CITY NEWS NOTES Mr. A. J. Spilker of this city went to Portland last week. Mrs. L. J. Corl and family at­ This Entire Bunch of Real Estate is for Trade tended the Rose Show Friday. General Contractors and Builders Miss Margaret Garrison of Sa­ Party has between six ard seven acres in town and a lem is visiting in town this week. six room house in South Park, Forest Groye, the both of which he wants to trade for farm or acreage valued at about Clyde Perry and sister Veretta DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath and Shin­ Saunders’ Poultry Yards has attended the Rose Festival Fri­ $4500. No. 118. Ten acres orchard land in the best orchard country in high-class Barred Rocks and day. gles. All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dried the world to trade for property anywhere. Valued at $3,500. Black Minorcas. First on Barred No. 125. Mrs. Barker, who has been sick Rock cockerel and second on 27 acres subdivided to suit trade, close to town and for a few days, is able to be up CEMENT, SAND and LIME Barred Rock cock, also second school, for any good property, Forest Grove preferred. again. and third on Minorca yockerel No. 145. Manufacturers of Frames, Sash, Doors, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McNutt at­ Ten acres rich bottom land, cultivated and improved, and second and third on Minorca valued at $3500, to trade for property in or near St. Johns. pullet at our last show, in hot tended the Rose Parade in Port­ Mouldings and everything required in No. 150. competition. If you want eggs land Friday. the building line LUCK FOR SOME MERCHANT. Dr. C. F. Walker and wife vis. from the winners call on me. Store building on Pacific Avenue, 30x75, two stories, to ited in Portland over Saturday Yards two blocks west of Laugh- trade for good acreage at about $2500. No. 104. We Sell Flint-Kote and Mikado Roofing in Hotel on Pacific Ave. corner and * Sunday. Big Warehouse property in Forest Grove, to trade for Also Sherwin-Williams Paints C street. property of good value here in Portland. No. 120. Rev. P. E. Powers of Salem is $7000 stock of merchandise on Sixth street in Portland, attending the college commence­ to trade for farm or acreage near Forest Grove. No. 181. ment this week. CITY RESIDENCE FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY. U N D E R T A K I G N Mr. Lewis Craw’ford of Poit- We can locate you to your taste with city property, for Office and Factory, acreage or small farms. If you have a piece of acreage that Embalming— Funeral Directing land was visiting with his moth­ er, Mrs. W. C. Hines. is not doing you any good trade with us for property here Council St., Forest Grove FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CC. and get the rent. Mr. and Mrs. De Boest and If you list your property with us to begin with you will family attended the Rose Carni­ J. S. Buxton, Manager save time and avoid disappointment. val in Portland Friday. Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. LIST WITH US FOR TRADES. Mrs. Wilson, mother of Mrs. Ril da Staglighter, is visiting at the L. L. Hollinger latter’s home in this city. W. Weitzel Thatcher-Hicks Comyany Mrs. M. W. Patton and daugh­ Hoffman Building. Phone 501 Forest Grove WE1TZEL & HOLLINGER ters Evelyn and Mabel attended the Rose Carnival Friday. M oney to lo en on a c re a g e a n d farm * Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Mr. and Mrs. Mills, parentsof E. G. Mills, are visiting at the Metal Work and Re­ latter’s home near Forest Grove. pair Shop. It’s our CLOTHING, SHOES and HOSIERY Miss Bertha Parr went to Kal. we want to tell you about now ¡spell, Montana, to live with her North First Avenue, between Main and R e p o rt of th e C o n d itio n of “ A ” Streets; phone 863. sister, Mrs. Paul Sexton for some time. The excellent value of the Clapp’s All Wool Suits Mrs. Misz, of Portland, mother FO REST G R O V E , OREGO N is familiar to all. of Chas. E. Misz, is visiting at A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT the latter’s home in this city this The Star Brand and Sunflower Shoes are house­ week. hold words for wearing qualities. The following comparative statem ent of the deposits and Mrs. William Doores was call­ The Emerson Typewriter Company of resources of the FIR S T N A T IO N A L BA N K of Forest Grove, Ore., Woodstock, 111., have recently given ed away suddenly Sunday to away over 400 of the highest grade, under its present mpoagement speaks volumes: The Armour Plate Hosiery has stood the test wholly visible Emerson Typewriters Wood burn to her mother, whe is D E P O S IT S ' made in the world. They nave gone very low. and won. into every state and territory in the Nov. 2. 