OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CHURCHES. Church of the Visitation, Verboort —Rev. L. A. LeMiller, pastor. Sun­ day Early M aas a t 8 a. m.; High Mass a t 10:30 a. m.; Vesper at 3:00 p. m. Week days Mass a t 8:30 a. m. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE P L A N S H A R D F IG H T . Ex-P resident Hill Says G reat N o rth ­ ern Will Fortify Self. G E N E R A L B L A C K S M IT H IN G A N D H O R S E S H O E IN G Spokane— The G reat N orthern and G O LD SEEKERS RUSH. O F F Y E A R F O R P E T IT IO N S . other H ill railroads in the N orthw est will fight the Canadian Pacific and C h ristian S cience H all, 115 F ifth Rich Exposures Near Lakeview Are S u rfsit o f Initiative Measures Brings H arrim an lines a t th e ir own game, ac­ it., betw een F ir s t and Second ave. Reported by Prospectors. About Reaction. Our Work Guaranteed and cording to a statem en t made in Spo­ South—S erv ices S undays a t 11 a. m .; New Pine Creek—Q uite a rush was Sunday school a t 12 m .; m id-week Salem—T hat th is year is one th a t kane by Louis W. H ill, of S t Paul, Your Patronage Solicited made to the head of Cottonwood re­ augurs ill for the fate of the m ajority m eeting W ed n esd ay s a t 7:30 p. m. ex-president of the G reat N orthern ' S ev en th Day A d v en tist C hurch, 3rd cently by reason of rich free gold spe­ s tre e t—S ab b a th schol 2 p. m., p re a c h ­ cimens brought in from th a t section of the m easures which will be put be railw ay. W herever eith er of the com­ ing 3 p. m. each S atu rd ay . M idweek by John G. Neis. fore the people by the in itiativ e in peting lines build into Hill territo ry , p ray er m ee tin g W ednesday 7:30 p This d istric t lies im m ediately be­ p articu lar is the burden of statem ents they may look for a retaliato ry move m. A cordial welcome. H . W . Vall- tween H igh Grade and Gold Basin and of those who have been circulating on th e p a rt of the G reat N orthern. m er, E lder. bears all the earm arks of a coming First Ave., Foot Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon C atholic S ervices, Rev. J. R. B uck m ining camp. We are going to fo rtify ourselves I t is now evident th at petitions for various m easures out of pastor. F o re s t Grove— C hapel a t co r Salem. no railroad in the N orthw est is of 3rd s tr e e t and 3rd av en u e south the prediction th a t many new camps N ot only has sig n atu re-g ettin g been fortified,” said Mr. Hill, “ by control­ 1st and 4th S u n d ay s of th e m onth will be developed in the W arner range M ass a t 8:30; 2nd and 3rd S undays was wisely made. proving difficult for many of the m eas­ ling w ith north and south and east and of th e m onth. M ass 10:30. Corneliue The ore specimens brought down by —1st Sunday of th e m onth, M ass at Mr. Neis panned over $20 a ton and ures, according to the reports, but on w est lines all of the desirable te rr i­ 10:30; 3rd S unday of th e m onth, were only outcroppings. There are top of th a t those who have been doing tory of the g re a t N orthw est. Mass a t 8:00. S e g h ers—2nd Sunday scores of claims staked there. Twen­ the circulating sta te th a t they have We w ere the pioneers and we of th e m onth. M ass a t 8:00; 4th found practically universal expressions don’t expect to lose our heritage. In S unday of th e m onth, M ass a t 10:30 ty-four people w ent out in hacks, bug­ th a t people will have a tendency to Central W ashington, particularly to- j M. E. C hurch, Rev. H iram Gould gies and on horseback Wednesday slau g h ter m easures this year. w ard the Canadian boundary and pastor. Second stre e t, betw een F irst morning, and others w ent la te r in the They say many who have signed across, we are going to absolutely con- i and Second avenues. Sunday school day. A t the breast of the tunnel in the petitions have done so w ith the sta te ­ trol the situation. The vast tonnage a t 10 a. m.; E pw orth L eague a t 6:30 Service— 7:45 to 9:00 p. m. P reach in g a t 11 a. m. and 8:00 Fairview , one of the Seven Lakes m ent th a t they intended to vote of th a t country will be hauled by our j p. m. M id-week p ra y e r m eeting group on Yellow Mountain, J. P. ag ain st the p articu lar m easure in lines, those which ex ist, those under T h u rsd ay a t 7:30 p. m. Branley, the local m anager, has broken question and all other m easures unless construction, and those contem­ T h r.e Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50 _ C hristian C hurch, c o rn e r T h ird st into a body of w hite and yellow quartz they have a p ertin en t in te rest in it or p lated .” M atinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday • a n d F ir s t Ave. Rev. C. H. H ilton, resembling ore from the recent strik e some extensive knowledge of the In regard to the situation on the pastor. Bible school a t 10 a. m. in the Big Four, which adjoins this oth er measures. Sanpoil, through th e Colville Indian | p reach in g a t 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. property. This condition has been brought reservation, the railroad right-of-w ay The strik e has created P ra y e r m eeting T h u rsd ay a t 8:00 p much in terest in the d istrict. A trial about, declare those who have been of w hich is being contested by the S. m. shipm ent of ore from th e Fairview w atching the situation, by a su rfe it of & B. C., a Canadian Pacific property, C ongregational C hurch, College will be made soon. A p lat has been m easures in past years, and in many Mr. H ill reiterate d th a t the G reat W ay and F irs t ave. n o rth . Rev. D cases the passage of legislation which T. T hom as—Sunday school 10 a. m.; filed of the new town of Branley, lo­ has proved detrim ental or promises to N orthern would u ltim ately trium ph. “ T hat is giving us little concern,” M orning serv ice 11 a. m .; evening cated in th e center of the High Grade CLEAN AND UP-TO-DATE SHOWS 8:00 p. m.; Ju n io r C. E. a t 3 p. m. d istric t and surrounded by the Big bring about dire results if followed said Mr. Hill. “ I t did worry ¡us until out to conclusion. Four, A lturas, Josephine, Consolidat­ I made my autom obile trip into th a t S en io r C. E. a t 6:30 p. m. Those who have been p u ttin g afloat ‘neck of the woods.’ Now I am sleep­ ed, H uckleberry and Seven Lakes LODGES. the m easures for the proposed rational ing b e tte r and w orrying little .” K n ig h ts of P y th ia s—Delphos Lod*.- groups. I t is the midway point be­ Mr. H ill declared th a t the G reat No. 36, m eets every T h u rsd a y a t K tween New Pine Creek and F o rt Bid- tax reform movement have found on every hand declarations ag ain st nu N orthern will strengthen its position of P. H all. Chas. Staley, C. C .; Rein well. Specimens of m ineralized quartz merous bills on the ballot, and this has in the Palouse by acquiring new right- Ludwig, K eep er of R ecords and Seal G. A. R.—J. B. M athew s P ost No from the east slope of High Grade are been tru e in numerous other instances. of-way and building a lim ited am ount 6, m eets th e first and th ird W ednes heavy in iron sulphides showing evi­ of m ileage th is year. day of each m onth at 1:30 p. m., in dence of both gold and silver. Mining B E R R Y P IC K IN G S E A S O N O N . “ We have secured term inal facili­ K. of P. hall. Jo h n B aldw in, Com men who have seen the ore specimens ties for one of our properties a t Lew­ m ander. pronounce them first class. I t is sim ­ Hood River Folk Busily Engaged in iston and we have a right-of-w ay from . M asonic— H olbrook L odge No. 30. ilar to the ore from the Modoc, Sun­ Genesee to Lew iston. In th a t g reat Gathering Products. The Nebraska State Society of For convenience in registration |A . F. & A. M., re g u la r m eetin g s held shine and L ast Dollar mines. w heat b elt we hope soon to be m ater­ first S atu rd a y in each m onth. P. W. Salem — Discovery has been made ially stren g th en e d ,” said M. Hill. Washington County, Oregon, is you may fill in the blank coupon K inzer, W. M.; A. A. Ben K ori, se c ­ th a t the aphis th is season is not only F u rth e r than to s ta te th a t the Hill being organized and desires to found in this paper, cut it out, re ta ry . attack in g the gardens and orchards at lines will push the Spokane & Inland T O SAVE PEACH CR OP. VV. O. W .—F o re s t G rove Camp No the asylum farm , but also the grain south to Lewiston, Mr. Hill refused to enlist members. The object of and together with $1.00 mail to 98, m eets in W oodm en H all, every fields, and the prediction is made th a t com mit him self. the society is to promote acquain­ the Press office for enrollment. S atu rd ay . A. J. P a rk e r, C. C.; Jam es P ro f Jackson of O . A . C . Says A l­ unless hot w eather stays the opera H. Davis, C lerk. most Total L o s t Th u s Far. “ B ut tak e my t i p ,” he said, “ we tance and good fellowship among Don’t delay, but get your name tions of the pest, the dam age to the are grow ing more secure in our posi­ A rtisa n s— D iam ond A ssem bly No persons from Nebraska; to keep in at once. Oregon A gricultural College, Cor­ grain will be g reat. D uring past tion in the N orthw est every day. ” 27, m eete every T uesday in K. oi vallis—T hat the peach crop in the years considerable trouble has been register; to welcome