— y (J _ y ip*. JL j » - LOCAL A NEW PARTY FORMED J. S. Wright (Happy Jack) made a trip on business to Cham- poag Monday. John Erickson, a farmer of Gales Creek, was in the office on 4ai business Tuesday. I * Dr. Lowe’s glasses do not need the ‘guarantee that goes with them. There’s a reason. T H E D O C T O R S P R E S C R IP T IO N With this grave problem up­ might as well not be written if it is not filkd on our minds now, we wish to R. J. Lovnes of Yamhill visited faithfully and accurately. His work can Le invita your attention to our BIG store, where we can in­ seriously hampered If not whoHy voided if*his Monday with hia parents, Mr. terest you and make you glad and Mrs. J. S. Loynes, of this orders are not carried out to the letter. owing to the many bargains city. we are offering, W E F IL L P R E S C R IP T IO N S that back up your doctor's efforts. D are you Just the season for ladies' A. A. Kirkwood, of Gleizer & S H I R T W A I S T S , and our risk not coming here when some loved one in Kirkwood, is doing snrveying in prices are your house is ill? the foot hills west of town this $1.50,2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, ^ P A C I F I C D R U G CO . week. ‘ " *(Succe»sor la D r. CH u. Hines) 3.00, 3.50 and $4.00. Geo. F. Taplin and wife, who Forest Grove, Ore. have been in Miunesota for the We have just opened and put on our Ehelves file BEST LINE 01 1 past month, returned Friday o f SHOES ever placed in Forest Grove and the prices will please you. last week. Our GROCERY STOCK is complete and prices are not beyond your maans. For Sale—Steam prune dryer, one ton capacity, all complete. Price $60. J. L. Loving, Gales We can and will pay the highest cash price for your wool The Emerson Typewriter Company of Creek, Ore. Woodstock, 111., have recently given away over 400 of the highest grade, D. S. Puree and sister Nettie wholly visible Emerson Typewriters ! made in the world. They nave gone visited over Sunday in Portland into every state and territory in t h e ; with friends and relatives, among United States. There may he some in i your town. They are giving them others a cousin whom he had not j away everywhere to men, women, boys seen in eighteen years. and girls, over eighteen years of age, on surprisingly liberal conditions. You can consult Dr. Lowe | If you could make any use of a $100 typewriter, providing it did not cost about your eyes with absolute you even one cent, then in a letter or confidence. He most positively1 on a postal card addressed to Frank L. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111., I will not recommend giasses un­ i simply say, “ Mail me all your free less he is sure they will be bene­ \ offers,” and by return mail you will re­ ceive their free offers, the names of j ficial. ' over 400 who have recently received 1 typewriters free, and you will learn on j A Model Acetylene Gas plant; General Contractors and Builders what easy conditions you cagt, get one with good fixtures, for sale. As of their typewriters free right" away. The Emerson Typewriter is one of g >od as new and in perfect con- j The best light for rural the highest grade, wholly visible type­ dition. ‘DEALERS IN Lum ber, L ath and Shin­ writers made in the wurid. Many who homes. Write or see, have used the “ EMERSON” and other gles. All Finishing L um ber Kiln D ried makes pronounce the “ EMERSON” John A. McGee, Orenco, Oregon. | superior to any $100.00 typewriter on the market. It is a wholly visible ma­ I am prepared to deliver fresh chine, has every new, up-to-date feat­ milk to all parts of the city for CEMENT, SAND and LIME ure, looks like other high grade $100.00 typewriters, though it is selling just 6 cents per quart, delivered now at an astonishingly low price and night and morning. I will do my M anufacturers of Fram es, Sash, Doors, on terms of no monev with order, trial free in your own home. Nothing to best to satisfy you. A. K in n e y , j M ouldings and everything required in pay at first, and after a thorough trial. Dairyman, Third St., Forest 10 cents a day until paid. The “ EM­ the building line ^ S tf ERSON” has every new improvement, Grove, Ore. , universal keyboard, hack spacer, tab­ FOR SALE-200x400 (2 acres) ulator, two-color ribbon, everything W e Sell Flint-K ote and M ikado Roofing 'the best; is the ideal machine for be­ best of land, all clear, 15 minutes ginners as well as for the most expert Also Sherw in-W illiam s Paints typists and stenographers; just the walk from Forest Grove post-! typewriter for the smallest or largest office. $500; $100 and 100 per office. Land will I If you could possibly make any use year, 5 per cent of a