N^ws Times F orest Voi. 3 THE FIGHT ON FERRIN G rove FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1912. the declaration that Dr. Ferrin lacks administrative ability, tact and qualities o f leadership, is autocratic and arbitrary, and that he has been vacillating to such an extent that the teachers have been unable to depend on i his support in matters where j they had every reason to expect it, and have been assured that | they would receive it. The fac-1 ulty statement follows: P ress No. 35 report says the piesident has started out on two endowment campaigns and “ lec them peter! out,” that the school has ” been| marking time for ten years,” while other institutions have1 X been growing, and that Dr. Fer-| rin has failed to obey the ex­ press instructions of the board. It is also said that o f the $100,-1 000 which Dr. r errin says he I has raised, $18,500 was insurance 9*1 REASONS ARE GIVEN. money, $2,500 was promised dur­ ing the administration o f his; Forest Grove, Or. June 19, 1912. To the Board of Trustees of After a heated discussion last­ predecessor, and that an $18.- To the Editor of the New York ing all yesterday afternoon, the Pacific University, Forest Grove, i 000 deficit has been added. Times:— Or. board o f trustees of Pacific Uni­ Comparison is made with the The heroic band of Men Re­ Gentlemen: Whereas it hasj versity divided evenly on the been reported to us that the work of President Homan, o f formers advance plenty o f rea- proposal to ask the resignation statement signed by the mem­ Willamette, in raising $400,000 sons why the fair sex should o f Dr. YV. N. Ferrin, president bers o f the facility relating in four years. vote. Men fought and won, so the efficiency of the o f the institution, the vote stand­ to It was further declared that women must keep up the battle president of the institution does ing eight to eight. The vote not set forth reasons in support the ministers of some o f the if they would have their rights. came on a resolution seeking Dr. o f the opinion expressed therein, Congregational churches, to Reasons are, after all, large­ Ferrin’s retirement. Later by now, therefore, we, the under­ which they should be able to ly the academic aspect o f all ■ the same vote the majority re­ signed members o f the faculty look for support, had been active­ great movements, and are born ly opposed to Dr. Ferrin. The o f prejudice, temperament, self- port o f the investigating com­ of Tualatin Academy and Pacific SMs« University do hereby submit the cjllege town also was held to be interest, or fear. The “ reason” mittee, which favored retainnig following declaration o f reasons opposed to him and a definite formate suffrage is that the male the president, but absenting him which prompted us to sign the list of causes for the strained re­ has had it. He got it because he from the University on a finan­ said statement. We were at the time we sign­ lations between the town and fought for it, under the inspira­ cial campaign for one year, fail­ ed said statement and we still ed o f adoption. the college was given. tion o f his discontent, and the are of the opinion: The report in closing contain­ fallacious reasoning of leaders; Still a third proposal was sub­ First—That President Ferrin ed a declaration of the desire on not because it is one o f the bio­ mitted later by Judge Stephen lacks administrative ability. the part o f the signers to treat logical functions of the male ani­ A. Lowell providing for Dr. Second—That he lacks those Dr. Ferrin with perfect fairness. mal to vote. Ferrin’s retirement in one year. qualtities of leadership which in­ “ We are not unmindful of his It also failed o f passage eight to spire confidence and loyalty on The “ Reason” for the ballot the part o f the faculty, students long years o f service nor his good is today, as it has always been, eight. and friends of the University. qualities, ” it says, “ but we trust the power to get it: the justifica­ The meeting was held at the Third—That he has no well-de­ we are mindful o f the college, tion of it is the results, de faeto Y. M. C. A. and was an execut­ fined comprehensive plan for the which is bigger than the man. and potential, of its use. But ive session. The vote was by development of the institution; j Our plans are not simply against man in possession, decrying the written ballot and the chairman at least he has never outlined such a plan to hi3 faculty or AAAA Prts dent Ferrin, but they are divine right o f kings, pleads the o f the board voted among the sought to enlist their co-opera­ | for our Alma Mater, whom we divine right o f sex. Secure in others. The majority vote of tion in carrying it out. love and wish to serve.” Fourth—That his lack of tact the investigating committee was @ by A m erican Press A ssociation. the absence o f a profound knowl­ It is reported that the debate edge of biology, or the meanings, signed by B. S. Huntington, G. and his autocratic and arbitrary the over the various proposals affect­ methods, or pretensions o f sci­ H. Marsh and E. P. McCornack. methods of conducting affairs o f the institution con­ ing Dr. Ferrin’ s future status ence, he rushes in where ho sci­ It sought the absenting of Presi­ stantly result in loss of students, Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, on