OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CHURCHES. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF TRE STATE BILL IS THREATENED. Housa Dislikes Senate Amendments to River Measure. Washington, D. C.—The conference WORLD’S HOP CROP BIQ. NEW TOMATO RECORDS SET. committee on the river and harbor bill is tightly deadlocked and after a Price* Will Still Be Profitable to 0 . A. C. Students Harvest Unusually spirited row adjounred for a week. Growere This Year. Our W ork Guaranteed and Heavy Crop of Vegetable. Threats are being made by house Salem — That the hop crop of the Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ members that the whole bill will be Your Patronage Solicited world, while being materially larger vallis.—Two students at Oregon Agri­ defeated unless the senate recedes on than that of last year, will, neverthe­ cultural college, George McFarland, some of its iarge’r amendments. less, not result in bearing down the of Sitka, Alaska, and John Franklin, One amendment which brought price so that it will be unremuner- of Seattle, who are doing special work about a serious disagreement was the ative to the grower, is the opinion of in greenhouse vegetable forcing, have senate’s increase in the appropriation Topham Richardson, of London, Eng­ set a new record for indoor tomato for the Celilo canal from $600,000 to First Ave., Foot Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon land, who is here looking after exten­ producers. These students are now $800,000. sive Willamette valley properties of harvesting a heavy crop of unusually The house conferees are insisting Wigan, Richardson & Company. This fine tomatoes, some weighing 20 that they will not stand for this in­ company last year took over the great ounces, which are being taken from crease, but senate members of the Krebs hop ranch near Independence, plants grown from seed sown January conference insist that this and all oth>- reputed to be one of the largest hop 1. The first fruit was picked on May er increases are justified by the rec­ ranches in the world, and Mr. Richard­ 20 . ommendations of the army engineers son is here to look over these proper­ “ There are six varieties being and that no increases have been made ties, as well as to visit John Car­ tested,” said Professor Bouquet, when that were not recommended by the michael, the company’s representative discussing the work of the student War department. in Oregon. In regard to the Celilo canal, the tomato-growers. “ The varieties are: Mr. Richardson is on the last lap of Bonny Best, Stoad, Jewell, Lorillard, engineers specifically said that if they a trip which included practically ev­ Comet and Early Anna. Several could have $800,000 this year and a ery inmportant hop center in the methods of pollination have been em­ like amount of even $1,000,000 an-, Service—7:45 to 9:00 world. His reports indicate that the ployed to test their efficiency and the nually thereafter, they could hasten' crop will be much more extensive this yield of every plant is being noted the completion of this project and year than last. effect a substantial saving in cost. It T h r.e Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50 carefully, so that there will be “ Never have I seen conditions in fairly accurate test of the behavior of was on this report that the senate in- j M atinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday the hop world so favorable as they are each of the varieties, for this year, at creased its appropriation to the figure 1 today,” he said. “ While there will least. At the present time the Bonny named. be no immense boost of prices, there Best is yielding fine, large, smooth Senators on the conference commit-1 will be a good, strong remunerative tomatoes. tee declared that they will not recede j price for the grower. There will be “ The seed of this crop was sown form their more important amend­ many hops and in every respect the January 1 and the plants set in the ments and the house members threat­ condition is the most healthy that I bed March 15. The first picking was ened to defeat the entire bill rather have seen for years, both for the made May 20. Fertilizer experiments than permit it to pass with the senate CLEAN AND UP-TO-DATE SHOW S growers, the dealers and the purchas­ are carried on also, with individual amendments attached It is under­ ers.” stood that none of the other North­ plants in each row.” The company of which Mr. Richard­ LODGES. western amendments is attacked by the house, Celilo being the largest in­ K nights of P y th ia s—D elphos Lodge son is a member is probably the lar­ COLUMBIA RIVER LAUDED. crease made in that section. No. 36, m eets every T h u rsd ay a t K gest and the most strongly rated hop of P. H all. Chas. Staley, C. C.; Reis firm in the world. When it purchased Ludwig, K eep er of R ecords and Seal the Krebs yards it cabled more mon­ Harvard Professor Says It Is Worth POWDER TRUST DIVIDED. Four Rhine* and Two Hudsons. G. A. R.