Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, June 13, 1912, Image 2

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Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
D isturbance M ost Violent Ever Re­
corded in Alaska.
Seward, A laska—Volcanic ash be­
gan falling here Monday in g rea t
q u an tities.
T h reatening rum blings
th a t made the ground trem ble could be
heard throughout Cook Inlet, Turn-
again Arm and Kenai P eninsult, and
occasionally frig h tfu l explosions ren t
th e air.
Extinct Alaskan Volcanoes Borst
Into Foil Action
General Resume o f Im portant Eventa
Seward, A laska — L ike a phantom S ea is Pelted With Hail of Red Hot
ship, in her w hite covering of ashes,
P resented In C ondensed Form
S to n e s—Air Stifling With Sul­
the mail ship Dora steam ed slowly
phurous G ases.
fo r O ur Busy R eaders.
into the harbor here from the w est­
ward, b ringing d etails o f the g reat
eruption of Mount K atm ai.
S itka, A laska — Ashes from the
The appearance of the D ora testifies
The cruiser M aryland will tak e the
Oregon naval reserve for a practice to the hail of ashes which she en­ A leutian range volcanoes began to fall
countered and passengers and crew re­ here Sunday, and the sun shone like a
count th rillingly th eir narrow escape
ball of fire through the cinders.
Two additional bomb explosions from death by asphyxiation as the
have occurred in San Francisco, both steam er fled through the [blinding rain S itk a is 200 m iles in a direct line
o f ashes to safety.
from the volcanoes.
directed a t owners o f poolrooms.
Those on board the D ora believe
F ire destroyed th e upper three th a t several small fishing villges on the
Seward, A laska— Four volcanoes in
stories of the Crown Mills a t P o rt­ shores of ShelikofT s tr a it were des­ the A leutian m ountain range have
land, causing a loss of about $100,000. troyed by the eruption. The revenue
b u rst into activ ity and are throw ing
service a t U nalaska has been asked to
The house of a Portland policeman
send assistance. A w ireless message a t g re a t q u an tities of smoke and hot
was robbed of $103.60 w hile he was
The awakened
peaks are
from the revenue cu tter M anning re ­ ashes.
out in the back yard for a few m in­
ported all “ residents of K adiak sa fe .” Iliam na, St. A ugustine, Redoubt in
The Dora was in sig h t of K atm ai the Cook In let country, and K atm ai,
George H. B roadhurst, who w rote when the eruption began and those on which overlooks ShelikofF stra it. N u­
“ The Man o f the H o u r,” estim ates th e vessel w itnessed a b rillia n t spec m erous shocks were experienced here
th a t his royalties on th is play alone tacle. D anger was added to th e ir po­ and the sun was alm ost obscured by
sition when poisonous gases poured vapor coming from the w est.
about $250,000.
Land and sea for miles in every di­
forth by the volcano filled th e air.
Louis W. Hill announces th a t the any persons aboard w ere_alm ost over­ rection from the m ountains in erup­
G reat N orthern will fight the Cana­ come.
tion are covered w ith ashes. Lava
dian Pacific and H arrim an lines to a
The first evidence th a t th e volcano and rock are pouring forth and devas­
finish for N orthw est business.
was preparing to aw aken a f te r years ta tin g all in th e ir path.
T h at all life on K adiak island and
A handsome black deer in atte m p t­ of in activ ity came early Saturday the m ainland has perished in th e fiery
when the A laskan peninsula was
ing to swim the Snoqualmie river,
The rain belched forth is the b elief of
was carried over the 230-foot falls and rocked by a violent earthquake.
n ig h t before the Dora was a t Cold those aboard the mail steam ship Dora,
died from his injuries a fte r reaching
bay, only 15 m iles Bouthwest of the plying to points along the A laskan
the shore.
volcano, and across ShelikofF s tra it peninsula and K adiak island.
The D ora’s m aster says th a t 1500
F orest fires are doing imm ense dam ­ to K adiak, w hen^the eruption began.
F requent earthquakes disturbed the persons engaged in the salmon can­
age in the U pper F razer riv er coun­
ning business may be dead, as it is the
try , B. C. F our railroad camps, four w ate r of the s tr a it when suddenly
engineer camps and two small towns terrific explosion occurred in th e dis­ height of the cannery season and large
ta n t m ountain and a g re a t mass of crews are employed. The Dora has
have been w iped out.
arrived a t Seldovia.
rocks was throw n into the air.
“ B orden,” the famous baby ele­
Mount K atm ai’s outbreak was de­
phant belonging to the Sells-Floto cir­
by the crew of the Dora as
cus, and who was born a t Salinas,
terrib le in its violence.
