ran f Please Observe Please observe the countless stars o f the firmament. How wonderful and how distant. B e tw ix t this studio and its w on d erfu l photo­ graphs is a chasm far and wide, when comparing with gen- era! competition. Photos Finished Here Talk for Themselves For Perfect Por­ traits come here and get them. F o rest G rove Studio M A IN ST. NO RTH D r . J . J . M u r r a y , V . S ., VETER1NERY SURGEON AND DENTIST Graduate o f American Veterinary College, of N ew York City, 1881. Office with Brown’s Main Streeh Livery and Feed Stable, Hillsboro Phone City, 506 HEADQUARTERS for M IL B U R N W A G O N S W . F. H A R T K A M P F Wholesale and Retail V etch Seeds, ell kind* o f g ra it teed, A l ­ fa lfa Hay, Feed and Land Plaster Ind Phone 50x H. B. Glaisyer Forest Grove, Ore A. A. Kirkwood Glaisyer & Kirkwood Engineers and Surveyors Hoffman Bldg. Phone 0106 Forest Grove, Oregon UNDERTAKIGN Embalming— Funeral Directing FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. J. S. Buxton, Manager Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. W. W eitzel L. L. Hollinger W E IT Z E L & H O LLIN G E R Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal W ork and Re­ pair Shop. North First Avenue, between Main and " A ” Streets; phone 863. HUFFAKER BROS. WOOD SAW 330 First St. Will do your Sawing as you want it done. Phone 073 Saunders’ Poultry Yards has high-class Barred Rocks and Black Minorcas. First on Barred Rock cockerel and second on Barred Rock cock, also second and third on Minorca cockerel and second and third on Minorca pullet at our last show, in hot competition. I f you want eggs from the winners call on me. Yards two blocks west o f Laugh- in Hotel on Pacific Ave. corner C street ^^fcDr. Lowe, July 1st ORCIAI | Dedicated to Title Head section o f this week. j comic ! When a rat runs up your breeches To escape a festive pup, *‘ Y e grods and little Ashes!" How he scrambles up and up. of | — omm S. P. Time Table T h e Ghost Club M an’s Story By ROGER N. OLMSTEAD C o p y r ig h t by A m e r ic a n P r e » » A ia o - cia tlon . 1911. Though I am now a general superin­ tendent o f a railroad, I was once a lo­ You grasp and yell and jump and prance comotive engineer. I crawled up to A s thougrh you’ re on a jagr, KtSTRALPOiia my present post through every inter­ While he scrambles up your summer pants. mediate position. One wouldn't sup- ROOUE RIVER Clean up to where they bag:. VALLEY ' pose that a man who had made his In sheer despair and desperation way by hard work and a practical O R EG O N And thoughts o f direst dread. makeup would be a member of tbe CORRESPONDENCE W ith both hands you grasp the situation Ghost club, as some persons call the 10 And choke his ratship till he’s dead. Society For Psychical Research. But You’d rather face a tiger, [This m a tte r m ust not be rep rin te d w ith ­ I am. and I ’m going to tell you what When you’d forgot your grun. yarted me in that line. o u t sp ecial p e rm is sio n .] Or a roaring lion even, When I was a young fellow my fa­ With a real good chance to run. ther wanted me to go to college, but I The silver fox. one o f the most high­ disgusted him by tuking a position as Than be captured bag and baggage ly prized o f fur bearing animals, is not fireman on a locomotive. I had just By a rodent with a squeak, That up your pants’ leg slyly crawls a distinct species that propagates its learned enough about the machine to And takes you on the sneak. kind, but a sport from the red fox tnke the throttle when the civil war family. broke out. and 1 enlisted. While You understand, when y ju get wise, W hy a woman fears a mouse, campaigning ln the south we captured And screams, and jumps upon a chair, A closed pail with strainer attach- a hundred miles o f railroad. Includ­ When one gets in the house. | ment should not be allowed to take tbe ing a good supply o f rolling stock. Of I place o f care ln brushing the cow's course there was a call for those of us A man has no laugh coming udder off and washing it if necessary. who had railroad experience, and 1 On the scared and screaming witches. He a,ire gets as near bughouse Besides this, the hands o f the milker gave in m.v name as an engineer. 