F o r es r G r ove P ress CO-OPERATION IS THE FOUNDATION OF PROGRESS Published A Edited by The Press Publishing Co. In the City of Buy at Horn* and Give Your Neighbor a Square Deal. F o re st G rove , O regon , A. G. H offm an , ....................President O. M. G a r d n e r ................... Vice Pres. J. N. H o ffm an ..... Sec’ y and Manager T H U R S D A Y o f E AC H W E E K . I n d e pe n d e n t P hones O f f i c e 505 R e s i d e n c e 442 Entered at the poet office at Foreat Grove. Oan as mail matter of the second class. T erms of S ubscription CASH IN ADVANCE One Year $1.00 - Six Months .75 Display advertisements for publica­ tion in the PRESS must be in this office not later than Tuesday evening to in­ sure appearance in current issue. B Y HENRY RUSSELL MILLER C O P Y R IG H T , 1 9 1 0 , E rr BO B B S (Continued from last week.) As he was leaving her Eleanor said: “ Will you take me to call ou Miss A copy o f The Press will be mailed to all advertisers in which their ad ap­ Fliun?" "G ladly! I'm sure you and she will pears. become good friends.” For the next few days Paul saw The Foreat Grove Press is not Eleanor dally. She was very kind to the official organ of the city of him, and lie was therefore lifted Into the seventh heaven. He took Eleanor Forest Grove, as designated by to call on Kathleen early In the week. the city council May 31. Our His prophecy that they would become proposition to do the city print­ good friends was not fuillled. at least Immediately. Kathleen, with a self ing at two cents a line must have consciousness foreign to her, saw In offended the city fathers. Eleanor’s honest efforts to please her only patronage, and Eleanor, chilled, was convinced that the older woman Christian Church Revival disliked her. Kathleen returned the call a few days later, but at that time The revival service at the Eleanor had left the city to spend the Christian church begins next week end with her cousin. Mrs. Dun- Sunday. Great preparation has men de. Twenty-four hours In the governor's been made for this revival by mansion made Eleanor regret her visit the pastor and members o f the The beautiful sympnthy and simplicity congregation. Much interest is o f the Dunmeade household, by their very contrast recalling her own unhap­ already being shown. A ll recent py marriage, made her life seem unut­ services have been o f a high char­ terably empty. The afternoon o f her sec­ acter, and well attended, and ond day at the capitol she had gone to Mrs. Dunmeade’s sitting room and had magy have united with the con­ surprised the governor there romping gregation the last few Sundays. with the children while his w ife looked The evangelists secured are men smilingly on, Eleanor, unnoticed and feeling her o f reputation and o f the best presence In the pretty little group a ability. They are men who have profanation, tiptoed back to her room, the confidence o f the entire state, where she brooded disconsolately on her loneliness. Not until the gover­ and whose work stands on record nor's footsteps sounded along ihe hall as the very best. Kellems and way did she venture to return to Mrs. Fagan have conducted some o f Dunmeade. The youngest child, a lit­ tle hoy Just learning to walk, was rub the greatest meetings o f the Mug his eyes sleepily, and Eleanor, Northwest. Hear these men be­ taking him Into her arms, crooned a ginning next Sunday morning. slumber song to him while Mrs. Dun meade sewed. The Bible-school begins 10:30. “ I always make the little ones' Come and be with us and enjoy clothes myself," Mrs. Dunmeade ex­ plained. the services.____________ Eleanor nodded understanding^. " I know. 1 would myself If 1 had babies CORRECTION. of my own, and I wouldn't leave tbom Fellow Travelers to the Bar of to a nurse.” She held the little sleep­ er closer. “ 1 understand now how God. For the past week I have you could leave your beautiful heme been conducting a meeting in a and all your old friends to come here." " It was a little hard at first," Mrs. tent on the corner o f Pacific Dunmeade said softly, so as not to A ve. and Fourth street. I have disturb the baby’s slumber, "but 1 been represented as being a ■oon got over that. We’ve been here j M E .