Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, June 13, 1912, Image 7

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* u m m a z u t i# u
'? R
Garnered Wisdom That Hae Been
Handed Down Through Genera­
tions of Housewives.
When making sweet croquettes add
a little sugar to the crumbs in which
the croquettes are to be rolled.
Cold water is preferable to warm
Best Floor fo r the Kitchen.
Little Helpers on the Farm,
for scrubbing doors because it does
I f you must have hardwood, a v o id ! Among the w illin g workers who
not sink into the wood and so dries white ash, which splinters and turns work fo r nothing and board them-
gray. Maple has many admirers for selves are the birds, which have often
Holding tomatoes
over the gas its hard whiteness, but requires almost been called
“ the
farm ers’
flame w ill cause skin to burst a n d ! daily scrubbing to maintain
that friends.”
They assist the farmer in
come off easier than when scalded, whiteoess, and varnish wesrs
off three distinct ways— as insect eaters,
and the tomato will be less mushy seemingly over night. Red oak has a as consumers o f weed seed and as de­
than when scalded.
rich tone and withstands use without stroyers o f large numbers o f field
Neglected brass may be polished screaming for the daily scrubbing mice, gophers and other rodents. En­
— and the most wholesome and
You cannot tut
tomologists estimate that the destruc­
and oil. Take two pieces of the brick
like its rich “ grainy" flavor and
My own preference, says Maude E. tion o f agricultural products from in­
and rub together. This makes a finer Hymers in Farm and Home, is for sects amounts to over $600,000,000 a
spicy aroma. Ask your grocer fo r
powder than if scraped with a knife.
What it might be were not
southern pine, stained and oiled (nev year.
Cut hams may be kept from mold­ er varnished), since the wear o f a such a vast army o f birds engaged
kitchen keeps it constantly scarred, daily from dawn until dark in making
( G O L D E N C R A IN G R A N U L E S )
each time after cutting. Vinegar w ill and varnish cannot be renewed in war upon these various insect pests
—i f he hasn’t got it he w ill get it for
also keep beef fresh for a time when spots without having a patchy look. can only be vaguely realized, says
you. It's good fo r you 3 times a day.
A nd remember that there
you happen to be without ice tempo­ The only remedy is to remove it and Farm and Home.
apply a new coat, but varnish remover
Among the birds that eat insects
is no substitute for 3 G ’s.
To frost over a window without is both expensive and laborious to ap­ are the fly-catchers, warblers, swal
darkening the room, dissolve Epsom ply. Paint is open to similar objec­ lows and chimney swifts, which live
Balts in hot water and paint over the tions, with the possible exception that exclusively on insects. Many others,
window while the water is hot, then it “ patches” better.
such as the blackbirds and several va­
A R I E. BURTON — Aiwayer ana Chemint,
■ Lead vi
allow to dry. This Is easily removed
Possibly the most permanent stain rieties o f hawks, depend on insects for
Silver. Lead, SI. Gold, Silver, 75c; Gold. 50c; Zinc
(r Copper, SI. Mailing envelope« a -d full pricelist and Is entirely opaque while on.
for pine is also one o f the most inex­ a large part o f their food. The mead­
pnt on application. Control and Umpire work so
Fringed cloths are often quite ruin­ pensive, consisting only o f perman­ ow lark has a large appetite for in
L Reference: Carbonate National Bank.
ed In appearance at the laundry. They ganate o f potash. This can be pur­ sects and in the course o f a season rids
may be made to look like new for an chased at any drug store, and needs the meadows and pastures o f countless
Second-Hand Machin­
ery bought sold and Indefinite period If, when they are only to be mixed with water, in the pests that are injurious to crops. Even
exchanged: engines, starched, a little care be taken not to porportion o f one-quarter ounce to a the much-abused crow has a fondness
boiler*, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 76 1st
starch the fringe. Fold each cloth In quart o f water. Have the floor thor­ for cutworms that almost equals bis
St.. Portland. Send for Stock List and prices.
four like a handkerchief and then oughly clean and dry and apply the liking fo r corn.
gaiher the fringe of each part Into the mixture with a brush, freely and
As seed eaters some birds are moat
hand and hold It firmly while you dip evenly. I f a very dark shade is de­ tireless.
