— The Forest Grove Press is not the official organ of the city of Forest Grove, as designated by The Press Publishing Co. the city council May 31. Our “Accidents will happen in the City of proposition to do the city print­ in the best regulated F orest G rove , O regon , ing at two cents a line must have families” as well as on A. G. H offman , ................... President O. M. G a rdner ................... Vice Pres. offended the city fathers. the best regulated wheels J. N. H offman ..... Sec’y and anager so if your Bike is injured Real Estate Transfers. on the road from any 0. W. Humphrey et ux to THURSDAY of EACH WEEK. H. P. Davis, Lot 1. W. Park cause, bring it to me and Ad to F. G. $1200. I ndependent P hones 1 will make an expert job *COPYRIGHT Clarence Carr et ux to Manche O ffice 505 R esidence 442 Langley of repairing it. 14.24 a in John Butt cl $ 2100 . I have the agency for the Pope Motorcycle and Entered at the post office a t Forest Grove, Ogrn Spring Hill Land Co. to Louisia as mail m atter the second class. such standard makes of bicycles as the Racycle, Day- H. Heyer et ux Tract 45, Spring ton and Globe, which are guaranteed wheels. Hill Farm, 1400. T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n CASH IN ADVANCE C. Dorthy Boldrick to G. H. Full Line of sundries and fresh stock of tires. One Year $1.00 - Six Months .75 Baldwin, lots 14 and 15, blk. 1, C O P Y R I G H T , 1910 , BY B O B B S M E R R I L L CO- Curtis add. to F. G. $1.00: Display advertisements for publica­ J. B. Smith et ux to Thomas "Please don't refuse until you hnve The Bike Doctor tion in the PRESS must be in this office F. Custer 6.96x23 rds in sec 21 ”.\o! Tou owe me nothing, and I heard me out. Allow me to explain not later than Tuesday evening to in­ want no favors from you.” (Representing Nine Agencies.) and 22, 1 S. 1. $300. position. For several years cer­ sure appearance in current issue. They both rose, Mrs. Gilbert facing our tain gentlemen, all large Investors, Phone 306 Pacific Ave James D. Wilmotet ux to J. B. him with a laugh in her eyes. Murebell in power "So be it,” she said pleasantly. “I in have this kept state William FOREST GROVE, OREGON A copy of The Press will be mailed Smith et al 13.92x23 rds in sec. must expense accept your hostility. You pay to ourselves. at In considerable to all advertisers in which their ad ap­ 21 and 22, 1 S.I., $500. return we had the me a fine compliment, Mr. McAdoo. pears. Howard F. Satterlee to Fred­ to demand protection for our in­ truth is you're Jealous—jealous as right terests. Murebell, however, has of erick L. Koberstein, Lots 2, 3, 4, The a schoolgirl. Mr McAdoo. And afraid Be fore the election. ‘ ‘The dear blk 4, Henrys add to Cornelius, —of me. 1 can be a very dangerous late proved very ungrateful. He has passed under the influence of John people and may we be your ser­ $250. enemy—if I choose. If I should choose Dunmende. Mr. McAdoo, your challenge and to take is a dangerous Dunmeade. vants.” After election. "The Jacob Mauss et ux to R. M. to away accept man, an utter radical, from you your dearest posses­ Banks et al 29.53 a in Wm. A. sion—your happiness. Mr. McAdoo— an impracticable dreamer, a man of people be d—d.” Mills cl 2 N. 3. $4673,16. socialistic tendencies. His Influence H O M E B A K IN G C O would be helpless to prevent it. our politics is a menace to indi­ C. E. Hawke and wf to Ro you Bills paid News Times Tuesday man You have no weapons to fight me. in vidual property rights. My dislike of Catholic Archbishop of the Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked you know It. Else why are you Dunmeade is only political. His wife by our City Council for printing Diocese of Oregon, Lot 6, blk 1, And here today?” She laughed. is my cousin. I myself never allow Every Day. ordinances, month of May, 372 Hawkes add to Gaston. wish to God," he cried bitterly, “I personal considerations to Influence lines at 4c, $14.88. Month of Emma M. Creps et ux to W. J. had "I let you die in the mills!” business policy. We are determined We Sell 6 Loaves of Bread for 25 Cents June 186 lines at 4c $7.44. Total Thornburgh, 24.18 a in I, Leisy Smiling, she watched him turn and that Murehell and Dunmeade must go lenve her. Then she sat down before out of politics completely.” Free Delivery to All Parts of the City $22.32. Our price for this ser­ cl 2N. 4. $10. the fire, looking into Its flames with ‘numph! How are you going to do W. J. Thornburgh et ux to vice $11.16. Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove eyes. The gleam of amuse­ it?” Emma M. Creps pt lot 5, sec. 24, amused ‘‘Jones pays the freight.” ment faded Into reflectiveness, reflec­ danger smiled confidently. “We shall and of Isaac Leisy Die, 2 N. 4. tiveness Into wistfulness. She sighed. And the means. Two years from now $ 1 . 00 . a new governor, legislature and Unit- The many and varied reasons Leander Chowning and wf. to CHAPTER XIV. and excuses assigned by the sev­ J. Christ Peterson et ux 20 a in banger ' s o f fe r . eral members of the Council for A. Barber cl $3200. ATE in the evening a few days aft­ their action in reference to the Ambers Thornburgh to John Now for the Seashore! er his call on Mrs. Gilbert Bob city printing would make a Chi­ A. Tnorriburgh 49.77 a in lots 6, returned home from a hard Via the day’s work. The election was nese puzzle if all grouped and 7, 8, sec 24, 2 N. 4. and Isaac only a month away, and the campaign framed for future use. The Leisy cl 38. $1.00. was in full swing. There had been O. Chowning et ux to Leander little Press offers any or all Council- Chowning In the reports to annoy him. His tract in W. B. Chat- men free use of its columns to field cl $1100. organization was intact, working like 3-Day Tickets on SUNSET ' 0)1 lOGOENASHASTAl the well oiled machine it was. Re­ Season Tickets 01 put the public right. If the J. M. Sears et ux to Einer ports Sale Saturday and ROUTES from the enemy’s camp gave fur­ Sale June 1 Sunday to Council would not have its action Murdock NN| of SWJ sec 22, 2 ther cause for satisfaction. The inde­ smack of the dishonesty shown S. 1. $2,000. pendent Democratic candidate was not making the headway expected. Yet on its face, here is their oppor­ Bob went home disturbed in mind Marriage Licenses- tunity. The day had been passed among men TILLAMOOK AND NEWPORT BEACHES Verne M. Curry and Ora V. wbo were devoting their time and en­ Season fares from the principal stations to Newport or Tillamook beaches are as follows: Injunction was filed by resi­ Walker. ergy in his interest But through al) FROM TO FARE TO FARE dent property owners on Second Joseph Werre Jr. and Hannah their conferences he had been con­ P ortland N ew p ort $4.00 T illam ook B eaches $6.25 scious of an unaccustomed, oppressive Avenue, restraining the Council M. E. Viohl. O regon C ity 4.70 6.25 1 sense of loneliness, and he had not Salem 6.00 5.15 from letting the paving of that William Crowther and Minnie seen Remington since their Interview A lbanv 7.30 4.00 Baker. C orvallis street. Many of the property E. Jack 7.10 3.75 li his office. E ugene 9.00 5.80 owners on that street believe er. P. Ghent and Rose Stiltn­ When he entered the house he saw R oseburg 12.00 8.75 Kathleen sitting in the library sewing that the Council have abused Oscar C. Miller and Clalla B. She M edford 17.20 12.00 looked up with a bright smile as A shland 17.75 12.00 their authority and far over­ Bunker. ___ ke hesitated before the door. Tickets to above points on sale daily grood all season, with corresponding: low fares from reached the wishes of the ma­ other points. Week end tickets are also on sale from various points | “May I come in?" he queried as SUNDAY EXCURSION TRAIN ON THE C. & E. R. R. jority of owners. The early PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. though not quite sure of ills welcome. In the Circuit Court of the State of "Since . when this timidity?” she „ Leaves Albany at 