jl _L Please Observe Please observe the countless stars of the fiimament. How wonderful and how distant. B etw ixt this studio and its w onderful photo­ graphs is a chasm far and wide, when comparing with gen­ eral competition. Photos Finished Here Talk for Themselves For Perfect Por­ traits come here and get them. Forest Grove Studio MAIN ST. NORTH Dr. J. J. Murray, V . S., VETEK1NERY SURGEON AND DENTIST Graduate o f American Veterinary College, of New York City, 1881. Office with Brown’s Main Streeh Livery and Feed Stable, Hillsboro Phone City, 506 HEADQUARTERS for MILBURN WAGONS W . F. HARTKAMPF W. J. R. Beach, Post Com­ mander, Department Or. G. A. L O C A L N E WS R ., received a letter from W. A. Williams o f Portland, assuring him that he would be present at J. C. Duffy who has been the reunion at Cornelius on For­ spending a few days with his est Grove day July 1st. parents in the grove returned to Portland Sunday. SATURDAY SPECIALS. Marguerete Duffy, stndent in Best Tea 40c St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, 6 Bars White Soap 25c is spending a two weeks vaca­ 3lbs Raisins 25c tion with her parents in the lib Cheese 18c grove. 3 pkgs. Violet Oats 35c Billy Eastman, who served for- 3 lbs. Ginger Snaps 25c fifteen years in states prison, 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes 25c will lecture at the Christian 2 Cans Salmon 25c Church Monday signt. Better Best Flour $1.45 hear him. G. W. B u n k e r , Miss Beth Sexton started for Pacific Avenue. Kalispell, Montana. Her father accompanied her as far as Port­ Dr. Lowe. July 1st. land. Beth will remain in Mon­ tana with her brother Mr. Paul Sexton for the smmmer. Lost between South Forest Grove A Model Acetylene Gas plant and the MCGinn Farm Friday, with good fixtures, for sale. As noseglasses. Finder please leave good as new and in perfect con­ with this office and get reward dition. The best light for rural homes. Write or see, John A. McGee, Orenco, Oregon. S. Lawrence sold this week a lot in the Caples Addition on | South 3d Avenne to W. D Park­ er, who will build a new resi­ dence thereon at once. The Oregon Land Co. mediator. f i ri H. B. Glaisyer A. A. Kirkwood Glaisyer & Kirkwood Engineers and Surveyors I am prepared to deliver fresh 1 milk to all parts o f the city for 16 cents per quart, delivered night and morning. I will do my best to satisfy you. A. K i n n e y , 'Dairyman, Third St., Forest ' Grove, Ore. tf Miss Ella Dalton o f Portland, with her sisters, Miss Alta Dal­ Forest Grove, Oregon ton of Woodstock, Illinois, and Mrs. Clara Moore and daughter Verna of Elgin, 111., were visit­ Brown Leghorn hens and pul­ ing at the home o f L. J. Corl lets for sale, 75c each. Mixed chickens 60c. Ail laying. W. C. Wednesday. They were formerly neighbors in Dundee, 111.' Grddy, Corneliue, Route 1. Hoffman Bldg. Phone 0106 $ 3 0 0 0 Cash W ill Handle This Best hop farm in Washington county; produces ton to acre. Will net better than $400 an acre. . One and one-half acres hay, will yield 6 tons; 2^lcres potatoes, will yield 400 bushels; a d iv e rs^ Df large and small fruits. $8000 with terms buys the farm. Can give good trade for few shares Concrete and U. S. Cashier stock. Thacher-Hicks Company Hoffman Bldg. Forest Grove, Ore. The Forest Grove Press Office is the best equipped for high class printing o f any office in Washington County. Its type and machinery are new. Comparisons o f work will con­ vince you. Increase in our output proves people’s taste for good printing THE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION might as well not be written if it is faithfully and accurately. Wholesale and Retail Mrs. Georgia Hughes Cheney who has been witn her mother, Vetch Seeds, all kinds of grata seed, A l­ falfa Hay, Feed and Land Platter Mrs. Hughes during her illness, lnd Phone 60x Forest Grove, Ore left Tuesday for her home at ■ Sea Side. Mrs. Hughes has so 1 improved as to be able to be out. Don’ t neglect the children’s musical education. It is a sin for parents to neglect this part o f a child’ s education. Have you a piano in your home to start the little ones out on, who, if they had half a chance, would turn the gloom into sunshine for you and others? I sell good reliable pianos and sell them on terms to suit you whether for cash, or the smallest payment you can afford. — G e o . G. P a t e r s o n , Forest Grove. not H is w ork filled can be seriously hampered If not w holly voided if his orders are not carried out to the letter. WE FILL PRESCRIPTIONS that back up your doctor’s efforts. 