1909, $ 92,318.96------------- United States. There may he some in For Sale—Steam prune dryer, your town. They are giving them May 2, 1910, 132,138.98------------------- If Good Merchandise at a low price counts for any­ one ton capacity, all complete. away everywhere to men, women, boys Nov. 2, 1910, 133.184.64--------------------- and girls, over eighteen years of age, Price $60. thing with you, don t miss the opportunity of visiting us. J. L. Loving, Gales May 2, 1911, 148,877.81-------------------------- dn surprisingly liberal conditions. Creek, Ore. Nov. 2, 1911, 153,430.91__________________ If you could make any use of a $100 typewriter, providing it did not cost Mrs, Barnett Y. Roe of near Wa- Our rest room is at your disposal May 2, 1912, 201,079,16_______________________ you even one cent, then in a letter or on a postal card addressed to Frank L. pato was in town this week at­ Resources May 2, 1909 $177,348.10 Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111., “ “ 2, 1912 $315,261.56 simply say, "Mail me all your free tending the graduating exercises offers," and by return mail you will re­ of the college. We pay the highest Cash Price for Wool ceive their free offers, the names of Mrs. W. C. Hines of this city over 400 who have recently received and Produce typewriters free, and you will learn on visited wiih her daughter, Mrs. 40 Per Cent Cash Reserve what easy conditions you can get one William Crawthers, of near Gales of their typewriters free right away. The Emerson Typewriter is one of Creek, last week, the highest grade, wholly visible type­ writers made in the world. Many who Mr. and Mrs. Roper and daugh­ Single Comb White Leghorns, have used the "EMERSON” and other ter, Miss Dorothy Bolderick, makes pronounce the "EMERSON" White Wyandottes and Rhode superior to any $100.00 typewriter on went to Newport Monday for a Island Reds, last year’s chicks. the market. It is a wholly visible ma­ few days recreation. has every new, up-to-date feat­ We want to sell. Phone 76. chine, ure, looks like other high grade $100.00 Mr. Leonard Caraman of this Mrs. E. J. Fischer, 310 3rd St. typewriters, though it is selling just now at an astonishingly low price and city visited with his brother, Mr. on terms of no monev with order, trial William Caraman of McMinnville free in your own home. Nothing to nay at first, and after a thorough trial. Saturday and Sunday. 10 cents a day until paid. The "EM The woman’s club desires to ERSON” ha* every new improvement, universal keyboard, hack spacer, tab­ call attention to the fact that we ulator, two-color ribbon, everything have a city ordinance providing the best; is the ideal machine for be­ ginners as well as for the most expert for a safe and sane Fourth. typists and stenographers; just the Dr. J, J. Murray, V. S., of Hills­ typewriter for the smallest or largest office. boro, comes well recommended Yes—and satisfied with Moyer, too; If you could possibly make any use of a high grade tppewriter, even into this territory and asks for a he had expected to pay $20 for his though it didn’t cost you one cent of share of the veterinary patron­ Will do your Sawing as money, or if you would like the agency Suit, but he found that a Moyer $15 in your town on a plan by which you age. you want it done. could make big money, or if you would Suit was just what he wanted, so he Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable like a position with the company, then he sure, on a postal card or in a letter saved $5 by coming here. shampoo. Scalp treatment a Phone 073 addressed to "Frank L. Wilder, Presi­ specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184; dent, Woodstock, HI.,” say "Mail me your Free Offers." residence and office 232 Pacific avenue. tf We’ve also been telling you of the Mr. Barnett Y. Roe was in superior qualities of Moyer $ 15 Suits, town Wednesday attending the and we’re going to keep right at it I’. U. graduation exercises. Mr. until you know about them, too. The Roe was a graduate of the class honor and integrity of a good name of 1882. and the experience and prestage of Miss Ethel Smith, the former five big stores stands squarely behind teacher of Watts District has now accepted a position os book­ the advertised merits of Moyer $15 keeper in the Shramel & Davis Suits. Lumber Co. in this city. Ben Selling occupies thirty-sev­ enth place on the voting ballot at All wool—stylish, generous cut—re­ P r e p a r e d to do ail kind* the November election. His liable tailoring—all are in these we of work in Iron, Lathe or friends are assured that he will are showing for your Summer wear­ Drill work. Auto Repairing. ever be watchful of the best in­ Our otto, "Prompt Work and ing; come and see them. terests of the entire state when elected. Reasonable Charge*.” A jolly crowd gathered in a Your Patronage Solicited beautiful grove of trees on F. A. When you see it in our ad, it s so Moore’s farm at Thatcher Sun­ day In honor of Mr. Moore’s and W . A. Chalmers Dorathy Bolderick’s birthdays. Those present were Mr. and E. Sde S. Main St. Forest Grove, Ore. Mrs. Roper, Misses Amanda and Dorothy Bolderick, Mr. Hodges, Mrs. Nettie Austin. Carrie, Ruth Second and Morrison FIVE STORES First and Morrison and Paul. Dr. and Bell Darling, 87-89 Third Third and Oak First and Yamhill Mattie Becks, Mr. and Mrs. La Course. A very enjoyable time was reported. H o u te« fo r re n t e n d fo r *ale, little p a y m e n t, a n d in .ta lm e n t. like re n t Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. LOOK HERE PEOPLE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK TYPEWRITERS GIVEN AWAY HOFFMAN & ALLEN CO. HUFFAKER BROS. Satisfied With Himself WOOD SAW 330 First St New Machine Shops MOYER