—J. B. M athew s P o st No ey than has ever been received in Ore­ 6, m eets th e first and th ird W ednes gon in a single cable, and it is under­ Hood River — “ The Hood River Court Gives Directions How Proper­ day of each m onth a t 1:30 p. m., in stood that there will be more heavy Gorge looks very much like certain ty Shall Be Disposed of. K. of P. hall. Jo h n Baldw in, Com holdings taken over by the company in parts of the river Oar near Berne, in m ander. Wilmington, Del.—The final decree Willamette valley hop lands, possibly Switzerland,” declared Professor Al­ M asonic—H olbrook Lodge No. 30, as a result of Mr. Richardson’s visit. bert Bushnell, who was here visiting was entered in the United States Cir­ The Nebraska State Society of For convenience in registration A. F. & A. M., re g u la r m eetin g s held his niece, Mrs. Robert T. Newhall cuit court by Judges Gray, Buffington Washington County, Oregon, is you may fill in the blank coupon first S aturd ay in each m onth. P. W. and McPherson in the government suit Professor Bushnell, who is a member K inzer, W. M.; A. A. Ben K ori, sec MAIL BARS SICKLY ROSES. of Harvard faculty, is exchange pro­ against E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & being organized and desires to found in this paper, cut it out, retary . Co. et. al., providing for the dissolu­ enlist members. The object of and together with $1.00 mail to W. O. W .—F o re st G rove Camp No. Health Certificate Must Accompany fessor this year for the four Western colleges, Know, Grinnell, Beloit and tion of the alleged “ powder trust.” 98, m eets in W oodm en H all, every Plants Sent by Postage. The decree directs that the follow­ the society is to promote acquain­ the Press office for enrollment. S aturday. A. J. P a rk e r, C. C.; Jam es the University of Colorado. He is in ing concerns be dissolved and the tance and good fellowship among Don’t delay, but get your name H. Davis, Clerk. Admirers of world-famed Oregon the department of history and has among their persons from Nebraska; to keep in at once. A rtisan s—Diam ond A ssem bly No roses cannot send a cutting from one written a number of well-known text­ property distributed 27, m eete every T uesday in K. ol of these plants through the United books. “ Nowhere in Switzerland, stockholders: E. I. Du Pont de Ne­ register; to welcome visiting Ne­ P. Hall. C. B. Stokes, M. A; John States mails without first obtaining a Europe or America,” says Professor mours & Co, 1902 Delaware; Hazard At a time prior to the summer B oldrick, S ecretary . certificate from a horticultural officer Bushnell, “ is there a waterway to Powder company, Delaware Securities braskans and to furnish' them picnic each registered member R ebekahs— F o re st Lodge No. 44 certifying that the plant is pest-free. compare with the Columbia from Port­ company. Delaware Investment com­ with information about Oregon. will be mailed a list of all mem­ m eets the first, th ird and fifth W ed If the cutting is procured from a nur­ land to Hood River. This part of pany, Eastern Dynamite company, The requirements for member­ bers. In this way you may find nesdays of each m onth. Miss Alic« sery, the certificate must stipulate the Columbia is worth four Rhines California Investment company, and Crook, N. G.; S ecretary , Miss C arrif that the nursery has been inspected and two Hudsons. Few streams in thq Judson Dynamite & Powder company. ship are: some of your old friends and A ustin. The order of the court directs the under the direction of the state’s hor­ world carry such a force of water; All persons of good character, possibly near relatives anu have I. O. O. F.