9 Dare you risk not coming here when some loved t Ready for business one in New Lumber Company your house is ill? P A C IF IC D R U G CO. All kinds of Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. (Successor to D r. Chas. H ines) Forest Grove, Ore. A SURE SHOT. If you use the Superb Ansco Camera you are sure to hit the mark. j Don’ t fail to take an Ansco Camera and a few rolls o f Ansco films with you on your vacation and make your own pictures on Post Cards. We have Cameras from $2.00 up to $25.00, everyone guaranteed. We teach you how to take pictures free o f charge. It will pay you to see us before you buy for we will save you money. Sash and Doors SATURDAY SPECIAL Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Hard Wheat Flour $1.30 3 lbs Ginger Snaps .25 3 lbs String Beans .25 3 pks Kellog corn flakes .05 N. W. Baking Pdr, 25oz .15 Cheese .18 Best Spider Leg Tea .40 Best Gun Powder Tea .40 6 bars white Soap, any, .25 Get prices on soap by the box. Willis-PIace Lumber Co. Fhone 0 1 X South A Street Forest Grove, Or. G. W. BUNKER Forest Grove Pharmacy. THE BIG BANKRUPT STOCK SALE CLOSES JULY 3D, 1912 A few weeks ago we bought the W y a tt & Co, bankrupt stock at Hillsboro, Ore., at a trementiiour discount, and same will be closed out to the public. O N L Y A F E W D A Y S LEFT In which to secure your share of the bargains. W E M E A N BUSINESS, and this Stock and the balance of the fixtures positively must be closed out in this length of time. Bigger bargains than ever before, and plenty of them still left for everybody. Come early and get your supply for at least a year, you will never get an opportunity like this again. The remainder of this Stock and Fixtures will be sold in small or large lots to suit customer or dealers. Come early; first come, first served. Here are a few sample prices as to how the goods are going out: DRYGOODS SHOES 8c values, at 3èc Calicoes 6c 12Ac “ Dress Ginghams 6c Toweling, Unbleached Crash 12*c “ 25c Towels, unbleached Turkish Bath, Two for 8c 15c “ Percales Men’s $2.00 heavy work shoe, per pair Men’s $4.00 and $5.00 dress Shoe Ladie’s $1.25 and $1.50 canvas low Shoes Boy’s $2.00 work Shoes Children’s $1.25 Shoes, going at HOSIERY" .98 $2.87 .48 $1.19 .58 4c Men's 10c cotton Socks per pur, going at 9c “ 15c black and tan “ « oe. 25c “ o « « 17 Ladie s and children’s at i ame proportionate prices OVERALLS HATS The Regular $3.00 Kingsburys in all staple shades and shapes, including Derbys, going out at $1.25 Boys’ 50c blue Denem band Overalls, going at pair, 25c Men’s 50c and 75c Overalls, white and checked at pair 25c GLOVES Men’s 10c Cotton Gloves, going at pair Men’s 75c Leather Gloves, coing at pair WILL SELL ALL, OR ANY ARTICLE OF FIXTURES ON HAND. 1 Large Coffee Mill 1 Large Howes Platform Scale 1 Dayton Computing Scale 1 Smaller counter scale 2 10 ft Counter show cases I 12 ft Counter show case 4 4t Counter show cases I Upright show case 1 Shoe settee and stools Display stands and P.sper cutters Cash tills and Scoops Handy barrel truck, etc T o Dealers and Mercnants; it will pay you well to call and figure with us on anything you m ay need either in the line of fixtures or in this line of first class merchandise. Clean us up on such lines as you m ay need. W e can save you big money. W e positively must close out this stock by July 3rd, as we are pressed for we occupy. oc< u py time, have other business interests to attend to and other parties ----------« are waiting for the me building uunaing we H. L. Wyatt Store Mische &Co., Hillsboro, Ore.