1 When a rat runs up his breeches. did that because I was young and am­ should be both clean and dry. bitious to run an engine. I was given a machine at once. This North Carolina led all other states The feed business o f W. F. ln the production o f tobacco last year, was more than I wanted, for we bad Hartrampf, placed on a cash ba­ her output belug 89,430.948 pounds. made some sixty miles o f forced Missouri ranked next, with 75.027,579 marches, advancing every hour o f the sis, should appeal to customers. pounds, while Ohio and Kentucky night, before we had made the capture. Mrs. J. J. Aldrich and little were neck and neck, with 47,000.000 The consequence was that we were all son Melvin, o f Tacoma, are visit­ pounds, and Virginia and New Jersey, dead tired, aud as for sleep we’d had hardly any for several dayB. W e had with 29,000,000 pounds each. ing this week with the families come down on a central point where o f E. F. Burleyham and H. Gleis- A green food that is much relished the rolling stock was kept and used it by poultry is made by sowing oats to capture the terminals on our flauks. zer. thick in a shallow box in about tw o I was ordered to pull a train loaded For sale—30 acres, with dwell­ inches o f soil and keeping the box well with a regiment o f 500 men on an ex­ ing, 4£ miles out, 10 in cultiva­ watered and where it will be warm pedition to occupy the eastern termi­ and get a good deal of sunshine. When nal. and I wasn’t permitted to go to tion. all tillable land, some tim­ about two inches high tbe little stulks sleep for a few hours before starting either. I told Major Twining, who had ber: for terms address " B ” care may be pulled and fed as desired. been made superintendent, that he had o f Press, The production o f raisins In the better send a man with me in case I By buying for cash and sellihg southern California district bas In­ went to sleep ln the cab from sheer in­ for cash W. F, Hartram pf ex­ creased from 120,000 pounds In 1878 ability to keep awake. lie sent Bob Stewart, who was to shovel the coal pects to protect his trade and to 112.000,000 pounds in 1910. During and be ready to relieve me in case of the fiscal year closing June 30. 1911. make prices that will increase there were Imported Into tbe United absolute necessity. W e started at dusk to run tbrongb a States 2.500.000 pounds o f raisins, his already large patronage. while tbe exports were 18.500,000, the country, the people o f which were all C. B. Campbell called at the largest shipments on record. hostile to us and ready to throw us off the track or fire into us whenever Press office Saturday, sympa­ An English chef. M. Soyer. Is credit­ an opportunity arose. It seems now thetic and consoling, and sure it ed with having discovered the method more than it did then a pretty risky was in place after the forenoon’s o f cooking In paper bags, which just business to put u man who hadn't had experience with the disgruntled, now Is receiving much notice In news­ six hours’ sleep in forty-eight hours In papers and magazines. The points charge o f the lives of 500 men. Be­ The trotting horse, W ild Girl, claimed fo r this new method o f cook­ sides. I was young then, and young owned by E. C. Keyt, was run ing are a preservation of the flavors persons require more sleep than older into by Dally McKinney and bad­ o f things cooked and doing away with ones. For awhile the danger of run­ the washing o f so muny greasy pans ning into obstructions was so terrible ly hurt at the race meet last and kettles. to me that I had no thought o f sleep, week at Independence. It is but we had some seveuty miles to go California is making rapid strides to before morning, and with tbe load, the thought the horse will not be the front as a dairy state. Ln 1898 the condition o f .ue road, the grades and able for further service this sea­ annual butter output o f the state was the locomotive o f that date we could son. 24.000,000 pounds. In 1910 the produc­ not do more than twenty miles an tion was 60,000,000. and it is contend­ C. B. Stokes narrowly escaped ed the gain has been due chiefly to hour, and the required stops lessened that figure. serious accident Saturday while the greatly increased production o f al­ We had got over Beven-eighths of driving on Council Street with falfa ln the Sacramento and San Joa­ the distance when the monotonous puff quin valleys, where six tons per acre o f the engine begun to tell on me and loaded wagon. An auto frighten­ is a common yield in a single season. I looked around for Bob. He was not ed his team, causing them to in