Real Els tate Transfers. A N E W P A R T Y FORM ED Some people are much concern­ ed over the prospect of a new political party being formed owing to dissension among mem­ bers of the two old parties. Just what the result will be no one can forsee at this time. T H E D O C T O R S P R E S C R IP T IO N With this grave problem up­ on our minds now, we wish to invito your attention to our BIG store, where we can in­ terest you and make you glad owing to the many bargains we are offering, might as well not be written if it is faithfully and accurately. filled can be seriously hampered If not w holly voided if his *oruers are not carried out to the letter. W E F IL L P R E S C R I P T I O N S Just the season for ladies’ S H I R T W A I S T S , and our prices are that back up your doctor’s efforts. Dare you risk not coming here when some loved one in your hbuse is ill? $1.50,2.00, 2.25, 2.50,2.75, 3.00, 3.50 and $4.00. PA CIFIC D R U G CO. (Successor to D r. Chas. Hines) Forest Grove, Ore. We have just opened and put on our shelves the BEST LINE OF SHOES ever placed in Forest Grove and the prices will please you. Our GROCERY STOCK is complete and prices are not beyond your maans. TYPEWRITERS GIVEN AWAY We can and will pay the highest cash price for your wool H O FFM AN & ALLEN CO. Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. General Contractors and Builders DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath and Shin­ gles. not H is w ork All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dried CEMENT, SAN D and LIME « Manufacturers of Frames, Sash, Doors, Mouldings and everything required in the building line W e Sell Flint-Kote and Mikado Roofing Also Sherwin-Williams Paints Office and Factory, Council StM Forest Grove The Emerson Typewriter Company of Woodstock, 111., have recently given J away over 400 o f the highest grade, | wholly visible Emerson Typewriters made in the world. They have gone into every state and territory in the ! United States. There may lie some in your town. They are giving them j away everywhere to men, women, boys and girls, over eighteen years o f age, on surprisingly liberal conditions. If you could make any use o f a $100 typewriter, providing it did not cost you even one cent, then in a letter or on a postal card addressed to Frank L. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111., simply say, “ Mail me all your free j offers,” and by return mail you will re- | ceive their free offers, the names of j over 400 who have recently received typewriters free, and you will learn on what easy conditions you can get one o f their typewriters free right away. The Emerson Typewriter is one of the highest grade, wholly visible type­ writers made in the world. Many who have used the “ EMERSON” and other makes pronounce the “ EMERSON” superior to any $100.00 typewriter on the market. It is a wholly visible ma­ chine, has every new, up-to-date feat­ ure, looks like other high grade $100.00 typewriters, though it is selling just now at an astonishingly low price and I on terms o f no monev with order, trial free in your own home. Nothing to pay at first, and after a thorough trial. 10 cents a day until paid. The “ EM­ ERSON” has every new improvement, universal keyboard, back spacer, tab­ ulator, two-color ribbon, everything the best; is the ideal machine for be­ ginners as well as for the most expert typists and stenographers; just the typewriter for the smallest or largest office. If you could possibly make any use o f a high grade tppewriter, even though it didn’t cdst you one cent of money, or if you would like the agency in your town on a plan by which you could make big money, or if you would like a position with the company, then be sure, on a postal card or in a letter addressed to “ Frank L. Wilder, Presi­ dent, Woodstock, 111.,” say “ Mail me your Free Offers.” Let Moyer Clothe You A Moyer $ 1 5 Suit can travel as far and look as well in the going as one you’d pay a lot more for anywhere else or in any other town. around men in them. with Suits well-dressed Better choose yours now— Independence Day comes this week and next week come the jolly Elks; be ready to celebrate— Moyer will do his share. W hen you see it in our ad, it’s so MOYER First and M om son First and Yamhill FIVE STORES Third and Oak = This Entire Bunch of Real Estate is for Trade Party has between six and seven acres in town and a six room house in South Park, Forest Groye, ine both o f which he wants to trade lor farm or acreage valued at about $4500. No. 118. Ten acres orchard land in the best orchard country in the world to trade for property anywhere. Valued at $3,500. No. 125. 27 acres subdivided to suit trade, close to town and school, for any good property, Forest Grove preferred. No. 145. Ten acres rich bottom land, cultivated and improved, valued at $3500, to trade for property in or near St. Johns. No. 150. LUCK FOR SOME MERCHANT. Store building on Pacific Avenue, 30x75, two stories, to trade for good acreage at about $2500. No. 104. Big Warehouse property in Forest Grove, to trade for property o f good value here in Portland. No. 120. $7000 stock of merchandise on Sixth street in Portland, to trade for farm or acreage near Forest Grove. No. 181. CITY RESIDENCE FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY. We can locate you to your taste with city property, for acreage or small farms. If you have a piece of acreage that is not doing you any good trad*, with us for property here and get the rent. If you list your property with us to begin with you will save time and avoid disappointment. P. C. C. M. Co. to E. F. Bur- lingham Lot 4 blk 3 Baileys add­ ition to F. G. $3000 Sarah V. Lawrence to W. D Parket et al part T. G. Haylor el $400 James E. Deeks et ux to James Loynes et al Lot 6, block 4, S. Park addition to F. G. $400 LIST W ITH US FOR TRADES. Thatcher-Hicks Comyany Hoffman Building. More Victories to Follow For sale—30 acres, with dwell- \ ing, 4J miles out, 10 in cultiva­ tion. all tillable land, some tim­ ber: for terms address “ B ” care of Press, FOR SALE—200x400 (2 acres) best o f land, all clear, 15 minutes walk from Forest Grove post- offiçe. $500; $100 and 100 per year, 5 per cent. Land will more than pay for itself. Press Office. W. B. Coon, V. S., of Steele, N. D., has purchased the busi ness of Dr. Feeley, and has mov­ ed to our city. His family are now in Oregon and will in a short time be with him in the Grove. Mr. Feeley has gone to his home in Connecticut. Phone 501 Forest Grove Money to loan on acreage and farms Having accomplished so many victories over the forces o f the earth and the sea, Man turned iis attention to the conquest of the air. For hundreds, yes, thousands, of years, Man has dreamed o f vanquishing the lirds in their own peculiar element. Even this dream has finally come true, and Man can j now soar in the ether and defy the laws of gravitation. He can talk to other persons hundreds of miles distant withont even a wire to connect the speakers, le can weigh the stars, and dis­ cover invisible planets bigger j than any in our solar system. Some scientists believe that Man may yet accomplish communica­ tion between the worlds in space, | and they are loath to set any ! limits on the accomplishments that may be possible. W. A. Chalmers now at Main St. Garage is fully equipped for doing all kinds of auto work in­ cluding vucanizing. - LOW ROUND TRIP FARES OCEAN VACATION RESORTS ELK’S NATIONAL REUNION CIVIC CELEBRATIONS C LA T SO P B E A C H .* « Aft Seaside and Gearhart. Ore., on the Pacific Ocean,