—W ash in g to n Lodge No ticultural department and found to be fewer still have such a setting of organization of two corporations, in residing in Oregon, and who the opportunity of making many 48, m eets every M onday in I. O. O. F free from pests. If the plant is mountain crags and cascades. The addition to the E. I. DuPont de Ne­ H all. V. S. A braham , N. G.; R oberl mours Powder company 1903, which were born or who lived in the people of Oregon do not realize how grown by an indiviual rose fancier the new and desirable acquaintances T aylor, S ecretary . certificate must show that it is im­ much their snow peaks add to the at­ shall be capitalized according to a State of Nebraska for one year with whom you may talk over schedule given, or reorganized; the M odern W oodm en of A m erica— mune from vermin of any kind. tractiveness of the state. The Three immediately preceding their com­ ‘‘old times.” C am p No. 6228, m eets th e second and This is the effect of an o rd e r made Sisters, Jefferson and Hood, are a Laflin & Rand Powder company and fo u rth F rid ay of each m onth. A. L the Eastern Dynamite company, or ing to Oregon, or who have lived part of a series of the moat splendid by the Postoffice department. The or­ Sexton, C onsul; Geo. G. P a te rso n Business headquarters at the volcanic snow-capped cones in the either of them, to be used instead of in the state of Nebraska for four der applies to all field-grown plants. C lerk. one or both of the two corporations, Press office, Forest Grove, Ore. world.” “ Many Portland people have been in Rosewood Camp, No. 3835 R. N and in case the Eastern Dynamite consecutive years, are eligible to A., m eets first and th ird F rid ay s ol the habit of annually mailing cuttings aid each other in building up a company is selected, then it need not membership. each m onth In I. O. O. F. H all. M rs from a choice rose plant to friends in COMAN EXPECTS BIG CROP. friendly union. Most every be dissolved. M. S. Allen, O racle; M rs. W lnnifred the East and elsewhere,” said Assis­ Tho husband or wife of a In case the Laflin & Rand Powder A ldrich, Recorder. member at some time will meet tant Postmaster Williamson. “ With Agent for Hill Lines Predicts Grain company is not used, the company is member is eligible to become G ale G range No. 282, P. of H. the enforcement of the new order people who are acquainted with Yield Will Break Record. directed to be dissolved and the prop­ an associate member. m eete th e first S a tu rd a y s of each enunciated by the department, mail their friends in the Nebraska m onth in th e K. o f P. H all. A. T packages containing these cuttings Portland — W. E. Coman, general erty distributed among the stockhold­ The dues are $1.00 for active B uxton, M aster; Mrs. H . J . R ice ______________ state. The society desires to as well as those of all field-grown freight and passenger agent of the ers. members. S ecretary . plants, must be accompanied by the North Bank road and the Hill lines in ARMY INTRIGUE CHARGED. CITY. Any subscriber to the Press have a complete list of Nebras­ required certificate, showing that they Oregon, has returned from a week’s M ayor—G. S. Allen. trip through Eastern Washington, the have passed inspection by an officer of who is eligible to register and kans on its rolls, so that stran­ R ecorder—M. R. M arkham . Puget Sound country and Willamette Msjor General Leonard Wood Alleged the horticultural department and are who has paid one year’s sub­ gers coming from Nebraska to T re a s u re r—R. P. W irtz. Victim of Plot. Valley. He says every district he entirely free from pests.” Oregon can find their friends by C hief of Police— P. W. W atkins. visited gives promise of bumper crops. Washington, D. C. — Startling scription in advance will be reg­ H e a lth Officer—Dr. J. S. Bishop. “ Industrial and crop conditions in charges of an intrigue against Major istered without further cash. looking over our roster, which at C ouncllm en—John W irtz, C arl L. H ln BIG CONTRACT SECURED. Oregon and Washington are most sat­ General Leonard Wood, chief of staff all times will be open to public m an, O. M. S anford, Rev. J. M isfactory,” said Mr. Coman. "In the of the army, begun by the late Marcus Anyone eligible, sending one inspection. B arb er, W . F. Schultz, H. B. Jo h n L. G. Westfall to Saw 3.000,000 wheat belts of Eastern Oregon and A. Hanna and kept alive by his dollar for registration will re­ son. Feet of Timber for Electric Co. Eastern Washington, growing grain friends, were part of a series of sen­ ceive the Press without further During the summer a meeting City School. Hood River—L. G. Westfall, who never looked better. Farmers are pre­ sational incidents which attended the charge. 