the tender. Looking over the ten Dangerous ns handling dynamite is der. I saw him lying on top o f the next break the tongue o f the wagon. Fortunately nothing serious hap­ to limb and life, it is hardly more so car back sound asleep Thinking it than the corn shredder, which deprives would l>e better to let him get a little pened. so many men o f hands and arras during rest before calling him. I turned again The injunction suit filed, stop­ the fall and winter. When one takes to the throttle. into account how quickly one o f these I must have gone several miles half ping improvement on Second machines will chnw to pieces n human asleep. At any rate. I was roused by Avenue, had a hearing before hand and arm he is led to wonder why bullets spattering against the sides of Judge Campbell in the circuit i men who have their wits about them the cab and hearing a fusillade which will be so careless when working ubout was answered by men from the cars. court Tuesday, on motion to dis­ such machinery. Realizing that we had struck a nest solve the injunction. The court, o f enemies. 1 pulled her wide open, Our readers—and this will include and she sprang forward with consid­ after listening to the argument o f counsel, held the injunction the majority of those living in or near erable speed. Anyway, we got away the smaller towns o f the country— from whoever were firing on us. Then good until such time as the de­ should get what consolation they can things settled down to the same old jog fendant city should answer the out o f the emphatic assurance o f food The next thing 1 knew Bob shook allegations o f the p lain tiffs’ peti­ chemists that the tougher the meat is me and. taking the throttle out o f my the more nutritive elements it con­ band, told me to find a place to get tion and introduce satisfactory tains When your jaws get tired mas­ some sleep. 1 preferred to sit on the evidence that the injunction was ticating portions o f an antiquated fa r­ seat on the other side of the cab. I wrongfully sought and obtained. row cow take courage and get u fresh saw Bob running the engine, looking hold, for it's doing you lots o f good. as wide awake as If he hadn’t been Mrs. Mary E, Borden, at the doiug forced marching, and. reassured A t from 6 to 8 cents a quart good by the sight. 1 went to sleep. 1 was age o f 59 years, died Wednes­ rich milk is as cheap a food as one awakened by a touch which 1 sup­ day o f last week at the home o f can buy. and. more than this, it is just posed came from Bob. who wished to her daughter, Mrs, Carrie Mc­ as good for folks fifty years old as it be relieved. I didn’t see Bob. but 1 Gill o f Banks. Funeral services for youngsters o f five months: also a saw that day was breaking. No one whole lot of folks who are run down was at the throttle. No one was in were held at the Banks church and poorly nourished would do far the cab or the tender. The locomo­ and interment in the Banks cem­ better to buy milk at the price men­ tive's speed hud been reduced to a min etery. Mrs. Borden’ s maiden tioned as medicine than to pay $1 a imum. bottle for So-and-so's bitters or tonic, name was Mills and she was and. besides, their noses would soon I Where was Bob? I had seen him asleep on top o f the car: then he had married to B. R. Ingles who died lose that boozy, reddish tinge, aud this relieved me. But where had he gone since, aud how bad lie come to leave some years ago. Mr. Borden died would help their looks. some months ago. He had been i During the first two weeks o f the the engine without a guide? Aud who had awakened me if not he? in the service o f the Oregonian ! international egg laying contest which We net-ded water, and as soon as 1 as one o f the village circulation 1 Is being conducted at Storrs college. came to the next tank 1 pulled up to Connecticut, a pen of White Leghorns managers up to the time o f his belonging to an English breeder made tnke In some. Colonel Fordick. In com­ mand of tile troops i was battling, came death. Mr. and Mrs. Borden the best showing, shelling out seven­ forward to ask why we were getting teen out o f a possible thirty-five eggs. on so slowly I told him my story and lived at St. John’s, Or, The second best record was made by asked him to have a search made for a pen o f BufT Leghorns belonging to Bob. He did so, but no Bob was to an Illinois fancier Many o f tbe pens be found. I began to feel