-R .R .1 L L CO. failed to do. It was not always an honorable tale. The last, hung in an obscure corner, was Dunmeade's. painted and hung during his first term. Eleanor studied It In silence for a few moments. "H e's a good man. Isn't he?" she ask­ ed at Inst Murebell answered with deep feeling. “The best 1 know and the most mis­ understood." The governor and his w ife entered. "Is it a secret?" the latter asked gnyly. Mrs. Duumeade was very hap- 1 In many localities, and especially in the western states, organizations have been formed among the business men to boycott tbe patrons o f catalogue and mall order bouses In such a way that when these patrons ask for an accom- moda( Jon or offer to sell their products they Ore advised to go where they are ■pending their money and ask these favors. The old adage, “ It's a poor rule that won’t work both ways.” can here be applied quite successfully, and event­ ually break up tbe sneaking tricks of somo uien in business who will stand up and preacb home trade and town Improvement until they gasp for breath and at tbe same time would get up nt tbe dead hour o f midnight and walk forty miles In the dark rather than spend a dime with their next door neighbor who Is in business. However, these kind o f men who call themselves business men are nothing more than lobsters o f the commonest .kind, who think they are working a smooth game, but they are all found out In tbe course o f time and wonder why they can't hold tbe trade they used to have. The customer has a Just and good reason to withdraw his patronage from any merchant when he knows be is being deceived, not only by his dealings, but by his business methods and the manner in which the merchant treats other business men In the town The man who will go away from borne to purchase goods that are sold In bty town, not as a matter o f price, but’ simply because he Is jealous of his neighbor. Is the individual wbo is most deserving o f boycott and should have It administered strong and often. There are plenty o f honest and loy­ al progressive men In business in every town, and It is the personal duty o f every consumer to throw his patronage and Influence to these mer­ chants. not simply because they treat him right, but because they are citizens and give their neighbor business men a square deal. Co-operation Is the foundation of progress. A lobster hinders progress- can him. f.veD .n*V “Mr. Murebell has boon telling me about our governors." Eleanor answer­ ed. concealing her disappointment over the Interruption. "1 wonder whose pic­ ture will be hung there next." She saw a quick, meaning glance pass between Murebell and the govern­ or's wife. Hut for answer Mrs Dun­ meade merely laughed and said eva­ sively, "Oh. one never knows what a day may bring forth in politics." They were chatting before the gov­ ernor's portrait when the tinkle o f the doorbell was heard. Eleanor, with amused expectancy, stepped back into tbe corner where she could not be seen by Bob nt once. He entered, and Eleanor, warned as she had been by Mrs Dunmeade. could hardly repress a start of surprise. His manner as he met their cordial wel­ come was neither rejielllug nor eager, but rather the quiet dignity o f a man who was sure o f his footing. Eleanor found herself rejoicing that she had not attempted to patronize him dur­ ing his call. CIVICS IN THE SCHOOLS. " I believe you have met Mrs. G il­ bert.” Mrs. Dunmeade said when tbe Exampla Worth Following Elsewhere first greetings were over. Is Set by Cincinnati There has been published by fbe C H A P T E R X V I. Cincinnati public schools a valuable THE FORCE. syllabus fo r eighth grade teachers In OB whirled sharply. As he faced civics. The pamphlet contains thirty- her the blood rushed to his five pages o f concise information. cheek and his eyes glinted In These paragraphs from the Introduc­ angry surprise. In an Instant, tion to tbe syllabus are worth quoting however, he answered with perfect as indicating its purpose and method of preparation: composure: "This syllabus has been Issued to "Tw ice. I believe. I hardly expected to meet you here. Mrs. Gilbert.” supply information concerning Cincin­ "Three times. I'm sure,” she said nati and to furnish such material o f a pleasantly. "It's very stupid, hut really more general character as Is not all I can think o f Is that trite old readily obtainable. It Is tbe result of saying that the world Is very small, the combined effort o f most of the Mr. McAdoo." eighth grado civics teachers and nu- I Bob's sense o f humor came to his merous public spirited citizens. With­ aid ns he looked at the woman to cast in the last two years many of the Mormon, a Free Methodist, a six years nrw. and I'll hate to leave whom and her Intlueuce out o f bis life eighth grade teachers have been hold- , he bad come to find a weapon. He lng weekly meetings, listening to lec­ “ Holy Roller“ —whatever that It. I've bad Jobu ami the children, laughed. tures by those who are authorities on and our old friends, the best o f them may be, — a First day Adventist “ I should say the world's size de­ civic topics, mostly relating to tbe , at least, visit us often. Occasionally, and a Seventh day Adventist. 