D eafening
Cal., April 12, died suddenly of pneu­
subterranen explosions, they said, are
Aviator C arries S urgeon O ver Lake occurring at short intervals and the
monia a t Pendleton, Or.
on Hurry Call.
hail of hot ashes and m onster boulders
Spraks from the locomotive set fire
has covered the earth four feet deep.
to a car of horses on the Sells-Floto
The sea in th e neighborhood of
circus train near Blalocks, on the O.- and residents on Lake K euka were Mount K atm ai, they reported, was
W. R. & N., and before the train
lashed into foam by the plunging of
could be rushed to the n ea rest w ater day afternoon. For some tim e past red-hot missiles hurled from K atm ai’s
tan k 22 of the best work horses were
th ro a t into the sea.
The vessel was
has been discontinued Sundays.
The occasion of the flight by A via­ struck by a num ber of small boulders
A rth u r Kaalson was drowned in to r Robinson, who is in charge o f the and its deck was banked a foot and a
L ake Acoquin, near B utte, Mont., in school, was a hurry call received by h alf deep w ith ashes.
ShelikofT stra it, from w here the
a vain attem p t to win a $40 w ager P. L. Alden, of Hamm ondsport, from
th a t be could swim from the middle of U rbana. N. Y., w here the 11-year-old Dora fled, resembled a m onster steam ­
the sheet of w ater to the shore with son of Edwin P etrie, chief engineer of ing cau dron. Smoke from the blaz­
ten-pound dumbells tied to his ankles. the U rbana W ine company, had fallen ing m ountain obscured the sky for
H e perished w hile three boatloads of from a third-story balcony of a wine hundreds of m iles and the day was as
night. So dense was the smoke the
people looked on.
cellar and was seriously injured.
The physician called up A viator D ora’s captain was obliged to steer a
The senate has agreed to a pension Robinson, who prom ptly agreed to fly course 50 m iles from her usual route
o f $160 a month for the widow of Ad­ across th e lake w ith the doctor. Ju st in order to pass K adiak island.
The wave indications in ShelikofF
m iral Schley.
ten m inutes a fte r his call an aeroplane
Reports of crop dam age in K ansas glided down to the w ate r and ran up s tra it w ere such th a t the D ora's m as­
and N ebraska have sent w heat prices the beach in fro n t of the P etrie resi­ te r did not atte m p t any landings,
dence, and from it stepped the doctor fearin g th a t there had been a general
soaring in Chicago.
Vice P resident Sherm an sig n e i the w ith his case of surgical instrum ents. sh iftin g of the ocean bottom near
The boy’s injury was a compound shore. For this reason, as well as
three-year homestead bill, and i t is
ctu re of the thigh, w ith the bones because of the smoke and ashes, the
now up to P resident T aft.
Dora did not dare to approach K adiak.
Bond companies of Spokane will p rotruding through the flesh. I f med­
K atm ai has always been regarded as
cancel the bonds of any employe
ex tin ct. The natives have no tra ­
caught a t the race tracks.
dition o f any form er activ ity of the
The German battleships Moltke and
m ountain.
S te ttin are visiting the U nited S tates
Grain With E xtra H eads.
and are anchored in Ham pton Roads.
Chico, Cal. — Barley and oat-grow -
rancher on Rock Creek, ju st north of Widow in Want, Ignorant o f G reat
S ecre t H oard.
W heat — Track prices: Bluestem , Chico, have developed grains th a t may
98c; club, 92ftj)94c; red Russian, 92$i) be adopted throughout the U nited
Chicago— W hile Mrs. John A lexan­
94c; valley, 92(q)94c; forty-fold, 92$£ S tates.
der Dowie, widow of the late “ Proph­
The experim ents *are considered so e t ” E lijah II, has been living in pov­
M illatuflfs— Bran, $25.50 per ton; rem arkable th a t th e governm ent has erty, often in actual w ant, in her cot­
ordered an [inspection of his process tage in Zion City, w atching the grave
aborts, $28; m iddlings, $32.
Corn— Whole, $39; cracked, $40 ton. w ith a view of establishing his m eth­ of her husband, for fear his successor,
H ay — Timothy, 8IS.50$£17.60; al­ ods throughout the country. The fea­ W ilbur Glenn Voliva, will have the
falfa, $12; clover, $8«i9; oats and tu re of the new barley is th a t from body removed, a fortune in the name
two to five heads grow on each stock, of A lexander Dowie has been lying
vetch, $10.60; grain hay, $9.
O ats— No. 1 w hite, $38t<r40 per ton. the principal head ripening first and idle in a bank in Edinburgh, Scotland.