high grade tppewriter, even more than pay for itself. Press though it didn’t cost you one cent of Of rice and Factory, money', or if you would like the agency Office. in your town on a plan by which you The opening of the Dolly-Var- make big money, or if you would Council St., Forest Grove could like a position with the company, then den sweet-shop, by Miss E. C. be sure, or. a postal card or in a letter addressed to “ Frank L. Wilder, Presi­ Mitchell, given last week, was dent, Woodstock, 111.,” say "Mail me one to be remembered by many your Free Offers.” new friends and customers. The place, so artistically decorated, gives to the city another first-' class confectionery. Goff Brothers have on exhibi- j tion the Flanders car that made i the first trip to Hazelton, B. C., and also the Flanders Chases. , with parts cut away so as to ex- i pose and show the working parts. Many have witnessed the novel exhibition. Victor Donavan, living west of town, this year sold from 58 will end in a resolve to wear Moyer ^ V squsre rods (about i of an acre) $15 Sui?s, after you’ve seen what of strawberries $140 worth, using for present family supply and fu­ good fabrics and thorough tailoring ture needs. This figures an income we’ve put into them. from one acre $420.00, and yet the prices have not been all the berry raisers would like this sea­ The banker can return you no more son. You and your children are safe for your money or your check than if you wear Dr. Lowe’s superior we do in selling you a Moyer $15 glasses eye safe and price safe. They cost you no more than the Suit; you receive the full worth of inferior kinds usually sold and every dollar you put into one. you have the benefit of his skill, professional guidance and more than 20 years experience. Dr. Get the Moyer $15 Suit habit— it’s a Lowe will be at Hotel Laughlin on Monday. July 1st. Scores of good one—it means more satisfac­ Forest Grove references. Re­ tion and money saved. member the day and date. Some people are much concern­ ed over the prospect of a new political party beag formed owing to dissension among mem­ bers of the two old parties. Just what the result will be no one can forsee at this time. Í/Z/Uli au TYPEWRITERS GIVEN AWAY HOFFMAN & ALLEN C Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. — . ■ — - ■ ■» An Attitude of Contemplation FOR SALE OR TRADE When you see it in our ad, it s so MOYER F irii an d M orrison F irst an d Y am hill F IV E S T O R E S T h ird a n d O a k m 3* S eco n d a n d M orrison 8 7 -8 9 T h ird r / * H ou .ei for rent and for talo. Hill# paym ent. and inatalmaafa Uka rant NEW S One or all. One 5 H. P. circu-1 lar woodsaw rig complete. One upright steam boiler, 2 H. P., mounted on base with engine, ljx 2 j in. One pipe stock and dies J to 1J, 6 sizes, adjustable. Three lubricators for steam en­ gines, two 1-quart, one 1 pint One Remington 22 cal. takedown hammerless repeating rifle. All articles mentioned in this ad are in flrst-claas shape* G. H . B a r r e t t , Foreat Grove, Or., R t 1, Box 43. Phone West 35. This Entire Bunch of Real Estate is fer Trade Party has between six and seven acre? in town and a six room house in South Park, Forest Groy*. the both of which he wants to trade for farm or acreage valued at about $4500. No. 118. Ten acres orchard land in the best orchard country in the world to* trade for property anywhere. Valued at $3,500. No. 125. 27 acres subdivided to suit trade, close to town and school, for any good property, Forest Grove preferred. No. 145. Ten acres rich bottom land, cultivated and improved, valued at $3500, to trade for property iivor near S t Johns. No. 150. LUCK FOR SOME MERCHANT. Store building on Pacific Avenue, 30x75, two stories, to trade for good acreage at about $2500. No. 104. Big Warehouse property in Forest Grove, to trade for property of good value here in Portland. No. 120. $7000 stock of merchandise on Sixth street in Portland, to trade for farm or acreage near Forest Grove. No. 181. CITY RESIDENCE FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY. We can locate you to your taste with city property, for acreage or small farms. If you have a piece of acreage that is not doing you any good trade with us for property here and get the rent. If you list yopr property with us to begin with you will save time and avoid disappointment. LIST WITH US FOR TRADES. - - Thatcher-Hicks Comyany H o ffm a n B uilding. Foreat G rove P h o n e 501 Montjr to loan on acroago and fa m a . A ---- ^LOW ROUND TRIP FARES OCEAN VACATION RESORTS / a L ELK'S NATIONAL REUNION CIVIC CELEBRATIONS OS OP C LA TSO P BEACH e c HQ Seaside and Gearhart. Ore., on the Pacific Ocean.