Don’t neglect the children’s The Bazaar is having bargain sales every Saturday now, and musical education. It is a sin LOCAL NEWS real bargains, too. Next Satur­ for parents to neglect this part day, June 1, any piece of sheet of a child’s education. Have you Please observe the music in the store, regular price a piano in your home to start the countless stars of Mrs. Tim Thompson, of Port­ the firmament. How little ones out on, who, if they wonderful and how land is visiting at the home of 25c and 50c, will be sold for 15c had half a chance, would turn each. Any music for 15. distant. Betwixt this studio and its W. H. H. Myers this week. With the special revival ser­ the gloom into sunshine for you wonderful photo­ graphs js a chusm My wife says the Clark Seed­ vices at the Christian church and others? I sell good reliable far and wide, when ling is the best strawberry she drawing near, the interest seems pianos and sell them on terms to comparing with gen­ eral competition. ever canned. Phone 054. to be increasing each Sunday. suit you whether for cash, or the There were two more persons smallest payment you can afford. Today’s races have been post- —G eo . G. P a t e r so n , Forest Photos Finished Here poned until tomorrow and the united with the church last Sun­ Grove. Talk for Themselves Saturday’s racing program will day. Next Sunday the pastor will preach both morning and For Perfect Por­ be carried out Monday. evening, with the regular Sun­ traits come here and For Sale—Lot 50x100, 1st St. day school services preceding. . get them. and 1st Ave., with building. Sell The theme for the morning w ill' cheap. Here’s a business bar­ be “ Catting Into Line,” and in gain. Address M., care Press. the evening the subject will be, ' Mrs. Salome Michel of Hills­ “ The Conversion Of An Officer boro became the owner of the of State.” Don’t forget the, MAIN ST. NORTH Colonial Hotel by purchase at date of the revival is July 7, and auction sale Saturday at a price two of the most successful of $4,600. evannelists will conduct it. All Mrs. Laura Nelson, daughter are welcome. Embalming—Funeral Directing of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. King, of The Odd Fellows and Rebeccas attended memorial services at FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. South Park, received a telegram Banks last Sunday at two o’clock. T H E D O C T O R ’S P R E S C R IP T IO N i from her sister, Mrs. Kelley of J. S. Buxton, Manager San Francisco, stating that she E. W. Haines, J. F. McGill and might as well not be written if it is not filled j faithfully and accurately. His work can be Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. | was very sick. Mrs. Nelson left wife, Al. Sixlor and wife, John seriously hampered If not wholly voided if his ! on Saturday evening to be with j Templeton and wife, Hill, Sam orders are not carried out to the letter. Walker and wife. U. S. Abra­ her sister. HEADQUARTERS W E F IL L P R E S C R IP T IO N S The Department of Agricul­ ham, J. N. Hoffman and Mr. that back up your doctor’s efforts. D are you for MILBURN WAGONS ture at Washington has just Bundy were systematically load­ risk not coming here when some loved one in issued its 1911 Year Book—a ed into the auto truck of Dan your house is ill? W. F. HARTKAMPF volume of several hundred pages Pierce and proceeded to Banks, PACIFIC D RUG CO. Wholesale and Retail (Successor to D r. Chas. Hines) 'containing interesting and h r where they listened to an Odd Fellows memorial sermon. The Vetch Seeds, all kinds of grass seed, Al­ ' structive information regarding Forest Grove, Ore. falfa Hay, Feed and Land Plaster agriculture, horticulture and trip was a pleasant one and all lnd Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore stockraising. Each senator and seemed well pleased with the ex­ congressman has copies of this perience and were glad when re­ SATURDAY SPECIAL H. B. Glaisyer A. A. Kirkwood Year Book for distribution and turned at 6 o’clock and had an any farmer can secure a copy by opportunity to remove the dust. Hard Wheat Flour $1.30 T. H. Littlehales received a writing to one of the members 3 lbs Ginger Snaps .25 letter conveying their sad news of the Oregon delegation. 