the 46th ballot Tuesday at dent Ferrin for the year to alienation o f former friends and the Baltimore Convention received 990 votes, Clark 84. Harmon 12. with the university was spirited. entist was ever dogmatic enough solicit the funds to make up a alumni and the positive antagan- Wilson by this vote became the Nominee of the Democrat Party Although the vote was by secret to enter and making a fetish o f ballot it was reported last night nature,a superstition o f teteology, conditional offer o f $40,000 from ism of many who should De sup­ for President. that the division on the several a theology of science, sentiment­ James J. Hill and contemplated porters financially and otherwise. motions was as follows: Sup­ ality of sentiment, he places his the appointment o f a dean to FACULTY WISH S OVERRULED. about a substantial upbuilding in eight have resigned for “ incom- porting the administration, B. S. woman on the altar o f the home, Fifth—That the work of the govern the university during the the collegiate courses, which he petency or allied reasons,” and institution during the past year Huntington, J. R. Wilson, Mil- to the glorification o f manhood— year. has been greatly demoralized, maintained, should be given em- that 17 moved on to better posi- ton W. Smith, Judge Charles E. r e p o r t s u r v e y s s it u a t io n . consumes her with his own fire, owing to the fact that in the phasis in the future develop­ tions or to complete their schol­ Wolverton, A. L. Mills, George —and consecrates the ashes to The minority report was pre­ matters o f attempted discipline ment of the institution. astic training elsewhere, “ which II. Marsh, Judge J. Q. A. Bowl- the glory o f mother-hood. sented by Philip E. Bauer and on the part of the faculty, the Against the complaint that the is very significant,” the report W. T. Fletcher, both alumni president has deferred to the school had been running down adds, “ In the face o f the fact by and E. P. McCornack; oppos­ Steeped in sentimentalism and clamor o f the students, granting ing the administration, Dr. cant, man proclaims that women members of the board, Mr. their petitions against the best under his administiation, he cit­ that five o f the young men of Luther R. Dyott, Judge Stephen Fletcher being the official repre­ jndgement of the faculty. have, through his all-seeing wis­ ed the list o f contributions to the faculty to lay say they will sentative o f the Associate Alum­ Sixth—That members o f the the endowment that had been stay if President Ferrin resigns. A. Lowell, Rev. Phillip E. Bau­ dom and generosity, “ all the ni. This report viewed at faculty have found him vacillat- seCured in the last five years, in- but surely will go if he is retain er, John E. Bailey, E. W. Haines, privileges they deserve.” It has, Newton McCoy, W. T. Fletcher , ___ . .. an extent that they , , • — length the case, that has been ing to _ such Attention is called to the and Napoleon Davis. -Oregonian. perforce, finally arrived to wom­ have been unable to depend on volving contributions from An­ ed. an herself to comprehend the sa­ made out against the Ferrin ad­ his support in matters where drew Carnigie and from many fact that 10 o f the 12 members SENIOR CLASS ATTITUDE. credness o f sex and mother-hood, ministration, declaring that alum­ they have every reason to ex­ prominent business men of Port­ o f Whitman College, who were and to attain to a realization o f ni, faculty and citizens of Forest pect it and have been assured land. We, the undersigned members there in 1901, are still with the Grove are unitedly in favor of a that they would have it. He attributed the unfavorable college, while only two of the of the Seniors class o f Pacific what man has only sentimental­ We respectively submit that change o f executives. It told of University believe it is for the ized over, the while he supported the foregoing reasons, which criticism on the part o f the Pacific University faculty of 1901 best interests of this school to se­ or tolerated prostitution as a bio­ his failure to hold faculty mem­ can be substantiated by specific faculty members to “ destructive1 remain logical necessity, and an acceler­ cure a new president. bers in the past and brought instances, constitute ground for criticism on the part o f some of LETTERS ARE SUMMARIZED. ator o f business. Signed by the following, against him a series o f counts our action in the matter o f the the trustees.” The report refers to the cir­ statement, which was presented (signed) Henderson Brook Dea- that the signers held properly The minority report of the in­ cular letter sent out by an the entire class: C. C. Ward, to the board of trustees on the dy, M. D. should originate with the trust­ vestigating committee is long' alumni committee, to which 74 Harlan J. Turner, Summer E. first day of June. New York, May 11, 1913. Bryant, Jennie C. Rasmusen, ees themselves. Among the documents in the and contains a full review o f the replies were received, 190 letters Note -The writer o f the above D. J. Taylor, V. V. Gould, Myrtle The even division of the trust­ The following case was Dr. Ferrin’ s letter in case against Dr. Ferrin. It be­ being sent out. is the son o f the late Natthew P. M. Bunday, Maude B. Bunday, ees