visiting Ne­ At a time prior to the summer P . H all. C. B. Stokes, M. A ; John W illam ette valley has been almost experienced w ith relation to the pest Bold rick, S ecretary . braskans and to furnish them picnic each registered member wholly destroyed by a com bination of attack in g the gardens and orchards, B AG G AG E R ATE H E LD UP. R eb ek ah s—F o re st Lodge No. 44 cold w eather and fru it pests is the but th is is the first tim e in the history with information about Oregon. will be mailed a list of all mem­ m eets the first, th ird and fifth W ed opinion of Prof. H. S. Jackson, of the of the valley, as near as can be learn­ Increase on “ Excess" to Be Investi­ The requirements for member­ bers. In this way you may find n esd ay s of each m onth. Miss Allc« Crook, N. G.; S e cretary , M iss C arrif entomology departm ent of the Oregon ed, when it has attacked grain. The gated By Com m ission. ship are: A gricultural college. When in te r­ pest is particularly prevalent in the some of your old friends and A ustin. W ashington, D. C. — New regula­ All persons of good character, possibly near relatives and have viewed recently on the subject he vetch crop, and it is feared it has also I. O. O. F.—W ash in g to n Lodge No extended its operations to the clover tions for tran sp o rtatio n of baggage residing in Oregon, and who 48, m eets ev ery M onday in I. O. O. F said: the opportunity of making many “ Peach growers are having trouble and oth er fields. The operations of proposed by nearly every railroad in H all. V. S. A braham , N. G.; R obert from two causes, peach leaf curl and the pest may be stayed in the orchards the U nited S tates, which, in effect, were born or who lived in the new and desirable acquaintances T aylor, S ecretary . T his is an and gardens by spraying, but th is is would advance the rates on “ excess” State of Nebraska for one year with whom you may talk over M odern W oodm en of A m erica— California peach blight. C am p No. 6228, m eets th e second anc exceptionally bad year for the leaf im practicable when it comes to grain w ere suspended by the In tersta te Com­ immediately preceding their com­ ‘‘old times.” The suspension fo u rth F rid ay of each m onth. A. L curl. A t the present tim e nothing fields, and the only th in g th a t will merce commission. ing to Oregon, or who have lived Sexton, C onsul; Geo. G. P a te rso n can be done lo r this disease except a stay its operations on th is crop is real becomes effective Ju ly 1, and contin­ Business headquarters at the ues in force for 120 days, pending in the state of Nebraska for four C lerk. cuttin g back of the branches. Grow­ hot w eather. investigation. The new regulations Press office, f orest Grove, Ore. Rosew ood Camp, No. 3835 R. N ers should m ake a regular practice of consecutive years, are eligible to not only sought to amend the excess A., m eets first and th ird F rid ay s ol spraying th eir peaches in the spring P O TA TO BUGS DO HAVOC. aid each other in building up a rates, but to prohibit the carriage of membership. each m onth in I. O. O. F. H all. Mrs w ith Bordeaux m ixture. friendly union. Most every M. S. Allen, O racle; Mrs. W innifred The The husband or wife of a The California peach b lig h t attacks Agricultural College Instructor Says certain size pieces of baggage. A ldrich, R ecorder. proposed regulations follow : member at some time will meet the branches, causing small cankers member is eligible to become Many Reports Com e In. G aje G range No. 282, P. of H. and copious gumming. For th is dis­ “ On and a fte r July, 1 for any piece people who are acquainted with m eete the first S a tu rd a y s of each Oregon A gricultural College, Cor­ of baggege (except im m igrant bag­ an associate member. m o n th in th e K. of P. H all. A. T ease oichardists should spray a t once vallis—Reports coming to the Oregon gage checked a t port of landing) the their friends in the Nebraska The dues are $1.00 for active B uxton, M aster; Mrs. H . J. R ice w ith the m ixture known as self-boiled A gricultural college indicate th a t the g rea test dimension of which exceeds members. state. The society desires to lim e of sulphur. This m ixture is de­ S ecretary . scribed in circulars which may be ob­ W estern potato flea beetle is attack ­ 45 inches, there will be an additional C IT Y . Any subscriber to the Press have a complete list of Nebras­ tained for the asking from the college ing the potato vines in various parts charge for each additional inch equal M ayor—G. S. Allen. of the sta te and doing considerable to the charge for ten pounds of ex­ who is eligible to register and kans on its