— CITY NEWS NOTES Mrs. Bunker sold her restau­ H ouse* for re n t e n d for te le , little p aym ent* a n d in sta lm e n ts like re n t rant Tuesday. Miss Silvia Ferrin has return­ ed from Salem. Miss Louna Belknap vistited General Contractors and Builders The two hop yards which are represented below will in town last Sunday. yield $15,600 in the three set sons next coming. $15,600 will buy them both today. And that isn’t all; there are other John Heisler of Gales Creek, and varied crops on these farms. Mind you, only a small DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath and Shin­ was in town Monday. Saunders’ Poultry Yards has portion of these farms are out to hops. There are hay, high-class Barred Rocks and gles. All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dried Mr. Arthur Mills has returned grain, potatoe, strawberry, loganberry, onion, fruit and Black Minorcas. First on Barred from school, at Corvallis. other crops. One of these yards has nienteen acres and the other twenty-three acres. Both have good improvements. Rock cockerel and second on Clark Seedling is the best can­ CEMENT, SAND and LIME The larger one will sell at $8,000 and the other at $7,600. Barred Rock cock, also second ning strawberry. Phone 054. An eye accustomed to big things will appreciate the value of and third on Minorca cockerel these offerings. Manufacturers of Frames, Sash, Doors, Miss Kate Roe was at her and second and third on Minorca home near Wapoto over Sunday. A FEW SELECT OFFERINGS. Mouldings and everything required in pullet at our last show, in hot Eight and one-half acres in edge of town, good soil and Prof. Shippie has gone to Pull­ competition. If you want eggs the building line in crop, at $1200. $550 cash handles this. No. 62. man Wash, to teach in a summer from the winners call on me. 53 acres near town and within half mile of school, good Yards two blocks west of Laugh- school. improvements, pretty much all in cultivation and in crop, at \Ve Sell Flint-Kote and Mikado Roofing $4,000. Small payment down will handle this place. No.71, Miss Evelyn DeMose has gone in Hotel on Pacific Ave. corner Also Sherwin-Williams Paints 320 acres with over 200 in cultivation and in crop, bal­ to eastern Oregon to visit her C street. ance tillable, good improvements, etc., at $30,000. Reason­ father. able payment down will handle this splendid buy, which is Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear located close to school and town. No. 80. FOR SALE—200x400 (2 acres) visited with Mr. D. N. Mous 52 acres, good house, barn, fences, etc. Cheap at Office and Factory, best of land, all clear, 15 minutes Sunday. $2,600. No. 16. walk from Forest Grove post- LIST WITH US FOR TRADES. Miss Fern Crosby spent Sun­ Council StM Forest Grove office. $500; $100 and $100 per day with her brother in Mc- Call at our office and look over our trades. We have year, 5 per cent. Land will Minville. property everywhere to trade. Have some good real estate to trade for stocks. What have you to trade? more than pay for itself. Press Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Good went office. to Portland Tuesday to attend Thatcher-Hicks Comyany the rose carnival. Hoffman Building. Phone 501 Forest Grove Mrs. Henderson Smith of W. Weitzel L. L. Hollinger Banks, was visiting relatives in M oney to loan on a creage and farms WEITZEL & HOLLINGER this city last week. Mrs. Sipe and her daughter Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Maggie have moved into their residence on 2nd avenue. Metal Work and Re­ It’s our CLOTHING, SHOES and HOSIERY Mr. D. N. Mous has gotten so pair Shop. we want to tell you about now up to date that he has had his North First Avenue, between Main anti hay hauled in an automobile. “ A ” Streets; phone 863. Frank Fletcher, son of John Fletcher was visiting with his The excellent value of the Clapp’s All Wool Suits parents in this city last week. is famfliar to all. Miss Myrtle Porter and her father have gone to Tillamook The Star Brand and Sunflower Shoes are house­ for a couple of weeks vacation. hold words for wearing qualities. The Emerson Typewriter Company of Miss Mattie Beaks is oversee­ Woodstock, III., have recently given If You Want Pictures, The Armour Plate Hosiery has stood the test away over 400 of the highest grade, ing the porter property while wholly visible Emerson Typewriters Miss Porter and her father are Good Pictures, and won. made in the world. They nave gone away. Better Pictures, into every state and territory in the United States. There may be some in For Sale Steam prune dryer, The Best Pictures, If Good Merchandise at a low price counts for any­ your town. They are giving them one ton capacity, all complete. away everywhere to men, women, boys Then Use sn ANSCO thing with you, don t miss the opportunity of visiting us. and girls, over eighteen years of age, Price $60. J. L. Loving, Gales Any price from $2.00 to $50.00, and you will get on surprisingly liberal