B erries — S traw berries, Oregon, $1 being easily tw ice as large as the
Every S aturday afternoon for seve­
$£1.60 per c ra te ; gooseberries, 3$g5c others, which are o f normal size. ral years before his death Dowie
per pound.
would s it a t his ty p e w riter in his p ri­
F resh F ru its—C herries, 60c0i $ l per inches long, w hile the stock is tough vate office, w rite a le tte r to his fo r­
box; 10c per pound bulk; apples, old, and about as large as an ordinary lead eign banker, inclosing a check for a
pencil, standing ag ain st a heavy wind. large sum of money. In all, it is be­
$1.26(c£3 per box; apricots, $2.
Potatoes — Jobbing p ric e s; Bur­ H is tam e oats has an averge of three lieved, he sent several hundred thou­
banks, old, $1.25 per hundred; new heads to th e stock.
sand dollars away in this m anner
C alifornia, 4c per pound.
w ithout saying a word to his w ife.
Onions — Bermuda, $t.50$£l.76 per
Tw o Rear Admirals Die,
Only one servant knew of these pro­
c ra te ; red. $1.40 per sack.
W ashington, D. C. — R ear A dm iral ceedings and this serv an t now has told
V egetables — A rtichokes, 65(i£75c Benjam in PfefTer Lam berton, U. S. the story.
per dioten; asparagus, $1 per box;
beans, 10$£12H: per pound; cabbage. N., retired , who, as Admiral D ew ey's
F rench Subm arine is Lost.
2 ic ; cauliflower, $2.76 per c ra te ; cel­ chief of staff, received the surrender
C herbourg—France suffered another
ery, $5$£6; cucumbers, $1$$1.60 doz­ of the officers o f th6 Spanish fleet
en; eggplant, 25c per pound; head a fte r th e b a ttle of Manila, died unex­ m arine d isa ste r ahd lost her fourth
lettuce, 124c per dozen; hothouse let- pectedly a t his home here Sunday subm arine when th e Vendem airie, in
the mim ic w arfare off Cherbourg pen­
uce, 75cfn$l per box; peas, 6$£54c night.
insula. was crushed down by the b at­
per pound; peppers, 2$ i24c; radishes
N ew port, R. I.— R ear Admiral W il­ tleship S ain t Louis and disappeared in
16$(20c dozen; rhubarb, 2(<£24c per
The subm arine
spinach. 4fr£5c; tomatoes, liam H enry E v erett, U. S. N., retired , 160 fee t o f w ater.
died a t bis home in th is city Sunday was undoubtedly ripped a p a rt by the
$4.50 per box; garlic, 8$£l0c pound.
B u tter — Oregon cream ery b utter, morning. He had been ill for a long steel prow o f the b attlesh ip and all
cubes, or solid pack, 27c per pound; tim e w ith a com plication of diseases. hope or saving her crew is abandoned.
An official statem en t issued by the
prints, lc extra.
m in ister of m arine fixes the num ber
Wife and Babies Burned.
E ggs—Fresh Oregon ranch, can­
Phoenix, A riz.— W ith a story of of men aboard as 23, including the
died, 20c per dozen; case count, 19c.
how his w ife and two babies w ere commander, lieu ten an t and ensign.
P ork— Fancy, lOfitlOJc per pound.
burned to death in th e ir home near
V eal—Fancy, U $£U 4c per pound.
Ruaf is Not Paroled.
Poultry—Hens, l4 (al4 {c per pound; Tepic by roving bands o f rebels,
San Q uentin, C al.—A braham R uef's
broilers, 22$£22ic; ducks, young, 12(a) George Arnold Brown, an E nglish­
14c; geese, 10(<£lle; turkeys, live, man, passed through Phoenix on his application for parole, backed by a pe­
way to Los Angeles, where he will lay titio n from Frem ont Older, m anaging
18c; dressed. 25c.
Hope— 1911 crop, 36f>£38c; olds, a his case before the B ritish consul. editor of the San Francisco Bulletin,
Brown said the rebels set Are to his was denied here by the sta te board of
nominal; 1912 contracta, 24«t;25c.
Wool—Eastern Oregon, 12r<£l8e pel hacienda n ear Tepic in his absence prison directors. The board based its
The decision, not on the fac t th a t Ruef
pound; valley, 20c; mohair, choice, and his e n tire fam ily perished.
failed to win th e signed support of
rebels then drove ofF his livestock.
82c per pound.
Judge Law ler, who sentenced him. but
Cattle—Choice steers. $6.86<rt7.36;
on general grounds th a t th is was not a
Hay Reports Good Crops.
good, |6 .6 0 $ t6 .8 6 ; medium. $6(<i:6.50;
O lym pia, Wash. — Governor Hay, fit tim e for the application to be
choice cows, 36$fi6.26; good, $5.50$$
8; medium, $540.6.50; choice calves, who has been in E astern W ashington, made.