To this group belong the
I W r it« fo r Catalogues and Literature. W e do De the middle only into the starch. When sired, make two applications, but the large number o f sparrows.
1 velopins and Printing. Mail orders given prompt the cloth is dry shake the fringe well
addition o f the oil makes it dark other birds eat seeds, in fact, most
F attention. B lu m a u e r P h o t o S u p p ly C o .
343 la W a s h in g t o n St., P ortlan d and comb it with a specially kept enough for most tastes.
birds eat both insects and seeds in
toilet comb, and It will fall as softly
When thoroughly dry, oi! with burnt varying amounts. A large number o f
and prettily as when new.
linseed oil, heated, or an emulsion o f birds feed on field mice, gophers,
S o m e S e lf - D e n ia l N e c e s s a r y .
beeswax and turpertine.
The form er ground squirrels, moles, etc., chief o f
W e all have to put up with one an.
is quicker to apply, needing simply all being hawks and owls.
■ other; one cannot do that even In oui
BROUGHT OVER FROM SPAIf! two soft cloths, one to apply it, the
■ own homes, without conceding a
Beat Way to Set Potts.
other to wipe away the superfluous oil.
g good deal which we should very much
T h r e e R e c i p e s T h a t H a v e F o u n d F a v ­ The latter, however, gives a higher
A fte r many years’ experience I have
I like to retain.
o r B e c a u s e of T h e i r R e a l l y E x ­
polish and be rubbed to a beautiful concluded by placing the small end o f
cellent Q ualities.
luster. Either finish w ill repel grease the post in the ground. A post w ill
last much longer than with the large
DAISY FLY KILLER ftS? “ 7 ^ ; ^
Chicken Spanish.— Chicken cut into
In applying the permanganate o f end down. The reason for this is ob­
Neat, »lean,
ornamental, conven­ small pieces and fried brown in its potash do not be alarmed if at first vious.
When limbs are cut off it al­
ient. cheap. Laati
all season. Made ol own fat and half cup olive oil; add your floor takes on an undesirable ways leaves a cup that holds more or
metal, can't spill oi clove garlic, medium sized onion, halt
magenta color; this w ill subside al­ less water, and where worms have
tip over; will not soil
or injure anything can tomatoes, pepper, salt, five cloves, most immediately, changing to a dark, worked the holes are always down­
Guaranteed effective
Sold by dealers oi two dozen allspice, one bayleaf. Stew rich brown, a genuine Havana stain, ward.
These holes hold some moist­
6 sent prepaid for SI slowly one hour, adding a little water
ure, but by placing the top end down
utterly impervious to water.
HAROLD SOMERb. 150DeKalb Ave.. Brooklyn, N. T
i f necessary.
Thicken with flour and
this moisture runs out and leaves the
water just before serving.
post dry.
Good Thing Easily Lost.
Spanish Summer Squash.— Fry in
A t first thought it seems as though
The cellar should be carefully kept the post with the large end up would
Jack— ‘‘FTed has a snap, but he's blitter an onion and three green pep­
foolish to continue abusing bis privi­ pers chopped fine; add three ripe to­ at all times, but never is its thorough not make a good appearance. H ow ­
leges.” Tom— "That’s so!
It takes matoes and stew well, seasoning with renovation more im perative than in ever, says an expert in Farm and
Fungous spores which Home, I have generally found that the
mighty little to make a sinecure Inse­ salt and teaspoon of sugar. Add sum­ the Bpring.
mer squash, sliced, and fry until soft. have lain dormant all winter are ready I large end is the straight end, and fre ­
cure.”— Boston Transcript
Spanish Shrimps.— Large onion, six for growth with the advent o f warmer quently there is a crook at the small
Unused vegetables stored ! end. I f this be placed in the ground,
green peppers chopped line and fried weather.
in butter; add two large tomatoes and in the cellar must receive attention I the fence when completed looks much
cook well; then add a pinch of soda lest decay render the air impure.