3 lbs String Beans .25 of the death of his brother, J. G. The U. S. Civil Service Com­ Littlehales. Two brothers were 3 pks Kellog corn flakes .05 mission announces that a post operated on for disease of the N. W. Baking Pdr, 25oz .15 office clerk examination will be Cheese .18 bladder on the same day in a held at Hillsboro, Oregon, July Best Spider Leg Tea .40 Hoffman Bldg. Phone 0106 London hospital on May 24, J. 10, 1912, to secure elegibles from G. being too weak to survive the Best Gun Powder Tea .40 Forest Grove, Oregon which selections may be made to 6 bars white Soap, any, .25 shock, died on the 27th. The fill two vacancies in the position Get prices on soap by the two brothers have been in the of clerk at $600 per annum, and box. service of the Rothchild Bank the position of assistant post­ Country Home Boarding G. W. BUNKER on St. Switzers Lane, London, master at $700 per annum. House. Good meals, with for more than 40 years. The Both men and women will be ad­ fresh eggs; plenty of Jersey editor had the pleasure of visit­ mitted to this examination and cream and milk; cottage ing with the deceased and his the age limits are from 18 to 45 cheese. On Tuesdays and family in their home at Bright­ years. Applicants should apply Fridays fresh buttermilk on, England, six years ago, at once to the postmaster, Hills­ served. while in England, and had the boro, Oegon, or to the secre­ pleasure of a visit from him MRS. J. WEHRLY tary, eleventh civil service dist­ Two blocks west S. P. when he visited his brother here rict, Seattle, Wash., for applica­ in the Grove two years ago. depot. Phone 817. tion blank and full information. | Please Observe Report of the Condition of [ J F orest Grove Studio THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT The following comparative statement of the deposits and resources of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Forest Grove, Ore., under its present management speaks volumes: DEPOSITS Nov. 2. 1909, May 2, 1910, Nov. 2, 1910, May 2, 1911, Nov. 2, 1911, May 2, 1912, Resources “ $ 92,318.96- 132,138.98- 133.184.64- 148,877.81- 153,430.91- 201,079,16- $177,348.10 $315,261.56 May 2, 1909 “ 2 ,1 9 1 2 40 Per Cent Cash Reserve U N D ER TA K IN G Ready for business New Lumber Company All kinds of Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. Sash and Doors Glaisyer & Kirkwood Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Engineers and Surveyors Willis-PIace Lumber Co. Phone 0 1 X South A Street OH JOY! Forest Grove, Or. LOOK! Street Fair and Carnival $3000 Cash Will Handle This Best hop farm in Washington county; produces ton to acre. Will net better than $4C0 an acre. One and one-half acres hay, will yield 6 tons; 2 acres potatoes, will yield 4C0 bushels; a diversity of large and small fruits. $SGG0 with terms buys the farm. Can give good trade for few shares Concrete and U. S. Cashier stock. Thacher-Hicks Coirpany Hoffman Bldg. Forest Grove, Ore. I *- $1.00 ROUND TRIP TO P O R T L A N D for the Rose Festival All Week, June 10 to 16 Tickets sold June 10 to 14, inclusive Return Limit June 17, Frequent Train Service. The Greatest Floral and Civic Carnival of the Year Splendid Parades, Music, Decorations, Illuminations and Sports Daily. Train Schedules and details will be furnished on request w c c. a . C m Frai«l»« s u d P a s s e n g e r A « t.. N . L A tk in a , A f t . . P a r tl a n d . O r * F a r eat G r a v a . O r a ., ODD FELLOW’S PICNIC. The Odd Fellows’ picnic held Wednesday in Naylor’s grove was a decided success. About 300 Odd Fellows and Rebeccas were in attendance. Rev. Van Walker pastor of the Christian church at Hills­ boro delivered the address. The Hillsboro band and Walker’s orchestra furnished the music. A free for all, bountiful spread was had at the noon hour. Races and games furnished much amusement. The picnic was so successful that it was decided to form a permanent organization. L. M. Graham was elected permanent chairman, and G. J. Palmateer Hillsboro secretary. A com­ mittee of one from each of the four lodges represented, was chosen to present the matter to the respective lodges, Ben­ ton Brown of Hillsboro, W. N. Thompson of Banks, F. M. Hill of Gastun and A. E. Gardner of Forest Grove. The Rebeccas joined in the permanent organization and a committee of one, from each lodge, chosen to present the mat­ ter to their respective lodges, Mrs. Elsie Sochren of Banks, Mrs. J. H. White of Gaston, Mrs. Anna Templeton, of Forest Grove, and Mrs. Collier of Shoals were appointed. The Odd Fellows believe that a more perfect brother and sister union and wider extended ac­ quaintance of the brothers and sisters of Washington County may be secured by holding these union picnics. For rent—Small house and barn. $4.00 per month. Inquire of Edward L. Nayler, Forest Grove. Phone 0185. Forest Grove, June 12,13,14 and 15 Auspices of the Washington County Agriculture and Live Stock Association. 4 - - FOUR DAYS AND NI HTS OF WHOLESOME AMUSEMENT -_-_4 THE FRANK MILLER AMUSEMENT COMPANY, INCORPORATED New in Everything but the Name. A Well-balanced Combination of the Best Available Features Adapt­ ed to the Profession of Tented Amusements. SENSATIONAL FREE ATTRACTIONS. BAL parachute hmpfb