f o r e st g r o v e p r e ss Published & Edited by The Press Publishing C o . in th« City of F orest G rove , O regon , A. G. H offman , .................... President O. M. G a r d n e r .................... Vice Pres. J. N. H offman ......Sec’y and anager T H U R SD A Y of EACH W EEK. I n d e pe n d e n t P hones O f f i c e 505 R e s i d e n c e 442 Entered at the poet office at Forest Grove, Oicn as mail matter of the second class. T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n CASH IN ADVANCE One Year 11.00 - Six Months .75 Display advertisements for publica­ tion in the PRESS must be in this office not later than Tuesday evening to in­ sure appearance in current issue. The Forest Grove Press is not the official organ of the city of Forest Grove, as designated by the city council May 31. Our proposition to do the city print­ ing at two cents a line must have offended the city fathers. P. U. Recitals. Accidents Will Happen 1GHEEIHJP On next Friday and Saturday evenings at 8 p. m. the final re­ cital by the more advanced students and the teachers will be given. A number o f the musi­ cians appear on these programs the last time as P. U. students and unusually good programs will be given on both occasions. No admission fee is charged to C O P Y R IG H T , 1 9 1 0 , B Y BOBBS T-IE .TÜ .R.ILL C O . either program and the general puplic is cordially invited to at­ oue cuuciuueu n e r ' question w ttn a "1 ve been trying to decide wheth­ tend. er this is a pleasant or unpleasant sur­ smile. B Y H EN R Y. RUSSELL MILLER “ Mrs. Gilbert, your happiness did prise,” she smiled quizzically. “ Which not, does not. enter into my calcula­ is It?” She held out her hand. Boh looked at the outstretched hand tions at all." The Commencement Concert Winter's enrly dusk was falling out« A copy o f The Press will be mailed is to be a noteworthy event this and shook his head coldly. The hand side, leaving only the firelight to light to all advertisers in which their ad ap­ was at once returned to her side. year. Francis Walker, the New pears. “ You persist in the hostile attitude?” the room. She was very beautiful as York baritone is brought at con­ “ Why not? I.et us have no false the soft glow fell upon her face. “ We’re a good deal alike, you and I. pretenses. I dislike you: you dislike siderable expense and willl give There is but little doubt, but | me. I f wo stick to that it will sim­ Y’ou have taken everything you want, j some operatis duos with Mrs. plify matters." I’ve been given everything except the ( that the present congress will Chapman. His fine resonant "H ow do you know I don't like you?" things that count most. We're both pass the Parcels post bill, to be very selfish. You make the excuse baritone will be heard in some | The amused gleam in her eyes deep­ that you have to be selfish to realize in operation throughout the ened. fine solos. Mrs. Frances Clapp j "God forbid!” he ejaculated involun your ambitions. I have the excuse United States. will make her only appearance, tarily. “ But.” he udded grimly, that life hasu't treated me very kind­ ly. and neither excuse is valid. I sus- | "there’s no danger." Plans for the new school build­ before going to California, in pect. Y’ou’re not a slave to conscience, “ Don't bo too sure of that” she ing at Hillsboro have been com­ solos, on this program and Mrs. warned him In gay malice. "You know and I—well. I’m afraid I’ll never let j conscience stand between me and hap­ pleted. The building is to be a Chapman will give several Ital­ nothing wins a woman’s liking so piness. You have few friends. I've quickly as resistance. If you’re not ian duos with Mr. Walker, the three story structure construct­ had plenty to admire me because I’m careful I may end by liking you. That ed of brick with mottled brick finest in Italian opera, as well as would be a terrible predicament—if not bad to look at and can turn a wit­ ty phrase occasionally. But none has The concert we’re to be enemies.” trimmings. The cost of the English ballads. ever cared for me because none saw "It would!" will be given Wednesday, Juue completed structure will be in in me those womanly qualities which “ Yes. for you.” she flashed back. are so much finer than beauty or wit. j the neighborhood o f $30,000. 