News Times F orest G rove Voi. 3 PROGRESS IN OUR SCHOOLS Library is Enlarged, Musical Instruments and Pictures are Added. P ress FOREST G R O V E , O REG O N , T H U R S D A Y , June 13, 1912. certificate to teach school. These young people have had good training and will make good in school woik. They have a vision o f the work such as only few beginners have and will really try to teach and not simply get through the 1. work of the text. Our scientific department is entirely new and a very good 2. laboratory has been purchased and placed in cabinets for physics, phyiography, and chem 3. istry. This apparatus is all new and o f good quality and the ex periments are complete in every way. 4. In addition to all this a new building has been built and fur­ 5. nished, 5 rooms o f the old build­ ing have been reseated, a large plav shed has been built for the 6. children in stormy weather, a modern, up-to-date toilet build­ ing has been added, all the 7. rooms have been tinted and painted, besides all the incident­ 8. al expenses have been kept up. Several thousand dollars worth o f warrants have been issued 9. but are nearly all paid. The last bond on the Central build­ ing is to be paid this year and 10. all material is now paid for. With this financial condition before us and the school having 11. the standing it now enjoys, we predict a lowering o f taxes and a progressive movement in school work which will hold Forest Grove as one o f the leading pub­ lic school towns o f the state, this together with the college privi­ leges will make this the best educational town in Oregon. Four years ago, when Prof. Gardner came to our schools at Forest Grove, we had a school enrollment o f about 360, with ten rooms and ten grades. We now have an enrollment of near­ ly 600 and an accredited high school from which two classes have graduated. Last year we had twenty teachers, of which seventeen were regular and three were special. Four years ago the school was all in one building, and now we have a new building which was completely filled this year. In the way o f improvements in apparatus, etc., the work has been phenomenal. From a school o f no material, it has be­ come one o f a fair equipment. Three clocks have been added to the buildings. Maps, of which there were none, have been added until both buildings are supplied and a set o f relief maps is in continual use. Not a single musical instru­ ment was in the building then, while now there are two pianos and organs in many of the One Side of the Question. rooms. These instruments have Josephine Daskam Bacon, not­ been supplied almost entirely ed novelist and short story writ­ without help from the district. By the efforts o f the teachers er, writing to the New York and pupils there have been ad­ Times, recently said: “ To a person o f any mental ded $200 worth o f choice pictures so that every room has from one capacity whatever, it ought to to three masterpiece reproduc­ be sufficiently clear by this time tions of which the frames were that there are two distinct points made by the manual training at issue, in the question o f woman suffrage. 1—Whether boys. As there was no place for as­ woman has or has not been un­ sembly a partition was removed fairly handicapped by man in and folding doors w'ere installed the big evolution sweep stakes, in the place so that two rooms and what might have happened were thrown together, and if she hadn’ t been, and 2— thanks to the Junior class of whether or not the present sys- 1912, a portable stage has been tew of Government in this coun­ built which can be placed or re­ try is going to be improved by moved in ten minutes and which the addition o f Mary’ s confusion furnishes an excellent place for to John’s. Personally, no suffragist whom evening meetings, programs etc. I have ever been able to hear The library has grown from long enough to keep my mind on 320 volumes to a splendid, up to the mixture o f crudity, misin­ date working library o f over formation and hysteria present­ 1,000 volumes. ed for my attention, has been Two cyclopedias have been able to distinguish between these added. The American at the two points. The woman move­ Central and the International at ment (which is immensely in­ the Lincoln buildings. There was not a good diction­ teresting and has much o f my ary in the school, now all the sympathy) is hopelessly confus­ rooms that can use a large dic­ ed with the suffrage movement) tionary have the best and small­ which is a local by issue and great­ er ones are in the lower rooms. ly ovestimated by the majority Two splendid sets of books have of its supporters.) I would like to ask the suffrag­ been donated by the two grad­ ists: if you could be assured that, ating classes. i nthe carefully weighed opinion The Domestic Science depart­ o f a world congress o f histori­ ment has been added and had ans, politicians, biologists, psy­ the record this year o f being one o f the best