7:30 a. m., Corvallis 8:00 a. m. and connects with spring bid fair to much street Oregon, for Washington County. laughed. "Of course, come in. I was S. P. trains 16, 14 and 28 from points south. improvement, but when it was John F. Lee, Plaintiff, l»3* thinking about you. Mother was on our nearest agent for “Vacation Days in Oregon,” a beauti­ vs. bewailing today that we don't see ascertained that the Council fav­ fully illustrated booklet describing various outing resorts, or write to Mattie J. Lee, Defendant, much of you now the campaign has ored the Warren Construction To Mattie J. Lee, the above | started.” John M. Scott; General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. DOOR HTMSEDF AND LET Company, regardless of expense, named defendant: "VVeU,” he looked at his watch, "if HE WENT TO THE SANGER IN. Attend the B. P. 0. E. Elks Convention, Portland, July 8-13 the name of the State of Oregon, it won't make you sleepy. I'll let you the property owners lost con­ you In are hereby required to appear and | administer your company for half an ed States senator must be elected. Low Fares to all poiuts East June to September fidence and instead of urging answer the complaint filed against you, | bour»» must be absolutely independent entitled cause, on or be | "You speak as though my company They improvement, discouraged any in fore the the above of Murebell and Dunraeade.” of August 1912, and if ! bad medicine!” “But not Independent of you?” attempt that might be made by you fail so 3rd to day appear, for want thereof, i were the plaintiff will apply to the court for , But before he could answer the door­ “Precisely. Which brings me to them to improve by paving. the relief prayed for in his complaint i bell rang. He frowned. your case. Permit me to say. Mr. Mc­ herein, to wit: “1 had forgotten,” he exclaimed re­ Adoo. I have a deep admiration for a decree of this court dissolving gretfully. “I have an appointment you. You have a remarkable genius For an officer to see a law or ot For marriage contract now and here- ! Sanger at 10.” for politics. You can be very useful dinance openly violated and take the tofore existing between plaintiff and with Kathleen gathered up her sewing and to us, nud we can be very useful to no action is a neglect of duty and j defendant, and for such other and fur- arose. you. If you are elected, which is by He looked at her doubtfully. ther relief as in” to the court no means assured, the city organiza such acts would be open to cen- | ^uitLble equitable he“ herein. the l'°Urt m“y 8ee'" “If you don’t mind. 1 wish you’d stay. tion YOU W A N T be absolutely under your eon sure if not prosecution. We refer This summons is served upon you by It may be just as well to hare a third trot will With this city and our share of person present” to I,or», and cow, that have been ¡¡f K »"„ j" the country districts and Adelphla. “But Mr. Sanger may not like it," Staked on the streets for the pur- Judge of the Fifth Judicial District, of •lie objected hesitatingly. which you must admit we already THE BEST PAINT imiso or of glazing irra imr during dtirinir the oast ' (.our( 0reK°n- Ilt Hmal(oro *n of said tf,t. summons for six He went to the door bimseif and let come in with us.” mai pari flret publication Sanger In. A minute later the two "Purely out of philanthropic belief pealed or enforced. We are in- thereof to be bn B June 20 , 1912 . men entered the library. Kathleen In the sanctity en ton B ow m a n , of iud.vidual property saw a tall man in evening dress, who formed that only last week wid­ Attorney for Plaintiff. bore himself with an air of quiet con­ rights. I suppose?" 