I better. I also have found that small
A fte r all the food has been removed posts fo r w ire fence last longer than
and cup of cream; then can of chopped
large ones, for they do not hold moist­
stores should be examined and such ure as long. A post should never be
varieties as no longer appeal to the reset until it is well seasoned. The
Kitchen Line.
appetite should be at once removed. end posts should always be placed in
A convenient clothesline for the Potatoes w ill still continue as a house­
concrete; then there need be no brac­
kitchen or other place where a clothes hold supply. They should be sorted
ing or anchors used.
and sprouts rubbed off.
rolled Into an oxidized copper reel
In those parts o f the cellar used for
G . M. Northrop, BUbee, A riz., w rite«:
case about five inched In diameter. food or milk give the shelves and
" I have been using Mexican M ustang Lin­
This reel screws to a wall or casing tables a thorough scrubbing with hot
iment for a sprained foot with z reet result«.
| I t ’s an awful line remedy for such ailments.' ’
and a hook Is put up In a casing on water in which washing soda, two
I t penetrates qn icktr.rem ovesa ll inflam-
another wall. When the line is want­ tablespoonfuls to 10 quarts, has been
I m ation and reduces the swelling.
ed it is stretched across the space dissolved.
Pay as much attention to
| 25c. 50c. $1 a bottle at Drug S l G e o l Store« |
between the two and Is fastened by a the underside o f the shelves as to the
ring over the hook, the reel mean­ upper. W ipe them with cloths wrung
while catching it automatically and from clean water.
Movable shelf
Actions a Criterion.
A slender acquaintance with th< keeping It from slipping. When the boards, etc. should be carried out and
world must convince every man that line is not In use It is out o f the dust laid in the sun to dry. The air should
actions, not words, are the true crl in the reel casing. The line Is 24 feet be allowed to circulate freely through
terion o f the attachment of friends; long. It would be a convenience for the cellar.
The next step is to give the walls a
and that the most liberal profession! the kitchen veranda or porch o f the
good coat o f whitewash, says Farm
o f good-will are very far from belnf summer cottage.
and Home. This is prepared by slak­
the surest marks of It.— George Wash
ing two two-pound cans o f whitewash
Making Nut Muffins.
lime in a pail. Put the lime into the
Tw o cupfuls o f flour, half a tea-
pail, add water enough to cover it,
spoonful of salt, three teaspoonfuls of
stir it with a long stick and when it
baking powder, one cupful of milk,
begins bubbling add a little more
half a cupful o f chopped nut meats,
water. L et it boil without further at­
two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of sugar,
tention. When this boiling has sub­
three tablespoonfuls of melted butter
sided, add water enough to make it o f
and half a teaspoonful of vanilla ex­
a creamy consistency.
tract. Mix and sift the dry Ingredi­
Now go over the floor with a long-
ents, then add the beaten yolks of
handled stiff brush, using warm water
eggs, butter and milk. Beat well, add
to which one teaspoonful o f carbolic
the vanilla extract and the stiffly beat­
acid to every 10 quarts haa been
en whites of the eggs. Divide Into
The Experience of Two Girls buttered and floured gem pans, bake in added. Mop as dry as possible.
Here Related For The
a hot oven for twenty minutes.
How to Pack Eggs.
Benefit of Others.
A clean stone jar bolding six to 10
Sit While Ironing.
gallons is the best vessel for packing
Rochester, N. Y . —" I have a daugh­
There Is an old-fashioned prejudice down eggs for fam ily use, but a tight
ter 13 years old who has always been against sitting down while ironing.
wooden firkin or other vessel will ans­
very healthy until recently when she Our grandmothers would probably
w er very well.
The eggs must be
complained o f dizziness and cramps every have condemned the woman caught In
clean and fresh.
D irty shells and
month, so bad that I would have to keep this practice as hopelessly lazy— but
cracked or spoiled eggs w ill injure and
her home from school and put her to bed why not do so, especially when stand­
possibly spoil the entire lot.
to g e t relief.
ing at the Ironing-board means tired,
Place the eggs in the jar as they are
“ A fte r giving her only two bottles of blistered feet and a frazzled temper?
gathered and cover with a solution o f
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ It might not be practicable to sit while
water glass (silicate o f soda) one part
pound she is now enjoying the best of Ironing a dress skirt or anything re­
to 10 or 16 parts water.
Cover the
health. I cannot praise your Compound quiring a long reach of the arm. but
ja r to prevent evaporation.