organized de­ chologists and political econom­ partments in this part of Oregon. ists, the best good o f your na­ Those who know, from Corval­ tive country would be secured lis and from the normal at Mon­ without your vote, would you mouth have pronounced the work prefer that condition to running here, one o f the best in the the chances o f improving things and have your vote ? In other state. Drawing and music were ad­ words, do you want the end ded this year and the progress (which you so amusingly claim your vote will produce) or do was wonderful as shown by the you want the means (which you work done. so amazingly claim you ought to Miss Weist is surely a jewel have?) and can make good in the draw­ If the suffragists forget them­ ing department o f any school. selves so far as to tell me that Another innovation this year, they are honestly seeking their was the teachers' training class in which 8 pupils took the work country’ s best good, then candor and graduated receiving a sU ie, compels me to state that, as a FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENIG PROGRAN OF P. U. CONSERYATORY OF MUSIC nard and Mrs. H. Underhill, (signed) Mrs. Katherine Kerr. Present Superintendent. It is now estimated that 800,- 000 women will vote for the next president and candidates 1 3Friòay and campaign managers are tak-' ing notice. Sonata, Op. 12 No. 1 (Rondo) lor violin and piano Beethoven Four women from the enfran­ Misses Margaret Lowell and Esther Spillrnan chised states will sit as dele- j “Lorelei" . . . . Hans Seeling gates in the national Republican Miss Helen Wilcox convention. Vocal: At the May election in Dayton, a The Little Gray Dove Victor Saar Wyoming, Mrs. Wessler trium -1 Hillsboro, Ore., June 9.— b Come Down Laughing Streamlet - Spross phed over the saloon element (Special,)—A. Kinney, a resi­ and was elected mayor, a great Miss Esther Chalmers. dent o f Forest Grove, was re­ victory over the saloon party Violin; leased by Countv Judge Steven­ Air Varie No. 7 - - D e Beriot and gambling houses and other son Friday evening upon habeas evils. There promises to be a Charles Walker corpus proceer.ings and as a re­ new era of reform in Dayton. Night Song - sult of Kinney’s incarceration Schumann Play is as essential to child­ for a few minutes only, the city Miss Liola House hood as bread, and if the o f Forest Grove is threatened On the Road to Mandalay Speaks mothers had a vote as to how tax with a big damage suit for false Charles McNeil money was to be spent, there imprisonment. Violin; would certainly pe more play Kinney had connected water Romance . . . Rubinstein grounds in every city and town pipes to the main, contrary to Miss Margaret Lowell with good, competent jiersons to the ordinance, and he was ai- supervise and direct their play. The Nightingale Alabieff-Liszt rested and taken before M. R. Miss Esther Spillman Markham, City Recorder, who SCHOOL ELECTION, JUNE 17 Vocal; fined him $10 and costs. Re­ corder Markham then gave P. a The Night Has a Thousand Eyes Speaks Salem, Oregon, June 7, 1912. W. Watkins, chief o f police, a b Irish Love Song Lang We do not attach sufficient im­ commitment, ordering him to Miss Helen Bishop portance to our annual school Valse; Brilliante, Op. 17 No, 3 Moskowsky meeting. This year our annual keep Kinney in jail until the Miss Helen Anderson meeting occurs June 17. On fine and costs were paid. Wat- kins brought the commitment Hungarian March, 2 Pianos; Kowalsky this day one director and the clerk are to be elected in every which is said to be contrary to Misses Laura Famme, Janet Ingram, school district in Oregon, a mat­ statute, and the prisoner to the Lióla House, Laura Wiest ter of much importance to each county seat and Sheriff Hancock community. I should be very placed the defendent in jail. glad, indeed, to find that many Shortly afterwards Kinney’s at­ $aturi>ag o f the Oregon school districts torneys sued out the writ, which were making the day of the an­ was granted, and also gave judg­ Lust spiel overture (2 pianos) Kela Bela nual school meeting an import­ ment against Sheriff Hancock Misses Helen Wilcox, Helen Anderson, ant occasion, and at the same for $5 and costs of the filing fee. Kinney, as stated by one o f t|me taking advantage o f being Lillian Elder, Elida Loynes his attorneys, will now -sue for together to talk over the ppob- .Sonata (appasionato) Op. 57 \ false imprisonment. Beethoven lems o f the schools. The ordinance in question pro­ Perry Burton Arant The voting for director and vides that a person must have clerk will take place at the Vocal; written authority before he can In Thy Dreams Dudley Buck school house. It should be re­ tap a water main, and the pen­ membered that women alreadv Miss Blanche Harbison alty, according to the quoted have the privilege o f suffrage portion o f the statute, provides Two Larks Leschetizkÿ in school elections. If all the that a violator cah be fined or women