conditions. Creek, Ore. If you could make any use of a $100 satisfactory resultes. Our rest room is at your disposal typewriter, providing it did not cost Get the Camera habit, it is entertaining, Mrs. Luella Crane has return­ you even one cent, then in a letter or beneficial and profitable. We teach you free on a postal card addressed to Frank L. ed home from Portland where of charge how to take, make and finish your Wilder, President, Woodstock, III., simply say, “ Mail me all your free she has been attending the own pictures. We pay the highest Cash Price for Wool offers,’’ and hy return mail you will re­ camp meetings. It will pay you to see us before you buy. ceive their free offers, the names of and Produce A store building is being over 400 who have recently received Forest Grove Pharmacy typewriters free, and you will learn on erected on the corner of Second what easy conditions you can get one street and Fourth Ave. in South of their typewriters free right away. The Emerson Typewriter is one of Park by Rev. Liese. the highest grade, wholly visible type­ writers made in the world. Many who The Misses Garnet and Ruby have used the “ EMERSON" and other Robinson of Chahallis, Wash.,‘are Single Comb White Leghorns, makes pronounce the “ EMERSON" fere superior to any $100.00 typewriter on visiting at the home of their White Wyandottes and Rhode J O M P R I P T I P G O C P T. the market. It is a wholly visible ma­ uncle, H. N. Robinson. Island Reds, last year’s chicks. chine, has every new, up-to-date feat- i We want to sell. Phone 76. ure, looks like other high grade $100.00 Charles Robinson, son of H. typewriters, though it is selling just Mrs. E. J. Fischer, 310 3rd St. now at an astonishingly low price and Robinson, who has been attend­ on terms of no monev with order, trial ing school at Corvallis the past free in your own home. Nothing to pay at first, and after a thorough trial. : year came home last Friday. 10 cents a day until paid. The “ EM- Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable ERSON” h»s every new improvement, uni vernal key board, back »pacer, tab- | sham poo. Scalp treatment a St t i t i rs 1 « « WW. Phone tod. No. 184; ginncra an well an for the most expert residence and office 232 Pacific typista ami stenographer»; juBt the tf typev writer for the smallest or largest avenue. ce. office, Mr. and Mrs. Van Valin and If you could possibly make any use little son Herbert, from Seattle, of a high grade tppewriter, even though it didn’t cost you one cent of Wash, are visiting at Mrs. Van money, or if you would like the agency Will do your Sawing as in your town on a plan by which you Valin’s parents, Mr. Edward could make big money, or if you would Davies in this city this week. you want it done. like a position with the company, then Portland will be putting her best foot for­ lie sure, on a postal card or in a letter A. A. Kirkwood, of the firm Phone 073 addressed to "Frank I.. Wilder, Presi­ ward this week—which means that every dent, Woodstock, III.,” say “ Mail me | of Glarsyer & Kirkwood, Sur­ your Free Offer».” veyors, is making a survey in citizen will look his best and do his best to the neighporhood of Laurelwood entertain the thousands of visitors in the Academy this week. city. The Home Guards and the mothers’ Jewels of the M. E. church had their mite box open­ ing Monday afternoon In the church parlors and later had Your best foot will be the one that carries their pictures taken. you across Moyer’s threshold for one of Mr. Arthur Silverman now of these good-appearing, long-wearing $15.00 Stanford Cali., formerly of For* Suits. You’ll be saving money, too; nowhere est Grove University, will be here next week to attend the else can you buy anything so good at the commencement and will remain price as a Moyer $15 Suit Select one now P R E P A R E D to do all kinds at the Sexton home while here. and be ready for the week’s festivities. of work in Iron, Lathe or I am prepared to deliver fresh Drill work. Auto Repairing. milk to all parts of the city for Our Motto, “Prompt W ork and 6 cents per q u art delivered Reasonable Charges.” night and morning. I will do my best to satisfy you. A. K lN N B Y , Your Patronage Solicited Dairyman, Third S t, Foreat W hen you see it in our ad, it s so Grove, Ore. tf Mr. and Mrs. T. J. 0. Thach- W . A . Chalmers er with their son W. F. G. Thach- erand wife were entertained at a EL Side S. Main St. Forest Grove, Ore. luncheon on Tuesday on board the battleship Maryland, now in the harbor at Portland, sent FIVE STORES Second and Morrison First and Morrison there by the government in hon­ Third and Oak 87-89 Third First and Yamhill or of the "Rose Festival.” A relative of Mrs. W. F. G. Thach- er is an officer on this ship. Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. Two Hop Yards, Will Yield $15,600. LOOK HERE PEOPLE TYPEWRITERS GIVEN AWAY HOFFMAN & ALLEN CO. Your Best Foot Forward. HUFFAKER BROS. WOOD SAW 330 First St. New Machine Shops MOYER