rolls, so that stran­ The Bordeaux m ixture should be used R eco rd er—M. R. M arkham . damage. cess w eight. for this pest about November 1 each T re a s u re r—R. P. W lrtz. who has paid one year’s sub­ gers coming from Nebraska to “ Probably the most serious pest of “ On and a fte r July 1, 1912, no piece fall. Both the leaf curl and the C ali­ Oregon can find their friends by C hief of Police— P. W. W atk in s. fornia peach blight are microscopic the tom ato and potato plants, a t this of baggage, the g re a te st dimension of scription in advance will be reg­ looking over our roster, which at H e a lth Officer— Dr. J. S. Bishop. tim e of the year, is the W estern po­ which exceeds 70 inches (excepting istered without further cash. C ouncllm en—Jo h n W lrtz, C arl L. H in fungus diseases. tato flea beetle, scientifically known im m igrant baggage), will be tra n s­ m an, O. M. S anford, Rev. J . M Anyone eligible, sending one all times will be open to public as ep itrix su b scrin ita,” said Professor ported in baggage c a rs.” B arb er, W. F. Schultz, H . B. Jo h n P LA N T READY SO O N . inspection. son. Lovett, assistan t entom ologist a t the The commission believes th a t the dollar for registration will re­ college, in discussing some letters re­ fixing by th e roads of the dimensions ceive the Press without further City School. During the summer a meeting Farm ers About Sutherlln Raising V eg ­ ceived on the subject. “ The spray to of baggage will work an unnecessary charge. School D irectors—M. Peterson, Mrs and picnic will be arranged for etables fo r Canning. be used for this flea beetle ia a com­ hardship upon travelers. Edw ard Seymour, H. T. Buxton. All Nebraskans who are loval at some convenient time and bination Bordeaux and lead arsenate Clerk—R. P. Wlrtz. Sutherlin — As a result of the con­ • Justice of the Peace—W. J. R. Beach struction work now well under way on spray. Only wooden vessels should be Irrigation Is Studied. to their state should be enrolled place, where you will be invited Constable—Carl Hoffman. the World Keepfresh plant here, fru it­ used in handling Bordeaux m ixture. W ashington, D. C.—The engineer­ as members, that the society may to bring all your Nebraska CO U NTY. growers and farm ers all through this If only lead arsenate is naed, apply at ing work of th e U nited S tates for the become strong, and in this way friends. Judge—R. O. Stevenson. valley are planting a large acreage to the rate of two pounds to 50 gallons reclam ation o f the arid lands of the Sheriff—George G. Hancock. ________ vegetables of nearly every variety, of w a te r.” Clerk—John Bailey. W est is receiving the close atten tio n giving preference to peas, beans and Recorder—E. L. Perkins. of numerous foreign governments. Aphis Attacks G rain, T o o . sw eet com, all of which the factory T reasurer—E. B. Sappington. Hood R iver—The berry-picking sea­ R epresentatives sent by France and will accept a t highest cash prices. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Assessor—Max Crandall. son is approaching its height, and the Germany now are en route to the The establishm ent of th is plant in Surveyor—Geo. McTee. Sutherlin has solved the problem growers are lined up a t the receiving W est to study the work the reclam a­ Coroner—E. C. Brown. The Nebraska State Society of Washington County, Oregon. tion service is doing there. An itin ­ Commissioners—John McClaran, Johi which confronted many who own orch­ station in the city until m idnight. erary has been arranged for the visi­ Nyberg. D uring th e past week the prices ard tr a c ta : W hat can one do to make Name_________________ ______________ P. 0 . ____________ Phone. School Sup’t—M. C. Case. a living while one's orchard is coming have held well, according to C. W. tor«, who will devote several months to a tour of observation. The French Hooker, who is m anaging the stra w ­ into bearing? There are approxi­ Lived in Nebraska from_ until m ately 8000 acres of young orchards berry sales of the Apple G row ers’ governm ent is represented by M. Da- bat, director of w aters and forests. in Sutherlin valley, the oldest of union. The fru it has been billed out .County. in__________________. . Pacific Avenue F ru it which are not quite four years old. a t from $3 to $3.60 per crate. C ru is e r Com ing N orth. Was born in Nebraska a t. _in_ The reason th a t many owners of or­ from Missouri and Arkansas, in the Vallejo, C al.