7t ow Via’s horse was taken to the I insure your house against decay by “Not nt all. We don't demand dis­ fidence. pound and $1.00 collected, where interested motives. In fact, we should using Paint that Protects. “Miss Flinn,” Bob introduced him, FOR SALE OR TRADE the sincerity of such motives “this Is Mr. Sanger. He’s my immedi­ suspect 50 cents is the legal charge, for If alleged. We expect to make it worth enemy just now." the offense. Of our own personal One or all. One 5 H. P. clrcu- ate Sanger while. We will, to begin with, bowed genially and laughed knowledge the chief of police has lar woodsaw rig complete. One "A very friendly enemy Just at pres- yonr We carry Bass-Hueter PAINTS, which contribute liberally to your campaign funds ” passed cows staked on the street, i mounted upright boiler, 2 H. I\, . , steam , . . . «ut” are made on the coast and adapted to on base with engine, ... nm m . „„„ . __ “As liberally as you have already leaving the animals unmolested. coast climate. contributed to Harlnnd's fund?” We are at a loss to see wherin dtaff to U. Seizes* adjustable. •he smiled. “Won't lf you he sit bo down, frlendly” “You are well informed.” Sanger Mr •aid. his face betraying surprise. lies the difference; if one is viola-i Three lubricators for steam en- Sanger?’ A full line of Hardware and Imple­ “It'» my business to be well ln- Sanger looked Inquiringly at Hath | formed.” tion, then why not the othre? We gines, two 1-quart, one è pint. leen. ments’ One Remington 22 cal. takedown are wanting to ki.ow what favor­ hammerless repeating rifle. All "Miss Flinn will be present” Bob Sanger eyed Bob narrowly before itism must be shown to stand articles mentioned in this ad answered the look, “at my request.” continuing. “That proves the propri­ Sanger reclined comfortably in his ety of my next suggestion. We will with the immune. in first-class shape. Tents at the right price. ; chair and placed his hands together, i put you In Murchell's place as state G. H. B a rr ett , lender.” Kathleen started, her work finger tip accurately meeting finger tip Married on Wednesday. Forest Grove, Or., “Cirrumsanees of which I am per- j arrested. Rt. 1. Box 43, haps A very pretty wedding oc- the victim." be began, "make It Upon the condition, of course, that necessary for me to take an active j ^ou secure us the protection and curred at the home of Mr. and Phone W’est 35. part for the future In our local and legislation we desire," Sanger contin Mrs. W. O. Bunker, when their1 ued. “And ns a guarantee of our good state politics.” daughter Clella was married to “Haven't you already been somewhat faith we will consent to your friend W . O. Wagner & Sons Remington as next governor." Mr. Oscar C. Miller at high noon Country Home Boarding active?” "Consent? I thought you were to Sanger waved his band carelessly. make Forest Grove Wednesday, Rev. J. F. Leise House. Good meals, with "Tentatively, me boss.” tentatively only, Mr. officiating. fresh eggs; plenty of Jersey McAdoo. Hereafter 1 propose to be “Of course we should have to be con active and to better effect. I suited in ail Important nominations.” About thirty guests were cream and milk; cottage more hope. Certain ventures In which I "Then yon don't propose to give me present cheese. On Tuesdays and am interested, individually and in con­ the free hand you gave Murehellf After the wedding those pres­ Fridays fresh buttermilk nection with other large Investors of “Frankly, no. We can't take that our state, make this imperative. Un­ risk again with any man." ent were treated to a bountiful served. • fortunately in the present campaign I )To be continued.) repast. MRS. J. WEHRLY find myself compelled to oppose your The Forest Grove Press Oft The young couple will reside Two blocks west S. P. election. 1 regret It exceedingly, and: °< »»>' in W -l frankly. I'm hers to propose that ws The Christian Church should on Mr. Miller’s farm, noith of depot Phone 817. work In harmony In tha future.” fiillsboro. ■ ä ä - t a: I be crowded Monday evening. "That comes rather late.” F o r est G rove P r e ss Accidents Will Happen Published & Edited by of BY HENRY. RUSSELL MILLER C. G. DANIELSO N c 1 ^ i 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 < < 4 4 * i 4 4 4 4 11 4 4 4 4 t * 7 4 4 4 4 t * 4 4 4 4 < 4 4 4 4 4