W ater
too highly. I want every good mother handkerchiefs and such small piece*
glass is an amber colored liquid which
to read what your medicine has done for can easily be managed while sitting.
can be procured o f druggists or deal­
my child.” —Mrs. R ichard N. D unham ,
ers in poultry supplies. It coats about
811 Exchange S t , Rochester, N .Y .
25 cents per quart, or less by the ga l­
Stoutsville, Ohio.—“ I suffered from
headaches, backache and was very irreg­
Pure water should be used, rain w a­
ular. A friend ad­ tansy; sprinkle freely among fur gar­ ter i f you can gat i t
The ja r should
vised me to t a k e ments of any sort, as well as woolen be placed in a cool cellar or room
Lydia E. Pinkham's material. Lock your wardrobe; feel
where it w ill not freeze in winter.
V e g e t a b l e Com­ perfectly safe that when opened next
According to Farm and Home, eggs
i f
pound, and before I
preserved in this way w ill keep in
c t
had taken the who! 3 Equally good for the buffalo bug
good condition eight or nine months.
o f two b o t t l e s I never falls.
found relief. I am
High Price for Rare Etching.
Resentful Recollections.
only sixteen years
Nut Loaf.
Collector« o f etchings and engrav­
"D id they make you recite ‘ L ittle
old, but I have bet-
Mix one cup bread crumbs with one
ings must occasionally pay high prices Drops o f W a ter’ when you were a
ter health than fot
cup of ground nuts. W et with one
fo r tbeir treasures.
A Rembrandt child?”
two or three years.
K \ \ v
print. “ Jan Sylvius,” signed by the
I cannot express my
" Y e s , ” replied Colonel Stillw ell,
season with salt, pepper, sage; grate
thanks fo r what Lydia E. Pinkham s In aome onion; bake 23 minutes; fine artist and dated 1346, brought at auc­ "and it didn’t stop there. When I
tion recently $1,625.
grew up they tried to insist on my
Vegetable Compound has done for me.
for lunch.
adopting them as a b everage.”
I had taken other medicines but did not
A fter Fighting.
And re lie f.’ ’ -M is s C o r a B. F o s n a u c h ,
Uncle Henry's Aphorism.
Stoutsville, Ohio, R.F.D ., No. L
Mistress — And be careful, Norah,
To Clvon Clothing.
Hundreds o f such letters from moth­
Taka light bread and nib wbert that my child do sen't fight that little
"L e a n men usually have pessimistic
ers expressing their gratitude for what there la a grease spot and It will re­ German boy on our block.
leanings,” said Unele Henry Rutter-
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ move It without leaving a mark, irons
New Nurse— Certainly, mum. Which worth. “ But the fat fellow who sits
pound has accomplished ^
dsogh- men's hatt or any kind of cioilios.
nationality do yes want him to be a f­ down and is a bull cheer full, usually
tere have been received by the Lydia E.
ter fightin’ ?
takes a cheerful view o f things.”
Pinkham Medians Comps» y, L j«««, Mass.
-not coffee
It’s the most de­
lightful Breakfast
Drink you ever tasted
Three G’s
Ratine i. the material used for this
littlr drt-ve. A tomb
rather heavy
la on nrek ami sleeve« is the only
$1425 to build. Complete plane and specifications $10.00.
DE LUXE B l'IL D IN G CO., Union League Building, Los Angeles, Cal.
Second edition o f Draughtsmans now ready for mailing, 26c.
T w o or Four Kinds of Women.
Someone— probably one of tbos*
Frenchmen whose life job It was to
make epigrams— once said that there
are but two kinds of women: good
women and bad women.
Ever since
then problem playwrights have been
putting that fiction Into the moutha
of wronged husbands and building
their "big scene” around i t
don’t you believe It. There are four
kinds: good women, bad women, good
bad women and bad good women. And
the worst of these Is the last.—Am er­
ican Magazine.
Conditions at Gladstone
Park Approach the Ideal
Th® Willamette* Valley Chautauqua,
which convenes at Gladstone Pork, Oregon
City. July 9 to 21, 1912. is making elaborate
preparations to accommodate the largest
crowd in its successful career o f eighteen
Always leading in Chautauqua
progressiveness, the directors are con­
structing a large septic tank and building
a new sewage system, with all modern
sanitary devices for the comfort and con­
venience o f its patrons. A large force o f
workmen is enlarging old buildings, and
erecting new ones, and the P. R. L. A P.
track for the car service, which goes right
into the park, is being te-ballasted’.