o f the community will Miss Lillian Elder pack their lunch baskets, and as­ imprisoned, or both, but there is Violin; semble at the school honse on no provision to the effect that a Faust Fantaisie W ieniawsky the morning o f June 17, I am man can be placed in jail “ until Edson Dwinell Clapp confident that the men will be his fine is paid.” Kinney’ s at­ there also when the sun reaches torney’s say that the commit­ a Valse de Juliette Guonod R a ff the meridian. Of course the ment, were it legal, would keep Fantaisie Chopin members of the family under a man in jail during his natural Miss Ada Taylor voting age will have to have life, provided he were unable to dinner. So all will spread out pay, or had no friends to liqui­ Morning Hymn. Henschel their lunches under some pleas­ date the penalty.—Oregonian. JAILED MAN IS ANGRY. Resident of Forest Grove Promises Trouble. Miss Goldie Peterson 8. No. 32 Concerstueck Von IVeher Miss Agnes Johnson Midsummer Night Dream (overture) 2 pianos Misses Ada Taylor, Agnes Johnson, Liola House Esther Spillman Mendelssohn wage-earner, an employer, a professional woman, a self sup­ porter, a wife, a mother and a housekeeper, I have never seen and cannot see, one circum­ stance or situation in my life where the possession o f the bal­ lot could demonstrably assist me or any o f those dependent upon me in any capacity.” umn o f space weekly, to be fill­ ed with items concerning their work and general temperance news. Mrs. Katherine Kerr was elected press superintend­ ent to have charge o f this work. After transacting other rou­ tine business, the following officers were elected for the en­ suing year: W . C T. U. NOTES President, Mrs Anna M. Bold- rick. Vice President at large, Mrs. Emma Carlyle. Correspondiug Secretary, Kath­ erine Kerr. Recording Secretary, Mrs. S. G. Morgan. Treasurer, Miss Emma B. Pen field. ^ 'ce Presidents, Advent church Mrs, H. W. Volmer. Christian chuuch, Mrs. Rilda Steigleicler. Congregational church, Mrs. J. S. Bishop. Methodist church, Mrs. J. E. Showers. The W. C. T. U. held its an­ nual meeting Friday, June 7th, at the residence o f Mrs. Barber. Mrs. Carlyle conducted a short de/otional service, followed by an interesting talk by Mrs. Ber- nard on the work o f the Flower Mission Department. Following this Miss Thatcher reported work done by the Union in that department during the past year. The secretary gave her annual report, which showed progress during the past year. The President reported that at her request the Forest Grove Press and the Washington Co. News-Times had kindly consent- ed to give the W. C. T. U. acol- / The following were appointed as a propram committee. Miss Emma B. Penfield, chair- man. Mrs. H. W. Volmer. J. S. Bishop, Mrs. H. R. ant shade, and enjoy dinner to­ GALES CITY gether. After dinner all will be in the We are enjoying a nice little right frame o f mind for select­ shower at the present writing. ing the officers, and discussing It may have done some damage school affairs, The patrons will to the early hay, but the people have this opportunity to investi­ are onto its tricks and have kept gate the conditions o f the school a weather eye on fhe clouds and house and grounds, and see perhaps very little damage has what repairs are needed; if the been done. school house is properly heated, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacobson lighted and ventilated, and what o f Portland, and Mrs. D. S. books and pictures are most Pierce and family o f Forest needed. Let us make June 17 a Grove spent Sunday with Mr. red lettef day for our district ! and Mrs. James Churchill o f this You re for better schools, place. L. R. Alderman. Sup’ t. Public Instruction. _ Mrs. Vincent and Mrs. Church- ill are on the Bick lift this week. We have decided to discontinue Mr. and Mrs. John McCann handling the cylinder phono- are the proud parents o f a new graph records and will close out baby girl. our entire stock of indestructible Mrs. Clarence Miller is run- recoçds at less than cost. 2 min- rung the cook house at the Bei- ute records, regular 36c. at 24c. mrohr saw mill. 4 minute records, regular 50c, at The wood contract for school 36c. You will have to hurry and district number 30 was awarded get your pick before they are all to Charles Maitland and Nor­ gone. Forest Grove Pharmacy. man Lilly. Eugene Loving o f Gales Creek FOR SALE—200x400 (2 acres) best o f land, all clear, 15 minutes spent Sunday in Forest Grove. Mr. Hines and family o f Hill­ walk from Forest Grove post- office. $500; $100 and $100 per side. was visiting with his father year, 5 per cent. I*and will Cicero Hines o f this place Sun­ more than pay for itself. Press day. office. The Scenic Theatre has chang­ Brown Leghorn hens and pul­ ed its name to the Star and ia lets for sale, 75c each. Mixed running at full blast in their new chickens 60c. All laying. W. C. quarters, a fine fire proof build­ [Graddy, Cornelius, Route 1. ing.