kind of o f supposed winter layers had oot at queer about tbe whole business. I SATURDAY SPECIAL tbe end o f the period mentioned pro­ couldn't st >p thinking what had be­ duced a single egg. but maybe they’ll come o f m.v assistant and wben or Hard Wheat Flour $1.30 get busy later on. why he had left his post, endangering 3 lbs Ginger Snaps .25 the lives o f a whole regiment. W e made the point we were going That a wise Providence knew what .25 3 lbs String Beans was necessary when members o f the to before sunrise, and wben I took tbe 3 pks K ellog corn flakes .06 animal kingdom were endowed with train bark I bad orders to look out for N. W . Baking Pdr, 25oz .15 two eyes is nicely shown In tbe case o f I Bob or bis body on the way. We an old bronze gobbler that recently 1 found tbe body where we had met Cheese .18 strayed from the premises o f a friend. with tbe firing. He had lieett shot Best Spider Leg Tea .40 This bird had lost one eye in some j dead and rolled off the top o f tbe car. Best Gun Powder Tea .-40 way and some tw o months ago stray- I H e couldn't have relieved me. and ed a couple o f miles to a neighbor’s from tbe ti ne I supposed be did till 6 bars white Soap, any, .25 A few weeks later tbe bird got his di­ dawn tbe locomotive bad been with Get prices on soap by the rections boggled up and waa found on out an engineer. Nor coaid he btve box. tbe premises o f a farmer some tw o •wakened ms at least not In tbe miles In another direction. I f you flssh. G. W. B U N K E R have a oue eyed gobbler, better tether That’s what made me • member of tbe Ghost club. | eetriggm Leave Arrive F. Grove Portland 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. nu 6:40 p. m. 8:44 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:58 p. m. Leave F. Grove Arrive Portland 6:35 a. m. 8:27 a. m. 4:48 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 10:20 a. m. 6:20 p. m. O r e g o n E le c t r ic T i m e C a r d Arrive F. Grove Leave Portland 6:55 8:30 10:50 1:20 4:22 6:00 8:30 11:30 a a a p p p p p 8:05 a m 9:40 a m 12:02 p m 2:32 p m 5:38 p m 7:15 p m 9:37 p m 12:36 a m m m m m m m m m Leave F. Grove Arrive Portland 6:20 a m 8:30 a m 10:35 a m 1:05 p m 3:45 p m 6:10 p m 8:05 p m 9:50 p m 7:35 a m 9:45 a m 11:50 a m 2:20 p m 5:00 p m 7:25 p m 9:20 p m 11:00 p m A SURE SHOT. I f you use the Superb A*c» Camera you are Bure to hit the mark. Don’ t fail to take an Ans« Camera and a few rolls of An*, films with you on your vacation and make your own picture«on j Post Cards. W e have Cameras from $2.00 up to $25.00, everyone guaranteed. We teach you h0* to take pictures free of char» I It will pay you to see us before you buy fo r we will save ywj money. »1 F o r e s t G r o v e Ph arm acy. Trains leave North Bank Station in Portland 16 minutes earlier than schedule, stopping: at 10th and Stark Sts., 10th and Morrison Sts., 5th and Salmon Sts., 1st and Salmon Sts., and Jefferson St. Station. A ll Trains Daily Dr. L o w e ’ s glasses are death to eye-strain headache. Ask your neighbors. Lost between South Forest Grove and the MCGinn Farm Friday, noseglasses. Finder please leave with this office and get reward $3,000 Cash Will Handle This Best hop farm in Washington county; produces ton to acre. W ill net better than $400 an acre. One and one-half acres hay, will yield 6 tons; 2 acres potatoes, will yield 4 C 0 bushels; a diversity of large and small fruits. $£CC0 with terms buys the farm. Can give good trade for few shares Concrete and U. S. Cashier stock. Thacher-Hicks Company Hoffman Bldg. Forest Grove, Ore. 5555 . Ready for business New Lumber Company All kinds o f Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. Sash and Doors Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to. make your ac- quaitance. Wiliis-Place Lumber Co. Phone 0 1 X South A Street Forest Grove, Or. Report of the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORECON A C O M P A R A T IV E S T A T E M E N T The following comparative statement o f the deposits and resources o f the FIRST N A T IO N A i. BAN K o f Forest Grove, Ore., under its present management speaks volum e*: DEPOSITS Nov. May Nov. May Nov. May 2. 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1909, $ 92,318.96 1910, 132,138.98 1910, 133.184 64 1911, 148,877.81 1911, 153,430.91 1912, 201,079,16. Resources May 2, 1909 “ 2, 1912 $177,348.10 $315,2G 1.56 40 Per Cent Cash Rese rve