With an array o f peerless p'atform tal­
ent. and with Gladstone Park made even
more ideal by the latest move o f the di­
rectors. Willammette Valley people can
well be proud o f their popular institution.
T r y VTnrlne Kye Rem edy fo r B ril,
W eak, W a tery Eyes and G ran ulated E y e lid *
h o Sm arting—Just Eye Com fort.
Caution’s Choice.
"A man of your energy and talent»
should take an active part In politics.*’
“ No,” replied Dustin Stax. " I prefer
big business.
In politics when you
decide to forget the details of a trans­
action some one Is sure to pull an old
tcrap book on you.”
M other, w ill find Mr«. W ln .lo w *« Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use tor t h .i l ohiidreu
lu r in g I*-.« teathlu g period.
Emerson on Woman Suffrage.
If a woman demands votes, offices
and political equality with men, as
among the shakers an elder and elder-
ess are of equal power— and among
the Quakers— It must not be refused.
It Is very cheap wit that finds It so
droll that women should vote.— Ralph
Waldo Emerson.
Red Crc*»s Ball Blue w ill wash double as many
clothes, as any other blue. Don’t put your money
<nto any other.
[charge of Bieten of St. .John Baptist < Epi*copal)l
I Collegiate, Academic and Elomentery Deportavate, I
Music, Art. Elocution, Gymnasium,
I Por catalog a.tdroua T H E MISTER N IT 'E R IO R I
I_________ O ffice 30. St. Helens H a ll
By Natural Reasoning.
A keen student of human natnre
must have written the
follow ing:
"When you see a young man sailing
down a street shortly after midnight
with his collar crumpled, you can
make up your mind that there’s •
young girl crawling upstairs not far
dlBtant, with her shoes under her arm
and an extinguished lamp In hsr
Wouldn’t Try It On Himself.
’’And you didn’t know It was load
ed?” “ No, judge, I swear I didn’t.”
“ But before pointing It at the de­
When Your Eyes Need Care ’
ceased, why did you not look Into the I T T r r y y Murine
Murine E
E ye
ye Rem
Kem edy.
edy. N
N o
o S
F e
ee e ls
m arting-—
a rtin g— F
barrel to see whether or not It wa« F in e — A e u Q u irk iy. T r y it fo r R ed, W eak ,
“ Why. Judge, that would ' ; trat
w ,lt r r »
— u tire n u le te d ■ reU d s. m o -
cd Book In each Pa ck age.
M urine _
by our Ocallsta -not a “ Patent Med*
have been a fool thing to do! It might compounded
teine"— but uaed In successful Phynlotans'Pro®
have exploded and killed me.”— Houa tic® fo r many yearn. Now dedicated to the Pul>
lie and 8ol«l by Druggists at 25o and 60c per Botti®
Murine Kye Salvo In Aseptic Tubes, 25o and 60o
ton Post.
M u rin e Eye R e m e d y C o ., C h ic a g o
Mother's Responsibility First.
Before the state, before her hus­
Modern Witches.
band, a mother Is responsible for her
A little boy who went to the sam*
thlldren’s upbringing.— Exchange.
school I did was reading a story about
witches. When he finished the teach,
Red Crone Ball Blue, all blue, beet btuinir value
er asked him If he knew whether
In the whule world, makea the laundreaa .mile.
witches still existed. *‘Oh, yes,” be
For Bone-Setters.
said, “ only they call them old maids
A recently Invented aluminum appa, now.”— Exchange.
ratus makes the most minute details
of a fracture distinctly visible. Alum­
inum la no more an obstacle to the
a k D r W m .P f u n d e r s
X-rays than clear glare le to the sight.
As the metal Is transparent to the
rays the operating surgeon can exam­
ine the fracture without haste or dif­
A Tonic. A lterative and Resolvent.
best remedy fo r Kidneys, I.iver and Bowels.
ficulty, closing his apparatus only
Eradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorder»
when every fragment has been put In
o f the Skin. Purifies the Blood and give®
Tone, £'rcufcth aud V igor to tl.e entire system.