leaves the situation unchang­ reply to the charges brought gins with the assertion that the summary of the poll is present­ Deady, for many years Federal Marion Taylor, Olaus J. Maurie ed. Another meeting will be against him. Referring in his college should have the support ed: Judge o f Oregon. and P. Burton Arant. held next Saturday at the Y. M. Causes for lack o f growth and letter to the complaints from the of trustees, faculty, alumni and One refused to sign, although C. A., but it is not known that alumni, Dr. Ferrin noted that in j friends, and that “ the president popularity: Executive weak- HILLSIDE. he has many times during the the question o f the presidency the letters from the alumni, re-j nor the board has any right, ness, 49; lack of harmony, 14; year committed himself very will come up again. Mrs. Laura Clapshaw is visit- plies were received from one j autocratically, to close their ears lack o f advertising, 10; lack of candidly toward the opinion sub­ ing with her mother in Forest faculty present statem en t . to the prayers of the faculty, interest by the board, 6; chang­ third of the 206 living graduates scribed to above. One o f the strongest argu­ Grove. ing faculty, 7; other reasons 15. of the university and that out of alumni and others.” We the undersigned members ments against Dr. Ferrin yester­ Remedies suggested Change The report includes the faculty Mrs. Ruick has returned from these 46 suggested a change in of the Senior class believe that day was a formal statement o f administration, 55; more co­ Tillamook. statement, and concerning it the administration. He declar­ it is for the best interests of from the faculty. At a previ­ “ President Ferrin re- operation 5; more advertising, 4; ed that the complaints made in says: Mrs. Mills has gone to stay Pacific University to retain ous meeting the faculty had pre­ the letters were “ so general as plies to this petition by saying everything satisfactory, 2; mis- with Mrs. Shearer because of President Ferris at the head of sented a short statement, asking to be vague” and attributed that Trustee Bauer, in an inter- cellaneous suggestions, 11. Some the absence o f grandma Shear­ the institution. for Dr. Ferrin’s removal. much of the criticism to a feel- view, misrepresented facts and o f the alumni gave several sug­ er’s nurse. To which no signatures were Yesterday a longer letter em- ing of antagonism that “ had its poisoned the minds o f the faculty gestions in each case. J. E. Lewton attended the can­ appended. bodving faculty sentiment was In reply to a contention by Dr. origin in disturbances in which and secured this petition. To nery meeting last Tuesday. sent in, signed by all but two the alumni were involved in you who know' the caliber o f Ferrin that the alumni letters Don’ t neglect the children’ s The Hillside young folks are members, Professor Alexis Ben their student days.” These this faculty, such a contention were inspired by improper pur­ musical education. It is a sin ; showing much interest in the Kori and Professor L. B. criticisms, he held, should be o f is preposterous and puerile. poses actuating the investiga- for parents to neglect this part i organizing o f the Christian Shippee. little value in the action o f the This trustee did not create this tion* t,ie report dec lares that the of a child’s education. Have vou Young Peoples’ Washington Co. Professor Ben Kori sent in a committee. judgment o f this sober-minded poll was assented to by the chair a piano in your home to start the Union. letter agreeing that Professor faculty, he simply found it and man o f the board, Mr. Hunting- little ones out on, who, if they' REASONS ARE CITED. ------------------- •” Ferrin should be superseded. reported it, and moreover, dis­ ton. “ The poll was honest and had half a chance, would turn For Sale- Steam prune dryer, To the complaint that the en­ Professor Shippee. who had covered that it had existed for true, and the response to a cir­ the gloom into sunshine for you one ton capacity, all complete, rollment had not increased as it signed the first faculty state- cular letter was large.” it is and others? I sell good reliable Price $60. J. L. Loving, Gales years. 99 statement, was absent from For­ should under his administration, Attention is then called to the said. pianos and sell them on terms to Creek, Ore. est Grove when the second state­ he replied by saying that the in­ BOARD NOT OBEYED, IS ASSERTED. suit you whether for cash, or the crease of the high schools in the* fact that in a period o f 11 years, Brown Leghorn hens and pul- ment was prepared. Teachers state had acted to limit the at- 33 members o f the faculty have Giving its attention to com- smallest payment you can afford, lets for sale, 75c each. Mixed in the Conservatory of Music did tendance in the academic courses, resigned, o f w hich the state* plaints that “ might properly G. P aterson , Forest chickens60c. Aillaying. W. C. not sign the statement. but held that it had brought ment adds, Dr. Ferrin admits originate with the board,” the Grove. tGrddy, Cornelius,Route 1 The faculty charges include Vote 8 to 8 on Resolution to Force Retirement of Pa­ cific University Head. WHY WOMEN SHOULD VOTE They Must Keep Up the Bat­ tle it They Would Have Their Rights. / m