8chool D irectors—M. P eterso n , M rs and picnic will be arranged for was in the city securing supplies and paring to harvest the biggest crop adoption by the house of the army ap­ E dw ard Seym our, H. T. Buxton. All Nebraskans who are loval at some convenient time and ever grown in the Northwest. propriation bill conference report. C lerk—R. P. W irtz. contracting for a cook to board his “ In all fruit districts I visited I J u s tic e of th e Peace— W. J. R. Beach crew, states that he has secured a Reference to a Western senator, to their state should be enrolled place, where you will be invited C onstable— C arl Hoffm an. contract from the Northwestern Elec­ found conditions excellent for im­ whose son-in-law, Brigadier General as members, that the society may to bring all your Nebraska The apple yield prob­ Pershing, would be one of the first COUNTY. tric company, which has begun the mense crops. Judge— R. O. Stevenson. construction of a huge dam on the ably will be the largest in the history officers in line for General Wood’s become strong, and in this way friends. S heriff—G eorge G. H ancock. office if President Taft signed the bill White Salmon river just opposite this of the Northwest. C lerk—John Bailey. “ Our lines are preparing now to which deposes the chief of staff, allu­ city, to saw the 3,000,000 feet of tim­ R ecorder—E. L. Perkins. ber to be used in the building of the meet the situation at crop-moving sions to Major General Charles F. T re a su re r—E. B. S appington. time. It will take hundreds of cars Humphrey as “ the agent for the pow­ APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP dam. A ssessor—Max C ranaall. The Northwestern company, which to move the grain and fruit crops this der trust” and to Senator Du Pont’* S urveyor—Geo. McTee. The Nebraska State Society of Washington County, Oregon. has purchased the holdings of the year. The railroads will have much connection with the powder business C oroner—E. C. Brown. C om m issioners—Jo h n M cClaran, Johi Wind River Lumber company and new roiling stock to handle the traffic.” furnished other incidents in a stormy afternoon. N yberg. which plans to furnish electrical Name__ , Phone .P- O.. School Sup’t—M. C. C ase.__________ energy to the City of Portland, now Line May Tap Valleys. In spite of a vain fight led by Rep­ resentatives Prince, Cooper and Mar­ Klamath Falls—Construction of an owns an enormous quantity of pine Lived in Nebraska from. .until. and fir timber along the White Sal­ electric railroad between Klamath tin, the house adopted the report in. mon. Mr. Westfall will continue his Falls and Bonanza is expected to fol­ which had been approved by its con­ Pacific A venue mills, after the dam contract is ful­ low the return of a group of capital- ferees snd accepted by the senate. If Was born in Nebraska a t. filled. He says he has made a con­ ists from a trip through the Bonanza President Taft signs the bill, as it is tract with the electric company to saw country. The line will tap the Bo­ said he will, General Wood will be Married or single_______ removed from his office on March 4, 40,000,000 feet of it* timber. nanza valley, Poe valley, where a re­ 1918, and the future of many army Buys and Sells Second Enclosed $1.00, for which enter my name on register clamation project is expected to be posts which the War department has Hand Goods Potato Growers to Organize started this summer, Yonna valley and characterized aa uaelesa will be left to the Press to Falls City—A meeting of potato part of Klamath basin. Each of these a commission. growers will be held here Wednesday valleys is rich, and it is estimated Telephone 743 íf alrerdy a subscriber, name date of expiration. for the purpose of organizing a potato enough products are shipped from Supplì*« to Ba Dispatch*«, them each year to net a railroad at growers’ association. Growers from least $35,000. Washington, D. C.—Secretary Stim- (Cut out and mail at once to Praaa Office, Forest Grove, Ore.) the surrounding country as far away son has ordered 30,000 army rations Dealer in Flour and Feed State Law Bounty Is Limit Let. sent to Seward, Alaska, 24 hours dis­ as King’s Valley are expected to at­ Salem—Holding that the state board tant from Kadiak. They will be dis­ General Auctioneei tend the meeting. The objects of the J. C. Kuratli Notarial Work association are to learn the best meth­ of fish and game commissioners have tributed by revenue cutters. The cut­ E. I. Kuratli ods of growing, handling and selling no power to offer a bounty for cougar ter McCulloch, according to calcula­ this staple crop. This section is be­ scalps other than that provided by the tions here, should have arrived at Ka­ Absolutely