19th, in Marsh Hall. “ Because then 1 should have to make Paul Remington seems to fill both our j ’ W e are pleased to see our sister you like me. But don’t he nervous. Wants. He is your one friend. He Real Estate Transfers 1 shan't try. You’re more interesting cares for me because he thinks 1 pos- i get to the front. The following real estate as—you are.” sess qualities 1 don't possess, but ! ! “ I am relieved." She noted with sur­ which he—he makes we want to nc- 1 transfers are furnished the Press New Management Named for by the Wilkes Abstract Co. of prise that his ironical bow was easy quire. I'm not in love with him. but and not ungraceful. I’d like to be. He seems my only University Paper. Hillsboro. "There have been men who feared hope of escape from becoming the June 8 .— The student body o f Frank W Emerson et al to R. to displease me. Mr. McAdoo.” most pitiable o f creatures—a lonely, "I've no doubt there are such men." cynical, selfish, loveless woman. Pacific Univeasity have elected E. Nicholson et al 56x65 ft in lot I ; And Bob's tone did not convey a high wonder why I tell you this?” She Archie Markee editor-in-chief o f j 3 blk 3, Farest Grove, $1700. tribute to the class. "But 1 don’t hap­ leaned forward abruptly. "What are the Index, the University publi- \y. E- Reed to Chas and E M pen to be one of them.” we going to do about It?" "Nor am I afraid of you. Mr. Mc­ cation, for the next school year. Hubbert, 2 acres in R S Tupper “That is what 1 came to find o u t” Adoo.” Rho countered. "1 was for one “ No; you came to tell me what 1 He is a junior and prominent in c|a|m $ 950 . moment that day in the theater. You must do. You put the issue squarely. all student body affairs, a mem- A A startled me. having caught me” — One of us must retire in the other's ber of the athletic team and of w x Curtis et al to Amer V "Having caught you In a contemp­ favor. That amounts to a challenge, the athletic committee, treasurer ^ rown* Iot 2o6’ North * o r e s t tible act.” he interrupted quietly. doesn't it? It’s too bad we have this I “ Trying to cast doubt upon the sincer­ dislike to contend with. Your natural ; of the student body, a member (,l00. ity of a man who was a total stranger state is fightiug, and 1 suppose you o f the Alpa Zeta Literary So- Felix Verhoeven et ux to Chas to you.” don't mind one fight more. But 1 ciety and the Glee Club. Clin- D Staley, lots 5 and six blk 1, The amused gleam died out o f her don’t want to fight for my happiness or possible happiness, especially when ton Ostrander was elected busi- ^ n°b Hill add to Forest Grove, eyes. She flushed angrily. “ I have a constitutional antipathy I run the risk of losing it altogether. $350. ness manager of the Index, and We both run that risk. Don't you 1 for men o f your type. Mr. McAdoo." John Milne to Jacob W Milne. Miss Georgia Kessi, Ruth Thom­ "People don’t do that sort of thing think’’—there was the faintest twinkle j merely because of constitutional an­ in her eyes—“ don’t you think it would ' as, Howard Taylor and Levi 100 a in Wooley D L C, $1. tipathy. I had done nothing to harm be wise, don't you think it would be Austin associate editors. The George H Geis to Willa P Bink­ you. Y’ ou had nothing to gain by at­ good politics, to ignore our dislike and new board will issue the last ley, 10 a in sec 35, 3 N 4, $1100. tacking my motives—o f which you share the spoils?” No. I think I should have done could know nothing—or by making number of the Index for this better to let you die in the mills." Hans Rassmussen et ux to Pnul Remington discontented with his school year. “ I don't understand why’’— Carl H Rueter, S è of Lot 14, advancement, ns you have persisted in For an instant the luxurious, firellt doing since. The women I know don’t Five Oak Sub, $1500. library faded away from her sight. Farmers Have Much to Learn. do thnt sort o f thing. Even men of George H. Geis to A. S. An­ my sort, whom you despise” —there She stood amid the grime and roar of American farmers have much the mills. She felt herself caught in derson 10 A in S W i sec. 33, 3 N. was a trace of bitterness in those last an iron grasp which dragged her to­ to learn, if they ever decide that words— "would call it contemptible.” ward death. Then a strong hand selz 4. $1,000. it is desirable to learn it. with "You are right," she said quietly. ed her, and she stood before a hot eyed Neal Brown, Gdn to Fred L. "It was contemptible, and I have been young giant. regard intensive cultivation. Koberstein 100 acres in Sè of ashnmed o f myself ever Rince. I was Ts it possible? Yes. yon