— Word was received at chard lands have not taken up th e ir Middle W est, and from Kennewick, Married or single_______ residence here is due to the fact th a t Milton, F reew ater and the W illam ette Mare Island th a t the cruiser Maryland B uys an d Sells S econd there was no local m arket for the veg­ valley have been a considerable factor would aall a t Portland to take aboard Enclosed $1.00, for which enter my name on register, Mail H a n d G oods etables and berries which could be in the m arket and th e ir prices having the Oregon naval m ilitia for a practice the Press to grown between the rows of apple been quoted lower than Hood R iver’s cruise, beginning about June 16. The has made it difficult to m aintain good vessel will rem ain a t sea during the trees. ________ quotations, according to Mr. Hooker. period of the m ilitia 's stay on board, Telephone 743 If alretdy a subscriber, name date of expiration. w ith the exception of two days, to be Lake G ets Fire W arden. passed a t San Francisco. Drain Expects Railroad. Klam ath Falla— S tate F o rester E l­ (Cut out and mall a t once to Press Office, ForestG rove, Ore.) A fter disem barking the m ilitia the D rain— A p arty of railroad survey­ lio tt has forwarded the appointm ent Dealer in Flour and Feed Maryland will proceed to Tacoma, re­ of C. C. Chitwood, of Swan Lake val­ ors passed through here recently. m aining th ere until a fte r the Fourth. General Auctioneej ley, as supervising fire warden for From the best inform ation obtainable J. C. K uratli In a they w ere Oregon E lectric men. They Soldiers Use Postal Bank. N otarial Work Lake and K lam ath counties. E. I. Kuratli communication to the supervising looked over South Drain carefully, Vancouver, W ash.— A fter being in warden the sta te forester says th a t it evidently looking for room for yards operation one year, the U nited S tates Absolutely Safe and Reliable ill be impossible for him to inspect for a term inal. They have a man here posts aavinga bank announces th a t personally all th e work done by the now co n tractin g for a lot of supplies th e re ia on deposit a net balance of supervising wardens over the sta te for the p arty and evidently they ex ­ $41,656. There are now 847 open ac­ REAL ESTATE, COLLECTIONS and th a t th eir success in holding down pect to be in the vicintiy some tim e. count* in the bank. In May the w ith­ the fire losses to a minimum will de­ A well known loeal cap italist haa been draw als w ere $6786, much of this be­ Of Forest Grove, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN pend very largely on '.the co-operation talking electric railroad from D rain to ing taken to Honolulu by the F irs t In­ given by the people. Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home Marshfield. He claim s to have sold fan try , which le ft here May 9. German spoken in the office The stock and negotiated for rig h t of way. soldiers are tak in g advantage of the pn n v rv Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your Expert Given Right to Rave * 2 0 0 0 postal savings bank. Bell, Main 346 Ind. City, »44 Business or Dwelling in The L um bar Firm is Salem — Holding th a t th e sta te Bankers & Merchants Salem — The T idew ater Mill com­ Riot Ends in Election. HILLSBORO OREGON printin g expert has discretionary pow­ ers in determ ining w bat is appropri­ pany, of Portland, which incorporated | S anta Fe, N. M. —The house, a fte r ate for printing in the various reports here w ith a capitalization of $350,000, a tu rb u len t session, in which mem b e n from state official*. A ttorney General propose* in its articles to conduct a came to blow* and the sergeant-at- The Auction House Crawford sanctioned the move o f P rin ­ general lum ber business and reserves arm s had to clear the galleries of te r E xpert H arris to disaeet th e secre­ th e rig h t to construct railroads and spectator* to restore order, rescinded tary of sta te 's report and remove o perate navigation companies. In th is its resolution not to vote for United therefrom over 400 page* which will connection it sta te s th a t its term inal S tates senator and proceeded to re­ result ia a saving of practically $2000 for navigation purposes will be Flor­ elect U nited S tates Senator Fell for 0. M. Sanford, Proprietor “ THE PEOPLE’S PAPER” to the state. This move was also in­ ence and Portland, Or., and San F raa- th e next six-year term , beginning vited by Secretary OleotL eisco.. Cal. Telephone 721 March 4, 191*. J. C. W E G N E R Scenic Theatre Motion Photo Exhibitions Daily Change with Best Films Procurable NEBRASKA STATE SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON J. L. HILL J Kuratli Bros. New and Second Hand Goods The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association The Forest Grove Press With Colored Supplement, $1.00 Per Year