Safe and Reliable coming noted for its excellent pota­ regular state law, which is paid by diak Saturday to assist the Manning in extending relief. The Cutters the county and the state. Assistant toes, but heretofore the marketing Attorney General Van Winkle fur­ Thetis and Tahoma also are steaming problem has been a difficult one. REAL ESTATE, COLLECTIONS nished an opinion for that body. The to the assistance of the suffering peo­ Of Forest Grove, Oregon commission desired to know if it could ple. The revenue cutter Rush at Port Will Judge Washington Beet. MONEY TO LOAN Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ give additional bounty of $10 from the Townsend, is taking on 8 months' ra­ Conducted on Economic and Butines; Principles. The Home vallis—H. F. Wilson, in charge of the fund* (Collected by the commission to tions and will join the relief squadron. Carman spoken in the office J. B. Hill for five skins. Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your O. A. C. apiary, will set as judge PHONES House 8egins Probe. Bell, Main 34« Ind. City, 344 at two Washington fairs in the Business or Dwelling in The Moturbosts Becoms Popular. Washington, D. C.—By unanimous fall. In September he will judge Bankers & Merchants Hood River—Daring the past week vote the house haa directed a sub-com­ HILLSBORO OREGON the exhibits at the Washington S u te fair, at North Yakima, and he will al­ the first motor boats have ruffled the mittee of the judiciary committee to so judge apiary exhibiU at the Inter- surface of the waters of the streams go to Seattle, Wash., and other places S u te Fair at Spokane the last week of the White Salmon and Hood rivers. to investigate charge* against Jadgw The Auction House of September and the first week of The little launches used by the local Hanford, of the federal bench, which ferries, plying between this eity and have arisen through bis decision in the October. _______ Washington bank points, are popular Olason Socialist citizenship case. Building to Coat « 5 0 000. pleasure craft now on the summer Chairman Clayton named the follow­ Ontario—A contract has been signed evenings after 8 o’clock, when tbs ing sub committee to go to Seattle: “ THE PEOPLES PAPER” 0. M. Sanford, Proprietor here for the erection'of a 150,000 bua- day’s schedules of ferry trips are An­ Representatives Graham. Illinois, ti' I ioeas block. chairman; Higgins, and McCoy. Telephone 721 W ith Colored Supplement, $1.00 Per Y ear C hurch of th e V isitation, V erboort —Rev. L. A. LeM iller, p asto r. Sun day E arly Mase a t 8 a. m.; H igh Mass a t 10:30 a. m .; V esper a t 3:00 p. m. W eek days M ass a t 8:30 a. m. C h ristian Science H all, 115 F ifth »t., betw een F ir s t an d Second ave. South— S erv ices S undays a t 11 a. m. Sunday school a t 12 m .; mid-week m eeting W ednesdays a t 7:30 p. m. S eventh Day A d v en tist C hurch, 3rd stre e t—S ab b ath sch o l 2 p. m., p re a c h ­ ing 3 p. m. each S atu rd ay . Midweek p ray er m eetin g W ednesday 7:30 p m. A cordial welcome. H. W . Vall- m er, E lder. C atholic S ervices. Rev. J. R. Buck pastor. F o re s t Grove— C hapel a t cor. of 3rd s tre e t and 3rd av en u e south 1st and 4th S undays of th e m onth, Mass a t 8:30; 2nd and 3rd S undays of th e m onth, M ass 10:30. C ornelius —1st Sunday of th e m onth, Mfiss at 10:30; 3rd Sunday of th e m onth, Mass a t 8:00. S e g h ers— 2nd Sunday of th e m onth. M ass a t 8:00; 4th Sunday of th e m onth. M ass a t 10:30 M. E. C hurch, Rev. H iram Gould, paator. Second stre e t, betw een F irst and Second avenues. Sunday school at 10 a. m .; E pw orth L eague a t 0:30 p. m. P reach in g a t 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Mid-week p ra y e r m eeting T hursday a t 7:30 p. m. C hristian C hurch, c o rn e r T h ird et and F irst Ave. Rev. C. H. H ilton, pastor. Bible school a t 10 a. m .; preaching a t 11 a. nt. and 8:00 p. m.; P ra y e r m eeting T h u rsd ay a t 8:00 p m. C ongregational C hurch, College W ay and F irst ave. n orth. Rev. D T. T hom as—Sunday school 10 a. rn.; M orning serv ice 11 a. m .; evening 8:00 p. nt.; Ju n io r C. E. a t 3 p. m. S enior C. E. a t 6:30 p. m. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING J. C. WEGNER Scenic Theatre M otion Photo Exhibitions Daily Change with Best Films Procurable NEBRASKA STATE SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON J. L. HILL Kuratli Bros. New and Second Hand Goods The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association The Forest Grove Press