are the man United States Consul Robert ashamed when yon caught mo at 1L 1 who saved me in the mills. It is hard s e : 12, 1 S. 5. $333.33. Frazer, Jr., of Valencia, Spain, had no right to do it. no excuse. I to realize. He was an uncouth, un­ G. H. Baldwin and wife to apologize.” has written to the State Depart­ grammatical young ruffian, as l re­ An ugly sneer twisted his mouth as member, while you—Jrou are an educat­ ment to the effect that in the James L. Hill et al Pt. lot 7. sec he replied. “ It’s easy enough to apolo­ ed"— She hesitated. Province of Valencia families 1, 1 N. 5 W . $500. gize. but what good is it after the mis­ "An educated ruffian," he concluded subsist on the produce of four- dryly. H. Taylor Hill et ux to Paul chief Is done?” I hardly expected you to be geuer- She regarded him with a new respect, tenths of an acre of land and Lautaret 6.58 A in sec. 34. 2 N. ous," she answered his sneer gravely. respect which Bob. remembering the that as many as 160 families live $ . "But now—what? You didn’t come girl who had flouted him as of a lower on 100 acres. The cultivation is F. H. Summer et ux to iW . L. here merely to convict me o f a dis­ order o f creation, resented. “ I’m no more than i was then. 1 by hand, little machinery being | Cady Pt lot 2, blk 5. F. G. $2.000. honorable act, I suppose?” “ Hardly. I’m a busy man. 1 sup­ have more, but I am no more.” used, and the land ia officially Colfe|t „ t0 Chartcs pose I came to make a useless re­ A detail of the scene In the mills re valued at an average o f « S O a n , „ Anderaon al 6 „ in sec 32 quest * curred to her. “ Ah! I remember that acre. Rainfall being insufficient. "W hat is the request, or is it a com­ I forgot to thank you for saving my 2 S. 1. $2500. life. Thnt was very ungrateful. I mand?" irrigation is necessary, but the He looked at her steadily for a min­ suppose 1 should do so now. It really J. P. Wagner et ux to L. D. production is enormous, amount­ was very good o f you.” Huffaker, lots 1 and 2, blk 2, ute before he answered. She saw the ing to more than 1,000*000 met­ “ Y’ou needn’t thank me Besides." line o f his lips become thinner and the Curtis add to F. G. $200. muscles of his Jaw tighten. “ To let he added grimly. “ It was unintentional, ric tons o f oranges, olives, I assure you—purely an impulse.” Tr. of F. G. M. E. Church to Pnul Remington go.” grapes and other crops. She laughed uncertainly. "But sure­ "It seems,” she replied mockingly, Alice E. Hicks Pt. blk 21, F. G. "that Mr. McAdoo In spite of his boast­ ly you can’t expect me to remain at BABY ELEPHANT’S DEATH $275. ed friendship cares nothing for the swords’ points with the man who saved my life?” H. Taylor Hill et ux to E. M. happiness o f his friend.” HARD BLOW TO CIRCUS. His face hardened. “Then keep out “ Y'ou won’t understand.” he said at Kilgore at al Pt. lot 4, sec. 34, last slowly, “ when I explain it. You’re o f my way.” Pendleton, Or., June 7 . - The 2 N. 3 $10.00. "You mean It.” she said in a curious­ right when you say I care nothing for Sells-Floto circus people are sad. his happiness—at least what you mean ly regretful tone. “ That is part of by the word. Y'ou don’t mean happi­ you. I remember you said the same The baby elephant is dead. FOR SALE OR TRADE ness. Mrs. Gilbert. Y'ou mean to glut to me that night in the mills. ‘Keep While the hundreds o f people in the appetite, to yield to the mating in­ out of my way.' It explains your life, One or all. One 5 H. P. circu­ stinct. to follow the lines of least re­ doesn't it? You have gone steadily, th is city were crowded in the big One sistance. Only the very strong can relentlessly forward, brushing aside tent yesterday afternoon wait­ lar wood saw rig complete. upright steam boiler, 2 H. P., afford happiness ns you mean it. To a every one who stood in your way. ing eagerly for a glimpse o f the mounted on base with engine, weak man that sort o f happiness means And now that I seem to Interfere with your plans you are quite capable of little wonder, the 195 pound in­ ljx 2| in. One pipe stack and crippling his natural force, enslaving fant was in its death throes. dies J to If, 6 sizes, adjustable. himself to outside influences. There ts sweeping me aside, or Mr. Remington either, without thought of what it Bottle fed on canned milk since Three lubricators for steam en­ only one true happiness—the content means to us. You are relentless! Sup­ that comes