Separating Lady’s Finger Tips.
Many boys pride themselves on
their muscular strength.
Let a girl
place the tips of her forefingers togeth­
er, keeping her elbows on a level with
her shoulders, and challenge any boy
to take bold o f her wrists and sep­
arate them by a steady [Hill. Unless
she be unusually weak or he be very
strong, be will probably fall.— Wom­
an’s World.
The DIRECT plan o f buying or selling
Real Estate. N o commissions to pay.
List your property or wants with us.
W e put you in touch with intereste.1
parties. I f you wish to buy, you deal
direct with owner. Address
401 Y eon Building.
1’ortlnnd, Ore.
A u t o m o b ile E y e I n . u n . n r « n e e d e d n fle r
E i ii '.i m
to S u n , W in d « «n d I li, et.
B S .
, H
I „
rSifiicss uentistry
M u rin e B y .
a .
I 1 e
le nor pride- oor hobby—oor study foe years sod
Too 8habby for a Servant.
now .mriurcew, nnd ours is th® b. nt painless work
Coleridge was one day riding In K » 1 to be found anywhere, no matter how rnuoh yoa
pay. Compare our A*rl®*s.
gent’s park in an unusually strange,
Malek plats and
IbrtUg« sors fo» ooú
shabby dress, when a number of his
lot town natrons 1»
Ions Hay if rimirai.
friends rode up and met him. Cole­
Painless attraction
ridge offered to fall behind and pass
I fro® wbwn platos or
bridgo work I* order-
as one of the party’s servants. ’’No.”
•d. Consultation fro#.
one of them said, “ I am proud of you
Molar Crowns $ 9 .
as a friend; but, I must say, I should
22 k Bride* T««th
be ashamed of you as a servanL”
Origin of Diamonds.
Von Bolton thinks that diamonds
were formed In nature by the action
ef metal vapors, such as Iron or mag­
nesium, on carbon dioxide.
He has
succeeded In making microscopic dla-
monds by the action of mercury vth
tor on carbon.
Nervous ?
Thin? Pale?
| Enamel Fillings
Silver Finings
6eod Rubber
_ - _
7 .6 0
OR. W * Wlff Prtnemsee Muuau Painless Fitr*?!#« . 6 0
«menses te nenue
S IS T m o t m o o ®
A l l w o r k fu lly (u a r iin t e e d f o r f . f t e e s y e s ra .
W is e D e n ta l Co.,be.
P a in le s s Dentists
f Tee M
ow. • A . M
. te • P - M
L •«uiafi, «tel
Rifling Building, Third and W M M n g tsn PORT« AM?, u«ft
esa me*!»»* prompt trswA-
nivn'a of **— fT^inrnR.
IlnslU-telMlBf remette®
Are you easily tired, lack your
usual vigor an d strength?
Thep your digestion must be
poor, your blood must be
thin, your nerves must be
weak. Y ou need a strong
tonic. Y ou n eed A y e r ’s
Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsa­
parilla entirely free from alco­
hol. W e believe your doctor
w ill e n d o r s e these state­
ments. Ask and find o u t
the C hüm . knew«.
uomm tour < iim r ill. amu. r.m.d) wSfw.
>.4loa I. ..Irk, n r . . . . sat. Hl. .nerriptkie.
»re nim etc.4ri I n . Ron,.. fUrtw. H...U u }
Itark. that k«>. b e , *>th.r~l frna n e r q « .r
1er of th. .lote. Th« «M-leM of ih e .
î ” 5 2 know, to th. 0.1.14. worlS. hot Wn> bMa
f « m i . STcilïT '****’
1 .0 «T B S OO
L ...U , I n
‘■lk* »»/•‘•‘W
If TO. II». OW of lows ..A ra.not mil. writ, tar
•T—ptoe b lü h u f «Arrotar, notadas 4 onta la
162 i rirW V.. Car. M orris. ■
I f you think conttipstion is of trifliag
consequence, just stk your doctor. H «
» . H. U
will disabuse you of that notion in short
order. "C o rrect it t i once I ” ho will!
soy. Then ask him sbou Ayer's Pills, r 1
A mild liver pill, all vecetsh le-
■aS. N S .
Beit Red Rubber — _ A
Ho 1 *-’U