He says
$ 7 0 7 .7 6 ; good heavy calves, $6*t: has retu rn ed to th is city.
Fire Cost Totals •600.000.
8.60; bulls. $3.50$£6.60; stags. $4.76 prospects fo r a large grain crop were
Tacoma. W ash.—W ith a loss to ta l­
never b etter. In the eastern section
Hogs—LighL $ 7 « 7 .7 6 ; heavy, $6 of the s ta te th e fields are in fine ing near th e $600,060 m ark and throw ­
shape, an abundance o f m oisture hav­ ing out of em ploym ent fully 600 men,
Sheep — Yearlings. $3.40*34.10 ing been provided by the early rains. fire destroyed tb s plant of th e SL Paul
wethers. $3.60$$4.60; ewes, $3g$4 He believes th a t unusually large crops A Tacoma Lum ber company in th is
d ty .
I will be harvested.
spring lam be, $4$$6.76.
Investment Realty Abstract Company
M akes Your Abstract
1 s t Good, ht».
• • t Dor tistry to
b e ,t ®f my »bat,.
Could ono do
tn d . I
Offices, with Forest Grove Pre**, Hoffman Building.
Law Office, M. B. Bump, HilUboro.
your mouth and ^
you its actual con.
dftton beforo I bo
sin r o u , .(to»
v o rk , it s tins In »4.
vnneo whot t k i
« . t « I D b* „
ready, we begin: II
not, the «»min*,
tion costa you noth­
U. S. A .
Livery, Feed and Sales Stables
P acific A v e n u e, FO R E S T G R O V E
Good Team s and Rigs.
H orses and R igs fo r sale.
and delivered to all p a rts.
B aggage called fo*
In d e p e n d e n t P h o n e 4 1 2
W . T . JO H N S O N , Proprietor.
8rd. I guarantee all that I do. a t I conoid«
work not worth guaranteeing, not worth doing,
Thie haa been my policy.
4th. A bsolute cleenlinesa. E v e ry Instrument
m u st be cleanaed, and a r e used aa th e y are taka»
from th e sterilizers.
Sth. My price» a re reasonable, not adrertiMt
cheep prices to lu re you In, and then charge yog
m ore—b u t a price th a t will make more friend«
more p a tie n ts; one price to all.
Dr.EIofT.Hedlund, Dentist
N . W . C orner 6th and Oak, 2nd floor, tak« elevate»
W illiams
J . W. B ucklar
M anufacturers and Dealers in Rough and Dressed
W e a re able to supply every th in g necessary fo r the
com plete construction of house, barn or shed.
Price« a n d E stim ate« F u rn ish e d
Phone C ales 453,
G ales Creek, O regon
prom ptly obtained OR WO FEE. Trade-Marks
C opyright# and Labalg registered.
TW BBTT TEARS PRACTICE. U ig h .it refereec*.
Send modal, aketoh or photo, for free report
on pa te n ta b ility .
A ll boain«aa confidential.
HAND-BOOK FKEB. Explain*everything. Tells
How to O btain and Bell la te n t* . W hat Invention!
W ill Pay, How to G et a P a rtn e r, explain* b*at
m echanical m ovem ents, and contains 300 other
aubjecU of im portance to invantora.
. ■ Box
H. 3 B. 9 1 WILLSON
Willson Bidg.
D. 6.
Closing Out Sale
of Odd Pieces of
A t Greatly Reduced Prices
All Fur.iiture that is tagged with red tags are the
close-outs. Some of these pieces have been in stock
for some time and seemed to be slow sellers, but I
have reduced the prices so that they will move now.
T hat 1 have a limited amount of different articles, as
Dressers, Buffas, China Closets, Beds,
Chairs, Rockers, some Rugs, Lace Curtains,
Lounges and Center Tables.
In fact something of each article.
have to come early to get the best buys.
You will
PURE MASURY’S WHITE PAINT in 5-gallon cans at $1.95 per Gallon
A Paint Insurance Policy. We have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for
GOLD SEAL PAINT. We are authorized by the manufacturer to issue a
written guarantee over our own signature that the paint will last five years.
Special GOLD SEAL PAINT at $1.95 per Gallon.
Let us figure on your whole bill of Paint, Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, etc.
in stock.
At Cost.
Must close these out. See my windows
A few remnants of Linoleum cheap.
All Linoleums reduced.
Sewing Machines
Guaranteed Sewing Machine» with drop head, Special *16.50. Guaran-
t « d ten year, by the maker. Have . limited amount of other Sewing
Machines that will be sold at cost this week only.