1 too. we meet very Interesting people. pends upon whether you are trying to local community, and discussing meth­ find or avoid a person.” ods o f instruction. The syllabus has wish to say in all kindness, that By the way. we are to have one such Ile r face lighted up mirthfully. been developed through these confer­ for dinner this evening, one o f your these reports are cases o f mis­ "Come, Mr. McAdoo. We are under ences. city's politicians. Robert McAdoo." the white flag here. 1 appeal to the taken identity. I belong to the “ The teaching o f civics should be Eleanor almost dropped the child In governor. Cousin, to my rescue, for regarded as a piece o f constructive church o f which we read in the her astonishment. "Kobert M cAdoo"' the sake o f your household's peace. work wherein, by a study o f the local “ You know him, then?” Mrs. Dun- N ew Testament, the church o f Mr. McAdoo and I always quarrel." community and a comparison o f It meade's question convicted her o f du­ "Then 1 solemnly declare a truce." with other communities, the pupil ar- j Christ, which is the body of plicity. since Paul Remington bad laughed the governor. "But I doubt rives at a correct ftnderstnndlng of Christ over which He is the written her, confiding to her a little her need o f my protection I fancy this the fundamental principles of com­ head, Matt. 16:18; Eph. 1: 22, 23, uf his trouble. young lady Is quite capnble of caring munity life. But, Important as may The child stirred uneasily, and Elea­ I Cor. 12: 12-14. My creed is nor bummed u few bars o f the slum­ for herself, eh. Mr. McAdoo?” be a knowledge o f the local com­ ‘Quite!” the Bible only. My rule o f faith ber song before she answered. munity and o f community life gen­ That’s very generous." she smiled. "Y'es. I ’ve met him three times In erally, teachers will lose their great­ and guide to practice is the gos­ " It speaks well for a successful truce, my life. And be bates me." est opportunity If they do not make I hope?" And she held out her hand pel o f Christ revealed in the New Later In the afternoon the governor Instruction In civics an effective ve­ with pretended hesitation. Testament, John 20 : 30, 31; 2 came lu. accompanied by Murebell, hicle of moral Instruction.” (To be continued.) Tim. 3: 15-17; 2 Peter, 1: 3; who had leit the municipal campaigu In Adeiphln to he ut a conference with A CITY’S BOULEVARD. Rom. 1:16. I want nothing in Kobert McAdoo. A Model Acetylene Gas plant Dusk had fallen when the little the work and worship o f the with pood fixtures, for sale. As Improves Property Values and Adds to church but that which Christ’s group broke up to dress for dinner. Municipal Revenues. Mrs. Dunmeade went with Eleanor to pood as new and in perfect con­ In some foreign towns and cities apostles, guided by the Holy the latter's room. dition. The best light for rural when a boulevard is to be built the "H o w pretty may we look tonight?" Spirit, John 14:26, taught. municipality buys the land adjacent homes. W rite or see, Eleanor naked smilingly. Hence, I reject the doctrines to the roadway, builds the boulevard “ Our very prettiest," Mrs. Dun­ John A. McGee, Orenco, Oregon. and then sells the land, not only pay­ and commandments o f men, meade smiled back. ing for the Improvement by the en­ "But won't Mr. M cAdoo"— Matt. 15:9, and all human names, Mrs. Dunmeade Interrupted taugh- P U B L IC A T IO N O F SUM M ONS. hanced value o f land, but adding Acts 4:12. My motto is “ where In the Circuit Court o f the State o f something to the city’s revenue. The Ingly. "M y dear, you don't know tbe benefits accruing from the building of the Bible speaks we speak; and American man. I f you’ve never seeu Oregon, for Washington County. Plaintiff, Kansas City's boulevards have gone where the Bible is silent we are Robert McAdoo In tbe evening I prom­ John F. Lee, to the owners o f adjacent property. vs. silent,” based on I Peter 4:11, ise you a surprise. You'll forget tbe Mattie J. Lee, Recently D. J. H aff o f the park Defendant. mill hand and tough politician." i f any man speak let him speak To M attie J. Lee, the above board asked a real estate man to give "Then he la a tough politician?" his estimate of the appreciation of "Judge for yourself tonight." And named defendant: as the oracles o f God. I trust In the name o f the State o f Oregon, real estate In Kansas City due to the Mrs. Dunmeade with a twinkle In her this brief correction will suffice you are hereby required to appear and park and boulevard system. He said: eyes left Eleauor alone. The . , latter „ answer the complaint filed against you. to show one and all that I am not proceeded lo make u very careful "Some property has been benefited toilet in the