from being a real, original its birth in April, it could notl gines, tw’o 1-quart, one J pint force. The man who would be this. pose,” she asked slowly, “ suppose I One Remington 22 cal. takedow n stand the rigors o f constant Mrs. Gilbert, must own and control were to send him away, would you ., . . hammerless repeating rifle. All himself absolutely. For Paul Reining take it as a mark o f gratitude for sav­ travel and gave up the losing artides mentioned in this ad are ton's greater, true happiness 1 do ing my life as a favor to you?” Bob hesitated. After all, it was the fight. The body o f the little in first-class shape. care." easiest solution, and sometimes con­ elephant was embalmed bv local G. H. B a r r e t t . “ But what about me?" cession is victory. And she was very "H e is nothing to you.” Forest Grove, Or.. undertakers, and will lie exhibit­ beautiful, very alluring, so far out of "A s you mean it. no—Just now. Rut Rt. 1, B ox 43. ed in the cities which have been for the futnre. why not? You never his reach. With an effort he recalled Phone West 35. deprived o f the opportunity of can tell. Mr. Remington Is talented. bis resentment against her and the old prideful belief In his self sufficiency. seeing the little fellow alive. The Bazaar, on its next Satur- He Is magnetic. I like him better than (To be continued.) I like most men. It Is quite possible The death o f its most valuable day bargain sale, June 1, will that I shall In time develop a deeper animal coming less than 24 sell three drop-head sewing ma- Interest In him. And. besides. Mr. ! Brown Leghorn hens and pul­ Mixed hours after 22 o f its horses had chines, good as new and with all McAdoo, your opposition gives him a lets for sale, 75c each. new value. DM yon forget to consld- chickens 60c. All laying. W . C. Commencement Concert. 10 been burned in a stock car is a the attachments, for $10. $15 and er whan you cam * to ask me to scud - n ... , , him aw ay what about my happinaaal" 1 Grgddy, Cornelius, Route 1 Jiard blow to the circus. ,$20. $3 down and $2 a month. ------ , “ Accidents will happen in the best regulated families” as well as on the best regulated wheels so if your Bike is injured on the road from any cause, bring it to me and I will make an expert job 'C e g Y r t 'C M - T 1 of repairing it. I have the agency for the Pope Motorcycle and such standard makes of bicycles as the Racycle, Day- ton and Globe, which are guaranteed wheels. Full Line of sundries and fresh stock of tires. C. G. DANIELSON The Bike Doctor (Representing Nine Agencies.) Phone 3 0 6 Pacific Ave FOREST G R O V E , O R EG O N HOM E B A K IN G CO Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. W e Sell 6 Loaves of Bread for 2 5 Cents Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Now for the Seashore! ’ Via the r.O /S S Ä r [ W Season Tickets Sale June 1 or. I TILLAMOOK / SUNSET 10G0 EN S SHASTA I RO UTES . , AND 3-Day Tickets on Sale Saturday and Sunday to NEWPORT BEACHES Season fares from the principal stations to Newport or Tillamook beaches are as follows: FARE FROM TO FARE TO Portland Oregon City Salem Albany ny Corvallis Eugene Roseburg Medford Ashland Newport “ “ “ $6.25 6.25 5.15 4.00 3.75 5.80 8.75 Tillamook Beaches 12.00 12.00 $4.00 4.70 6.00 7.30 7.10 9.00 12.00 17.20 17.75 Tickets to above points on sale dally good all season, wi th corresponding low fares from other points. Week end tickets are also on sale from various points SUNDAY EXCURSION TRAIN ON THE C. & E. R. R. Leaves Albany at 7:30 a. m., Corvallis 8:00 a. m. and connects with S. P. trains 16, 14 and 28 from points south. Call on our nearest agent for “ Vacation Days in Oregon,” a beauti­ fully illustrated booklet describing various outing resorts, or write to John M. Scott; General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Attend the B. P. 0. E. Elks Convention, Portland, July 8-13 Low Fares to all poiuts East June to September YOU W A N T THE BEST PAINT 1 insure your house against decay by using Paint that Protects. W e carry Bass-Hueter PAINTS, which are made on the coast and adapted to coast climate. A full line of Hardware and ments’ Imple­ Tents at the right price. W . O. Wagner & Sons Forest Grove The Forest Grove Press Office T i^ v J > S if* clM* Pr,nting' o f *«y office in Washington l n c » . ! ^ m*ch,r* ry « • "«"• Compurisons o f work will con- rease in our output proves people’s taste for good printing v |J l