for that species. Mr. Washburn ia ing. The social w u held in one o f and the two-battleship provision, waa man who should pull the wires and confident the hen has established a the company’s large warehouses, con­ General Auctioned Fire Gets Silverware. passed by the senate. It now goes to push the workers from now on. J. C. Kuratli verted into a dining room for the oc­ new record for early laying. Notarial Work E. Í. Kuratli Redmond, Or.— Fire at 2:46 o ’clock conference with the bouse to thresh casion. The program consisted o f vo­ Paper Mill Branches Out. Friday morning destroyed J. H. Vin­ out the naval increase program and cal and instrumental music, readings June Rainfall it Light. Senator cent’s livery and feed barn, 10 head o f other senate amendments. Oregon City. Or.— The Hawley Pulp and addre Astoria— The records in the office work horses, a stallion valued at Johnson, o f Alabama, proposed a sub­ & Paper company has announced the o f liocal Weather Observer Gilmore $4000, two wagonloada o f furniture stitution provision for one battleship early construction o f a reinforced steel Lumbar Plant le Busy. * REAL ESTATE, COLLECTIONS and a $5000 box o f silverware con­ and gave notice he would propose, s.,d concrete building on the south­ show that the rainfall in Astoria dur­ Falla City— The Falla City Lumber signed to E. A. McCall, a son-in-law when the Panama canal administration west comer o f Water and Fourth ing the month o f June was 4.14 inch­ company la operating its planing mill MONEY TO LOAN o f Tom Lawson, who i* building a ia considered, to deny tbe use c f tbe streets in this city, and the installa­ es, or 1.04 inches less than the aver­ and sawmill full time and two hoars mansion on the Lawson ranch on canal to all nations which do not agree tion o f presses for printing fruit wrap­ age for the corresponding month o f overtime daily. The logging railroad German spoken in the office Crooked River near this city. The to build only one battleship a year. pers, bag machines, paper towel ma­ previous years. There were 11 days will be extended soon into new tirri- PH O N E S total property loss ia about $20,000. chines and toilet paper rewinders. The on which rain fell, 16 days were clear tory preparatory to • year’» steady The maximum Bell, Main 346 Ind. City, 344 Vincent was insured for $3000. Squirrels Carry Plague. building and equipment will involve and 16 were cloudy. logging. By the end o f that time the San Frenciaco— The latest bulletin an expenditure o f about $80,000, and temperature was 90 degrees and the outcome o f the Siletz railroad project HILLSBORO OREGON lowest was 43 degrees. Convention Turns to Roosevelt. o f the Federal public health service, : the contract has already been leL will be determined. -------------------------- Huron, S. D .— Absolutely refusing, received here Saturday, shows that, Hurricane Hit* Peru. Milk Condenser to Rsium s. by a vote o f 2 to 1, to indorse Presi­ although one rat infected with bu­ Roseburg Electric Lin* Hinted. Tbe Auction House dent Taft or the action o f the Repub­ bonic plague has been caught on the Lima, Peru — A terrific hurriean* Newberg— Arrangement* have been Salem— In a complaint filed by the lican national convention held recently Pacific Coast since September, 1911, swept MoPando Friday morning. It perfected to resume operation* at tbe Oregon Electric in condemnation pro­ in Chicago, the Republican state con­ positive diagnosis o f plague was made was preceded by suffocating heat. milk condenser here, which we* de­ ceedings against E. M. Crolsan and vention o f South Dakota here adopted in the last week reported for 1912 in Wave* along the coast rose to a great stroyed by fir* several months ago. wife, plaintiff states that It intenda to a platform which makes no mention o f 27 ground squirrels o f Contra Coats height, and 25 launches and other This I* deemed e matter o f much im­ construct its line from Salem to Rose- 0. M. Sanford, Proprietor Taft or national iseoea. Tbe conven­ and Alameda counties. The last esse •mall craft were wrecked Within portance to Newberg, as the Chehalem burg, which indicates that tbe tion elected five presidential electors o f bubonic plague in a human subject tbe town thousands o f window* were volley is i famous dairy section and extension will be by no Telephone 721 waa reported in Sen Joaquin eocaty. bearing the Roosevelt label. destroyed and many bouace unroofed. the condenser established a good trad*. final southern Invuion o f that road. Struggle^Third Longest in History and Break Cam e Suddenly. J. L. HILL Kuratli Bros. New and Second Hand Goods