above m titled cause, on or be- in any o f the institutions above Whou she descended to the library f orc the 3rd day o f August 1912, and if about 50 |*er i-ent by tbe park land, and other property has probably been mentioned, and reported by ■be found Murebell there alone. He you fail so to appear, for want thereof, i the plaintiff w iil apply to the court for j Increased In value 1!i0 to 300 per cent, greeted her with a courtly bow. Dame Rumor. W ill you allow no old man to say the relief prayed ror In his com plaint! "Th e last report o f the park conimls- sioners (l!108i gives the length within Dear friend, in conclusion, per that you are a very beautiful young herein, to w it: For a decree o f this court dissolving the city limits o f the boulevards prop- lady. Mr*. Gilbert?" mit me to invite you to the tent and here- er. exclusive o f park roadways. ■■ Sbe dropped blm a courtesy. **1 as­ the marriage lg contract now plaintiff between pl.m t.ff and u2 fC )2r, Tnf, feot Mulf|p^ thu and study with us the word o f sure you. I'm not half ao good as I'm tofore existing defendant, and for such other and fur­ God. and learn what it teaches good to look a t " ther relief as to the court may seem by tw o to get tbe front feet o f land on the boulevards and you have 251,53$ “ But I expect you to be. You mustn't emiitable herein. on this question, and many This summons is served upon you by feet. By estimating the average In­ disappoint me." others also. The meeting con­ She shook her bead, laughing, and publication in the Forest Grove Press, crease In value at $30 per front fo o t - by order o f Hon. J. U. Campbell. : conservative.. It seems to me—you will tinues over next Lord’s Day. promptly changed tbe subject. Judge o f the Fifth Judicial District, o f have an Increased valuation o f taxa­ "W b o are these dignified gentlemen Respectfully Yours. Oregon, made and entered in open | looking down on us? Governors?” court, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on June ble I roierty o f $7.546.040. This Is ex- D. W. Summers. "Y e s — that Is” — And beginning with 17, 1912, which order prescribes the: clu* ,,e (>f the Increased value o f prop- the portraK o f tbe state's first go v­ publication o f said summons for six erty on adjoining streets. In my opto- ernor, • distinguished Revolutionary successive weeks, the first publication , ion. tbe boulevards alone have Increas- ed tbe value o f taxable property more soldier and statesman, he guided thereof to be on June 20, 1912. ,, B knton B owman , than tbe entire cost o f tbe whole ays- Eleanor around tbe room, telling her 7t Attorney for Plaintiff. ^ tem.-» briefly what each man bad done or Accidents Will Happen “Accident* will happen in the best regulated families” as well as on the best regulated wheels so if your Bike is injured on the road from any cause, bring it to me and I will make an expert job 'C « £ v R i C K - T ' of repairing it. I have the agency for the Pope Motorcycle and such standard makes of bicycles as the Racycle, Day. ton and Globe, which are guaranteed wheels. Full Line of sundries and fresh stock of tires. C. G. DANIELSON The Bike Doctor (Representing Nine Agencies.) Phone 306 Pacific Ave FOREST G R O VE, O R E G O N HOM E B A K IN G CO Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. W e Sell 6 Loaves of Bread for 25 Cents Free Delivery to A ll Parts o f the City Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove FIRST CLASS Cooking Utensils B I In Granite, Tin and Aluminum Ware. Our price is no higher than elsewhere and we give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. W . O. Wagner & Sons Forest G ro ve O u t i n g s in O r e g o n V IA T H E To the Beaches Springs and Mountains ' t o SUNSET . OGDEN ft SHASTA 1 R O U TE S Excellent Train Service and Low Round Trip Fares ^cifV I f you are looking for an ideal place to spend a portion o f the sum­ mer, where you can find rest, health and recreation, the outing resorts reached by the Southern Pacific are P A R E X C E LLE N C E . Newport -Yaquina Bay, Tillamook County Beaches, Crater Lake, C olestin Springs, Shasta Springs, Cascadia, Breitenbush Hot Springs and many other springs o f more or less note. Low Round Trip Tickets W ith long limits on sale daily to the above resorts. Our booklet, “ Va­ cation Days in Oregon’ ’ describing these and other outing places can be obtained from any Agent, who will cheerfully furnish information as to fares, train service, etc., or a postal card to the undersigned will re­ ceive prompt attention. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. The Forest Grove Press Office «pu pped for high class printing o f any office in W a sh in g to n ¿ i ~ * J * * , type an